Post-process utils for pivot exports

The shape returned by the pivot qp is not the same visually as what a pivot table looks like in the app. It's all of the same data, but some post-processing logic needs to run on the rows to be able to present them visually in the same way as in the app.

(ns metabase.query-processor.pivot.postprocess
   [clojure.math.combinatorics :as math.combo]
   [clojure.set :as set]
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [metabase.query-processor.streaming.common :as common]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]
   [metabase.util.performance :as perf]))

I'll do my best to concisely explain what's happening here. Some terms: - raw pivot rows -> the rows returned by the above 'pivot query processor machinery'. - pivot-cols/pivot-rows -> vectors of indices into the raw pivot rows where the final pivot row/col values come from the values from these indices are what make up the header row and header column labels - pivot-measures -> vector of indices into raw pivot rows where the aggregated value comes from. This the values from these indices (often just 1 idx) are what end up in the table's 'cells' (the stuff making up the bulk of the table)

an example of what a raw pivot row might look like, with header shown for clarity: {:Cat A "AA", :Cat B "BA", :Cat C "CA", :Cat D "DA", :pivot-grouping 0, :Sum of Measure 1} [Cat A Cat B Cat C Cat D pivot-grouping Sum of Measure] [ "AA" "BA" "CA" "DA" 0 1]

The 'pivot-grouping' is the giveaway. If you ever see that column, you know you're dealing with raw pivot rows.

Pivot query results have a 'pivot-grouping' column. Rows whose pivot-grouping value is 0 are expected results. Rows whose pivot-grouping values are greater than 0 represent subtotals, and should not be included in non-pivot result outputs.


Most of the post processing functions use a 'pivot-spec' map.

(mr/def ::pivot-spec
   [:column-titles  [:sequential [:string]]]
   [:pivot-rows     [:sequential [:int {:min 0}]]]
   [:pivot-cols     [:sequential [:int {:min 0}]]]
   [:pivot-grouping-key {:optional true}
    [:int {:min 0}]]
   [:pivot-measures {:optional true}
    [:sequential [:int {:min 0}]]]])

Get the index into the raw pivot rows for the 'pivot-grouping' column.

(defn pivot-grouping-key
  ;; a vector is kinda sorta a map of indices->values, so
  ;; we can use map-invert to create the map
  (get (set/map-invert (vec column-titles)) "pivot-grouping"))

Get the indices into the raw pivot rows corresponding to the pivot table's measure(s).

(mu/defn- pivot-measures
  [{:keys [pivot-rows pivot-cols column-titles]} :- ::pivot-spec]
  (-> (set/difference
       ;; every possible idx is just the range over the count of cols
       (set (range (count column-titles)))
       ;; we exclude indices already used in pivot rows and cols, and the pivot-grouping key
       ;; recall that a raw pivot row will always contain this 'pivot-grouping' column, which we don't actually need to use.
       (set (concat pivot-rows pivot-cols [(pivot-grouping-key column-titles)])))
(mu/defn add-pivot-measures :- ::pivot-spec
  "Given a pivot-spec map without the `:pivot-measures` key, determine what key(s) the measures will be and assoc that value into `:pivot-measures`."
  [{measure-indices :pivot-measures :as pivot-spec} :- ::pivot-spec]
  (let [pivot-grouping-key (pivot-grouping-key (:column-titles pivot-spec))]
    (cond-> pivot-spec
      ;; if pivot-measures don't already exist (from the pivot qp), we add them ourselves, assuming lowest ID -> highest ID sort order
      (not (seq measure-indices)) (assoc :pivot-measures (pivot-measures pivot-spec))
      ;; otherwise, we modify indices to skip over whatever the pivot-grouping idx is, so we pull the correct values per row
      (seq measure-indices)       (update :pivot-measures (fn [indices]
                                                            (mapv (fn [idx]
                                                                    (if (>= idx pivot-grouping-key)
                                                                      (inc idx)
      true                       (assoc :pivot-grouping pivot-grouping-key))))
(mu/defn add-totals-settings :- ::pivot-spec
  "Given a pivot-spec map and `viz-settings`, add the `:row-totals?` and `:col-totals?` keys."
  [pivot-spec :- ::pivot-spec viz-settings]
  (let [row-totals (if (contains? viz-settings :pivot.show_row_totals)
                     (:pivot.show_row_totals viz-settings)
        col-totals (if (contains? viz-settings :pivot.show_column_totals)
                     (:pivot.show_column_totals viz-settings)
    (-> pivot-spec
        (assoc :row-totals? row-totals)
        (assoc :col-totals? col-totals))))

Initiate the pivot data structure.

(mu/defn init-pivot
  [pivot-spec :- ::pivot-spec]
  (let [{:keys [pivot-rows pivot-cols pivot-measures]} pivot-spec]
    {:config         pivot-spec
     :data           {}
     :row-values     (zipmap pivot-rows (repeat (sorted-set)))
     :column-values  (zipmap pivot-cols (repeat (sorted-set)))
     :measure-values (zipmap pivot-measures (repeat (sorted-set)))}))
(defn- update-set
  [m k v]
  (update m k conj v))

Aggregators for the column totals

(defn- measure->agg-fn
  (case k
    (:sum :count :total)
    (fn [prev v]
      (if (number? v)
        (-> (merge {:result 0} prev)
            (update :result #(+ % v)))
    (fn [prev v]
      (if (number? v)
        (-> (merge {:total 0
                    :count 0}
            (update :total #(+ % v))
            (update :count inc))
    (fn [prev v]
      (if (number? v)
        (update prev :min
                (fn [x] (if x
                          (min x v)
    (fn [prev v]
      (if (number? v)
        (update prev :max
                (fn [x] (if x
                          (max x v)
    ;; else
    (fn [_prev v] v)))

Update the given measure-aggregations with new-values using the appropriate function in the agg-fns map.

Measure aggregations is a map whose keys are each pivot-measure; often just 1 key, but could be several depending on how the user has set up their measures. new-values are the values being added and have the same keys as measure-aggregations. agg-fns is also a map of the measure keys indicating the type of aggregation. For now (2024-09-10), agg-fn is +, which actually works fine for every aggregation type in our implementation. This is because the pivot qp returns rows that have already done the aggregation set by the user in the query (eg. count or sum, or whatever), so the post-processing done here will always work. For each 'cell', there will only ever be 1 value per measure (the already-aggregated value from the qp).

(defn- update-aggregate
  [measure-aggregations new-values agg-fns]
  (into {}
         (fn [[measure-key agg]]
           (let [agg-fn-key (get agg-fns measure-key :total)
                 new-v      (get new-values measure-key)]
             [measure-key (if new-v
                            (let [agg-fn (measure->agg-fn agg-fn-key)]
                              (agg-fn agg new-v))

Aggregate the given row into the pivot datastructure.

(defn add-row
  [pivot row]
  (let [{:keys [pivot-rows
                measures]} (:config pivot)
        row-path           (mapv row pivot-rows)
        col-path           (mapv row pivot-cols)
        measure-vals       (select-keys row pivot-measures)
        total-fn*          (fn [m path]
                             (if (seq path)
                               (update-in m path
                                          #(update-aggregate (or % (zipmap pivot-measures (repeat {}))) measure-vals measures))
        total-fn           (fn [m paths]
                             (reduce total-fn* m paths))]
    (-> pivot
        (update :row-count (fn [v] (if v (inc v) 0)))
        (update :data update-in (concat row-path col-path)
                #(update-aggregate (or % (zipmap pivot-measures (repeat {}))) measure-vals measures))
        (update :totals (fn [totals]
                          (-> totals
                              (total-fn [[:grand-total]
                                         [:section-totals (first row-path)]])
                              (total-fn (map (fn [part]
                                               ;; here, the `:rows-part` and `:cols-part` keys exist to
                                               ;; force paths into the :totals map to be unique.
                                               ;; without this, it is possible that a path is already written to
                                               ;; if a pivot-col value by chance happens to be the same number
                                               ;; of an idx into the row, such as a product ID of 4 matching
                                               ;; the pivot-measure idx of 4 if 2 pivot-rows and 1 pivot-col are configured.
                                               ;; Previously, in such a case, the measure map (the second deepest 'nesting')
                                               ;; can be erroneously accessed when later aggregating
                                               ;; to try illustrate, let's say that earlier, these 2 steps occurred:
                                               ;; `(assoc-in totals-map [:column-totals "RowA"] {4 {:result 1}})`
                                               ;; `(assoc-in totals-map [:column-totals "RowA" 3] {4 {:result 1}})`
                                               ;; the result will look like:
                                               ;; {:column-totals {"RowA" {4 {:result 1}
                                               ;;                          3 {4 {:result 1}}}}}
                                               ;; Now, you're attempting to (update-aggregate totals-map [:column-totals "RowA"])
                                               ;; but, you'll be operating on an unexpected map shape (the key 3 does not correspond to a measure)
                                               ;; This is why in issue #50207, when switching around the pivot-rows, things broke. It wasn't
                                               ;; the switching, but rather that the second pivot-row's values were IDs, thus the integer 4
                                               ;; was part of some totals paths, breaking aggregating in later steps.
                                               (concat [:column-totals :rows-part] part [:cols-part] col-path))
                                             (rest (reductions conj [] row-path)))))))
        (update :row-values #(reduce-kv update-set % (select-keys row pivot-rows)))
        (update :column-values #(reduce-kv update-set % (select-keys row pivot-cols))))))

Format a value using the provided formatter or identity function.

(defn- fmt
  [formatter v-map]
  (let [value (if (map? v-map)
                (or (:result v-map)
                    (when (contains? v-map :total)
                      (/ (double (:total v-map)) (:count v-map)))
                    (:min v-map)
                    (:max v-map)
                    (seq v-map))
    (when value
      ((or formatter identity) (common/format-value value)))))

Build multi-level column headers.

(defn- build-column-headers
  [{:keys [pivot-cols pivot-measures column-titles row-totals?]} col-combos col-formatters]
   (if (= 1 (count pivot-measures))
     (mapv (fn [col-combo] (mapv fmt col-formatters col-combo)) col-combos)
     (for [col-combo col-combos
           measure-key pivot-measures]
        (mapv fmt col-formatters col-combo)
        (get column-titles measure-key))))
   (repeat (count pivot-measures)
            (when (and row-totals? (seq pivot-cols)) ["Row totals"])
            (repeat (dec (count pivot-cols)) nil)
            (when (and (seq pivot-cols) (> (count pivot-measures) 1)) [nil])))))

Combine row keys with column headers.

(defn- build-headers
  [column-headers {:keys [pivot-cols pivot-rows column-titles]}]
  (some->> (not-empty (filter seq column-headers))
           (apply mapv vector)
           (mapv (fn [h]
                   (-> (mapv #(get column-titles %)
                             (if (and (seq pivot-cols) (empty? pivot-rows))
                               pivot-cols pivot-rows))
                       (into h))))))

Build a single row of the pivot table.

(defn- build-row
  [row-combo col-combos pivot-measures data totals row-totals? ordered-formatters row-formatters]
  (let [row-path       (vec row-combo)
        row-data       (get-in data row-path)
        measure-values (vec
                        ;; we need to lead with col-combo here so that each row will alternate
                        ;; between all of the measures, rather than have all measures of one kind
                        ;; bunched together. That is, if you have a table with `count` and `avg`
                        ;; the row must show count-val, avg-val, count-val, avg-val ... etc
                        (for [col-combo   col-combos
                              measure-key pivot-measures
                              :let        [formatter (get ordered-formatters measure-key)]]
                          (fmt formatter
                               (as-> row-data m
                                 (reduce get m col-combo)
                                 (get m measure-key)))))]
    (when (some #(and (some? %) (not= "" %)) measure-values)
       (when-not (seq row-formatters) (repeat (count pivot-measures) nil))
       (when row-totals?
         (for [measure-key pivot-measures]
           (fmt (get ordered-formatters measure-key)
                (get-in totals (concat row-path [measure-key])))))))))

Build column totals for a section.

(defn- build-column-totals
  [section-path col-combos pivot-measures totals row-totals? ordered-formatters pivot-rows]
  (let [totals-row (for [col-combo   col-combos
                         measure-key pivot-measures
                         :let        [subtotal-path (concat
                                                     [:column-totals :rows-part]
                     (fmt (get ordered-formatters measure-key)
                          (get-in totals subtotal-path)))]
    (when (some #(and (some? %) (not= "" %)) totals-row)
       [(format "Totals for %s" (fmt (get ordered-formatters (first pivot-rows)) (last section-path)))]
       (repeat (dec (count pivot-rows)) nil)
       (when row-totals?
         (for [measure-key pivot-measures]
           (fmt (get ordered-formatters measure-key)
                (get-in totals (concat [:section-totals] section-path [measure-key])))))))))

Build grand totals row.

(defn- build-grand-totals
  [{:keys [pivot-cols pivot-rows pivot-measures]} col-combos totals row-totals? ordered-formatters]
   ["Grand totals"]
   (repeat (dec (count (if (and (seq pivot-cols) (not (seq pivot-rows)))
                         pivot-cols pivot-rows)))
   (when row-totals?
     (for [col-combo col-combos
           measure-key pivot-measures]
       (fmt (get ordered-formatters measure-key)
            (get-in totals (concat col-combo [measure-key])))))
   (for [measure-key pivot-measures]
     (fmt (get ordered-formatters measure-key)
          (get-in totals [:grand-total measure-key])))))
(defn- sort-pivot-subsections
  [config section]
  (let [{:keys [pivot-rows column-sort-order]} config]
     (fn [section [idx pivot-row-idx]]
       (let [sort-spec (get column-sort-order pivot-row-idx :ascending)
             transform (if (= :descending sort-spec) reverse identity)
             groups    (group-by #(nth % idx) section)]
         (mapcat second (transform (sort groups)))))
     (reverse (map vector (range) pivot-rows)))))
(defn- sort-column-combos
  [config column-combos]
  (let [{:keys [pivot-cols column-sort-order]} config]
     (fn [section [idx pivot-row-idx]]
       (let [sort-spec (get column-sort-order pivot-row-idx :ascending)
             transform (if (= :descending sort-spec) reverse identity)
             groups    (group-by #(nth % idx) section)]
         (mapcat second (transform (sort groups)))))
     (reverse (map-indexed vector pivot-cols)))))
(defn- append-totals-to-subsections
  [pivot section col-combos ordered-formatters]
  (let [{:keys [config
                totals]}      pivot
        {:keys [pivot-rows
                row-totals?]} config]
      (fn [section pivot-row-idx]
         (fn [[k rows]]
           (let [partial-path          (take pivot-row-idx (first rows))
                 subtotal-path         (concat partial-path [k])
                 total-row             (vec (build-column-totals
                                             ordered-formatters pivot-rows))
                 ;; inside a subsection, we know that the 'parent' subsection values will all be the same
                 ;; so we can just grab it from the first row
                 next-subsection-value (nth (first rows) (dec pivot-row-idx))]
             (conj (vec rows)
                   ;; assoc the next subsection's value into the row so it stays grouped in the next reduction
                   (if (<= (dec pivot-row-idx) 0)
                     (assoc total-row (dec pivot-row-idx) next-subsection-value)))))
         (group-by (fn [r] (nth r pivot-row-idx)) section)))
      (reverse (range 1 (dec (count pivot-rows)))))
     [(vec (build-column-totals
            [(ffirst section)]
            false #_row-totals?
            ordered-formatters pivot-rows))])))

Arrange and format the aggregated pivot data.

(defn build-pivot-output
  [pivot ordered-formatters]
  (let [{:keys [config
                column-values]} pivot
        {:keys [pivot-rows
                col-totals?]}   config
        sort-fns                (update-vals column-sort-order (fn [direction] (get {:ascending  identity
                                                                                     :descending reverse} direction)))
        row-formatters          (mapv #(get ordered-formatters %) pivot-rows)
        col-formatters          (mapv #(get ordered-formatters %) pivot-cols)
        row-combos              (mapv vec (apply math.combo/cartesian-product (mapv row-values pivot-rows)))
        col-combos              (mapv vec (apply math.combo/cartesian-product (mapv column-values pivot-cols)))
        col-combos              (vec (sort-column-combos config col-combos))
        row-totals?             (and row-totals? (boolean (seq pivot-cols)))
        column-headers          (build-column-headers config col-combos col-formatters)
        headers                 (or (not-empty (build-headers column-headers config))
                                    [(mapv #(get column-titles %) (into (vec pivot-rows) pivot-measures))])]
     (transduce (remove empty?) into []
                (let [sections-rows
                       (for [section-row-combos ((get sort-fns (first pivot-rows) identity) (sort-by ffirst (vals (group-by first row-combos))))]
                         (into []
                               (keep (fn [row-combo]
                                       (build-row row-combo col-combos pivot-measures data totals row-totals? ordered-formatters row-formatters)))
                   (fn [section-rows]
                      (sort-pivot-subsections config)
                      ;; section rows are either enriched with column-totals rows or left as is
                      ((fn [rows]
                         (if (and col-totals? (> (count pivot-rows) 1))
                           (append-totals-to-subsections pivot rows col-combos ordered-formatters)
                      ;; then, we apply the row-formatters to the pivot-rows portion of each row,
                      ;; filtering out any rows that begin with "Totals ..."
                       (fn [row]
                         (let [[row-part vals-part] (split-at (count pivot-rows) row)
                               first-entry (first row-part)]
                           (if (or
                                (not (seq row-part))
                                (and (string? first-entry) (str/starts-with? first-entry "Totals")))
                             (into (mapv fmt row-formatters row-part) vals-part)))))))
     (when col-totals?
       [(build-grand-totals config col-combos totals row-totals? ordered-formatters)]))))