(ns metabase.query-processor.reducible
   [clojure.core.async :as a]
   [metabase.query-processor.pipeline :as qp.pipeline]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.performance :as perf]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

Default function returning a reducing function. Results are returned in the 'standard' map format e.g.

{:data {:cols [...], :rows [...]}, :row_count ...}

(defn default-rff
  (let [row-count (volatile! 0)
        rows      (volatile! (transient []))]
    (fn default-rf
       {:data metadata})
       {:pre [(map? (unreduced result))]}
       ;; if the result is a clojure.lang.Reduced, unwrap it so we always get back the standard-format map
       (-> (unreduced result)
           (assoc :row_count @row-count
                  :status :completed)
           (assoc-in [:data :rows] (persistent! @rows))))
      ([result row]
       (vswap! row-count inc)
       (vswap! rows conj! row)

Utility function for generating reducible rows when implementing [[metabase.driver/execute-reducible-query]].

row-thunk is a function that, when called, should return the next row in the results, or falsey if no more rows exist.

(defn reducible-rows
   (reducible-rows row-thunk qp.pipeline/*canceled-chan*))
  ([row-thunk canceled-chan]
     (reduce [_ rf init]
       (loop [acc init]
           (reduced? acc)
           (some-> canceled-chan a/poll!)
           (if-let [row (row-thunk)]
             (recur (rf acc row))
               (log/trace "All rows consumed.")

Utility function for creating a reducing function that reduces results using primary-rf and some number of additional-rfs, then combines them into a final result with combine.

(fn my-xform [rf] (combine-additional-reducing-fns rf [((take 100) conj)] (fn combine [result first-100-values] (rf (assoc result :first-100 first-100-values)))))

This is useful for post-processing steps that need to reduce the result rows to provide some metadata that can be added to the final result.

This is conceptually similar to a combination of [[redux.core/juxt]] and [[redux.core/post-complete]], with these differences:

  1. The accumulators of the additional reducing functions are maintained separately in a volatile!, so any transducers applied to the result of this function will work normally, exactly as if they were applied directly to primary-rf. Because juxt changes the accumulator itself, its use can break the behavior of other transducers.

  2. Since only the acc from primary-rf is exposed, the result will be reduced when the accumulator of the primary reducing function is reduced, rather than when the accumulators of all reducing functions are reduced. In other words, the reduced behavior will be exactly the same way as if you used primary-rf on its own.

  3. combine is like [[redux.core/post-complete]], but called with separate args, one for each reducing function.

  4. The completing arity of the primary reducing function is not applied automatically, so be sure to apply it yourself in the appropriate place in the body of your combine function.

(mu/defn combine-additional-reducing-fns
  [primary-rf     :- ifn?
   additional-rfs :- [:sequential ifn?]
   combine        :- ifn?]
  (let [additional-accs (volatile! (perf/mapv (fn [rf] (rf))
    (fn combine-additional-reducing-fns-rf*
      ([] (primary-rf))
       (let [additional-results (perf/mapv (fn [rf acc]
                                             (rf (unreduced acc)))
         (apply combine acc additional-results)))
      ([acc x]
       (vswap! additional-accs (fn [accs]
                                 (perf/mapv (fn [rf acc]
                                              (if (reduced? acc)
                                                (rf acc x)))
       (primary-rf acc x)))))