(ns metabase.query-processor.streaming
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.util :as mbql.u]
   [metabase.lib.schema.common :as lib.schema.common]
   [metabase.models.visualization-settings :as mb.viz]
   [metabase.query-processor.pipeline :as qp.pipeline]
   [metabase.query-processor.schema :as qp.schema]
   [metabase.query-processor.streaming.csv :as qp.csv]
   [metabase.query-processor.streaming.interface :as qp.si]
   [metabase.query-processor.streaming.json :as qp.json]
   [metabase.query-processor.streaming.xlsx :as qp.xlsx]
   [metabase.server.streaming-response :as streaming-response]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu])
   (clojure.core.async.impl.channels ManyToManyChannel)
   (java.io OutputStream)
   (metabase.server.streaming_response StreamingResponse)
   (org.eclipse.jetty.io EofException)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

these are loaded for side-effects so their impls of qp.si/results-writer will be available TODO - consider whether we should lazy-load these!

(comment qp.csv/keep-me

Deduplicate column names that would otherwise conflict.

TODO: This function includes logic that is normally is done by the annotate middleware, but hasn't been run yet at this point in the code. We should eventually refactor this (#17195)

(defn- deduplicate-col-names
  (map (fn [col unique-name]
         (let [col-with-display-name (if (:display_name col)
                                       (assoc col :display_name (:name col)))]
           (assoc col-with-display-name :name unique-name)))
       (mbql.u/uniquify-names (map :name cols))))

Validate that all of the columns in table-columns correspond to actual columns in cols, correlating them by field ref or name. Returns nil if any do not, so that we fall back to using cols directly for the export (#19465). Otherwise returns table-columns.

(defn- validate-table-columms
  [table-columns cols]
  (let [col-field-refs (set (remove nil? (map :field_ref cols)))
        col-names      (set (remove nil? (map :name cols)))]
    (when (every? (fn [table-col] (or (col-field-refs (::mb.viz/table-column-field-ref table-col))
                                      (col-names (::mb.viz/table-column-name table-col))))

Returns true if there's a column with the :name "pivot-grouping", which is an internal detail from the pivot qp.

(defn- pivot-grouping-exists?
  (some #(= (:name %) "pivot-grouping") cols))

For each entry in table-columns that is enabled, finds the index of the corresponding entry in cols by name or id. If a col has been remapped, uses the index of the new column.

The resulting list of indices determines the order of column names and data in exports.

(defn- export-column-order
  [cols table-columns]
  (if (pivot-grouping-exists? cols)
    ;; If the columns contain a pivot-grouping, we're exporting a pivot and the cols order is not used,
    ;; so we can just pass the indices in order.
    (range (count cols))
    (let [table-columns'     (or (validate-table-columms table-columns cols)
                                 ;; If table-columns is not provided (e.g. for saved cards), we can construct a fake one
                                 ;; that retains the original column ordering in `cols`
                                 (for [col cols]
                                   (let [col-name   (:name col)
                                         id-or-name (or (:id col) col-name)
                                         field-ref  (:field_ref col)]
                                     {::mb.viz/table-column-field-ref (or field-ref [:field id-or-name nil])
                                      ::mb.viz/table-column-enabled   true
                                      ::mb.viz/table-column-name      col-name})))
          enabled-table-cols (filter ::mb.viz/table-column-enabled table-columns')
          cols-vector        (into [] cols)
          ;; cols-index is a map from keys representing fields to their indices into `cols`
          cols-index         (reduce-kv (fn [m i col]
                                          ;; Always add col-name as a key, so that native queries and remapped fields work correctly
                                          (let [m' (assoc m (:name col) i)]
                                            (if-let [field-ref (:field_ref col)]
                                              ;; Add a map key based on the column's field-ref, if available
                                              (assoc m' field-ref i)
      (->> (map
            (fn [{field-ref ::mb.viz/table-column-field-ref, col-name ::mb.viz/table-column-name}]
              (let [index              (or (get cols-index field-ref)
                                           (get cols-index col-name))
                    col                (get cols-vector index)
                    remapped-to-name   (:remapped_to col)
                    remapped-from-name (:remapped_from col)]
                  (get cols-index remapped-to-name)
                  (not remapped-from-name)
           (remove nil?)))))

Dedups and orders cols based on the contents of table-columns in the provided viz settings. Also returns a list of indices which map the new order to the original order, and is used to reorder individual rows.

(defn order-cols
  [cols viz-settings]
  (let [deduped-cols  (deduplicate-col-names cols)
        output-order  (export-column-order deduped-cols (::mb.viz/table-columns viz-settings))
        ordered-cols  (if output-order
                        (let [v (into [] deduped-cols)]
                          (for [i output-order] (v i)))
    [ordered-cols output-order]))
(mu/defn- streaming-rff :- ::qp.schema/rff
  [results-writer :- (lib.schema.common/instance-of-class metabase.query_processor.streaming.interface.StreamingResultsWriter)]
  (fn [{:keys [cols viz-settings] :as initial-metadata}]
    (let [[ordered-cols output-order] (order-cols cols viz-settings)
          viz-settings'               (assoc viz-settings :output-order output-order)
          row-count                   (volatile! 0)]
         (log/trace "Writing initial metadata to results writer.")
         (qp.si/begin! results-writer
                       {:data (assoc initial-metadata :ordered-cols ordered-cols)}
         {:data initial-metadata})
         (assoc result
                :row_count @row-count
                :status :completed))
        ([metadata row]
         (log/trace "Writing one row to results writer.")
         (qp.si/write-row! results-writer row (dec (vswap! row-count inc)) ordered-cols viz-settings')
(mu/defn- streaming-result-fn :- fn?
  [results-writer   :- (lib.schema.common/instance-of-class metabase.query_processor.streaming.interface.StreamingResultsWriter)
   ^OutputStream os :- (lib.schema.common/instance-of-class OutputStream)]
  (fn result [result]
    (when (= (:status result) :completed)
      (log/debug "Finished writing results; closing results writer.")
        (qp.si/finish! results-writer result)
        (catch EofException _e
          (log/warn "Client closed connection prematurely")))
        (.flush os)
        (.close os)))
    (qp.pipeline/default-result-handler result)))

Context to pass to the QP to streaming results as export-format to an output stream. Can be used independently of the normal streaming-response macro, which is geared toward Ring responses.

(with-open [os ...] (qp.streaming/do-with-streaming-rff :csv os (fn [rff] (qp/process-query query rff))))

(defn do-with-streaming-rff
  [export-format os f]
  (let [results-writer (qp.si/streaming-results-writer export-format os)
        rff            (streaming-rff results-writer)]
    (binding [qp.pipeline/*result* (streaming-result-fn results-writer os)]
      (f rff))))

Impl for [[streaming-response]].

(defn -streaming-response
  ^StreamingResponse [export-format filename-prefix f]
  (streaming-response/streaming-response (qp.si/stream-options export-format filename-prefix) [os canceled-chan]
     export-format os
     (^:once fn* [rff]
       (let [result (try
                      (binding [qp.pipeline/*canceled-chan* canceled-chan]
                        (f rff))
                      (catch Throwable e
         (assert (some? result) "QP unexpectedly returned nil.")
        ;; if you see this, it's because it's old code written before the changes in #35465... rework the code in
        ;; question to return a response directly instead of a core.async channel
         (assert (not (instance? ManyToManyChannel result)) "QP should not return a core.async channel.")
         (when (or (instance? Throwable result)
                   (= (:status result) :failed))
           (streaming-response/write-error! os result export-format)))))))

Return results of processing a query as a streaming response. This response implements the appropriate Ring/Compojure protocols, so return or respond with it directly. export-format is one of :api (for normal JSON API responses), :json, :csv, or :xlsx (for downloads).

Typical example:

(api.macros/defendpoint :get "/whatever" [] (qp.streaming/streaming-response [rff :json] (qp/process-query (qp/userland-query-with-default-constraints query) rff)))

Handles either async or sync QP results, but you should prefer returning sync results so we can handle query cancelations properly.

(defmacro streaming-response
  {:style/indent 1}
  [[map-binding export-format filename-prefix] & body]
  `(-streaming-response ~export-format ~filename-prefix (^:once fn* [~map-binding] ~@body)))

Set of valid streaming response formats. Currently, :json, :csv, :xlsx, and :api (normal JSON API results with extra metadata), but other types may be available if plugins are installed. (The interface is extensible.)

(defn export-formats
  (set (keys (methods qp.si/stream-options))))