Middleware related to doing extra steps for queries that are ran via API endpoints (i.e., most of them -- as opposed to queries ran internally e.g. as part of the sync process). These include things like saving QueryExecutions and adding query ViewLogs, storing exceptions and formatting the results. ViewLog recording is triggered indirectly by the call to [[events/publish-event!]] with the | (ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.process-userland-query (:require [java-time.api :as t] [metabase.analytics.core :as analytics] [metabase.events :as events] [metabase.lib.core :as lib] [metabase.models.field-usage :as field-usage] [metabase.models.query :as query] [metabase.models.setting :refer [defsetting]] [metabase.query-processor.schema :as qp.schema] [metabase.query-processor.store :as qp.store] [metabase.query-processor.util :as qp.util] [metabase.util.grouper :as grouper] [metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-tru]] [metabase.util.log :as log] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] ^{:clj-kondo/ignore [:discouraged-namespace]} [toucan2.core :as t2])) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
(defn- add-running-time [{start-time-ms :start_time_millis, :as query-execution}] (-> query-execution (assoc :running_time (when start-time-ms (- (System/currentTimeMillis) start-time-ms))) (dissoc :start_time_millis))) | |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Save Query Execution | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |
(def ^:private field-usage-interval-seconds 20) | |
(defsetting enable-field-usage-analysis (deferred-tru "Enable field usage analysis for queries. This will analyze the fields used in queries and store them in the application database. Turn off by default since we haven''t had an user-facing feature that uses this data yet.") :type :boolean :export? false :audit :never :default false) | |
(defonce ^:private field-usages-queue (delay (grouper/start! (fn [inputs] (try (t2/insert! :model/FieldUsage (mapcat (fn [{:keys [query_execution_id pmbql]}] (try (map #(assoc % :query_execution_id query_execution_id) (field-usage/pmbql->field-usages pmbql)) ;; one query fail shouldn't fail the whole batch (catch Throwable e (log/warn e "Error getting field usages from pmbql" pmbql) []))) inputs)) (catch Throwable e (log/error e "Error saving field usages")))) :capacity 20 :interval (* field-usage-interval-seconds 1000)))) | |
Save a TODO - I'm not sure whether this should happen async as is currently the case, or should happen synchronously e.g. in the completing arity of the rf Async seems like it makes sense from a performance standpoint, but should we have some sort of shared threadpool for other places where we would want to do async saves (such as results-metadata for Cards?) | (defn- save-execution-metadata!* [{query :json_query, query-hash :hash, running-time :running_time, context :context :as query-execution} pmbql] (when-not (:cache_hit query-execution) (query/save-query-and-update-average-execution-time! query query-hash running-time)) (if-not context (log/warn "Cannot save QueryExecution, missing :context") (let [qe-id (t2/insert-returning-pk! :model/QueryExecution (dissoc query-execution :json_query))] (when (and (enable-field-usage-analysis) pmbql) (grouper/submit! @field-usages-queue {:query_execution_id qe-id :pmbql pmbql}))))) |
Save a | (defn- save-execution-metadata! [execution-info pmbql] (let [execution-info' (analytics/include-sdk-info execution-info)] (qp.util/with-execute-async ;; 1. Asynchronously save QueryExecution, update query average execution time etc. using the Agent/pooledExecutor ;; pool, which is a fixed pool of size `nthreads + 2`. This way we don't spin up a ton of threads doing unimportant ;; background query execution saving (as `future` would do, which uses an unbounded thread pool by default) ;; ;; 2. This is on purpose! By *not* using `bound-fn` or `future`, any dynamic variables in play when the task is ;; submitted, such as `db/*connection*`, won't be in play when the task is actually executed. That way we won't ;; attempt to use closed DB connections (fn [] (log/trace "Saving QueryExecution info") (try (save-execution-metadata!* (add-running-time execution-info') pmbql) (catch Throwable e (log/error e "Error saving query execution info"))))))) |
(defn- save-successful-execution-metadata! [cache-details is-sandboxed? query-execution result-rows pmbql] (let [qe-map (assoc query-execution :cache_hit (boolean (:cached cache-details)) :cache_hash (:hash cache-details) :result_rows result-rows :is_sandboxed (boolean is-sandboxed?))] (save-execution-metadata! qe-map pmbql))) | |
(defn- save-failed-query-execution! [query-execution message] (try (save-execution-metadata! (assoc query-execution :error (str message)) nil) (catch Throwable e (log/errorf e "Unexpected error saving failed query execution: %s" (ex-message e))))) | |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Middleware | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |
(defn- success-response [{query-hash :hash, :as query-execution} {cache :cache/details :as result}] (merge (-> query-execution add-running-time (dissoc :error :hash :executor_id :action_id :is_sandboxed :card_id :dashboard_id :pulse_id :result_rows :native :parameterized)) (dissoc result :cache/details) {:cached (when (:cached cache) (:updated_at cache)) :status :completed :average_execution_time (when (:cached cache) (query/average-execution-time-ms query-hash))})) | |
(defn- add-and-save-execution-metadata-xform! [execution-info pmbql rf] {:pre [(fn? rf)]} ;; previously we did nothing for cached results, now we have `cache_hit?` column (let [row-count (volatile! 0)] (fn execution-info-rf* ([] (rf)) ([acc] ;; We don't actually have a guarantee that it's from a card just because it's userland (when (integer? (:card_id execution-info)) (events/publish-event! :event/card-query {:user-id (:executor_id execution-info) :card-id (:card_id execution-info) :context (:context execution-info)})) (save-successful-execution-metadata! (:cache/details acc) (get-in acc [:data :is_sandboxed]) execution-info @row-count pmbql) (rf (if (map? acc) (success-response execution-info acc) acc))) ([result row] (vswap! row-count inc) (rf result row))))) | |
Return the info for the QueryExecution entry for this | (defn- query-execution-info {:arglists '([query])} [{{:keys [executed-by query-hash context action-id card-id dashboard-id pulse-id] :pivot/keys [original-query]} :info database-id :database query-type :type parameters :parameters :as query}] {:pre [(bytes? query-hash)]} (let [json-query (if original-query (-> original-query (dissoc :info) (assoc :was-pivot true)) (cond-> (dissoc query :info) (empty? (:parameters query)) (dissoc :parameters)))] {:database_id database-id :executor_id executed-by :action_id action-id :card_id card-id :dashboard_id dashboard-id :pulse_id pulse-id :context context :hash query-hash :parameterized (and (boolean (seq parameters)) (every? #(some? (:value %)) parameters)) :native (= (keyword query-type) :native) :json_query json-query :started_at (t/zoned-date-time) :running_time 0 :result_rows 0 :start_time_millis (System/currentTimeMillis)})) |
(mu/defn process-userland-query-middleware :- ::qp.schema/qp "Around middleware. Userland queries only: 1. Record a `QueryExecution` entry in the application database when this query is finished running 2. Record a ViewLog entry when running a query for a Card 3. Add extra info like `running_time` and `started_at` to the results 4. Submit a background job to analyze field usages" [qp :- ::qp.schema/qp] (mu/fn [query :- ::qp.schema/query rff :- ::qp.schema/rff] (if-not (qp.util/userland-query? query) (qp query rff) (let [query (assoc-in query [:info :query-hash] (qp.util/query-hash query)) execution-info (query-execution-info query)] (letfn [(rff* [metadata] (let [preprocessed-query (:preprocessed_query metadata) ;; we only need the preprocessed query to find field usages, so make sure we don't return it result (rff (dissoc metadata :preprocessed_query)) ;; skip internal queries because it uses honeysql, not mbql pmbql (when-not (qp.util/internal-query? query) (lib/query (qp.store/metadata-provider) preprocessed-query))] ;; temporarily disabled because it impacts query performance (add-and-save-execution-metadata-xform! execution-info pmbql result)))] (try (qp query rff*) (catch Throwable e (save-failed-query-execution! execution-info (or (some-> e ex-cause ex-message) (ex-message e))) (throw (ex-info (ex-message e) {:query-execution execution-info} e))))))))) | |