Middleware that wraps value literals in value/absolute-datetime/etc. clauses containing relevant type information; parses datetime string literals when appropriate.

(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.wrap-value-literals
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [java-time.api :as t]
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.schema :as mbql.s]
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.util :as mbql.u]
   [metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata]
   [metabase.lib.util.match :as lib.util.match]
   [metabase.query-processor.error-type :as qp.error-type]
   [metabase.query-processor.store :as qp.store]
   [metabase.query-processor.timezone :as qp.timezone]
   [metabase.types :as types]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.date-2 :as u.date]
   [metabase.util.i18n :as i18n]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu])
   (java.time LocalDate LocalDateTime LocalTime OffsetDateTime OffsetTime ZonedDateTime)))

--------------------------------------------------- Type Info ----------------------------------------------------

To be bound in [[metabase.query-processor.middleware.wrap-value-literals/wrap-value-literals-in-mbql-query]]. Original motivation is to provide metadata required for computation of type info. See the [[metabase.query-processor.middleware.wrap-value-literals/str-id-field->type-info]] docstring for details.

(def ^:private ^:dynamic *inner-query*

Get information about database, base, and semantic types for an object. This is passed to along to various ->honeysql method implementations so drivers have the information they need to handle raw values like Strings, which may need to be parsed as a certain type.

(defmulti ^:private type-info
  {:arglists '([field-clause])}
(defmethod type-info :default [_] nil)
(defmethod type-info :metadata/column
  ;; Opts should probably override all of these
  (-> (select-keys field [:base-type :effective-type :coercion-strategy :semantic-type :database-type :name])
      (update-keys u/->snake_case_en)))

Return type info for _field with string field-name, coming from the source query or joins.

(defn- str-id-field->type-info
  [[_tag field-name {:keys [join-alias] :as _opts} :as _field] inner-query]
  (when (string? field-name)
    ;; Use corresponding source-metadata from joins or `inner-query`.
    (let [source-metadatas (if join-alias
                             (some #(when (= join-alias (:alias %))
                                      (:source-metadata %))
                                   (:joins inner-query))
                             (:source-metadata inner-query))
          [{[_ field-name :as field-ref] :field_ref :as field-metadata}] (filter #(= (:name %) field-name)
      (-> (if (and field-ref (integer? field-name))
            (type-info field-ref)
          (merge field-metadata)
          (select-keys [:base_type :effective_type :database_type])))))
(defmethod type-info :field [[_ id-or-name opts :as field]]
   ;; With Mlv2 queries, this could be combined with `:expression` below and use the column from the
   ;; query rather than metadata/field
   (if (integer? id-or-name)
     (type-info (lib.metadata/field (qp.store/metadata-provider) id-or-name))
     (str-id-field->type-info field *inner-query*))
   (when (:temporal-unit opts)
     {:unit (:temporal-unit opts)})
   (when (:base-type opts)
     {:base_type (:base-type opts)})
   (when (:effective-type opts)
     {:effective_type (:effective-type opts)})))
(defmethod type-info :expression [[_ _name opts]]
   (when (:temporal-unit opts)
     {:unit (:temporal-unit opts)})
   (when (:base-type opts)
     {:base_type (:base-type opts)})
   (when (:effective-type opts)
     {:effective_type (:effective-type opts)})))

------------------------------------------------- add-type-info --------------------------------------------------

Wraps value literals in :value clauses that includes base type info about the Field they're being compared against for easy driver QP implementation. Temporal literals (e.g., ISO-8601 strings) get wrapped in :time or :absolute-datetime instead which includes unit as well; temporal strings get parsed and converted to

TODO -- parsing the temporal string literals should be moved into auto-parse-filter-values, it's really a separate transformation from just wrapping the value

(defmulti ^:private add-type-info
  {:arglists '([x info & {:keys [parse-datetime-strings?]}])}
  (fn [x & _] (class x)))
(defmethod add-type-info nil
  [_ info & _]
  [:value nil info])
(defmethod add-type-info Object
  [this info & _]
  [:value this info])
(defmethod add-type-info LocalDate
  [this info & _]
  [:absolute-datetime this (get info :unit :default)])
(defmethod add-type-info LocalDateTime
  [this info & _]
  [:absolute-datetime this (get info :unit :default)])
(defmethod add-type-info LocalTime
  [this info & _]
  [:time this (get info :unit :default)])
(defmethod add-type-info OffsetDateTime
  [this info & _]
  [:absolute-datetime this (get info :unit :default)])
(defmethod add-type-info OffsetTime
  [this info & _]
  [:time this (get info :unit :default)])
(defmethod add-type-info ZonedDateTime
  [this info & _]
  [:absolute-datetime this (get info :unit :default)])

Coerce temporal value t to target-class, or throw an Exception if it is an invalid conversion.

(defmulti ^:private coerce-temporal
  {:arglists '([t target-class])}
  (fn [t target-class]
    [(class t) target-class]))
(defn- throw-invalid-conversion [message]
  (throw (ex-info message {:type qp.error-type/invalid-query})))
(defn- throw-invalid-date []
  (throw-invalid-conversion (i18n/tru "Invalid date literal: expected a date, got a time")))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [java.time.LocalDate      java.time.LocalDate] [t _target-class]  t)
(defmethod coerce-temporal [java.time.LocalTime      java.time.LocalDate] [_t _target-class] (throw-invalid-date))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [java.time.OffsetTime     java.time.LocalDate] [_t _target-class] (throw-invalid-date))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [java.time.LocalDateTime  java.time.LocalDate] [t _target-class]  (t/local-date t))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [java.time.OffsetDateTime java.time.LocalDate] [t _target-class]  (t/local-date t))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [java.time.ZonedDateTime  java.time.LocalDate] [t _target-class]  (t/local-date t))
(defn- throw-invalid-time []
  (throw-invalid-conversion (i18n/tru "Invalid time literal: expected a time, got a date")))
(defn- LocalTime->OffsetTime [t]
  (if (= (qp.timezone/results-timezone-id) "UTC")
    (t/offset-time t (t/zone-offset 0))
    ;; if the zone is something else, we'll just have to make do with a LocalTime, since there's no way to determine
    ;; what the appropriate offset to use for something like `US/Pacific` is for a give TIME with no DATE associated
    ;; with it.
(defmethod coerce-temporal [LocalDate      LocalTime] [_t _target-class] (throw-invalid-time))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [LocalTime      LocalTime] [t _target-class]  t)
(defmethod coerce-temporal [OffsetTime     LocalTime] [t _target-class]  (t/local-time t))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [LocalDateTime  LocalTime] [t _target-class]  (t/local-time t))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [OffsetDateTime LocalTime] [t _target-class]  (t/local-time t))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [ZonedDateTime  LocalTime] [t _target-class]  (t/local-time t))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [LocalDate      OffsetTime] [_t _target-class] (throw-invalid-time))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [LocalTime      OffsetTime] [t _target-class]  (LocalTime->OffsetTime t))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [OffsetTime     OffsetTime] [t _target-class]  t)
(defmethod coerce-temporal [LocalDateTime  OffsetTime] [t target-class]   (coerce-temporal (t/local-time t) target-class))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [OffsetDateTime OffsetTime] [t _target-class]  (t/offset-time t))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [ZonedDateTime  OffsetTime] [t _target-class]  (t/offset-time t))
(defn- throw-invalid-datetime []
  (throw-invalid-conversion (i18n/tru "Invalid datetime literal: expected a date or datetime, got a time")))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [LocalDate      LocalDateTime] [t _target-class]  (t/local-date-time t (t/local-time 0)))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [LocalTime      LocalDateTime] [_t _target-class] (throw-invalid-datetime))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [OffsetTime     LocalDateTime] [_t _target-class] (throw-invalid-datetime))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [LocalDateTime  LocalDateTime] [t _target-class]  t)
(defmethod coerce-temporal [OffsetDateTime LocalDateTime] [t _target-class]  (t/local-date-time t))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [ZonedDateTime  LocalDateTime] [t _target-class]  (t/local-date-time t))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [LocalDate      OffsetDateTime] [t target-class]   (coerce-temporal (t/local-date-time t (t/local-time 0)) target-class))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [LocalTime      OffsetDateTime] [_t _target-class] (throw-invalid-datetime))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [OffsetTime     OffsetDateTime] [_t _target-class] (throw-invalid-datetime))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [LocalDateTime  OffsetDateTime] [t _target-class]  (t/offset-date-time t (qp.timezone/results-timezone-id)))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [OffsetDateTime OffsetDateTime] [t _target-class]  t)
(defmethod coerce-temporal [ZonedDateTime  OffsetDateTime] [t _target-class]  (t/offset-date-time t))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [LocalDate      ZonedDateTime] [t target-class]   (coerce-temporal (t/local-date-time t (t/local-time 0)) target-class))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [LocalTime      ZonedDateTime] [_t _target-class] (throw-invalid-datetime))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [OffsetTime     ZonedDateTime] [_t _target-class] (throw-invalid-datetime))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [LocalDateTime  ZonedDateTime] [t _target-class]  (t/zoned-date-time t (t/zone-id (qp.timezone/results-timezone-id))))
(defmethod coerce-temporal [OffsetDateTime ZonedDateTime] [t _target-class]  t) ; OffsetDateTime is perfectly fine.
(defmethod coerce-temporal [ZonedDateTime  ZonedDateTime] [t _target-class]  t)
(defn- parse-temporal-string-literal-to-class [s target-class]
  (coerce-temporal (u.date/parse s) target-class))

Parse a temporal string literal like 2024-03-20 for use in a filter against a column with effective-type, e.g. :type/Date. The effective-type of the target column affects what we parse the string as; for example we'd parse the string above as a LocalDate for a :type/Date and a OffsetDateTime for a :type/DateTimeWithTZ.

(defmulti ^:private parse-temporal-string-literal
  {:arglists '([effective-type s target-unit])}
  (fn [effective-type _s _target-unit]
(defmethod parse-temporal-string-literal :default
  [_effective-type s target-unit]
  (let [t (u.date/parse s (qp.timezone/results-timezone-id))]
    [:absolute-datetime t target-unit]))
(defmethod parse-temporal-string-literal :type/Date
  [_effective-type s target-unit]
  (let [t (parse-temporal-string-literal-to-class s LocalDate)]
    [:absolute-datetime t target-unit]))
(defmethod parse-temporal-string-literal :type/Time
  [_effective-type s target-unit]
  (let [t (parse-temporal-string-literal-to-class s LocalTime)]
    [:time t target-unit]))
(defmethod parse-temporal-string-literal :type/TimeWithTZ
  [_effective-type s target-unit]
  (let [t (parse-temporal-string-literal-to-class s OffsetTime)]
    [:time t target-unit]))
(defmethod parse-temporal-string-literal :type/DateTime
  [_effective-type s target-unit]
  (let [t (parse-temporal-string-literal-to-class s LocalDateTime)]
    [:absolute-datetime t target-unit]))
(defn- date-literal-string? [s]
  (not (str/includes? s "T")))
(defmethod parse-temporal-string-literal :type/DateTimeWithTZ
  [_effective-type s target-unit]
  (let [t (parse-temporal-string-literal-to-class s OffsetDateTime)
        target-unit (if (and (= target-unit :default)
                             (date-literal-string? s))
    [:absolute-datetime t target-unit]))
(defmethod parse-temporal-string-literal :type/DateTimeWithZoneID
  [_effective-type s target-unit]
  (let [target-unit (if (and (= target-unit :default)
                             (date-literal-string? s))
        t           (parse-temporal-string-literal-to-class s ZonedDateTime)]
    [:absolute-datetime t target-unit]))
(defmethod add-type-info String
  [s {:keys [unit], :as info} & {:keys [parse-datetime-strings?]
                                 :or   {parse-datetime-strings? true}}]
  (if (and (or unit (when info (types/temporal-field? info)))
           (seq s))
    (let [effective-type ((some-fn :effective_type :base_type) info)]
      (parse-temporal-string-literal effective-type s (or unit :default)))
    [:value s info]))

-------------------------------------------- wrap-literals-in-clause ---------------------------------------------

(def ^:private raw-value? (complement mbql.u/mbql-clause?))

Given a normalized mbql query (important to desugar forms like [:does-not-contain ...] -> `[:not [:contains ...]]`), walks over the clause and annotates literals with type information.


[:not [:contains [:field 13 {:base_type :type/Text}] "foo"]] -> [:not [:contains [:field 13 {:base_type :type/Text}] [:value "foo" {:base_type :type/Text, :semantic_type nil, :database_type "VARCHAR", :name "description"}]]]

(defn wrap-value-literals-in-mbql
  (lib.util.match/replace mbql
    [(clause :guard #{:= :!= :< :> :<= :>=}) field (x :guard raw-value?)]
    [clause field (add-type-info x (type-info field))]
    [:datetime-diff (x :guard string?) (y :guard string?) unit]
    [:datetime-diff (add-type-info (u.date/parse x) nil) (add-type-info (u.date/parse y) nil) unit]
    [(clause :guard #{:datetime-add :datetime-subtract :convert-timezone :temporal-extract}) (field :guard string?) & args]
    (into [clause (add-type-info (u.date/parse field) nil)] args)
    [:between field (min-val :guard raw-value?) (max-val :guard raw-value?)]
     (add-type-info min-val (type-info field))
     (add-type-info max-val (type-info field))]
    [(clause :guard #{:starts-with :ends-with :contains}) field (s :guard string?) & more]
    (let [s (add-type-info s (type-info field), :parse-datetime-strings? false)]
      (into [clause field s] more))))

Extract value literal from :value form or returns form as is if not a :value form.

(defn unwrap-value-literal
  (lib.util.match/match-one maybe-value-form
    [:value x & _] x
    _              &match))
(defn ^:private wrap-value-literals-in-mbql-query
  [{:keys [source-query], :as inner-query} options]
  (let [inner-query (cond-> inner-query
                      source-query (update :source-query wrap-value-literals-in-mbql-query options))]
    (binding [*inner-query* inner-query]
      (wrap-value-literals-in-mbql inner-query))))
(mu/defn wrap-value-literals :- mbql.s/Query
  "Middleware that wraps ran value literals in `:value` (for integers, strings, etc.) or `:absolute-datetime` (for
  datetime strings, etc.) clauses which include info about the Field they are being compared to. This is done mostly
  to make it easier for drivers to write implementations that rely on multimethod dispatch (by clause name) -- they
  can dispatch directly off of these clauses."
  [{query-type :type, :as query}]
  (if-not (= query-type :query)
    (update query :query wrap-value-literals-in-mbql-query nil)))