Shared util fns for various export (download) streaming formats. | (ns metabase.query-processor.streaming.common (:require [clojure.string :as str] [java-time.api :as t] [metabase.models.visualization-settings :as mb.viz] [metabase.public-settings :as public-settings] [ :as] [metabase.query-processor.timezone :as qp.timezone] [metabase.util.currency :as currency] [ :as]) (:import (clojure.lang ISeq) (java.time LocalDate LocalDateTime LocalTime OffsetDateTime OffsetTime ZonedDateTime))) |
Set the time zone of a temporal value ;; if result timezone is | (defn in-result-time-zone [t] ( t ( ::results-timezone (t/zone-id (qp.timezone/results-timezone-id))))) |
Protocol for specifying how objects of various classes in QP result rows should be formatted in various download results formats (e.g. CSV, as opposed to the 'normal' API response format, which doesn't use this logic). | (defprotocol FormatValue (format-value [this] "Format this value in a QP result row appropriately for a results download, such as CSV.")) |
(extend-protocol FormatValue nil (format-value [_] nil) Object (format-value [this] this) ISeq (format-value [this] (mapv format-value this)) LocalDate (format-value [t] ( t)) LocalDateTime (format-value [t] (if (= (t/local-time t) (t/local-time 0)) (format-value (t/local-date t)) ( t))) LocalTime (format-value [t] ( t)) OffsetTime (format-value [t] ( (in-result-time-zone t))) OffsetDateTime (format-value [t] ( (in-result-time-zone t))) ZonedDateTime (format-value [t] (format-value (t/offset-date-time t)))) | |
Merge format settings defined in the localization preferences into the format settings for a single column. | (defn merge-global-settings [format-settings global-settings-key] (let [global-settings (get (public-settings/custom-formatting) global-settings-key) normalized (mb.viz/db->norm-column-settings-entries global-settings)] (merge normalized format-settings))) |
Given the format settings for a currency column, returns the symbol, code or name for the appropriate currency. | (defn currency-identifier [format-settings] (let [currency-code (or (::mb.viz/currency format-settings) (:currency format-settings "USD"))] (condp = (or (::mb.viz/currency-style format-settings) (:currency_style format-settings) "symbol") "symbol" (if (currency/supports-symbol? currency-code) (get-in currency/currency [(keyword currency-code) :symbol]) ;; Fall back to using code if symbol isn't supported on the Metabase frontend currency-code) "code" currency-code "name" (get-in currency/currency [(keyword currency-code) :name_plural])))) |
Generates the column titles that should be used in the export, taking into account viz settings. | (defn column-titles [ordered-cols col-settings format-rows?] (for [col ordered-cols] (let [id-or-name (or (and (:remapped_from col) (:fk_field_id col)) (:id col) (:name col)) col-settings' (update-keys col-settings #(select-keys % [::mb.viz/field-id ::mb.viz/column-name])) format-settings (or (get col-settings' {::mb.viz/field-id id-or-name}) (get col-settings' {::mb.viz/column-name id-or-name}) (get col-settings' {::mb.viz/column-name (:name col)})) is-currency? (or (isa? (:semantic_type col) :type/Currency) (= (::mb.viz/number-style format-settings) "currency")) merged-settings (merge (:settings col) (if is-currency? (merge-global-settings format-settings :type/Currency) format-settings)) column-title (or (when format-rows? (not-empty (::mb.viz/column-title merged-settings))) (:display_name col) (:name col))] (if (and is-currency? (::mb.viz/currency-in-header merged-settings true)) (str column-title " (" (currency-identifier merged-settings) ")") column-title)))) |
Update map keys to remove namespaces from keywords and convert from snake to kebab case. | (defn normalize-keys [m] (update-keys m (fn [k] (some-> k name (str/replace #"_" "-") keyword)))) |
The dispatch function logic for format format-timestring. Find the highest type of the object. | (def col-type (some-fn :semantic_type :effective_type :base_type)) |
Look up the global viz settings based on the type of the column. A multimethod is used because they match well against type hierarchies. | (defmulti global-type-settings {:arglists '([col viz-settings])} (fn [col _viz-settings] (col-type col))) |
(defmethod global-type-settings :type/Temporal [_ {::mb.viz/keys [global-column-settings] :as _viz-settings}] (:type/Temporal global-column-settings {})) | |
(defmethod global-type-settings :type/Date [_ {::mb.viz/keys [global-column-settings] :as _viz-settings}] (merge (:type/Temporal global-column-settings {}) {::mb.viz/time-enabled nil})) | |
(defmethod global-type-settings :type/Time [_ {::mb.viz/keys [global-column-settings] :as _viz-settings}] (merge (:type/Temporal global-column-settings {::mb.viz/time-style "h:mm A"}) {::mb.viz/date-style ""})) | |
(defmethod global-type-settings :type/DateTime [_ {::mb.viz/keys [global-column-settings] :as _viz-settings}] (:type/Temporal global-column-settings {})) | |
(defmethod global-type-settings :type/Number [_ {::mb.viz/keys [global-column-settings] :as _viz-settings}] (:type/Number global-column-settings {})) | |
(defmethod global-type-settings :type/Currency [_ {::mb.viz/keys [global-column-settings] :as _viz-settings}] (merge {::mb.viz/number-style "currency"} (:type/Currency global-column-settings))) | |
(defmethod global-type-settings :default [_ _viz-settings] {}) | |
Look up the setting defaults based on any information in the column-settings. This is the case when a column has no special type (e.g. a number) but the user has specified that the type is currency. We prefer the currency defaults to the number defaults. | (defn- column-setting-defaults [global-column-settings column-settings] (case (::mb.viz/number-style column-settings) "currency" (:type/Currency global-column-settings) {})) |
The ::mb.viz/global-column-settings comes from (public-settings/custom-formatting) and is provided by the query
processor in the | (defn- ensure-global-viz-settings [{::mb.viz/keys [global-column-settings] :as viz-settings}] (cond-> viz-settings (nil? global-column-settings) (assoc ::mb.viz/global-column-settings (update-vals (public-settings/custom-formatting) mb.viz/db->norm-column-settings-entries)))) |
Get the unified viz settings for a column based on the column's metadata (if any) and user settings (⚙). | (defn viz-settings-for-col [{column-name :name metadata-column-settings :settings :keys [field_ref] :as col} viz-settings] (let [{::mb.viz/keys [global-column-settings] :as viz-settings} (ensure-global-viz-settings viz-settings) [_ field-id-or-name] field_ref all-cols-settings (-> viz-settings ::mb.viz/column-settings ;; update the keys so that they will have only the :field-id or :column-name ;; and not have any metadata. Since we don't know the metadata, we can never ;; match a key with metadata, even if we do have the correct name or id (update-keys #(select-keys % [::mb.viz/field-id ::mb.viz/column-name]))) column-settings (or (get all-cols-settings {::mb.viz/field-id field-id-or-name}) (get all-cols-settings {::mb.viz/column-name column-name}) (get all-cols-settings {::mb.viz/column-name field-id-or-name}))] (merge ;; The default global settings based on the type of the column (try (global-type-settings col viz-settings) (catch Exception _e (global-type-settings (dissoc col :base_type :effective_type) viz-settings))) ;; Generally, we want to look up the default global settings based on semantic or effective type. However, if ;; a user has specified other settings, we should look up the base type of those settings and combine them. (column-setting-defaults global-column-settings column-settings) ;; User defined metadata -- Note that this transformation should probably go in ;; `metabase.query-processor.middleware.results-metadata/merge-final-column-metadata ;; to prevent repetition (mb.viz/db->norm-column-settings-entries metadata-column-settings) ;; Column settings coming from the user settings in the ui ;; (E.g. Click the ⚙️ on the column) column-settings))) |