(ns metabase.query-processor.util.transformations.nest-breakouts
   [flatland.ordered.set :as ordered-set]
   [medley.core :as m]
   [metabase.lib.core :as lib]
   [metabase.lib.equality :as lib.equality]
   [metabase.lib.options :as lib.options]
   [metabase.lib.schema :as lib.schema]
   [metabase.lib.schema.metadata :as lib.schema.metadata]
   [metabase.lib.schema.util :as lib.schema.util]
   [metabase.lib.util :as lib.util]
   [metabase.lib.util.match :as lib.util.match]
   [metabase.lib.walk :as lib.walk]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]))
(defn- stage-has-window-aggregation? [stage]
  (lib.util.match/match (:aggregation stage)
    #{:cum-sum :cum-count :offset}))
(defn- stage-has-breakout? [stage]
  (seq (:breakout stage)))
(mu/defn- fields-used-in-breakouts-aggregations-or-expressions :- [:set [:or :mbql.clause/field :mbql.clause/expression]]
  [stage :- ::lib.schema/stage]
  ;; use an ordered set so we preserve the order we saw things when we walked the query so the fields we return are
  ;; determinate. Otherwise tests using this are liable to be flaky because results can change because test metadata has
  ;; randomly generated IDs
  (into (ordered-set/ordered-set)
        (m/distinct-by (fn [[tag opts id-or-name]]
                          (select-keys opts [:join-alias :temporal-unit :bucketing])
        (lib.util.match/match (concat (:breakout stage) (:aggregation stage) (:expressions stage))
          #{:field :expression})))
(mu/defn- new-first-stage :- ::lib.schema/stage
  "Remove breakouts, aggregations, order bys, and limit. Add `:fields` to return the things needed by the second stage."
  [stage :- ::lib.schema/stage]
  (-> stage
      (dissoc :breakout :aggregation :order-by :limit :lib/stage-metadata)
      (assoc :fields (mapv
                      (fields-used-in-breakouts-aggregations-or-expressions stage)))))
(mu/defn- update-metadata-from-previous-stage-to-produce-correct-ref-in-current-stage :- ::lib.schema.metadata/column
  "Force a `[:field {} <name>]` ref."
  [col :- ::lib.schema.metadata/column]
  (-> col
      (assoc :lib/source              :source/previous-stage
             :lib/source-column-alias (:lib/desired-column-alias col))
      (lib/with-temporal-bucket (if (isa? ((some-fn :effective-type :base-type) col) :type/Temporal)
                                  ;; for temporal columns: set temporal type to `:default` to
                                  ;; prevent [[metabase.query-processor.middleware.auto-bucket-datetimes]] from
                                  ;; trying to mess with it.
                                  ;; for other columns: remove temporal type, it should be nil anyway but remove it to
                                  ;; be safe.
      (lib/with-binning nil)))
(defn- copy-ident [to from]
  (lib.options/update-options to m/assoc-some :ident (lib.options/ident from)))
(mu/defn- update-second-stage-refs :- ::lib.schema/stage
  [stage            :- ::lib.schema/stage
   first-stage-cols :- [:sequential ::lib.schema.metadata/column]]
  (lib.util.match/replace stage
    #{:field :expression}
    (if-let [col (when-not (some #{:expressions} &parents)
                   (lib.equality/find-matching-column &match first-stage-cols))]
      (-> col
          (cond-> (some #{:breakout} &parents) (copy-ident &match)))
      (lib.util/fresh-uuids &match))))
(def ^:private granularity
  {:time-unbucketed 0
   :minute 1
   :minute-of-hour 2
   :hour 3
   :hour-of-day 4
   :day 5
   :date-unbucketed 5
   :day-of-week 6
   :day-of-month 7
   :day-of-year 8
   :week 9
   :week-of-year 10
   :month 11
   :month-of-year 12
   :quarter 13
   :quarter-of-year 14
   :year 15
   :year-of-era 16})
(defn- original-temporal-unit
  (let [temporal-unit (:temporal-unit temporal-attributes)]
    (if (and (some? temporal-unit) (not= temporal-unit :default))
      (or (:original-temporal-unit temporal-attributes)
          (:metabase.lib.field/original-temporal-unit temporal-attributes)
(defn- column-granularity
  (let [effective-type ((some-fn :effective-type :base-type) temporal-attributes)
        temporal-unit (original-temporal-unit temporal-attributes)]
    (when temporal-unit
      (-> (if (or (nil? temporal-unit) (= temporal-unit :default))
              (isa? effective-type :type/DateTime) :time-unbucketed
              (isa? effective-type :type/Date)     :date-unbucketed
              (isa? effective-type :type/Time)     :time-unbucketed
              :else                                nil)

Returns the index of leftmost breakout among the breakouts with the finest temporal granularity.

(defn finest-temporal-breakout-index
  [breakouts option-index]
  (loop [bs (seq breakouts)
         i 0
         min-granularity (inc (apply max (vals granularity)))
         finest-index nil]
    (if-not bs
      (let [b (first bs)
            granularity (-> b (get option-index) column-granularity)]
        (if (and granularity (< granularity min-granularity))
          (recur (next bs) (inc i) granularity     i)
          (recur (next bs) (inc i) min-granularity finest-index))))))
(defn- add-implicit-breakouts
  (if-let [breakouts (not-empty (:breakout stage))]
    (let [finest-temp-breakout (finest-temporal-breakout-index breakouts 1)
          breakout-exprs (if finest-temp-breakout
                           (concat (m/remove-nth finest-temp-breakout breakouts)
                                   [(nth breakouts finest-temp-breakout)])
          explicit-order-bys (vec (:order-by stage))
          explicit-order-by-exprs (set (for [[_dir _opts col-ref] explicit-order-bys]
                                         (lib.schema.util/remove-randomized-idents col-ref)))
          order-bys (into explicit-order-bys
                          (comp (map lib.schema.util/remove-randomized-idents)
                                (remove explicit-order-by-exprs)
                                (map (fn [expr]
                                       (lib.options/ensure-uuid [:asc (lib.options/ensure-uuid expr)]))))
      (assoc stage :order-by order-bys))
(mu/defn- new-second-stage :- ::lib.schema/stage
  "All references need to be updated to be prior-stage references using the desired alias from the previous stage.
  Remove expressions, joins, and source(s)."
  [query       :- ::lib.schema/query
   path        :- ::lib.walk/stage-path
   stage       :- ::lib.schema/stage
   first-stage :- ::lib.schema/stage]
  (let [query            (assoc-in query path first-stage)
        first-stage-cols (lib.walk/apply-f-for-stage-at-path lib/returned-columns query path)]
    (-> stage
        (dissoc :joins :source-table :source-card :lib/stage-metadata :filters)
        (update-second-stage-refs first-stage-cols)
        (dissoc :expressions)
(mu/defn- nest-breakouts-in-stage :- [:maybe [:sequential {:min 2, :max 2} ::lib.schema/stage]]
  [query :- ::lib.schema/query
   path  :- ::lib.walk/stage-path
   stage :- ::lib.schema/stage]
  (let [first-stage (new-first-stage stage)]
     (new-second-stage query path stage first-stage)]))
(mu/defn nest-breakouts-in-stages-with-window-aggregation :- ::lib.schema/query
  "Some picky databases like BigQuery don't let you use anything inside `ORDER BY` in `OVER` expressions except for
  plain column identifiers that also appear in the `GROUP BY` clause... no inline temporal bucketing or things like
  This query transformation takes queries with cumulative aggregations and breakouts in the same stage and then adds a
  new prior stage that does all of the breakout-column calculations so the original stage can just use raw column
  identifiers. See #40982 for more info."
  {:added "0.50.0"}
  [query :- ::lib.schema/query]
   (fn [query path stage]
     (when (and (stage-has-window-aggregation? stage)
                (stage-has-breakout? stage))
       (nest-breakouts-in-stage query path stage)))))