(ns metabase.query-processor.schema
   [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]))

this schema is not very strict because we need to handle different types of queries (legacy MBQL, pMBQL, super-legacy MBQL, internal audit app queries, etc.) and it might not be normalized yet.

(mr/def ::query
    {:error/message "Query with a :type or :lib/type key"}
    (some-fn :type :lib/type)]])

TODO -- fill this out a bit.

(mr/def ::metadata :any)
(mr/def ::rf
   [:=> [:cat]           :any]
   [:=> [:cat :any]      :any]
   [:=> [:cat :any :any] :any]])
(mr/def ::rff
   ;; apparently the `:function` schema below just checks for an [[ifn?]], which is not quite what we want, since a map
   ;; is an `ifn?`. Thus we will check both regular [[fn?]] and the `:function` schema.
    [:cat ::metadata]
(mr/def ::qp
   [:cat ::query ::rff]