(ns metabase.revisions.models.revision.diff
   [clojure.core.match :refer [match]]
   [clojure.data :as data]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-tru]]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))
(defn- diff-string [k v1 v2 identifier]
  (match [k v1 v2]
    [:name _ _]
    (deferred-tru "renamed {0} from \"{1}\" to \"{2}\ identifier v1 v2)
    [:description nil _]
    (deferred-tru "added a description")
    [:description (_ :guard some?) _]
    (deferred-tru "changed the description")
    [:private true false]
    (deferred-tru "made {0} public" identifier)
    [:private false true]
    (deferred-tru "made {0} private" identifier)
    [:public_uuid _ nil]
    (deferred-tru "made {0} private" identifier)
    [:public_uuid nil _]
    (deferred-tru "made {0} public" identifier)
    [:enable_embedding false true]
    (deferred-tru "enabled embedding")
    [:enable_embedding true false]
    (deferred-tru "disabled embedding")
    [:parameters _ _]
    (deferred-tru "changed the filters")
    [:embedding_params _ _]
    (deferred-tru "changed the embedding parameters")
    [:archived _ after]
    (if after
      (deferred-tru "trashed {0}" identifier)
      (deferred-tru "untrashed {0}" identifier))
    [:collection_position _ _]
    (deferred-tru "changed pin position")
    [:collection_id nil coll-id]
    (deferred-tru "moved {0} to {1}" identifier (if coll-id
                                                  (t2/select-one-fn :name 'Collection coll-id)
                                                  (deferred-tru "Our analytics")))
    [:collection_id (prev-coll-id :guard int?) coll-id]
    (deferred-tru "moved {0} from {1} to {2}"
                  (t2/select-one-fn :name 'Collection prev-coll-id)
                  (if coll-id
                    (t2/select-one-fn :name 'Collection coll-id)
                    (deferred-tru "Our analytics")))
    [:visualization_settings _ _]
    (deferred-tru "changed the visualization settings")
    ;;  Card specific
    [:parameter_mappings _ _]
    (deferred-tru "changed the filter mapping")
    [:collection_preview _ after]
    (if after
      (deferred-tru "enabled collection review")
      (deferred-tru "disabled collection preview"))
    [:dataset_query _ _]
    (deferred-tru "modified the query")
    ;; report_card.type
    [:type (_ :guard #{:question "question"}) (_ :guard #{:model "model"})]
    (deferred-tru "turned this to a model")
    [:type old new]
    (deferred-tru "type changed from {0} to {1}" old new)
    [:display _ _]
    (deferred-tru "changed the display from {0} to {1}" (name v1) (name v2))
    [:result_metadata _ _]
    (deferred-tru "edited the metadata")
    [:dashboard_id v1 v2]
      (and v1 v2) (deferred-tru "moved from dashboard {0} to {1}"
                                (t2/select-one-fn :name :model/Dashboard :id v1)
                                (t2/select-one-fn :name :model/Dashboard :id v2))
      (nil? v1) (deferred-tru "moved this question into {0}"
                              (t2/select-one-fn :name :model/Dashboard :id v2))
      (nil? v2) (deferred-tru "moved this question from {0}"
                              (t2/select-one-fn :name :model/Dashboard :id v1)))
    [:width v1 v2]
    (if (and v1 v2)
      (deferred-tru "changed the width setting from {0} to {1}" (name v1) (name v2))
      (deferred-tru "changed the width setting"))
    ;;  whenever database_id, query_type, table_id changed,
    ;; the dataset_query will changed so we don't need a description for this
    [#{:table_id :database_id :query_type} _ _]
    :else nil))

Join parts of a sentence together to build a compound one.

(defn build-sentence
  (when (seq parts)
      (= (count parts) 1) (str (first parts) \.)
      (= (count parts) 2) (str (first parts) " " (deferred-tru "and")  " " (second parts) \.)
      :else               (str (first parts) ", " (build-sentence (rest parts))))))
(defn ^:private model-str->i18n-str
  (case model-str
    "Dashboard"    (deferred-tru "Dashboard")
    "Card"         (deferred-tru "Card")
    "Segment"      (deferred-tru "Segment")
    "LegacyMetric" (deferred-tru "Metric")))

Create a seq of string describing how o1 is different from o2. The directionality of the statement should indicate that o1 changed into o2.

(defn diff-strings*
  [model o1 o2]
  (when-let [[before after] (data/diff o1 o2)]
    (let [model-name (model-str->i18n-str model)
          ;; ignore collection_id as part of diff if the dashboard_id has changed
          ;; so that the final diff string doesn't contain two messages about moving
          ks         (cond->> (keys (or after before))
                       (and (= model "Card")
                            (not= (:dashboard_id before) (:dashboard_id after)))
                       (remove #{:collection_id}))]
      (loop [ks               ks
             identifier-count 0
             strings          []]
        (if-not (seq ks)
          (let [k          (first ks)
                identifier (if (zero? identifier-count) (deferred-tru "this {0}" model-name) (deferred-tru "it"))]
            (if-let [diff-str (diff-string k (k before) (k after) identifier)]
              (recur (rest ks) (inc identifier-count) (conj strings diff-str))
              (recur (rest ks) identifier-count strings))))))))