(ns metabase.search.config
   [metabase.api.common :as api]
   [metabase.models.setting :refer [defsetting]]
   [metabase.permissions.core :as perms]
   [metabase.public-settings :as public-settings]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-tru]]
   [metabase.util.json :as json]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms]))
(defsetting search-typeahead-enabled
  (deferred-tru "Enable typeahead search in the {0} navbar?"
  :type       :boolean
  :default    true
  :visibility :authenticated
  :export?    true
  :audit      :getter)

Number of raw results to fetch from the database. This number is in place to prevent massive application DB load by returning tons of results; this number should probably be adjusted downward once we have UI in place to indicate that results are truncated.

Under normal situations it shouldn't be rebound, but it's dynamic to make unit testing easier.

(def ^:dynamic *db-max-results*

Number of results to return in an API response

(def ^:const max-filtered-results

Results older than this number of days are all considered to be equally old. In other words, there is a ranking bonus for results newer than this (scaled to just how recent they are). c.f. search.scoring/recency-score

(def ^:const stale-time-in-days

Results in more dashboards than this are all considered to be equally popular.

(def ^:const dashboard-count-ceiling

The percentile of the given search model's view counts, to be multiplied by [[view-count-scaling]]. The larger this value, the longer it will take for the score to approach 1.0. It will never quite reach it.

(def ^:const view-count-scaling-percentile

Show this many words of context before/after matches in long search results

(def ^:const surrounding-match-context

Set of models that should not be included in search results.

We won't need this once fully migrated to specs, but kept for now in case legacy cod falls out of sync

(def excluded-models

Mapping from string model to the Toucan model backing it.

TODO we could almost replace this using the spec, but there are two blockers - We do not cover index-entity yet - We also need to provide an alias (and this must match the API one for legacy)

(def model-to-db-model
  (apply dissoc api/model->db-model excluded-models))

Set of all valid models to search for.

(def all-models
  (set (keys model-to-db-model)))

The order of this list influences the order of the results: items earlier in the list will be ranked higher.

(def models-search-order
  ["dashboard" "metric" "segment" "indexed-entity" "card" "dataset" "collection" "table" "action" "database"])
(assert (= all-models (set models-search-order)) "The models search order has to include all models")

Strength of the various scorers.

(def static-weights
   {:pinned              0
    :bookmarked          1
    :recency             1
    :user-recency        5
    :dashboard           0
    :model               2
    :official-collection 1
    :verified            1
    :view-count          2
    :text                5
    :mine                1
    :exact               5
    :prefix              0}
   {:prefix               5
    :model/collection     1
    :model/dashboard      1
    :model/metric         1
    :model/dataset        0.8
    :model/table          0.8
    :model/indexed-entity 0.5
    :model/database       0.5
    :model/question       0}
   {:model/table    1
    :model/dataset  1
    :model/metric   1
    :model/question 0}})

A relaxed definition, capturing how we can write the filter - with some fields omitted.

(def ^:private FilterDef
  [:map {:closed true}
   [:key                               :keyword]
   [:type                              :keyword]
   [:field            {:optional true} :string]
   [:context-key      {:optional true} :keyword]
   [:supported-value? {:optional true} ifn?]
   [:required-feature {:optional true} :keyword]])

A normalized representation, for the application to leverage.

(def ^:private Filter
  [:map {:closed true}
   [:key              :keyword]
   [:type             :keyword]
   [:field            :string]
   [:context-key      :keyword]
   [:supported-value? ifn?]
   [:required-feature [:maybe :keyword]]])
(mu/defn- build-filter :- Filter
  [{k :key t :type :keys [context-key field supported-value? required-feature]} :- FilterDef]
  {:key              k
   :type             (keyword "metabase.search.filter" (name t))
   :field            (or field (u/->snake_case_en (name k)))
   :context-key      (or context-key k)
   :supported-value? (or supported-value? (constantly true))
   :required-feature required-feature})
(mu/defn- build-filters :- [:map-of :keyword Filter]
  (-> (reduce #(assoc-in %1 [%2 :key] %2) m (keys m))
      (update-vals build-filter)))

Specifications for the optional search filters.

(def filters
   {:archived       {:type :single-value, :context-key :archived?}
    ;; TODO dry this alias up with the index hydration code
    :created-at     {:type :date-range, :field "model_created_at"}
    :creator-id     {:type :list, :context-key :created-by}
    ;; This actually has nothing to do with tables, as we also filter cards, it would be good to rename the context key.
    :database-id    {:type :single-value, :context-key :table-db-id}
    :id             {:type :list, :context-key :ids, :field "model_id"}
    :last-edited-at {:type :date-range}
    :last-editor-id {:type :list, :context-key :last-edited-by}
    :native-query   {:type :native-query, :context-key :search-native-query}
    :verified       {:type :single-value, :supported-value? #{true}, :required-feature :content-verification}}))
(def ^:private filter-defaults-by-context
  {:default         {:archived               false
                     ;; keys will typically those in [[filters]], but this is an atypical filter.
                     ;; we plan to generify it, by precalculating it on the index.
                     :personal-collection-id "all"}
   :command-palette {:personal-collection-id "exclude-others"}})

Get the default value for the given filter in the given context. Is non-contextual for legacy search.

(defn filter-default
  [engine context filter-key]
  (let [fetch (fn [ctx] (when ctx (-> filter-defaults-by-context (get ctx) (get filter-key))))]
    (if (= engine :search.engine/in-place)
      (fetch :default)
      (or (fetch context) (fetch :default)))))

Strength of the various scorers. Copied from metabase.search.in-place.scoring, but allowing divergence.

This gets called a lot during a search request, so we'll almost certainly need to optimize it. Maybe just TTL.

(defn weights
  (let [context   (or context :default)
        overrides (public-settings/experimental-search-weight-overrides)]
    (if (= :all context)
      (merge-with merge static-weights overrides)
      (merge (get static-weights :default)
             ;; Not sure which of the next two should have precedence, arguments for both "¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
             (get overrides :default)
             (get static-weights context)
             (get overrides context)))))

The relative strength the corresponding score has in influencing the total score.

(defn weight
  [context scorer-key]
  (get (weights context) scorer-key (when-not (namespace scorer-key) 0)))

Get a nested parameter scoped to the given scorer

(defn scorer-param
  [context scorer-key param-key]
  (let [flat-key (keyword (name scorer-key) (name param-key))]
    (weight context flat-key)))

Given a model string returns the model alias

(defn model->alias
  (-> model model-to-db-model :alias))
(mu/defn column-with-model-alias :- keyword?
  "Given a column and a model name, Return a keyword representing the column with the model alias prepended.
  (column-with-model-alias \"card\" :id) => :card.id)"
  [model-string :- ms/KeywordOrString
   column       :- ms/KeywordOrString]
  (keyword (str (name (model->alias model-string)) "." (name column))))

Schema for searchable models

(def SearchableModel
  (into [:enum] all-models))

Map with the various allowed search parameters, used to construct the SQL query.

(def SearchContext
  [:map {:closed true}
   ;; display related
   [:calculate-available-models? {:optional true} :boolean]
   ;; required
   [:archived?          [:maybe :boolean]]
   [:current-user-id    pos-int?]
   [:is-superuser?      :boolean]
   ;; TODO only optional and maybe for tests, clean that up!
   [:context               {:optional true} [:maybe :keyword]]
   [:is-impersonated-user? {:optional true} [:maybe :boolean]]
   [:is-sandboxed-user?    {:optional true} [:maybe :boolean]]
   [:current-user-perms [:set perms/PathSchema]]
   [:model-ancestors?   :boolean]
   [:models             [:set SearchableModel]]
   ;; TODO this is optional only for tests, clean those up!
   [:search-engine      {:optional true} keyword?]
   [:search-string      {:optional true} [:maybe ms/NonBlankString]]
   ;; optional
   [:created-at                          {:optional true} ms/NonBlankString]
   [:created-by                          {:optional true} [:set {:min 1} ms/PositiveInt]]
   [:filter-items-in-personal-collection {:optional true} [:enum "all" "only" "only-mine" "exclude" "exclude-others"]]
   [:last-edited-at                      {:optional true} ms/NonBlankString]
   [:last-edited-by                      {:optional true} [:set {:min 1} ms/PositiveInt]]
   [:limit-int                           {:optional true} ms/Int]
   [:offset-int                          {:optional true} ms/Int]
   [:search-native-query                 {:optional true} true?]
   [:table-db-id                         {:optional true} ms/PositiveInt]
   ;; true to search for verified items only, nil will return all items
   [:verified                            {:optional true} true?]
   [:ids                                 {:optional true} [:set {:min 1} ms/PositiveInt]]
   [:include-dashboard-questions?        {:optional true} :boolean]])

Turn a complex column into a string

(defmulti column->string
  {:arglists '([column-value model column-name])}
  (fn [_column-value model column-name]
    [(keyword model) column-name]))
(defmethod column->string :default
  [value _ _]
(defmethod column->string [:card :dataset_query]
  [value _ _]
  (let [query (json/decode+kw value)]
    (if (= "native" (:type query))
      (-> query :native :query)