Middleware for substituting parameters in queries.

(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters
   [clojure.data :as data]
   [clojure.set :as set]
   [medley.core :as m]
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.normalize :as mbql.normalize]
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.schema :as mbql.s]
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.util :as mbql.u]
   [metabase.lib.util.match :as lib.util.match]
   [metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.mbql :as qp.mbql]
   [metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.native :as qp.native]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]))
(defn- join? [m]
  (:condition m))
(defn- nested-native? [m]
  (and (:source-query m)
       (:native (:source-query m))))
(mu/defn- move-join-condition-to-source-query :- mbql.s/Join
  "Joins aren't allowed to have `:filter` clauses, generated by the `expand-mbql-params` function below. Move the filter
  clause into the `:source-query`, converting `:source-table` to a source query if needed."
  [{:keys [source-table], filter-clause :filter, :as join}]
  (if-not filter-clause
    (if source-table
      (-> (assoc join :source-query {:source-table source-table, :filter filter-clause})
          (dissoc :source-table :filter))
      ;; putting parameters in a join that has a `:source-query` is a little wacky (just add them to `:parameters` in
      ;; the source query itself), but we'll allow it for now
      (-> (update-in join [:source-query :filter] mbql.u/combine-filter-clauses filter-clause)
          (dissoc :filter)))))
(mu/defn- move-native-filter-to-parent-stage :- mbql.s/MBQLQuery
  "Native stages aren't allowed to have `:filter` clauses, generated by the `expand-mbql-params` function below. Move the filter
  clause into the parent stage, if needed."
  [{{native-query :native, filter-clause :filter} :source-query, :as parent-stage}]
  (if-not (and native-query filter-clause)
    (-> parent-stage
        (update :source-query dissoc :filter)
        (update :filter mbql.u/combine-filter-clauses filter-clause))))
(defn- expand-mbql-params [outer-query {:keys [parameters], :as m}]
  ;; HACK `qp.mbql/expand` assumes it's operating on an outer query so wrap `m` to look like an outer query. TODO
  ;; - fix `qp.mbql` to operate on abitrary maps instead of only on top-level queries.
  (let [wrapped           (assoc outer-query :query m)
        {expanded :query} (qp.mbql/expand (dissoc wrapped :parameters) parameters)]
    (cond-> expanded
      (join? m) move-join-condition-to-source-query
      (nested-native? m) move-native-filter-to-parent-stage)))

Expand :parameters in one inner-query-style map that contains them.

(defn- expand-one
  [outer-query {:keys [source-table source-query parameters], :as m}]
  ;; HACK - normalization does not yet operate on `:parameters` that aren't at the top level, so double-check that
  ;; they're normalized properly before proceeding.
  (let [m        (cond-> m
                   (seq parameters) (update :parameters (partial mbql.normalize/normalize-fragment [:parameters])))
        expanded (if (or source-table source-query)
                   (expand-mbql-params outer-query m)
                   (qp.native/expand-inner m))]
    (dissoc expanded :parameters :template-tags)))

Expand all :parameters anywhere in the query.

(defn- expand-all
   (expand-all outer-query outer-query))
  ([outer-query m]
   (lib.util.match/replace m
     (_ :guard (every-pred map? (some-fn :parameters :template-tags)))
     (let [expanded (expand-one outer-query &match)]
       ;; now recursively expand any remaining maps that contain `:parameters`
       (expand-all outer-query expanded)))))

Move any top-level parameters to the same level (i.e., 'inner query') as the query they affect.

(mu/defn- move-top-level-params-to-inner-query
  [{:keys [info parameters], query-type :type, :as outer-query} :- [:map [:type [:enum :query :native]]]]
  (cond-> (set/rename-keys outer-query {:parameters :user-parameters})
    ;; TODO: Native models should be within scope of dashboard filters, by applying the filter on an outer stage.
    ;; That doesn't work, so the logic below requires MBQL queries only to fix the regression.
    ;; Native models don't actual get filtered even when linked to dashboard filters, but that's not a regression.
    ;; This can be fixed properly once this middleware is powered by MLv2. See #40011.
    (and (seq parameters)
         (:metadata/model-metadata info)
         (= query-type :query))          (update query-type (fn [inner-query] {:source-query inner-query}))
    (seq parameters)                     (assoc-in [query-type :parameters] parameters)))

Expand parameters in the outer-query, and if the query is using a native source query, expand params in that as well.

(defn- expand-parameters
  (let [pivot-original-query (get-in outer-query [:info :pivot/original-query])]
    (cond-> outer-query
      pivot-original-query (m/dissoc-in [:info :pivot/original-query])
      true                 move-top-level-params-to-inner-query
      true                 expand-all
      pivot-original-query (assoc-in [:info :pivot/original-query] pivot-original-query))))
(mu/defn- substitute-parameters* :- :map
  "If any parameters were supplied then substitute them into the query."
  (u/prog1 (expand-parameters query)
    (when (not= <> query)
      (when-let [diff (second (data/diff query <>))]
        (log/tracef "\n\nSubstituted params:\n%s\n" (u/pprint-to-str 'cyan diff))))))
(defn- assoc-db-in-snippet-tag
  [db template-tags]
   (fn [v]
     (cond-> v
       (= (:type v) :snippet) (assoc :database db)))))

Assocs the :database ID from query in all snippet template tags.

(defn- hoist-database-for-snippet-tags
  (u/update-in-if-exists query [:native :template-tags] (partial assoc-db-in-snippet-tag (:database query))))

Substitute Dashboard or Card-supplied parameters in a query, replacing the param placeholers with appropriate values and/or modifiying the query as appropriate. This looks for maps that have the key :parameters and/or :template-tags and removes those keys, splicing appropriate conditions into the queries they affect.

A SQL query with a param like {{param}} will have that part of the query replaced with an appropriate snippet as well as any prepared statement args needed. MBQL queries will have additional filter clauses added. (Or in a special case, the temporal bucketing on a breakout altered by a :temporal-unit parameter.)

(defn substitute-parameters
  (-> query