Walks query and generates appropriate aliases for every selected column; and adds extra keys to the corresponding MBQL clauses with this information. Deduplicates aliases and calls [[metabase.driver/escape-alias]] with the generated aliases. Adds information about the aliases in source queries and joins that correspond to columns in the parent level.

This code is currently opt-in, and is currently only used by SQL drivers ([[metabase.driver.sql.query-processor]] manually calls [[add-alias-info]] inside of [[metabase.driver.sql.query-processor/mbql->native]] and [[metabase.driver.mongo.query-processor/mbql->native]]) but at some point in the future this may become general QP middleware that can't be opted out of.

[[add-alias-info]] adds some or all of the following keys to every :field clause, :expression reference, and :aggregation reference:


String name, integer Table ID, the keyword ::source, or the keyword ::none. Use this alias to qualify the clause during compilation.

  • String names are aliases for joins. This name should be used literally.

  • An integer Table ID means this comes from the :source-table; use the Table's schema and name to qualify the clause. (Some databases also need to qualify Fields with the Database name.)

  • ::source means this clause comes from the :source-query; the alias to use is theoretically driver-specific but in practice is source (see [[metabase.driver.sql.query-processor/source-query-alias]]).

  • ::none means this clause SHOULD NOT be qualified at all. ::none is currently only used in some very special circumstances, specially by the Spark SQL driver when compiling Field Filter replacement snippets. But it's here for those sorts of cases where we need it.

TODO -- consider allowing vectors of multiple qualifiers e.g. [schema table] or [database schema table] as well -- so drivers that need to modify these can rewrite this info appropriately.


String name to use to refer to this clause during compilation.


If this clause is 'selected' (i.e., appears in :fields, :aggregation, or :breakout), select the clause AS this alias. This alias is guaranteed to be unique.


If this clause is 'selected', this is the position the clause will appear in the results (i.e. the corresponding column index).

(ns metabase.query-processor.util.add-alias-info
   [clojure.walk :as walk]
   [medley.core :as m]
   [metabase.driver :as driver]
   [metabase.driver.sql.query-processor.deprecated :as sql.qp.deprecated]
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.schema :as mbql.s]
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.util :as mbql.u]
   [metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata]
   [metabase.lib.schema.common :as lib.schema.common]
   [metabase.lib.schema.id :as lib.schema.id]
   [metabase.lib.schema.metadata :as lib.schema.metadata]
   [metabase.lib.util :as lib.util]
   [metabase.lib.util.match :as lib.util.match]
   [metabase.query-processor.error-type :as qp.error-type]
   [metabase.query-processor.store :as qp.store]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [trs tru]]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]))

Generate a field alias by applying prefix to field-alias. This is used for automatically-generated aliases for columns that are the result of joins.

(defn- prefix-field-alias
  [prefix field-alias]
  (driver/escape-alias driver/*driver* (str prefix "__" field-alias)))

Creates a function with the signature

(unique-alias position original-alias)

To return a uniquified version of original-alias. Memoized by position, so duplicate calls will result in the same unique alias.

(defn- make-unique-alias-fn
  (let [unique-name-fn (lib.util/unique-name-generator)]
    (fn unique-alias-fn [position original-alias]
      (assert (string? original-alias)
              (format "unique-alias-fn expected string, got: %s" (pr-str original-alias)))
      (unique-name-fn position (driver/escape-alias driver/*driver* original-alias)))))

TODO -- this should probably limit the resulting alias, and suffix a short hash as well if it gets too long. See also [[unique-alias-fn]] below.

(defn- remove-namespaced-options [options]
  (when options
    (not-empty (into {}
                     (remove (fn [[k _]]
                               (when (keyword? k)
                                 (namespace k))))

Normalize a :field/:expression/:aggregation clause by removing extra info so it can serve as a key for :qp/refs. This removes :source-field if it is present -- don't use the output of this for anything but internal key/distinct comparison purposes.

(defn normalize-clause
  (lib.util.match/match-one clause
    ;; optimization: don't need to rewrite a `:field` clause without any options
    [:field _ nil]
    [:field id-or-name opts]
    ;; this doesn't use [[mbql.u/update-field-options]] because this gets called a lot and the overhead actually adds up
    ;; a bit
    [:field id-or-name (remove-namespaced-options (cond-> (dissoc opts :source-field :effective-type)
                                                    (integer? id-or-name) (dissoc :base-type)))]
    ;; for `:expression` and `:aggregation` references, remove the options map if they are empty.
    [:expression expression-name opts]
    (if-let [opts (remove-namespaced-options opts)]
      [:expression expression-name opts]
      [:expression expression-name])
    [:aggregation index opts]
    (if-let [opts (remove-namespaced-options opts)]
      [:aggregation index opts]
      [:aggregation index])

Get all the clauses that are returned by this level of the query as a map of normalized-clause -> index of that column in the results.

(defn- selected-clauses
  [{:keys [fields breakout aggregation], :as query}]
  ;; this is cached for the duration of the QP run because it's a little expensive to calculate and caching this speeds
  ;; up this namespace A LOT
  (qp.store/cached (select-keys query [:fields :breakout :aggregation])
     (comp cat
            (fn [i clause]
              [(normalize-clause clause) i])))
       (fn [i ag]
         (lib.util.match/replace ag
           ;; :offset is a special case since it doesn't NEED to get wrapped in aggregation options.
           [:offset _opts _expr _n]
           [:aggregation i]
           [:aggregation-options wrapped opts]
           [:aggregation i]
           ;; aggregation clause should be preprocessed into an `:aggregation-options` clause by now.
           (throw (ex-info (tru "Expected :aggregation-options clause, got {0}" (pr-str ag))
                           {:type qp.error-type/qp, :clause ag}))))

Get the position (i.e., column index) clause is returned as, if it is returned (i.e. if it is in :breakout, :aggregation, or :fields). Not all clauses are returned.

(defn- clause->position
  [inner-query clause]
  ((selected-clauses inner-query) (normalize-clause clause)))
(defn- this-level-join-aliases [{:keys [joins]}]
  (into #{} (map :alias) joins))
(defn- field-is-from-join-in-this-level? [inner-query [_field _id-or-name {:keys [join-alias]}]]
  (when join-alias
    ((this-level-join-aliases inner-query) join-alias)))
(mu/defn- field-instance :- [:maybe ::lib.schema.metadata/column]
  [[_ id-or-name :as _field-clause] :- mbql.s/field]
  (when (integer? id-or-name)
    (lib.metadata/field (qp.store/metadata-provider) id-or-name)))
(defn- field-table-id [field-clause]
  (:table-id (field-instance field-clause)))
(mu/defn- field-source-table-alias :- [:or
                                       [:= ::source]]
  "Determine the appropriate `::source-table` alias for a `field-clause`."
  [{:keys [source-table source-query], :as inner-query} [_ _id-or-name {:keys [join-alias]}, :as field-clause]]
  (let [table-id            (field-table-id field-clause)
        join-is-this-level? (field-is-from-join-in-this-level? inner-query field-clause)]
      join-is-this-level?                      join-alias
      (and table-id (= table-id source-table)) table-id
      source-query                             ::source
      (throw (ex-info (trs "Cannot determine the source table or query for Field clause {0}" (pr-str field-clause))
                      {:type   qp.error-type/invalid-query
                       :clause field-clause
                       :query  inner-query})))))
(defn- exports [query]
  (into #{} (lib.util.match/match (dissoc query :source-query :source-metadata :joins)
              [(_ :guard #{:field :expression :aggregation-options}) _ (_ :guard (every-pred map? ::position))])))
(defn- join-with-alias [{:keys [joins]} join-alias]
  (some (fn [join]
          (when (= (:alias join) join-alias)
(defn- fuzzify [clause]
  (mbql.u/update-field-options clause dissoc :temporal-unit :binning))
(defn- field-signature
  [(second field-clause) (get-in field-clause [2 :join-alias])])
(defn- field-name-match [field-name all-exports source-metadata field-exports]
  ;; First, look for Expressions or fields from the source query stage whose `::desired-alias` matches the
  ;; name we're searching for.
  (or (m/find-first (fn [[tag _id-or-name {::keys [desired-alias], :as _opts} :as _ref]]
                      (when (#{:expression :field} tag)
                        (= desired-alias field-name)))
      ;; Expressions by exact name.
      (m/find-first (fn [[_ expression-name :as _expression-clause]]
                      (= expression-name field-name))
                    (filter (partial mbql.u/is-clause? :expression) all-exports))
      ;; aggregation clauses from the previous stage based on their `::desired-alias`. If THAT doesn't work,
      ;; then try to match based on their `::source-alias` (not 100% sure why we're checking `::source-alias` at
      ;; all TBH -- Cam)
      (when-let [ag-clauses (seq (filter (partial mbql.u/is-clause? :aggregation-options) all-exports))]
        (some (fn [k]
                (m/find-first (fn [[_tag _ag-clause opts :as _aggregation-options-clause]]
                                (= (get opts k) field-name))
              [::desired-alias ::source-alias]))
      ;; look for a field referenced by the name in source-metadata
      (when-let [column (m/find-first #(= (:name %) field-name) source-metadata)]
        (let [signature (field-signature (:field_ref column))]
          (or ;; First try to match with the join alias.
           (m/find-first #(= (field-signature %) signature) field-exports)
              ;; Then just the names, but if the match is ambiguous, warn and return nil.
           (let [matches (filter #(= (second %) field-name) field-exports)]
             (when (= (count matches) 1)
               (first matches))))))))
(defn- matching-field-in-source-query*
  [source-query source-metadata field-clause & {:keys [normalize-fn]
                                                :or   {normalize-fn normalize-clause}}]
  (let [normalized    (normalize-fn field-clause)
        all-exports   (exports source-query)
        field-exports (filter (partial mbql.u/is-clause? :field)
    ;; first look for an EXACT match in the `exports`
    (or (m/find-first (fn [a-clause]
                        (= (normalize-fn a-clause) normalized))
        ;; if there is no EXACT match, attempt a 'fuzzy' match by disregarding the `:temporal-unit` and `:binning`
        (let [fuzzy-normalized (fuzzify normalized)]
          (m/find-first (fn [a-clause]
                          (= (fuzzify (normalize-fn a-clause)) fuzzy-normalized))
        ;; if still no match try looking based for a matching Field based on ID.
        (let [[_field id-or-name _opts] field-clause]
          (when (integer? id-or-name)
            (or (m/find-first (fn [[_field an-id-or-name _opts]]
                                (= an-id-or-name id-or-name))
                ;; look for a field referenced by the ID in source-metadata
                (when-let [column (m/find-first #(= (:id %) id-or-name) source-metadata)]
                  (let [signature (field-signature (:field_ref column))]
                    (m/find-first #(= (field-signature %) signature) field-exports))))))
        ;; otherwise if this is a nominal field literal ref then look for matches based on the string name used
        (when-let [field-names (let [[_ id-or-name] field-clause]
                                 (when (string? id-or-name)
                                   [id-or-name (some-> driver/*driver* (driver/escape-alias id-or-name))]))]
          (some #(field-name-match % all-exports source-metadata field-exports) field-names)))))

If field-clause is the result of a join at this level with a :source-query, return the 'source' :field clause from that source query.

(defn- matching-field-in-join-at-this-level
  [inner-query [_ _ {:keys [join-alias]} :as field-clause]]
  (when join-alias
    (let [{:keys [source-query source-metadata]} (join-with-alias inner-query join-alias)]
      (when source-query
         :normalize-fn #(mbql.u/update-field-options (normalize-clause %) dissoc :join-alias))))))

If field-clause is the result of a join at this level, return the ::desired-alias from that join (where the Field is introduced). This is the appropriate ::source-alias for such a Field.

(defn- field-alias-in-join-at-this-level
  [inner-query field-clause]
  (when-let [[_ _ {::keys [desired-alias]}] (matching-field-in-join-at-this-level inner-query field-clause)]
(defn- matching-field-in-source-query
  [{:keys [source-query source-metadata], :as inner-query} field-clause]
  (when (and source-query
             (= (field-source-table-alias inner-query field-clause) ::source))
    (matching-field-in-source-query* source-query source-metadata field-clause)))
(defn- field-alias-in-source-query
  [inner-query field-clause]
  (when-let [[_tag _id-or-name {::keys [desired-alias]}] (matching-field-in-source-query inner-query field-clause)]

Generate a reference for the field instance field-inst appropriate for the driver driver. By default this is just the name of the field, but it can be more complicated, e.g., take parent fields into account.

DEPRECATED: Implement [[field-reference-mlv2]] instead, which accepts a kebab-case Field metadata rather than snake_case metadata.

(defmulti ^String field-reference
  {:added "0.46.0", :arglists '([driver field-inst]), :deprecated "0.48.0"}
  :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy)

Generate a reference for the field instance field-inst appropriate for the driver driver. By default this is just the name of the field, but it can be more complicated, e.g., take parent fields into account.

(defmulti ^String field-reference-mlv2
  {:added "0.48.0", :arglists '([driver field-inst])}
  :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy)
(mu/defmethod field-reference-mlv2 ::driver/driver
  [driver :- :keyword
   field  :- ::lib.schema.metadata/column]
  #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:deprecated-var]}
  (if (get-method field-reference driver)
      (field-reference driver
                       #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:deprecated-var]}
                       (qp.store/->legacy-metadata field)))
    (:name field)))

Nested field components path for field, so drivers can use in identifiers.

(defn- field-nfc-path
  (some-> field-clause field-instance :nfc-path not-empty vec))

JSON extraction fields need to be named with their outer field-name, not use any existing ::desired-alias.

(defn- field-requires-original-field-name
  (boolean (field-nfc-path field-clause)))

Actual name of a :field from the database or source query (for Field literals).

(defn- field-name
  [_inner-query [_ id-or-name :as field-clause]]
  (or (some->> field-clause
               (field-reference-mlv2 driver/*driver*))
      (when (string? id-or-name)

Calculate extra stuff about field-clause that's a little expensive to calculate. This is done once so we can pass it around instead of recalculating it a bunch of times.

(defn- expensive-field-info
  [inner-query field-clause]
   {:field-name              (field-name inner-query field-clause)
    :override-alias?         (field-requires-original-field-name field-clause)
    :join-is-this-level?     (field-is-from-join-in-this-level? inner-query field-clause)
    :alias-from-join         (field-alias-in-join-at-this-level inner-query field-clause)
    :alias-from-source-query (field-alias-in-source-query inner-query field-clause)}
   (when-let [nfc-path (field-nfc-path field-clause)]
     {:nfc-path nfc-path})))

Determine the appropriate ::source-alias for a field-clause.

(defn- field-source-alias
  {:arglists '([inner-query field-clause expensive-field-info])}
  [{:keys [_source-table], :as _inner-query}
   [_ _id-or-name {:keys [join-alias]}, :as _field-clause]
   {:keys [field-name join-is-this-level? alias-from-join alias-from-source-query]}]
    ;; TODO -- this just recalculates the info instead of actually finding the Field in the join and getting its desired
    ;; alias there... this seems like a clear bug since it doesn't go thru the uniquify logic. Something will
    ;; potentially break by doing this. I haven't been able to reproduce it yet however.
    ;; This will only be triggered if the join somehow exposes duplicate columns or columns that have the same escaped
    ;; name after going thru [[driver/escape-alias]]. I think the only way this could happen is if we escape them
    ;; aggressively but the escape logic produces duplicate columns (i.e., there is overlap between the unique hashes we
    ;; suffix to escaped identifiers.)
    ;; We'll have to look into this more in the future. For now, it seems to work for everything we try it with.
    (and join-is-this-level? alias-from-join)  alias-from-join
    alias-from-source-query                    alias-from-source-query
    (and join-alias (not join-is-this-level?)) (prefix-field-alias join-alias field-name)
    :else                                      field-name))

Determine the appropriate ::desired-alias for a field-clause.

(defn- field-desired-alias
  {:arglists '([inner-query field-clause expensive-field-info])}
   [_ _id-or-name {:keys [join-alias], ::keys [desired-alias], explicit-name :name} :as _field-clause]
   {:keys [field-name alias-from-join alias-from-source-query override-alias?], :as _expensive-field-info}]
    join-alias              (prefix-field-alias join-alias (or alias-from-join field-name))
    ;; JSON fields and similar have to be aliased by the outer field name.
    override-alias?         field-name
    explicit-name           explicit-name
    desired-alias           desired-alias
    alias-from-source-query alias-from-source-query
    :else                   field-name))
(defmulti ^:private clause-alias-info
  {:arglists '([inner-query unique-alias-fn clause])}
  (fn [_ _ [clause-type]]
(defmethod clause-alias-info :field
  [inner-query unique-alias-fn field-clause]
  (let [expensive-info (expensive-field-info inner-query field-clause)]
    (merge {::source-table (field-source-table-alias inner-query field-clause)
            ::source-alias (field-source-alias inner-query field-clause expensive-info)}
           (when-let [nfc-path (:nfc-path expensive-info)]
             {::nfc-path nfc-path})
           (when-let [position (clause->position inner-query field-clause)]
             {::desired-alias (unique-alias-fn position (field-desired-alias inner-query field-clause expensive-info))
              ::position      position}))))
(defmulti ^:private aggregation-name
  {:arglists '([mbql-clause])}
  (fn [x]
    (when (mbql.u/mbql-clause? x)
      (first x))))

make sure we have an :aggregation-options or other fully-preprocessed aggregation clause (i.e., :offset) like we expect. This is mostly a precondition check since we should never be running this code on not-preprocessed queries, so it's not i18n'ed

(defmethod aggregation-name :default
  (throw (ex-info (format "Expected :aggregation-options or other fully-preprocessed aggregation, got %s."
                          (pr-str ag-clause))
                  {:clause ag-clause})))
(mu/defmethod aggregation-name :aggregation-options :- :string
  [[_aggregation-options _wrapped-ag opts]]
  (:name opts))
(mu/defmethod aggregation-name :offset :- :string
  [[_offset opts _expr _n]]
  (:name opts))
(defmethod clause-alias-info :aggregation
  [{aggregations :aggregation, :as inner-query} unique-alias-fn [_ index _opts :as ag-ref-clause]]
  (let [position (clause->position inner-query ag-ref-clause)]
    ;; an aggregation is ALWAYS returned, so it HAS to have a `position`. If it does not, the aggregation reference
    ;; is busted.
    (when-not position
      (throw (ex-info (tru "Aggregation does not exist at index {0}" index)
                      {:type   qp.error-type/invalid-query
                       :clause ag-ref-clause
                       :query  inner-query})))
    (let [ag-name (aggregation-name (nth aggregations index))]
      {::desired-alias (unique-alias-fn position ag-name)
       ::position      position})))
(defmethod clause-alias-info :expression
  [inner-query unique-alias-fn [_ expression-name :as expression-ref-clause]]
  (when-let [position (clause->position inner-query expression-ref-clause)]
    {::desired-alias (unique-alias-fn position expression-name)
     ::position      position}))
(defn- add-info-to-aggregation-definition
  [inner-query unique-alias-fn ag-clause ag-index]
  (lib.util.match/replace ag-clause
    [:offset opts expr n]
    (let [position         (clause->position inner-query [:aggregation ag-index])
          original-ag-name (:name opts)
          unique-alias     (unique-alias-fn position original-ag-name)]
      [:offset (assoc opts
                      :name           unique-alias
                      ::source-alias  original-ag-name
                      ::position      position
                      ::desired-alias unique-alias)
    [:aggregation-options wrapped-ag-clause opts, :as _ag-clause]
    (let [position         (clause->position inner-query [:aggregation ag-index])
          original-ag-name (:name opts)
          unique-alias     (unique-alias-fn position original-ag-name)]
      [:aggregation-options wrapped-ag-clause (assoc opts
                                                     :name           unique-alias
                                                     ::source-alias  original-ag-name
                                                     ::position      position
                                                     ::desired-alias unique-alias)])))
(defn- add-info-to-aggregation-definitions [{aggregations :aggregation, :as inner-query} unique-alias-fn]
  (cond-> inner-query
    (seq aggregations)
    (update :aggregation (fn [aggregations]
                            (map-indexed (fn [i aggregation]
                                           (add-info-to-aggregation-definition inner-query unique-alias-fn aggregation i)))
(defn- add-alias-info* [inner-query]
  (assert (not (:strategy inner-query)) "add-alias-info* should not be called on a join") ; not user-facing
  (let [unique-alias-fn (make-unique-alias-fn)]
    (-> (lib.util.match/replace inner-query
          ;; don't rewrite anything inside any source queries or source metadata.
          (_ :guard (constantly (some (partial contains? (set &parents))
                                      [:source-query :source-metadata])))
          #{:field :aggregation :expression}
          (mbql.u/update-field-options &match merge (clause-alias-info inner-query unique-alias-fn &match)))
        (add-info-to-aggregation-definitions unique-alias-fn))))

Add extra info to :field clauses, :expression references, and :aggregation references in query. query must be fully preprocessed.

Adds some or all of the following keys:


String name, integer Table ID, or the keyword ::source. Use this alias to qualify the clause during compilation. String names are aliases for joins. ::source means this clause comes from the :source-query; the alias to use is theoretically driver-specific but in practice is source (see [[metabase.driver.sql.query-processor/source-query-alias]]). An integer Table ID means this comes from the :source-table (either directly or indirectly via one or more :source-querys; use the Table's schema and name to qualify the clause.


String name to use to refer to this clause during compilation.


If this clause is 'selected' (i.e., appears in :fields, :aggregation, or :breakout), select the clause AS this alias. This alias is guaranteed to be unique.


If this clause is 'selected', this is the position the clause will appear in the results (i.e. the corresponding column index).

(defn add-alias-info
   (fn [form]
     (if (and (map? form)
              ((some-fn :source-query :source-table) form)
              (not (:strategy form)))
       (vary-meta (add-alias-info* form) assoc ::transformed true)