Walks query and generates appropriate aliases for every selected column; and adds extra keys to the corresponding MBQL clauses with this information. Deduplicates aliases and calls [[metabase.driver/escape-alias]] with the generated aliases. Adds information about the aliases in source queries and joins that correspond to columns in the parent level. This code is currently opt-in, and is currently only used by SQL drivers ([[metabase.driver.sql.query-processor]] manually calls [[add-alias-info]] inside of [[metabase.driver.sql.query-processor/mbql->native]] and [[metabase.driver.mongo.query-processor/mbql->native]]) but at some point in the future this may become general QP middleware that can't be opted out of. [[add-alias-info]] adds some or all of the following keys to every `::source-table`String name, integer Table ID, the keyword
TODO -- consider allowing vectors of multiple qualifiers e.g. `::source-alias`String name to use to refer to this clause during compilation. `::desired-alias`If this clause is 'selected' (i.e., appears in `::position`If this clause is 'selected', this is the position the clause will appear in the results (i.e. the corresponding column index). | (ns metabase.query-processor.util.add-alias-info (:require [clojure.walk :as walk] [medley.core :as m] [metabase.driver :as driver] [metabase.driver.sql.query-processor.deprecated :as sql.qp.deprecated] [metabase.legacy-mbql.schema :as mbql.s] [metabase.legacy-mbql.util :as mbql.u] [metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata] [metabase.lib.schema.common :as lib.schema.common] [metabase.lib.schema.id :as lib.schema.id] [metabase.lib.schema.metadata :as lib.schema.metadata] [metabase.lib.util :as lib.util] [metabase.lib.util.match :as lib.util.match] [metabase.query-processor.error-type :as qp.error-type] [metabase.query-processor.store :as qp.store] [metabase.util.i18n :refer [trs tru]] [metabase.util.malli :as mu])) |
Generate a field alias by applying | (defn- prefix-field-alias [prefix field-alias] (driver/escape-alias driver/*driver* (str prefix "__" field-alias))) |
Creates a function with the signature (unique-alias position original-alias) To return a uniquified version of | (defn- make-unique-alias-fn [] (let [unique-name-fn (lib.util/unique-name-generator)] (fn unique-alias-fn [position original-alias] (assert (string? original-alias) (format "unique-alias-fn expected string, got: %s" (pr-str original-alias))) (unique-name-fn position (driver/escape-alias driver/*driver* original-alias))))) |
TODO -- this should probably limit the resulting alias, and suffix a short hash as well if it gets too long. See also [[unique-alias-fn]] below. | |
(defn- remove-namespaced-options [options] (when options (not-empty (into {} (remove (fn [[k _]] (when (keyword? k) (namespace k)))) options)))) | |
Normalize a | (defn normalize-clause [clause] (lib.util.match/match-one clause ;; optimization: don't need to rewrite a `:field` clause without any options [:field _ nil] &match [:field id-or-name opts] ;; this doesn't use [[mbql.u/update-field-options]] because this gets called a lot and the overhead actually adds up ;; a bit [:field id-or-name (remove-namespaced-options (cond-> (dissoc opts :source-field :effective-type) (integer? id-or-name) (dissoc :base-type)))] ;; for `:expression` and `:aggregation` references, remove the options map if they are empty. [:expression expression-name opts] (if-let [opts (remove-namespaced-options opts)] [:expression expression-name opts] [:expression expression-name]) [:aggregation index opts] (if-let [opts (remove-namespaced-options opts)] [:aggregation index opts] [:aggregation index]) _ &match)) |
Get all the clauses that are returned by this level of the query as a map of normalized-clause -> index of that column in the results. | (defn- selected-clauses [{:keys [fields breakout aggregation], :as query}] ;; this is cached for the duration of the QP run because it's a little expensive to calculate and caching this speeds ;; up this namespace A LOT (qp.store/cached (select-keys query [:fields :breakout :aggregation]) (into {} (comp cat (map-indexed (fn [i clause] [(normalize-clause clause) i]))) [breakout (map-indexed (fn [i ag] (lib.util.match/replace ag ;; :offset is a special case since it doesn't NEED to get wrapped in aggregation options. [:offset _opts _expr _n] [:aggregation i] [:aggregation-options wrapped opts] [:aggregation i] ;; aggregation clause should be preprocessed into an `:aggregation-options` clause by now. _ (throw (ex-info (tru "Expected :aggregation-options clause, got {0}" (pr-str ag)) {:type qp.error-type/qp, :clause ag})))) aggregation) fields]))) |
Get the position (i.e., column index) | (defn- clause->position [inner-query clause] ((selected-clauses inner-query) (normalize-clause clause))) |
(defn- this-level-join-aliases [{:keys [joins]}] (into #{} (map :alias) joins)) | |
(defn- field-is-from-join-in-this-level? [inner-query [_field _id-or-name {:keys [join-alias]}]] (when join-alias ((this-level-join-aliases inner-query) join-alias))) | |
(mu/defn- field-instance :- [:maybe ::lib.schema.metadata/column] [[_ id-or-name :as _field-clause] :- mbql.s/field] (when (integer? id-or-name) (lib.metadata/field (qp.store/metadata-provider) id-or-name))) | |
(defn- field-table-id [field-clause] (:table-id (field-instance field-clause))) | |
(mu/defn- field-source-table-alias :- [:or ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string ::lib.schema.id/table [:= ::source]] "Determine the appropriate `::source-table` alias for a `field-clause`." [{:keys [source-table source-query], :as inner-query} [_ _id-or-name {:keys [join-alias]}, :as field-clause]] (let [table-id (field-table-id field-clause) join-is-this-level? (field-is-from-join-in-this-level? inner-query field-clause)] (cond join-is-this-level? join-alias (and table-id (= table-id source-table)) table-id source-query ::source :else (throw (ex-info (trs "Cannot determine the source table or query for Field clause {0}" (pr-str field-clause)) {:type qp.error-type/invalid-query :clause field-clause :query inner-query}))))) | |
(defn- exports [query] (into #{} (lib.util.match/match (dissoc query :source-query :source-metadata :joins) [(_ :guard #{:field :expression :aggregation-options}) _ (_ :guard (every-pred map? ::position))]))) | |
(defn- join-with-alias [{:keys [joins]} join-alias] (some (fn [join] (when (= (:alias join) join-alias) join)) joins)) | |
(defn- fuzzify [clause] (mbql.u/update-field-options clause dissoc :temporal-unit :binning)) | |
(defn- field-signature [field-clause] [(second field-clause) (get-in field-clause [2 :join-alias])]) | |
(defn- field-name-match [field-name all-exports source-metadata field-exports] ;; First, look for Expressions or fields from the source query stage whose `::desired-alias` matches the ;; name we're searching for. (or (m/find-first (fn [[tag _id-or-name {::keys [desired-alias], :as _opts} :as _ref]] (when (#{:expression :field} tag) (= desired-alias field-name))) all-exports) ;; Expressions by exact name. (m/find-first (fn [[_ expression-name :as _expression-clause]] (= expression-name field-name)) (filter (partial mbql.u/is-clause? :expression) all-exports)) ;; aggregation clauses from the previous stage based on their `::desired-alias`. If THAT doesn't work, ;; then try to match based on their `::source-alias` (not 100% sure why we're checking `::source-alias` at ;; all TBH -- Cam) (when-let [ag-clauses (seq (filter (partial mbql.u/is-clause? :aggregation-options) all-exports))] (some (fn [k] (m/find-first (fn [[_tag _ag-clause opts :as _aggregation-options-clause]] (= (get opts k) field-name)) ag-clauses)) [::desired-alias ::source-alias])) ;; look for a field referenced by the name in source-metadata (when-let [column (m/find-first #(= (:name %) field-name) source-metadata)] (let [signature (field-signature (:field_ref column))] (or ;; First try to match with the join alias. (m/find-first #(= (field-signature %) signature) field-exports) ;; Then just the names, but if the match is ambiguous, warn and return nil. (let [matches (filter #(= (second %) field-name) field-exports)] (when (= (count matches) 1) (first matches)))))))) | |
(defn- matching-field-in-source-query* [source-query source-metadata field-clause & {:keys [normalize-fn] :or {normalize-fn normalize-clause}}] (let [normalized (normalize-fn field-clause) all-exports (exports source-query) field-exports (filter (partial mbql.u/is-clause? :field) all-exports)] ;; first look for an EXACT match in the `exports` (or (m/find-first (fn [a-clause] (= (normalize-fn a-clause) normalized)) field-exports) ;; if there is no EXACT match, attempt a 'fuzzy' match by disregarding the `:temporal-unit` and `:binning` (let [fuzzy-normalized (fuzzify normalized)] (m/find-first (fn [a-clause] (= (fuzzify (normalize-fn a-clause)) fuzzy-normalized)) field-exports)) ;; if still no match try looking based for a matching Field based on ID. (let [[_field id-or-name _opts] field-clause] (when (integer? id-or-name) (or (m/find-first (fn [[_field an-id-or-name _opts]] (= an-id-or-name id-or-name)) field-exports) ;; look for a field referenced by the ID in source-metadata (when-let [column (m/find-first #(= (:id %) id-or-name) source-metadata)] (let [signature (field-signature (:field_ref column))] (m/find-first #(= (field-signature %) signature) field-exports)))))) ;; otherwise if this is a nominal field literal ref then look for matches based on the string name used (when-let [field-names (let [[_ id-or-name] field-clause] (when (string? id-or-name) [id-or-name (some-> driver/*driver* (driver/escape-alias id-or-name))]))] (some #(field-name-match % all-exports source-metadata field-exports) field-names))))) | |
If | (defn- matching-field-in-join-at-this-level [inner-query [_ _ {:keys [join-alias]} :as field-clause]] (when join-alias (let [{:keys [source-query source-metadata]} (join-with-alias inner-query join-alias)] (when source-query (matching-field-in-source-query* source-query source-metadata field-clause :normalize-fn #(mbql.u/update-field-options (normalize-clause %) dissoc :join-alias)))))) |
If | (defn- field-alias-in-join-at-this-level [inner-query field-clause] (when-let [[_ _ {::keys [desired-alias]}] (matching-field-in-join-at-this-level inner-query field-clause)] desired-alias)) |
(defn- matching-field-in-source-query [{:keys [source-query source-metadata], :as inner-query} field-clause] (when (and source-query (= (field-source-table-alias inner-query field-clause) ::source)) (matching-field-in-source-query* source-query source-metadata field-clause))) | |
(defn- field-alias-in-source-query [inner-query field-clause] (when-let [[_tag _id-or-name {::keys [desired-alias]}] (matching-field-in-source-query inner-query field-clause)] desired-alias)) | |
Generate a reference for the field instance DEPRECATED: Implement [[field-reference-mlv2]] instead, which accepts a | (defmulti ^String field-reference {:added "0.46.0", :arglists '([driver field-inst]), :deprecated "0.48.0"} driver/dispatch-on-initialized-driver :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy) |
Generate a reference for the field instance | (defmulti ^String field-reference-mlv2 {:added "0.48.0", :arglists '([driver field-inst])} driver/dispatch-on-initialized-driver :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy) |
(mu/defmethod field-reference-mlv2 ::driver/driver [driver :- :keyword field :- ::lib.schema.metadata/column] #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:deprecated-var]} (if (get-method field-reference driver) (do (sql.qp.deprecated/log-deprecation-warning driver `field-reference "0.48.0") (field-reference driver #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:deprecated-var]} (qp.store/->legacy-metadata field))) (:name field))) | |
Nested field components path for field, so drivers can use in identifiers. | (defn- field-nfc-path [field-clause] (some-> field-clause field-instance :nfc-path not-empty vec)) |
JSON extraction fields need to be named with their outer | (defn- field-requires-original-field-name [field-clause] (boolean (field-nfc-path field-clause))) |
Actual name of a | (defn- field-name [_inner-query [_ id-or-name :as field-clause]] (or (some->> field-clause field-instance (field-reference-mlv2 driver/*driver*)) (when (string? id-or-name) id-or-name))) |
Calculate extra stuff about | (defn- expensive-field-info [inner-query field-clause] (merge {:field-name (field-name inner-query field-clause) :override-alias? (field-requires-original-field-name field-clause) :join-is-this-level? (field-is-from-join-in-this-level? inner-query field-clause) :alias-from-join (field-alias-in-join-at-this-level inner-query field-clause) :alias-from-source-query (field-alias-in-source-query inner-query field-clause)} (when-let [nfc-path (field-nfc-path field-clause)] {:nfc-path nfc-path}))) |
Determine the appropriate | (defn- field-source-alias {:arglists '([inner-query field-clause expensive-field-info])} [{:keys [_source-table], :as _inner-query} [_ _id-or-name {:keys [join-alias]}, :as _field-clause] {:keys [field-name join-is-this-level? alias-from-join alias-from-source-query]}] (cond ;; TODO -- this just recalculates the info instead of actually finding the Field in the join and getting its desired ;; alias there... this seems like a clear bug since it doesn't go thru the uniquify logic. Something will ;; potentially break by doing this. I haven't been able to reproduce it yet however. ;; ;; This will only be triggered if the join somehow exposes duplicate columns or columns that have the same escaped ;; name after going thru [[driver/escape-alias]]. I think the only way this could happen is if we escape them ;; aggressively but the escape logic produces duplicate columns (i.e., there is overlap between the unique hashes we ;; suffix to escaped identifiers.) ;; ;; We'll have to look into this more in the future. For now, it seems to work for everything we try it with. (and join-is-this-level? alias-from-join) alias-from-join alias-from-source-query alias-from-source-query (and join-alias (not join-is-this-level?)) (prefix-field-alias join-alias field-name) :else field-name)) |
Determine the appropriate | (defn- field-desired-alias {:arglists '([inner-query field-clause expensive-field-info])} [_inner-query [_ _id-or-name {:keys [join-alias], ::keys [desired-alias], explicit-name :name} :as _field-clause] {:keys [field-name alias-from-join alias-from-source-query override-alias?], :as _expensive-field-info}] (cond join-alias (prefix-field-alias join-alias (or alias-from-join field-name)) ;; JSON fields and similar have to be aliased by the outer field name. override-alias? field-name explicit-name explicit-name desired-alias desired-alias alias-from-source-query alias-from-source-query :else field-name)) |
(defmulti ^:private clause-alias-info {:arglists '([inner-query unique-alias-fn clause])} (fn [_ _ [clause-type]] clause-type)) | |
(defmethod clause-alias-info :field [inner-query unique-alias-fn field-clause] (let [expensive-info (expensive-field-info inner-query field-clause)] (merge {::source-table (field-source-table-alias inner-query field-clause) ::source-alias (field-source-alias inner-query field-clause expensive-info)} (when-let [nfc-path (:nfc-path expensive-info)] {::nfc-path nfc-path}) (when-let [position (clause->position inner-query field-clause)] {::desired-alias (unique-alias-fn position (field-desired-alias inner-query field-clause expensive-info)) ::position position})))) | |
(defmulti ^:private aggregation-name {:arglists '([mbql-clause])} (fn [x] (when (mbql.u/mbql-clause? x) (first x)))) | |
make sure we have an | (defmethod aggregation-name :default [ag-clause] (throw (ex-info (format "Expected :aggregation-options or other fully-preprocessed aggregation, got %s." (pr-str ag-clause)) {:clause ag-clause}))) |
(mu/defmethod aggregation-name :aggregation-options :- :string [[_aggregation-options _wrapped-ag opts]] (:name opts)) | |
(mu/defmethod aggregation-name :offset :- :string [[_offset opts _expr _n]] (:name opts)) | |
(defmethod clause-alias-info :aggregation [{aggregations :aggregation, :as inner-query} unique-alias-fn [_ index _opts :as ag-ref-clause]] (let [position (clause->position inner-query ag-ref-clause)] ;; an aggregation is ALWAYS returned, so it HAS to have a `position`. If it does not, the aggregation reference ;; is busted. (when-not position (throw (ex-info (tru "Aggregation does not exist at index {0}" index) {:type qp.error-type/invalid-query :clause ag-ref-clause :query inner-query}))) (let [ag-name (aggregation-name (nth aggregations index))] {::desired-alias (unique-alias-fn position ag-name) ::position position}))) | |
(defmethod clause-alias-info :expression [inner-query unique-alias-fn [_ expression-name :as expression-ref-clause]] (when-let [position (clause->position inner-query expression-ref-clause)] {::desired-alias (unique-alias-fn position expression-name) ::position position})) | |
(defn- add-info-to-aggregation-definition [inner-query unique-alias-fn ag-clause ag-index] (lib.util.match/replace ag-clause [:offset opts expr n] (let [position (clause->position inner-query [:aggregation ag-index]) original-ag-name (:name opts) unique-alias (unique-alias-fn position original-ag-name)] [:offset (assoc opts :name unique-alias ::source-alias original-ag-name ::position position ::desired-alias unique-alias) expr n]) [:aggregation-options wrapped-ag-clause opts, :as _ag-clause] (let [position (clause->position inner-query [:aggregation ag-index]) original-ag-name (:name opts) unique-alias (unique-alias-fn position original-ag-name)] [:aggregation-options wrapped-ag-clause (assoc opts :name unique-alias ::source-alias original-ag-name ::position position ::desired-alias unique-alias)]))) | |
(defn- add-info-to-aggregation-definitions [{aggregations :aggregation, :as inner-query} unique-alias-fn] (cond-> inner-query (seq aggregations) (update :aggregation (fn [aggregations] (into [] (map-indexed (fn [i aggregation] (add-info-to-aggregation-definition inner-query unique-alias-fn aggregation i))) aggregations))))) | |
(defn- add-alias-info* [inner-query] (assert (not (:strategy inner-query)) "add-alias-info* should not be called on a join") ; not user-facing (let [unique-alias-fn (make-unique-alias-fn)] (-> (lib.util.match/replace inner-query ;; don't rewrite anything inside any source queries or source metadata. (_ :guard (constantly (some (partial contains? (set &parents)) [:source-query :source-metadata]))) &match #{:field :aggregation :expression} (mbql.u/update-field-options &match merge (clause-alias-info inner-query unique-alias-fn &match))) (add-info-to-aggregation-definitions unique-alias-fn)))) | |
Add extra info to Adds some or all of the following keys: `::source-table`String name, integer Table ID, or the keyword `::source-alias`String name to use to refer to this clause during compilation. `::desired-alias`If this clause is 'selected' (i.e., appears in `::position`If this clause is 'selected', this is the position the clause will appear in the results (i.e. the corresponding column index). | (defn add-alias-info [query-or-inner-query] (walk/postwalk (fn [form] (if (and (map? form) ((some-fn :source-query :source-table) form) (not (:strategy form))) (vary-meta (add-alias-info* form) assoc ::transformed true) form)) query-or-inner-query)) |