(ns metabase.query-processor.pipeline
   [clojure.core.async :as a]
   [metabase.driver :as driver]
   [metabase.driver.util :as driver.u]
   [metabase.query-processor.error-type :as qp.error-type]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.i18n :as i18n]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]))

If this channel is bound, you can send it a message to cancel the query. You can check if it has received a message to see if the query has been canceled.

This should be bound to a [[clojure.core.async/promise-chan]] so it can be polled freely without messages being consumed.

(def ^:dynamic ^clojure.core.async.impl.channels.ManyToManyChannel *canceled-chan*

Whether the current query execution has been canceled. This is usually triggered by an HTTP connection closing when running queries from the REST API; you should check this before or while doing something expensive (such as before running the query against a data warehouse) to avoid doing work for queries that have been canceled.

(defn canceled?
  (some-> *canceled-chan* a/poll!))

Default implementation for result.

(defn default-result-handler
  (if (instance? Throwable result)
    (throw result)

Called exactly once with the final result, which is the result of either [[reduce]] (if query completed successfully), or an Exception (if it did not).

(defn ^:dynamic *result*
  (default-result-handler result))

Called by [[run]] to have driver run query. By default, [[metabase.driver/execute-reducible-query]]. respond is a callback with the signature:

(respond results-metadata reducible-rows)

The implementation should call respond with this information once it is available. response MUST BE CALLED SYNCHRONOUSLY, and [[execute]] should ultimately return whatever it returns.

(defn ^:dynamic *execute*
  [driver query respond]
  (when-not (canceled?)
    ;; the context map that gets passed to [[driver/execute-reducible-query]] is for backwards compatibility for
    ;; pre-#35465 code
    (let [context {:canceled-chan *canceled-chan*}]
      (driver/execute-reducible-query driver query context respond))))

Called by [[run]] (inside the respond callback provided by it) to reduce results of query. Reduces results, then calls [[result]] with the reduced results.

(defn ^:dynamic *reduce*
  [rff metadata reducible-rows]
  (when-not (canceled?)
    (let [[status rf-or-e] (try
                             [::ready-to-reduce (rff metadata)]
                             (catch Throwable e
                               [::error (ex-info (i18n/tru "Error building query results reducing function: {0}" (ex-message e))
                                                 {:type qp.error-type/qp, :rff rff}
          [status result]  (case status
                               [::success (transduce (fn [rf]
                                                       (fn wrapper
                                                         ([] (rf))
                                                          (some-> *canceled-chan* a/close!)
                                                          (rf acc))
                                                         ([acc row]
                                                          (rf acc row))))
                               (catch Throwable e
                                 [::error (ex-info (i18n/tru "Error reducing result rows: {0}" (ex-message e))
                                                   {:type qp.error-type/qp}
                             [status rf-or-e])]
      (case status
        ::success (*result* result)
        ::error   (throw result)))))

If Throwable e is an InterruptedException or one of its causes is.

(defn- interrupted-exception?
  (or (instance? InterruptedException e)
      (some-> (ex-cause e) interrupted-exception?)))

Function for running the query. Calls [[execute]], then [[reduce]] on the results.

(defn ^:dynamic *run*
  [query rff]
  (when-not (canceled?)
    (letfn [(respond [metadata reducible-rows]
              (*reduce* rff metadata reducible-rows))]
        (*execute* driver/*driver* query respond)
        (catch Throwable e
          ;; rethrow e if it's not an InterruptedException, we're not interested in it.
          (when-not (interrupted-exception? e)
            (throw e))
          ;; ok, at this point we know it's an InterruptedException.
          (log/trace e "Caught InterruptedException when executing query, this means the query was canceled. Ignoring exception.")
          ;; just to be extra safe and sure that the canceled chan has gotten a message. It's a promise channel so
          ;; duplicate messages don't matter
          (some-> *canceled-chan* (a/>!! ::cancel))

Maximum amount of time query is allowed to run, in ms.

(def ^:dynamic ^Long *query-timeout-ms*
  (u/minutes->ms (driver.u/db-query-timeout-minutes)))