Utility functions for HTTP (Ring) requests, and for getting device/location info from | (ns metabase.request.util (:require [clj-http.client :as http] [clojure.string :as str] [java-time.api :as t] [metabase.config :as config] [metabase.public-settings :as public-settings] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.i18n :refer [trs tru]] [metabase.util.json :as json] [metabase.util.log :as log] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms] [user-agent :as user-agent]) (:import (java.time ZoneId))) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
Is this ring request an API call (does path start with | (defn api-call? [{:keys [^String uri]}] (str/starts-with? uri "/api")) |
Is this ring request one that will serve | (defn public? [{:keys [uri]}] (re-matches #"^/public/.*$" uri)) |
Is this ring request one that will serve | (defn embed? [{:keys [uri]}] (re-matches #"^/embed/.*$" uri)) |
Can the ring request be permanently cached? | (defn cacheable? [{:keys [request-method uri], :as _request}] (and (= request-method :get) (or ;; match requests that are js/css and have a cache-busting hex string (re-matches #"^/app/dist/.+\.[a-f0-9]+\.(js|css)$" uri) ;; any resource that is named as a cache-busting hex string (e.g. fonts, images) (re-matches #"^/app/dist/[a-f0-9]+.*$" uri)))) |
True if the original request made by the frontend client (i.e., browser) was made over HTTPS. In many production instances, a reverse proxy such as an ELB or nginx will handle SSL termination, and the actual request handled by Jetty will be over HTTP. | (defn https? [{{:strs [x-forwarded-proto x-forwarded-protocol x-url-scheme x-forwarded-ssl front-end-https origin]} :headers :keys [scheme]}] (cond ;; If `X-Forwarded-Proto` is present use that. There are several alternate headers that mean the same thing. See ;; https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-Forwarded-Proto (or x-forwarded-proto x-forwarded-protocol x-url-scheme) (= "https" (u/lower-case-en (or x-forwarded-proto x-forwarded-protocol x-url-scheme))) ;; If none of those headers are present, look for presence of `X-Forwarded-Ssl` or `Frontend-End-Https`, which ;; will be set to `on` if the original request was over HTTPS. (or x-forwarded-ssl front-end-https) (= "on" (u/lower-case-en (or x-forwarded-ssl front-end-https))) ;; If none of the above are present, we are most not likely being accessed over a reverse proxy. Still, there's a ;; good chance `Origin` will be present because it should be sent with `POST` requests, and most auth requests are ;; `POST`. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Origin origin (str/starts-with? (u/lower-case-en origin) "https") ;; Last but not least, if none of the above are set (meaning there are no proxy servers such as ELBs or nginx in ;; front of us), we can look directly at the scheme of the request sent to Jetty. scheme (= scheme :https))) |
Whether this frontend client that made this request is embedded inside an | (defn embedded? [request] (some-> request (get-in [:headers "x-metabase-embedded"]) Boolean/parseBoolean)) |
The IP address a Ring | (defn ip-address [{:keys [headers remote-addr]}] (let [header-ip-address (some->> (public-settings/source-address-header) (get headers)) source-address (if (or (public-settings/not-behind-proxy) (not header-ip-address)) remote-addr header-ip-address)] (some-> source-address ;; first IP (if there are multiple) is the actual client -- see ;; https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-Forwarded-For (str/split #"\s*,\s*") first ;; strip out non-ip-address characters like square brackets which we get sometimes (str/replace #"[^0-9a-fA-F.:]" "")))) |
Schema for the device info returned by | (def DeviceInfo [:map {:closed true} [:device_id ms/NonBlankString] [:device_description ms/NonBlankString] [:embedded ms/BooleanValue] [:ip_address ms/NonBlankString]]) |
(mu/defn device-info :- DeviceInfo "Information about the device that made this request, as recorded by the `LoginHistory` table." [{{:strs [user-agent]} :headers, {:strs [token]} :query-params, :keys [browser-id], :as request}] (let [id (or browser-id (log/warn "Login request is missing device ID information")) description (or user-agent (log/warn "Login request is missing user-agent information")) ip-address (or (ip-address request) (log/warn "Unable to determine login request IP address"))] (when-not (and id description ip-address) (log/warn "Error determining login history for request")) {:device_id (or id (trs "unknown")) :device_description (or description (trs "unknown")), :embedded (= "true" token) :ip_address (or ip-address (trs "unknown"))})) | |
Format a user-agent string from a request in a human-friendly way. | (defn describe-user-agent [user-agent-string] (when-not (str/blank? user-agent-string) (when-let [{device-type :type-name {os-name :name} :os browser-name :name} (some-> user-agent-string user-agent/parse not-empty)] (let [non-blank (fn [s] (when-not (str/blank? s) s)) device-type (or (non-blank device-type) (tru "Unknown device type")) os-name (or (non-blank os-name) (tru "Unknown OS")) browser-name (or (non-blank browser-name) (tru "Unknown browser"))] (format "%s (%s/%s)" device-type browser-name os-name))))) |
(defn- describe-location [{:keys [city region country]}] (when-let [info (not-empty (remove str/blank? [city region country]))] (str/join ", " info))) | |
Max amount of time to wait for a IP address geocoding request to complete. We send emails on the first login from a new device using this information, so the timeout has to be fairly short in case the request is hanging for one reason or another. | (def ^:private gecode-ip-address-timeout-ms 5000) |
(def ^:private IPAddress->Info [:map-of [:and {:error/message "valid IP address string"} ms/NonBlankString [:fn u/ip-address?]] [:map {:closed true} [:description ms/NonBlankString] [:timezone [:maybe (ms/InstanceOfClass ZoneId)]]]]) | |
TODO -- replace with something better, like built-in database once we find one that's GPL compatible issue: https://github.com/metabase/metabase/issues/39352 | (mu/defn geocode-ip-addresses :- [:maybe IPAddress->Info] "Geocode multiple IP addresses, returning a map of IP address -> info, with each info map containing human-friendly `:description` of the location and a `java.time.ZoneId` `:timezone`, if that information is available." [ip-addresses :- [:maybe [:sequential :string]]] (let [ip-addresses (set (filter u/ip-address? ip-addresses))] (when (seq ip-addresses) (let [url (str "https://get.geojs.io/v1/ip/geo.json?ip=" (str/join "," ip-addresses))] (try (let [response (-> (http/get url {:headers {"User-Agent" config/mb-app-id-string} :socket-timeout gecode-ip-address-timeout-ms :connection-timeout gecode-ip-address-timeout-ms}) :body json/decode+kw)] (into {} (for [info response] [(:ip info) {:description (or (describe-location info) "Unknown location") :timezone (u/ignore-exceptions (some-> (:timezone info) t/zone-id))}]))) (catch Throwable e (log/error e "Error geocoding IP addresses" {:url url}) nil)))))) |
Generic | (def response-unauthentic {:status 401, :body "Unauthenticated"}) |
Generic | (def response-forbidden {:status 403, :body "Forbidden"}) |