(ns metabase.request.session
    :as api
    :refer [*current-user* *current-user-id* *current-user-permissions-set* *is-group-manager?* *is-superuser?*]]
   [metabase.models.setting :refer [*user-local-values*]]
   [metabase.models.user :as user]
   [metabase.permissions.core :as perms]
   [metabase.util.i18n :as i18n]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))
(def ^:private current-user-fields
  (into [:model/User] user/admin-or-self-visible-columns))
(defn- find-user [user-id]
  (when user-id
    (t2/select-one current-user-fields, :id user-id)))

User ID that we've previous bound [[user-local-values]] for. This exists so we can avoid rebinding it in recursive calls to [[with-current-user]] if it is already bound, as this can mess things up since things like [[metabase.models.setting/set-user-local-value!]] will only update the values for the top-level binding.

(def ^:private ^:dynamic *user-local-values-user-id*
  ;; placeholder value so we will end up rebinding [[*user-local-values*]] it if you call
  ;;    (with-current-user nil
  ;;      ...)

Impl for [[with-current-user]].

(defn do-with-current-user
  [{:keys [metabase-user-id is-superuser? permissions-set user-locale settings is-group-manager?]} thunk]
  (binding [*current-user-id*              metabase-user-id
            i18n/*user-locale*             user-locale
            *is-group-manager?*            (boolean is-group-manager?)
            *is-superuser?*                (boolean is-superuser?)
            *current-user*                 (delay (find-user metabase-user-id))
            *current-user-permissions-set* (delay (or permissions-set (some-> metabase-user-id user/permissions-set)))
            ;; as mentioned above, do not rebind this to something new, because changes to its value will not be
            ;; propagated to frames further up the stack
            *user-local-values*            (if (= *user-local-values-user-id* metabase-user-id)
                                             (delay (atom (or settings
                                                              (user/user-local-settings metabase-user-id)))))
            *user-local-values-user-id*    metabase-user-id]
    (perms/with-relevant-permissions-for-user metabase-user-id

Part of the impl for with-current-user -- don't use this directly.

(defn with-current-user-fetch-user-for-id
  (when current-user-id
    (t2/select-one [:model/User [:id :metabase-user-id] [:is_superuser :is-superuser?] [:locale :user-locale] :settings]
                   :id current-user-id)))

Execude code in body as an admin user.

(defmacro as-admin
  {:style/indent 0}
  [& body]
     (with-current-user-fetch-user-for-id ~`api/*current-user-id*)
     {:is-superuser? true
      :permissions-set #{"/"}
      :user-locale i18n/*user-locale*})
    (fn [] ~@body)))

Execute code in body with current-user-id bound as the current user. (This is not used in the middleware itself but elsewhere where we want to simulate a User context, such as when rendering Pulses or in tests.)

(defmacro with-current-user
  {:style/indent :defn}
  [current-user-id & body]
    (with-current-user-fetch-user-for-id ~current-user-id)
    (fn [] ~@body)))