SQL places restrictions when using a GROUP BY clause (MBQL :breakout) in combination with an ORDER BY clause (MBQL :order-by) -- columns that appear in the ORDER BY must appear in the GROUP BY. When we apply datetime or binning bucketing in a breakout, for example cast(x AS DATE) (:field :temporal-unit), we need to apply the same bucketing to instances of that Field in the order-by clause. In other words:


SELECT count(*) FROM table GROUP BY CAST(x AS date) ORDER BY x ASC


{:source-table 1 :breakout [[:field 1 {:temporal-unit :day}]] :order-by [[:asc [:field 1 nil]]]}


SELECT count(*) FROM table GROUP BY CAST(x AS date) ORDER BY CAST(x AS date) ASC


{:source-table 1 :breakout [[:field 1 {:temporal-unit :day}]] :order-by [[:asc [:field 1 {:temporal-unit :day}]]]}

The frontend, on the rare occasion it generates a query that explicitly specifies an order-by clause, usually will generate one that directly corresponds to the bad example above. This middleware finds these cases and rewrites the query to look like the good example.

(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.reconcile-breakout-and-order-by-bucketing
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.schema :as mbql.s]
   [metabase.lib.util.match :as lib.util.match]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]))
(mu/defn- reconcile-bucketing :- mbql.s/Query
  [{{breakouts :breakout} :query, :as query} :- :map]
  ;; Look for bucketed fields in the `breakout` clause and build a map of unbucketed reference -> bucketed reference,
  ;; like:
  ;;    {[:field 1 nil] [:field 1 {:temporal-unit :day}]}
  ;; In cases where a Field is broken out more than once, prefer the bucketing used by the first breakout; accomplish
  ;; this by reversing the sequence of matches below, meaning the first match will get merged into the map last,
  ;; overwriting later matches
  (let [unbucketed-ref->bucketed-ref (into {} (reverse (lib.util.match/match breakouts
                                                         [:field id-or-name opts]
                                                         [[:field id-or-name (not-empty (dissoc opts :temporal-unit :binning :original-temporal-unit))]
                                                         [:expression id-or-name opts]
                                                         [[:expression id-or-name (not-empty (dissoc opts :temporal-unit :binning :original-temporal-unit))]
    ;; rewrite order-by clauses as needed...
    (-> (lib.util.match/replace-in query [:query :order-by]
          ;; if order by is already bucketed, nothing to do
          [:field id-or-name (_ :guard (some-fn :temporal-unit :binning))]
          ;; if we run into a field that wasn't matched by the last pattern, see if there's an unbucketed reference
          ;; -> bucketed reference from earlier
          (if-let [bucketed-reference (unbucketed-ref->bucketed-ref &match)]
            ;; if there is, replace it with the bucketed reference
            ;; if there's not, again nothing to do.
          ;; if order by is already bucketed, nothing to do
          [:expression id-or-name (_ :guard (some-fn :temporal-unit :binning))]
          ;; if we run into an expression that wasn't matched by the last pattern, see if there's an unbucketed reference
          ;; -> bucketed reference from earlier
          (if-let [bucketed-reference (unbucketed-ref->bucketed-ref &match)]
            ;; if there is, replace it with the bucketed reference
            ;; if there's not, again nothing to do.
        ;; now remove any duplicate order-by clauses we may have introduced, as those are illegal in MBQL 2000
        (update-in [:query :order-by] (comp vec distinct)))))

Replace any unbucketed :field or :expression clauses (anything without :temporal-unit or :bucketing options) in the order-by clause with corresponding bucketed clauses used for the same Field/Expression in the breakout clause.

{:query {:breakout [[:field 1 {:temporal-unit :day}]] :order-by [[:asc [:field 1 nil]]]}} -> {:query {:breakout [[:field 1 {:temporal-unit :day}]] :order-by [[:asc [:field 1 {:temporal-unit :day}]]]}}

(defn reconcile-breakout-and-order-by-bucketing
  [{{breakouts :breakout, order-bys :order-by} :query, :as query}]
  (if (or
       ;; if there's no breakouts bucketed by a datetime-field or binning-strategy...
       (empty? (lib.util.match/match breakouts
                 [:field _ (_ :guard (some-fn :temporal-unit :binning))]
                 [:expression _ (_ :guard (some-fn :temporal-unit :binning))]
       ;; or if there's no order-bys that are *not* bucketed...
       (empty? (lib.util.match/match order-bys
                 [:field _ (_ :guard (some-fn :temporal-unit :binning))]
                 [:expression _ (_ :guard (some-fn :temporal-unit :binning))]
    ;; return query as is
    ;; otherwise, time to bucket
    (reconcile-bucketing query)))