Post-process utils for pivot exports The shape returned by the pivot qp is not the same visually as what a pivot table looks like in the app. It's all of the same data, but some post-processing logic needs to run on the rows to be able to present them visually in the same way as in the app. | (ns metabase.query-processor.pivot.postprocess (:refer-clojure :exclude [run!]) (:require [clojure.set :as set] [clojure.string :as str] [ :as ordered-map] [flatland.ordered.set :as ordered-set] [metabase.query-processor.streaming.common :as common] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr] [metabase.util.performance :as perf :refer [run!]]) (:import (java.util ArrayList))) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
I'll do my best to concisely explain what's happening here. Some terms: - raw pivot rows -> the rows returned by the above 'pivot query processor machinery'. - pivot-cols/pivot-rows -> vectors of indices into the raw pivot rows where the final pivot row/col values come from the values from these indices are what make up the header row and header column labels - pivot-measures -> vector of indices into raw pivot rows where the aggregated value comes from. This the values from these indices (often just 1 idx) are what end up in the table's 'cells' (the stuff making up the bulk of the table) | |
an example of what a raw pivot row might look like, with header shown for clarity: {:Cat A "AA", :Cat B "BA", :Cat C "CA", :Cat D "DA", :pivot-grouping 0, :Sum of Measure 1} [Cat A Cat B Cat C Cat D pivot-grouping Sum of Measure] [ "AA" "BA" "CA" "DA" 0 1] | |
The 'pivot-grouping' is the giveaway. If you ever see that column, you know you're dealing with raw pivot rows. | |
Pivot query results have a 'pivot-grouping' column. Rows whose pivot-grouping value is 0 are expected results. Rows whose pivot-grouping values are greater than 0 represent subtotals, and should not be included in non-pivot result outputs. | (def NON_PIVOT_ROW_GROUP 0) |
Most of the post processing functions use a 'pivot-spec' map. | (mr/def ::pivot-spec [:map [:column-titles [:sequential [:string]]] [:pivot-rows [:sequential [:int {:min 0}]]] [:pivot-cols [:sequential [:int {:min 0}]]] [:pivot-grouping-key {:optional true} [:int {:min 0}]] [:pivot-measures {:optional true} [:sequential [:int {:min 0}]]]]) |
Get the index into the raw pivot rows for the 'pivot-grouping' column. | (defn pivot-grouping-key [column-titles] ;; a vector is kinda sorta a map of indices->values, so ;; we can use map-invert to create the map (get (set/map-invert (vec column-titles)) "pivot-grouping")) |
Get the indices into the raw pivot rows corresponding to the pivot table's measure(s). | (mu/defn- pivot-measures [{:keys [pivot-rows pivot-cols column-titles]} :- ::pivot-spec] (-> (set/difference ;; every possible idx is just the range over the count of cols (set (range (count column-titles))) ;; we exclude indices already used in pivot rows and cols, and the pivot-grouping key ;; recall that a raw pivot row will always contain this 'pivot-grouping' column, which we don't actually need to use. (set (concat pivot-rows pivot-cols [(pivot-grouping-key column-titles)]))) sort vec)) |
(mu/defn add-pivot-measures :- ::pivot-spec "Given a pivot-spec map without the `:pivot-measures` key, determine what key(s) the measures will be and assoc that value into `:pivot-measures`." [{measure-indices :pivot-measures :as pivot-spec} :- ::pivot-spec] (let [pivot-grouping-key (pivot-grouping-key (:column-titles pivot-spec))] (cond-> pivot-spec ;; if pivot-measures don't already exist (from the pivot qp), we add them ourselves, assuming lowest ID -> highest ID sort order (not (seq measure-indices)) (assoc :pivot-measures (pivot-measures pivot-spec)) ;; otherwise, we modify indices to skip over whatever the pivot-grouping idx is, so we pull the correct values per row (seq measure-indices) (update :pivot-measures (fn [indices] (mapv (fn [idx] (if (>= idx pivot-grouping-key) (inc idx) idx)) indices))) true (assoc :pivot-grouping pivot-grouping-key)))) | |
(mu/defn add-totals-settings :- ::pivot-spec "Given a pivot-spec map and `viz-settings`, add the `:row-totals?` and `:col-totals?` keys." [pivot-spec :- ::pivot-spec viz-settings] (let [row-totals (if (contains? viz-settings :pivot.show_row_totals) (:pivot.show_row_totals viz-settings) true) col-totals (if (contains? viz-settings :pivot.show_column_totals) (:pivot.show_column_totals viz-settings) true)] (-> pivot-spec (assoc :row-totals? row-totals) (assoc :col-totals? col-totals)))) | |
Initiate the pivot data structure. | (mu/defn init-pivot [pivot-spec :- ::pivot-spec] (let [{:keys [pivot-measures]} pivot-spec] {:config pivot-spec :data {} ;; A nested tree of ordered maps & sets, representing all combinations of row values in the data :row-paths (ordered-map/ordered-map) ;; A nested tree of ordered maps & sets, representing all combinations of column values in the data :col-paths (ordered-map/ordered-map) :measure-values (zipmap pivot-measures (repeat (sorted-set)))})) |
Assocs a list of values in a path tree, which should consist of a hierarchy of ordered-maps, with leaf values stored in ordered-sets. | (defn- add-to-path-tree [tree ks] (let [step (fn step [tree [k & ks]] (if ks (let [next-map (or (get tree k) (ordered-map/ordered-map))] (assoc tree k (step next-map ks))) (let [leaf-set (if (set? tree) tree (ordered-set/ordered-set))] (conj leaf-set k))))] (step tree ks))) |
Aggregators for the column totals | (defn- measure->agg-fn [k] (case k (:sum :count :total) (fn [prev v] (if (number? v) (-> (merge {:result 0} prev) (update :result #(+ % v))) v)) :avg (fn [prev v] (if (number? v) (-> (merge {:total 0 :count 0} prev) (update :total #(+ % v)) (update :count inc)) v)) :min (fn [prev v] (if (number? v) (update prev :min (fn [x] (if x (min x v) v))) v)) :max (fn [prev v] (if (number? v) (update prev :max (fn [x] (if x (max x v) v))) v)) ;; else (fn [_prev v] v))) |
Update the given Measure aggregations is a map whose keys are each pivot-measure; often just 1 key, but could be several depending on how the user has set up their measures.
| (defn- update-aggregate [measure-aggregations new-values agg-fns] (into {} (map (fn [[measure-key agg]] (let [agg-fn-key (get agg-fns measure-key :total) new-v (get new-values measure-key)] [measure-key (if new-v (let [agg-fn (measure->agg-fn agg-fn-key)] (agg-fn agg new-v)) agg)]))) measure-aggregations)) |
Aggregate the given | (defn add-row [pivot row] (let [{:keys [pivot-rows pivot-cols pivot-measures measures]} (:config pivot) row-path (mapv row pivot-rows) col-path (mapv row pivot-cols) measure-vals (select-keys row pivot-measures) total-fn* (fn [m path] (if (seq path) (update-in m path #(update-aggregate (or % (zipmap pivot-measures (repeat {}))) measure-vals measures)) m)) total-fn (fn [m paths] (reduce total-fn* m paths))] (-> pivot (update :row-count (fn [v] (if v (inc v) 0))) (update :data update-in (concat row-path col-path) #(update-aggregate (or % (zipmap pivot-measures (repeat {}))) measure-vals measures)) (update :row-paths #(when (seq row-path) (add-to-path-tree % row-path))) (update :col-paths #(when (seq col-path) (add-to-path-tree % col-path))) (update :totals (fn [totals] (-> totals (total-fn [[:grand-total] row-path col-path [:section-totals (first row-path)]]) (total-fn (map (fn [part] ;; here, the `:rows-part` and `:cols-part` keys exist to ;; force paths into the :totals map to be unique. ;; without this, it is possible that a path is already written to ;; if a pivot-col value by chance happens to be the same number ;; of an idx into the row, such as a product ID of 4 matching ;; the pivot-measure idx of 4 if 2 pivot-rows and 1 pivot-col are configured. ;; Previously, in such a case, the measure map (the second deepest 'nesting') ;; can be erroneously accessed when later aggregating ;; to try illustrate, let's say that earlier, these 2 steps occurred: ;; `(assoc-in totals-map [:column-totals "RowA"] {4 {:result 1}})` ;; `(assoc-in totals-map [:column-totals "RowA" 3] {4 {:result 1}})` ;; the result will look like: ;; {:column-totals {"RowA" {4 {:result 1} ;; 3 {4 {:result 1}}}}} ;; Now, you're attempting to (update-aggregate totals-map [:column-totals "RowA"]) ;; but, you'll be operating on an unexpected map shape (the key 3 does not correspond to a measure) ;; This is why in issue #50207, when switching around the pivot-rows, things broke. It wasn't ;; the switching, but rather that the second pivot-row's values were IDs, thus the integer 4 ;; was part of some totals paths, breaking aggregating in later steps. (concat [:column-totals :rows-part] part [:cols-part] col-path)) (rest (reductions conj [] row-path)))))))))) |
Format a value using the provided formatter or identity function. | (defn- fmt [formatter v-map] (let [value (if (map? v-map) (or (:result v-map) (when (contains? v-map :total) (/ (double (:total v-map)) (:count v-map))) (:min v-map) (:max v-map) (seq v-map)) v-map)] (when value ((or formatter identity) (common/format-value value))))) |
Build multi-level column headers. | (defn- build-column-headers [{:keys [pivot-cols pivot-measures column-titles row-totals?]} col-combos col-formatters] (perf/concat (if (= 1 (count pivot-measures)) (mapv (fn [col-combo] (perf/mapv fmt col-formatters col-combo)) col-combos) (into [] (mapcat (fn [col-combo] (let [formatted (perf/mapv fmt col-formatters col-combo) it (.iterator ^Iterable pivot-measures)] (loop [acc (transient [])] (if (.hasNext it) (recur (conj! acc (conj formatted (get column-titles (.next it))))) (persistent! acc)))))) col-combos)) (when row-totals? (repeat (count pivot-measures) (perf/concat (when (and row-totals? (> (count pivot-cols) 0)) ["Row totals"]) (repeat (dec (count pivot-cols)) nil) (when (and (seq pivot-cols) (> (count pivot-measures) 1)) [nil])))))) |
Combine row keys with column headers. | (defn- build-headers [column-headers {:keys [pivot-cols pivot-rows column-titles]}] (some->> (not-empty (filterv seq column-headers)) perf/transpose (mapv (fn [h] (perf/concat (perf/mapv #(get column-titles %) (if (and (seq pivot-cols) (empty? pivot-rows)) pivot-cols pivot-rows)) h))))) |
Build a single row of the pivot table. | (defn- build-row [row-combo col-combos pivot-measures data totals row-totals? ordered-formatters row-formatters config] ;; This implementation is very unorthodox, but this function is incredibly hot, so it must avoid allocation at all ;; readability costs. Any iterator-based iteration allocates, but also constructing an internal mapping lambda that ;; encloses the outer value is so so expensive. (let [row-path (vec row-combo) row-data (get-in data row-path) n (count col-combos) m (count pivot-measures) result (ArrayList. (* (max 1 n) m))] (when-not (seq row-formatters) (dotimes [_ (count pivot-measures)] (.add result nil))) ;; We first add the pivot row values before the actual row values. It is intentional that we don't format pivot ;; row values just yet, because they will be used as data later on during grouping. (perf/run! #(.add result %) row-combo) (if (seq col-combos) (loop [i 0, j -1, col-combo nil, vals nil] ;; we need to lead with col-combo here so that each row will alternate between all of the measures, rather ;; than have all measures of one kind bunched together. That is, if you have a table with `count` and ;; `avg` the row must show count-val, avg-val, count-val, avg-val ... etc (if (= j -1) (when (< i n) (let [col-combo (nth col-combos i)] (recur i (inc j) col-combo (reduce get row-data col-combo)))) (if (< j m) (let [measure-key (nth pivot-measures j) formatter (get ordered-formatters measure-key) formatted-val (fmt formatter (get vals measure-key))] (.add result formatted-val) (recur i (inc j) col-combo vals)) (recur (inc i) -1 nil nil)))) ;; If there are no columns, we still fill in one column per measure value (run! (fn [measure-key] (let [formatter (get ordered-formatters measure-key)] (.add result (fmt formatter (get row-data measure-key))))) pivot-measures)) (when (and row-totals? (> (count (:pivot-cols config)) 0)) (let [row-totals (get-in totals row-path)] (run! #(.add result (fmt (get ordered-formatters %) (get row-totals %))) pivot-measures))) result)) |
Build column totals for a section. | (defn- build-column-totals [section-path col-combos pivot-measures totals row-totals? ordered-formatters pivot-rows pivot-cols] (let [cols-part (get-in totals (concat [:column-totals :rows-part] section-path [:cols-part])) totals-row (ArrayList. (* (count col-combos) (count pivot-measures)))] (if (seq col-combos) (run! (fn [col-combo] (let [m (reduce get cols-part col-combo)] (run! (fn [measure-key] (.add totals-row (fmt (get ordered-formatters measure-key) (get m measure-key)))) pivot-measures))) col-combos) ;; If there are no columns, we still fill in one column per measure value (run! (fn [measure-key] (.add totals-row (fmt (get ordered-formatters measure-key) (get cols-part measure-key)))) pivot-measures)) (perf/concat [(format "Totals for %s" (fmt (get ordered-formatters (first pivot-rows)) (last section-path)))] (repeat (dec (count pivot-rows)) nil) totals-row (when (and row-totals? (> (count pivot-cols) 0)) (let [totals' (-> totals :section-totals (get-in section-path))] (mapv #(fmt (get ordered-formatters %) (get totals' %)) pivot-measures)))))) |
Build grand totals row. | (defn- build-grand-totals [{:keys [pivot-cols pivot-rows pivot-measures]} col-combos totals row-totals? ordered-formatters] (perf/concat ["Grand totals"] (repeat (dec (count (if (and (seq pivot-cols) (not (seq pivot-rows))) pivot-cols pivot-rows))) nil) (when (and row-totals? (> (count pivot-cols) 0)) (into [] (mapcat (fn [col-combo] (let [m (reduce get totals col-combo)] (perf/mapv #(fmt (get ordered-formatters %) (get m %)) pivot-measures)))) col-combos)) (for [measure-key pivot-measures] (fmt (get ordered-formatters measure-key) (get-in totals [:grand-total measure-key]))))) |
(defn- append-totals-to-subsections [pivot section col-combos ordered-formatters] (let [{:keys [config totals]} pivot {:keys [pivot-rows pivot-cols pivot-measures row-totals?]} config] (perf/concat (reduce (fn [section pivot-row-idx] (mapcat (fn [[k rows]] (let [partial-path (take pivot-row-idx (first rows)) subtotal-path (concat partial-path [k]) total-row (vec (build-column-totals subtotal-path col-combos pivot-measures totals row-totals? ordered-formatters pivot-rows pivot-cols)) ;; inside a subsection, we know that the 'parent' subsection values will all be the same ;; so we can just grab it from the first row next-subsection-value (nth (first rows) (dec pivot-row-idx))] (conj (vec rows) ;; assoc the next subsection's value into the row so it stays grouped in the next reduction (if (<= (dec pivot-row-idx) 0) total-row (assoc total-row (dec pivot-row-idx) next-subsection-value))))) (group-by (fn [r] (nth r pivot-row-idx)) section))) section (reverse (range 1 (dec (count pivot-rows))))) [(vec (build-column-totals [(ffirst section)] col-combos pivot-measures totals row-totals? ordered-formatters pivot-rows pivot-cols))]))) | |
Takes a tree of row or column paths and returns a new tree with ordered-maps replaced as needed with sorted-maps, and
ordered-sets replaced with sorted-sets, based on the provided | (defn sort-path-tree [tree [first-index & indices] sort-orders] (let [sort-order (get sort-orders first-index) compare-fn (case sort-order :ascending compare :descending #(compare %2 %1) nil)] (cond (associative? tree) (into (if compare-fn (sorted-map-by compare-fn) (ordered-map/ordered-map)) (for [[k v] tree] [k (sort-path-tree v indices sort-orders)])) (set? tree) (if compare-fn (into (sorted-set-by compare-fn) tree) tree) :else tree))) |
Enumerate all paths from the root to a leaf in a tree structure composed of maps and sets. | (defn enumerate-paths [m] (letfn [(enumerate [prefix m] (if-not (associative? m) (mapv #(conj prefix %) m) (into [] (mapcat (fn [[k v]] (enumerate (conj prefix k) v)) m))))] (enumerate [] m))) |
In the almost final row, the pivot row cells still contain unformatted values. We need to format them. | (defn- format-pivot-row-cells [row row-formatters pivot-rows-cnt] (if (pos? pivot-rows-cnt) (let [first-entry (first row)] ;; Exclude rows that begin with "Totals ..." (if (and (string? first-entry) (str/starts-with? first-entry "Totals")) row ;; This manual iterator-loop goes over the whole row but applies the formatting only to first ;; `pivot-rows-cnt` values, and leaves the rest of the values unchanged (they are already formatted). (let [it (.iterator ^Iterable row)] (loop [res (transient []), i 0] (if (.hasNext it) (recur (conj! res (if (< i pivot-rows-cnt) (fmt (nth row-formatters i) (.next it)) (.next it))) (unchecked-inc i)) (persistent! res)))))) row)) |
Arrange and format the aggregated | (defn build-pivot-output [pivot ordered-formatters] (let [{:keys [config data totals row-paths col-paths]} pivot {:keys [pivot-rows pivot-cols pivot-measures ;; `column` here refers to columns in the original data, which can be pivot rows *or* columns column-sort-order column-titles row-totals? col-totals?]} config row-formatters (mapv #(get ordered-formatters %) pivot-rows) col-formatters (mapv #(get ordered-formatters %) pivot-cols) sorted-row-paths (sort-path-tree row-paths pivot-rows column-sort-order) sorted-col-paths (sort-path-tree col-paths pivot-rows column-sort-order) sorted-row-combos (enumerate-paths sorted-row-paths) sorted-col-combos (enumerate-paths sorted-col-paths) column-headers (build-column-headers config sorted-col-combos col-formatters) headers (or (not-empty (build-headers column-headers config)) [(mapv #(get column-titles %) (into (vec pivot-rows) pivot-measures))])] (perf/concat headers (transduce (remove empty?) into [] (let [sections-rows (mapv (fn [section-row-combos] (mapv (fn [row-combo] (build-row row-combo sorted-col-combos pivot-measures data totals row-totals? ordered-formatters row-formatters config)) section-row-combos)) (partition-by first sorted-row-combos)) pivot-rows-cnt (count pivot-rows)] (perf/mapv (fn [section-rows] (->> section-rows ;; section rows are either enriched with column-totals rows or left as is ((fn [rows] (if (and col-totals? (> (count pivot-rows) 1)) (append-totals-to-subsections pivot rows sorted-col-combos ordered-formatters) rows))) ;; then, we apply the row-formatters to the pivot-rows portion of each row, ;; filtering out any rows that begin with "Totals ..." (mapv #(format-pivot-row-cells % row-formatters pivot-rows-cnt)))) sections-rows))) (when col-totals? [(build-grand-totals config sorted-col-combos totals row-totals? ordered-formatters)])))) |