(ns metabase.search.appdb.scoring (:require [clojure.core.memoize :as memoize] [clojure.string :as str] [honey.sql.helpers :as sql.helpers] [metabase.config :as config] [metabase.premium-features.core :refer [defenterprise]] [metabase.search.appdb.index :as search.index] [metabase.search.appdb.specialization.api :as specialization] [metabase.search.config :as search.config] [metabase.util :as u] [toucan2.core :as t2])) | |
(def ^:private seconds-in-a-day 86400) | |
Prefer it when a (potentially nullable) boolean is true. | (defn truthy [column] [:coalesce [:cast column :integer] [:inline 0]]) |
Prefer it when it matches a specific (non-null) value | (defn equal [column value] [:coalesce [:case [:= column value] [:inline 1] :else [:inline 0]] [:inline 0]]) |
Prefer it when the given value is a completion of a specific (non-null) value | (defn prefix [column value] [:coalesce [:case [:like column (str (str/replace value "%" "%%") "%")] [:inline 1] :else [:inline 0]] [:inline 0]]) |
Prefer items whose value is larger, up to some saturation point. Items beyond that point are equivalent. | (defn size [column ceiling] [:least [:inline 1] [:/ [:coalesce column [:inline 0]] ;; protect against div / 0 [:greatest [:inline 1] (if (number? ceiling) [:inline (double ceiling)] [:cast ceiling :float])]]]) |
Score at item based on the duration between two dates, where less is better. | (defn inverse-duration [from-column to-column ceiling-in-days] (let [ceiling [:inline ceiling-in-days]] [:/ [:greatest [:- ceiling [:/ ;; Use seconds for granularity in the fraction. ;; TODO will probably need to specialize this based on (mdb/db-type) [[:raw "EXTRACT(epoch FROM (" [:- to-column from-column] [:raw "))"]]] [:inline (double seconds-in-a-day)]]] [:inline 0]] ceiling])) |
(defn- sum-columns [column-names] (if (seq column-names) (reduce (fn [expr col] [:+ expr col]) (first column-names) (rest column-names)) [:inline 1])) | |
(defn- weighted-score [context [column-alias expr]] [:* [:inline (search.config/weight context column-alias)] expr]) | |
(defn- select-items [context scorers] (concat (for [[column-alias expr] scorers] [expr column-alias]) [[(sum-columns (map (partial weighted-score context) scorers)) :total_score]])) | |
TODO move these to the spec definitions | (def ^:private bookmarked-models [:card :collection :dashboard]) |
(def ^:private sub-models {:card [:card :metric :dataset]}) | |
(def ^:private bookmark-score-expr (let [match-clause (fn [m] [[:and (if-let [sms (sub-models (keyword m))] [:in :search_index.model (mapv (fn [k] [:inline (name k)]) sms)] [:= :search_index.model [:inline m]]) [:!= nil (keyword (str m "_bookmark." m "_id"))]] [:inline 1]])] (into [:case] (concat (mapcat (comp match-clause name) bookmarked-models) [:else [:inline 0]])))) | |
(defn- user-recency-expr [{:keys [current-user-id]}] {:select [[[:max :recent_views.timestamp] :last_viewed_at]] :from [:recent_views] :where [:and [:= :recent_views.user_id current-user-id] [:= [:cast :recent_views.model_id :text] :search_index.model_id] [:= :recent_views.model [:case [:= :search_index.model [:inline "dataset"]] [:inline "card"] [:= :search_index.model [:inline "metric"]] [:inline "card"] :else :search_index.model]]]}) | |
(defn- view-count-percentiles* [p-value] (into {} (for [{:keys [model vcp]} (t2/query (specialization/view-count-percentile-query (search.index/active-table) p-value))] [(keyword model) vcp]))) | |
(def ^{:private true :arglists '([p-value])} view-count-percentiles (if config/is-prod? (memoize/ttl view-count-percentiles* :ttl/threshold (u/hours->ms 1)) view-count-percentiles*)) | |
(defn- view-count-expr [percentile] (let [views (view-count-percentiles percentile) cases (for [[sm v] views] [[:= :search_index.model [:inline (name sm)]] (max (or v 0) 1)])] (size :view_count (if (seq cases) (into [:case] cat cases) 1)))) | |
(defn- model-rank-exp [{:keys [context]}] (let [search-order search.config/models-search-order n (double (count search-order)) cases (map-indexed (fn [i sm] [[:= :search_index.model sm] (or (search.config/scorer-param context :model sm) [:inline (/ (- n i) n)])]) search-order)] (-> (into [:case] cat (concat cases)) ;; if you're not listed, get a very poor score (into [:else [:inline 0.01]])))) | |
The default constituents of the search ranking scores. | (defn base-scorers [{:keys [search-string limit-int] :as search-ctx}] (if (and limit-int (zero? limit-int)) {:model [:inline 1]} ;; NOTE: we calculate scores even if the weight is zero, so that it's easy to consider how we could affect any ;; given set of results. At some point, we should optimize away the irrelevant scores for any given context. {:text (specialization/text-score) :view-count (view-count-expr search.config/view-count-scaling-percentile) :pinned (truthy :pinned) :bookmarked bookmark-score-expr :recency (inverse-duration [:coalesce :last_viewed_at :model_updated_at] [:now] search.config/stale-time-in-days) :user-recency (inverse-duration (user-recency-expr search-ctx) [:now] search.config/stale-time-in-days) :dashboard (size :dashboardcard_count search.config/dashboard-count-ceiling) :model (model-rank-exp search-ctx) :mine (equal :search_index.creator_id (:current-user-id search-ctx)) :exact (if search-string ;; perform the lower casing within the database, in case it behaves differently to our helper (equal [:lower :search_index.name] [:lower search-string]) [:inline 0]) :prefix (if search-string ;; in this case, we need to transform the string into a pattern in code, so forced to use helper (prefix [:lower :search_index.name] (u/lower-case-en search-string)) [:inline 0])})) |
Return the select-item expressions used to calculate the score for each search result. | (defenterprise scorers metabase-enterprise.search.scoring [search-ctx] (base-scorers search-ctx)) |
(defn- scorer-select-items [search-ctx scorers] (select-items (:context search-ctx) scorers)) | |
(defn- bookmark-join [model user-id] (let [model-name (name model) table-name (str model-name "_bookmark")] [(keyword table-name) [:and (if-let [sms (sub-models model)] [:in :search_index.model (mapv (fn [m] [:inline (name m)]) sms)] [:= :search_index.model [:inline model-name]]) [:= (keyword (str table-name ".user_id")) user-id] [:= :search_index.model_id [:cast (keyword (str table-name "." model-name "_id")) :text]]]])) | |
(defn- join-bookmarks [qry user-id] (apply sql.helpers/left-join qry (mapcat #(bookmark-join % user-id) bookmarked-models))) | |
Add a bunch of SELECT columns for the individual and total scores, and a corresponding ORDER BY. | (defn with-scores [{:keys [current-user-id] :as search-ctx} scorers qry] (-> (apply sql.helpers/select qry (scorer-select-items search-ctx scorers)) (join-bookmarks current-user-id) (sql.helpers/order-by [:total_score :desc]))) |