Param substitution for native queries.

The Basics:

  • Things like {{x}} (required params) get substituted with the value of :x, which can be a literal used in a clause (e.g. in a clause like value = {{x}}) or a "field filter" that handles adding the clause itself (e.g. {{timestamp}} might become timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ?).

  • Things like [[AND {{x}]] are optional params. If the param (:x) isn't specified, the entire clause inside [[...]] is replaced with an empty string; If it is specified, the value inside the curly brackets {{x}} is replaced as usual and the rest of the clause (AND ...) is included in the query as-is

Native parameter parsing and substution logic shared by multiple drivers lives in metabase.driver.common.parameters.*. Driver-specific parsing/substitution logic is implemented in metabase.driver.sql.parameters.* (for SQL drivers) or similar namespaces for others.

The different steps of this process, are similar between existing driver implementations, and are as follows:

  1. values parses :parameters passed in as arguments to the query and returns a map of param key -> value

  2. parse takes a string and breaks it out into a series of string fragments interleaved with objects representing optional and non-optional params

  3. substitute (and the related namespace substitution) replace optional and param objects with appropriate SQL snippets and prepared statement args, and combine the sequence of fragments back into a single SQL string.

(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.native
   [clojure.set :as set]
   [metabase.driver :as driver]
   [metabase.driver.util :as driver.u]
   [metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata]
   [ :as]))

Expand parameters inside an inner native query. Not recursive -- recursive transformations are handled in the middleware.parameters functions that invoke this function.

(defn expand-inner
  (if-not (driver.u/supports? driver/*driver* :native-parameters (lib.metadata/database (
    ;; Totally ridiculous, but top-level native queries use the key `:query` for SQL or equivalent, while native
    ;; source queries use `:native`. So we need to handle either case.
    (let [source-query?           (:native inner-query)
          substituted-inner-query (driver/substitute-native-parameters driver/*driver*
                                                                       (set/rename-keys inner-query {:native :query}))]
      (cond-> (dissoc substituted-inner-query :parameters :template-tags)
        source-query? (set/rename-keys {:query :native})))))