Utility functions used by the global query processor and middleware functions. | (ns metabase.query-processor.util (:require [buddy.core.codecs :as codecs] [buddy.core.hash :as buddy-hash] [clojure.string :as str] [clojure.walk :as walk] [medley.core :as m] [metabase.driver :as driver] [metabase.legacy-mbql.normalize :as mbql.normalize] [metabase.lib.core :as lib] [metabase.lib.metadata.jvm :as lib.metadata.jvm] [metabase.lib.schema.expression :as lib.schema.expression] [metabase.lib.schema.util :as lib.schema.util] [metabase.query-processor.schema :as qp.schema] [metabase.query-processor.store :as qp.store] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.json :as json] [metabase.util.malli :as mu])) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
TODO - I think most of the functions in this namespace that we don't remove could be moved to [[metabase.legacy-mbql.util]] | |
Is the given query an MBQL query without a | (defn query-without-aggregations-or-limits? [{{aggregations :aggregation, :keys [limit page]} :query}] (and (not limit) (not page) (empty? aggregations))) |
Generates the default query remark. Exists as a separate function so that overrides of the query->remark multimethod can access the default value. | (defn default-query->remark [{{:keys [executed-by query-hash], :as _info} :info, query-type :type}] (str "Metabase" (when executed-by (assert (bytes? query-hash) "If info includes executed-by it should also include query-hash") (format ":: userID: %s queryType: %s queryHash: %s" executed-by (case (keyword query-type) :query "MBQL" :native "native") (codecs/bytes->hex query-hash))))) |
Generate an appropriate remark So this turns your average 10, 20, 30 character query into a 110, 120, 130 etc character query. One leaky-abstraction part of this is that this will confuse the bejeezus out of people who first encounter their passed-through RDBMS error messages. 'Hey, this is a 20 character query! What's it talking about, error at position 120?'
This gets fixed, but in a spooky-action-at-a-distance way, in
| (defmulti query->remark {:arglists '(^String [driver query])} driver/dispatch-on-initialized-driver :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy) |
(defmethod query->remark :default [_ query] (default-query->remark query)) | |
------------------------------------------------- Normalization -------------------------------------------------- | |
TODO - this has been moved to | (mu/defn ^:deprecated normalize-token :- :keyword "Convert a string or keyword in various cases (`lisp-case`, `snake_case`, or `SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE`) to a lisp-cased keyword." [token :- [:or :keyword :string]] (-> (name token) u/lower-case-en (str/replace #"_" "-") keyword)) |
---------------------------------------------------- Hashing ----------------------------------------------------- | |
We don't want two queries to have different hashes because their map keys are in different orders, now do we? Convert all the maps to sorted maps so queries are serialized to JSON in an identical order. | (defn- walk-query-sort-maps [x] (walk/postwalk (fn [x] (if (and (map? x) (not (sorted? x))) (into (sorted-map) x) x)) x)) |
Return the sequence of parameter maps, but with any :value keys sorted if they are a sequence. Parameter values can be of mixed types, as bigintegers are passed as strings to avoid precision loss. | (mu/defn- sort-parameter-values [params :- [:or :nil [:sequential :any]]] (map #(if (sequential? (:value %)) (update % :value (partial sort-by str)) %) params)) |
Return | (mu/defn- select-keys-for-hashing [query :- [:maybe :map]] (let [{:keys [constraints parameters], :as query} (select-keys query [:database :lib/type :stages :parameters :constraints :impersonation/role])] (cond-> query (empty? constraints) (dissoc :constraints) true (update :parameters sort-parameter-values) (empty? parameters) (dissoc :parameters) true lib.schema.util/indexed-order-bys true lib.schema.util/remove-randomized-idents true walk-query-sort-maps))) |
(defn- ->metadata-provider [legacy-query] (if (qp.store/initialized?) (qp.store/metadata-provider) (lib.metadata.jvm/application-database-metadata-provider (:database legacy-query)))) | |
(mu/defn query-hash :- bytes? "Return a 256-bit SHA3 hash of `query` as a key for the cache. (This is returned as a byte array.)" ^bytes [query :- [:maybe :map]] ;; convert to pMBQL first if this is a legacy query. (let [query (try ;; Expression type check supression is necessary because coerced fields in `query` may not have ;; `:effective-type` populated. That's the case during call to this function in ;; `process-userland-query-middleware` that occurs before normalization. ;; TODO: This is an unfortunate leak of lib internals but I can't see a clean way to fix it. (binding [lib.schema.expression/*suppress-expression-type-check?* true] (case (:type query) ("query" "native") (lib/query (->metadata-provider query) (mbql.normalize/normalize query)) (:query :native) (lib/query (->metadata-provider query) query) query)) (catch Throwable e (throw (ex-info "Error hashing query. Is this a valid query?" {:query query} e))))] (buddy-hash/sha3-256 (json/encode (select-keys-for-hashing query))))) | |
--------------------------------------------- Query Source Card IDs ---------------------------------------------- | |
Return the ID of the Card used as the "source" query of this query, if applicable; otherwise return | (defn query->source-card-id ^Integer [outer-query] (let [source-table (get-in outer-query [:query :source-table])] (when (string? source-table) (when-let [[_ card-id-str] (re-matches #"^card__(\d+$)" source-table)] (Integer/parseInt card-id-str))))) |
------------------------------------------- Metadata Combination Utils -------------------------------------------- | |
A standard and repeatable way to address a column. Names can collide and sometimes are not unique. Field refs should be stable, except we have to exclude the last part as extra information can be tucked in there. Names can be non-unique at times, numeric ids are not guaranteed. | (defn field-ref->key [[tyype identifier]] [tyype identifier]) |
Set of FieldOptions that only mattered for identification purposes. | (def ^:private field-options-for-identification ;; base-type is required for field that use name instead of id #{:source-field :join-alias :base-type}) |
(defn- field-normalizer [field] (let [[type id-or-name options] (mbql.normalize/normalize-tokens field)] [type id-or-name (select-keys options field-options-for-identification)])) | |
Given a field and resultmetadata, return a map of information about the field if resultmetadata contains a matched field. | (defn field->field-info [field result-metadata] (let [[_ttype id-or-name options :as field] (field-normalizer field)] (or ;; try match field_ref first (first (filter (fn [field-info] (= field (-> field-info :field_ref field-normalizer))) result-metadata)) ;; if not match name and base type for aggregation or field with string id (first (filter (fn [field-info] (and (= (:name field-info) id-or-name) (= (:base-type options) (:base_type field-info)))) result-metadata))))) |
Keys that can survive merging metadata from the database onto metadata computed from the query. When merging metadata, the types returned should be authoritative. But things like semantictype, displayname, and description can be merged on top. | (def preserved-keys ;; TODO: ideally we don't preserve :id but some notion of :user-entered-id or :identified-id [:id :description :display_name :semantic_type :fk_target_field_id :settings :visibility_type]) |
Blend saved metadata from previous runs into fresh metadata from an actual run of the query. Ensure that saved metadata from datasets or source queries can remain in the results metadata. We always recompute
metadata in general, so need to blend the saved metadata on top of the computed metadata. First argument should be
the metadata from a run from the query, and | (defn combine-metadata [fresh pre-existing] (let [by-name (m/index-by :name pre-existing)] (for [{:keys [source] :as col} fresh] (if-let [existing (and (not= :aggregation source) (get by-name (:name col)))] (merge col (select-keys existing preserved-keys)) col)))) |
Used to control | (def ^:dynamic *execute-async?* true) |
Impl of | (defn do-with-execute-async [thunk] (if *execute-async?* (.submit clojure.lang.Agent/pooledExecutor ^Runnable thunk) (thunk))) |
Execute body asynchronously in a pooled executor. Used for side effects during query execution like saving query execution info or capturing FieldUsages. | (defmacro with-execute-async [thunk] `(do-with-execute-async ~thunk)) |
(mu/defn userland-query? :- :boolean "Returns true if the query is an userland query, else false." [query :- ::qp.schema/qp] (boolean (get-in query [:middleware :userland-query?]))) | |
(mu/defn internal-query? :- :boolean "Returns `true` if query is an internal query." [{query-type :type} :- ::qp.schema/qp] (= :internal (keyword query-type))) | |