(ns metabase.query-processor.util.temporal-bucket
   [metabase.lib.schema.temporal-bucketing :as lib.schema.temporal-bucketing]))
(def ^:private valid-date-units (into #{:default} lib.schema.temporal-bucketing/date-bucketing-units))
(def ^:private valid-time-units (into #{:default} lib.schema.temporal-bucketing/time-bucketing-units))
(def ^:private valid-datetime-units lib.schema.temporal-bucketing/temporal-bucketing-units)

Returns valid temrpoal units for the base-type.

TODO -- this should be changed to :effective-type once we finish the metadata changes.

(defmulti valid-units-for-base-type
  {:arglists '([base-type])}

for stuff like UNIX timestamps -- skip validation for now. (UNIX timestamp should be bucketable with any unit anyway). Once :effective-type is in place, we can actually check those Fields here.

(defmethod valid-units-for-base-type :type/*        [_] valid-datetime-units)
(defmethod valid-units-for-base-type :type/Date     [_] valid-date-units)
(defmethod valid-units-for-base-type :type/Time     [_] valid-time-units)
(defmethod valid-units-for-base-type :type/DateTime [_] valid-datetime-units)

Check whether some column of a-type can be bucketted by thetemporal-unit. Any column can be bucketed by nil temporal unit.

(defn compatible-temporal-unit?
  [a-type temporal-unit]
  (or (nil? temporal-unit)
      (contains? (valid-units-for-base-type a-type) temporal-unit)))