Middlware that optimizes equality filter clauses against bucketed temporal fields. See docstring for optimize-temporal-filters for more details.

(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.optimize-temporal-filters
   [clojure.walk :as walk]
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.schema :as mbql.s]
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.util :as mbql.u]
   [metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata]
   [metabase.lib.schema.common :as lib.schema.common]
   [metabase.lib.util.match :as lib.util.match]
   [metabase.query-processor.store :as qp.store]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.date-2 :as u.date]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]))
(def ^:private optimizable-units
  #{:second :minute :hour :day :week :month :quarter :year})

TODO -- we can use [[metabase.lib/temporal-bucket]] for this once we convert this middleware to MLv2

(defmulti ^:private temporal-unit
  {:arglists '([expression])}
(defmethod temporal-unit :default
(defmethod temporal-unit :field
  [[_field _id-or-name opts]]
  (:temporal-unit opts))
(defmethod temporal-unit :expression
  [[_field _id-or-name opts]]
  (:temporal-unit opts))
(defmethod temporal-unit :relative-datetime
  [[_relative-datetime _n unit]]
(defmethod temporal-unit :absolute-datetime
  [[_absolute-datetime _t unit]]
(defn- temporal-ref? [x]
  (and (mbql.u/is-clause? #{:field :expression} x)
       (or (temporal-unit x)
           (let [[_field _id-or-name opts] x]
             (when-let [expr-type ((some-fn :effective-type :base-type) opts)]
               (isa? expr-type :type/Temporal))))))
(defn- optimizable-expr? [expr]
  (lib.util.match/match-one expr
    #{:field :expression}
    (and (temporal-ref? &match)
         (let [unit (or (temporal-unit &match) :default)]
           (or (= unit :default)
               (contains? optimizable-units unit))))))
(defmulti ^:private can-optimize-filter?
  {:arglists '([mbql-clause])}

Can temporal-value clause can be optimized?

(defn- optimizable-temporal-value?
  (lib.util.match/match-one temporal-value
    [:relative-datetime (_ :guard #{0 :current})]
    [(_ :guard #{:absolute-datetime :relative-datetime}) _ _opts]
    (let [unit (or (temporal-unit &match) :default)]
      (or (= unit :default)
          (contains? optimizable-units unit)))))

Do datetime field clause and temporal-value clause have 'compatible' units that mean we'll be able to optimize the filter clause they're in?

(defn- field-and-temporal-value-have-compatible-units?
  [field temporal-value]
  (lib.util.match/match-one temporal-value
    [:relative-datetime (_ :guard #{0 :current})]
    [(_ :guard #{:absolute-datetime :relative-datetime}) _ opts]
    (let [field-unit (or (temporal-unit field) :default)
          value-unit (or (temporal-unit &match) :default)]
        (= field-unit :default) (contains? optimizable-units value-unit)
        (= value-unit :default) (contains? optimizable-units field-unit)
        :else                   (= field-unit value-unit)))))

TODO -- once we convert this middleware to MLv2 we can use [[metabase.lib.metadata.calculation/type-of]]

(defn- field-or-expression-effective-type [field-or-expression]
  (lib.util.match/match-one field-or-expression
    [(_tag :guard #{:field :expression}) _ (opts :guard :effective-type)]
    (:effective-type opts)
    [:field (id :guard pos-int?) _opts]
    (when-let [field (lib.metadata/field (qp.store/metadata-provider) id)]
      (:effective-type field))
    [(_tag :guard #{:field :expression}) _ (opts :guard :base-type)]
    (:base-type opts)))
(defmethod can-optimize-filter? :default
  (lib.util.match/match-one filter-clause
     (field :guard optimizable-expr?)
     (temporal-value :guard optimizable-temporal-value?)]
    (field-and-temporal-value-have-compatible-units? field temporal-value)))
(defn- not-default-bucket-clause
  (and (vector? clause)
       (not= :default (get-in clause [2 :temporal-unit]))))

TODO: I believe we do not generate __filter clauses that have default temporal bucket on column arg which should be optimized__. Unfortunately I'm not certain about that. If I was, the following can-optimize-filter? :>= and can-optimize-filter? :>= definitions would be redundant after update of optimizable-expr?, ie. changing the logic to something along "if expr has default temporal unit we should not optimize".

(defmethod can-optimize-filter? :>=
    ;; Don't optimize >= with column that has default temporal bucket
     (field :guard (every-pred not-default-bucket-clause optimizable-expr?))
     (temporal-value :guard optimizable-temporal-value?)]
    (field-and-temporal-value-have-compatible-units? field temporal-value)))
(defmethod can-optimize-filter? :<
    ;; Don't optimize < with column that has default temporal bucket
     (field :guard (every-pred not-default-bucket-clause optimizable-expr?))
     (temporal-value :guard optimizable-temporal-value?)]
    (field-and-temporal-value-have-compatible-units? field temporal-value)))
(defmethod can-optimize-filter? :between
  (lib.util.match/match-one filter-clause
     [(_offset :guard #{:+ :-})
      (field :guard (every-pred (comp #{:field :expression} first) optimizable-expr?))
      [:interval _ _]]
     (temporal-value-1 :guard optimizable-temporal-value?)
     (temporal-value-2 :guard optimizable-temporal-value?)]
    (and (field-and-temporal-value-have-compatible-units? field temporal-value-1)
         (field-and-temporal-value-have-compatible-units? field temporal-value-2))

     (field :guard (every-pred (comp #{:field :expression} first) optimizable-expr?))
     (temporal-value-1 :guard optimizable-temporal-value?)
     (temporal-value-2 :guard optimizable-temporal-value?)]
    (and (field-and-temporal-value-have-compatible-units? field temporal-value-1)
         (field-and-temporal-value-have-compatible-units? field temporal-value-2))))
(mr/def ::temporal
  (lib.schema.common/instance-of-class java.time.temporal.Temporal))
(mu/defn- temporal-literal-lower-bound :- ::temporal
  [unit :- (into [:enum] u.date/add-units)
   t    :- ::temporal]
  (:start (u.date/range t unit)))
(mu/defn- temporal-literal-upper-bound :- ::temporal
  [unit :- (into [:enum] u.date/add-units)
   t    :- ::temporal]
  (:end (u.date/range t unit)))
(defn- change-temporal-unit-to-default [field]
  (lib.util.match/replace field
    [(_ :guard #{:field :expression}) _ (_ :guard (comp optimizable-units :temporal-unit))]
    (mbql.u/update-field-options &match assoc :temporal-unit :default)
    [:absolute-datetime t _unit]
    [:absolute-datetime t :default]))

Get a clause representing the lower bound that should be used when converting a temporal-value-clause (e.g. :absolute-datetime or :relative-datetime) to an optimized range.

(defmulti ^:private temporal-value-lower-bound
  {:arglists '([temporal-value-clause temporal-unit])}

Get a clause representing the upper bound that should be used when converting a temporal-value-clause (e.g. :absolute-datetime or :relative-datetime) to an optimized range.

(defmulti ^:private temporal-value-upper-bound
  {:arglists '([temporal-value-clause temporal-unit])}
(defmethod temporal-value-lower-bound :default
  [_temporal-value-clause _temporal-unit]
(defmethod temporal-value-upper-bound :default
  [_temporal-value-clause _temporal-unit]
(mu/defn- target-unit-for-new-bound :- [:maybe (into [:enum] u.date/add-units)]
  [value-unit :- [:maybe :keyword]
   field-unit :- [:maybe :keyword]]
  (or (when (and value-unit
                 (not= value-unit :default))
      (when (and field-unit
                 (not= field-unit :default))
(mu/defmethod temporal-value-lower-bound :absolute-datetime :- mbql.s/absolute-datetime
  [[_ t unit] temporal-unit]
  (let [target-unit (target-unit-for-new-bound unit temporal-unit)]
    [:absolute-datetime (temporal-literal-lower-bound target-unit t) :default]))
(mu/defmethod temporal-value-upper-bound :absolute-datetime :- mbql.s/absolute-datetime
  [[_ t unit] temporal-unit]
  (let [target-unit (target-unit-for-new-bound unit temporal-unit)]
    [:absolute-datetime (temporal-literal-upper-bound target-unit t) :default]))
(mu/defmethod temporal-value-lower-bound :relative-datetime :- [:maybe mbql.s/relative-datetime]
  [[_ n unit] temporal-unit]
  (when-not (= temporal-unit :default)
    (let [target-unit (target-unit-for-new-bound unit temporal-unit)]
      [:relative-datetime (if (= n :current) 0 n) target-unit])))
(mu/defmethod temporal-value-upper-bound :relative-datetime :- [:maybe mbql.s/relative-datetime]
  [[_ n unit] temporal-unit]
  (when-not (= temporal-unit :default)
    (let [target-unit (target-unit-for-new-bound unit temporal-unit)]
      [:relative-datetime (inc (if (= n :current) 0 n)) target-unit])))
(defn- date-field-with-day-bucketing? [x]
  (and (isa? (field-or-expression-effective-type x) :type/Date)
       (= (temporal-unit x) :day)))

Optimize a filter clause against a temporal-bucketed :field or :expression clause and :absolute-datetime or :relative-datetime value by converting to an unbucketed range.

(defmulti ^:private optimize-filter
  {:arglists '([clause])}
(defmethod optimize-filter :=
  [[_tag field temporal-value]]
  (if (date-field-with-day-bucketing? field)
    [:= (change-temporal-unit-to-default field) (change-temporal-unit-to-default temporal-value)]
    (let [temporal-unit (lib.util.match/match-one field
                          [(_ :guard #{:field :expression}) _ (opts :guard :temporal-unit)]
                          (:temporal-unit opts))]
      (when (field-and-temporal-value-have-compatible-units? field temporal-value)
        (when-let [lower-bound (temporal-value-lower-bound temporal-value temporal-unit)]
          (when-let [upper-bound (temporal-value-upper-bound temporal-value temporal-unit)]
            (let [field' (change-temporal-unit-to-default field)]
               [:>= field' lower-bound]
               [:< field' upper-bound]])))))))
(defmethod optimize-filter :!=
  [[_tag field temporal-value :as filter-clause]]
  (if (date-field-with-day-bucketing? field)
    [:!= (change-temporal-unit-to-default field) (change-temporal-unit-to-default temporal-value)]
    (when-let [optimized ((get-method optimize-filter :=) filter-clause)]
      (mbql.u/negate-filter-clause optimized))))
(defn- optimize-comparison-filter
  [optimize-temporal-value-fn [tag field temporal-value] new-filter-type]
  (if (date-field-with-day-bucketing? field)
    [tag (change-temporal-unit-to-default field) (change-temporal-unit-to-default temporal-value)]
    (when-let [new-bound (optimize-temporal-value-fn temporal-value (temporal-unit field))]
       (change-temporal-unit-to-default field)
(defmethod optimize-filter :<
  (optimize-comparison-filter temporal-value-lower-bound filter-clause :<))
(defmethod optimize-filter :<=
  (optimize-comparison-filter temporal-value-upper-bound filter-clause :<))
(defmethod optimize-filter :>
  (optimize-comparison-filter temporal-value-upper-bound filter-clause :>=))
(defmethod optimize-filter :>=
  (optimize-comparison-filter temporal-value-lower-bound filter-clause :>=))
(defmethod optimize-filter :between
  [[_tag field lower-bound upper-bound]]
  (if (date-field-with-day-bucketing? field)
     (change-temporal-unit-to-default field)
     (change-temporal-unit-to-default lower-bound)
     (change-temporal-unit-to-default upper-bound)]
    (when-let [new-lower-bound (temporal-value-lower-bound lower-bound (temporal-unit field))]
      (when-let [new-upper-bound (temporal-value-upper-bound upper-bound (temporal-unit field))]
        (let [field' (change-temporal-unit-to-default field)]
           [:>= field' new-lower-bound]
           [:<  field' new-upper-bound]])))))
(defn- optimize-temporal-filters* [query]
  (lib.util.match/replace query
    (_ :guard (partial mbql.u/is-clause? (set (keys (methods optimize-filter)))))
    (or (when (can-optimize-filter? &match)
          (u/prog1 (optimize-filter &match)
            (if <>
              (when-not (= &match <>)
                (log/tracef "Optimized filter %s to %s" (pr-str &match) (pr-str <>)))
              ;; if for some reason `optimize-filter` doesn't return an optimized filter clause, log and error and use
              ;; the original. `can-optimize-filter?` shouldn't have said we could optimize this filter in the first
              ;; place
              (log/error "Error optimizing temporal filter clause" (pr-str &match)))))

Middlware that optimizes equality (= and !=) and comparison (<, between, etc.) filter clauses against bucketed datetime fields. Rewrites those filter clauses as logically equivalent filter clauses that do not use bucketing (i.e., their datetime unit is :default, meaning no bucketing functions need be applied).

[:= [:field 1 {:temporal-unit :month}] [:absolute-datetime #t "2019-09-01" :month]] -> [:and [:>= [:field 1 {:temporal-unit :default}] [:absolute-datetime #t "2019-09-01" :month]] [:< [:field 1 {:temporal-unit :default}] [:absolute-datetime #t "2019-10-01" :month]]]

The equivalent SQL, before and after, looks like:

-- before SELECT ... WHERE datetrunc('month', myfield) = date_trunc('month', timestamp '2019-09-01 00:00:00')

-- after SELECT ... WHERE myfield >= timestamp '2019-09-01 00:00:00' AND myfield < timestamp '2019-10-01 00:00:00'

The idea here is that by avoiding casts/extraction/truncation operations, databases will be able to make better use of indexes on these columns.

This namespace expects to run after the wrap-value-literals middleware, meaning datetime literal strings like "2019-09-24" should already have been converted to :absolute-datetime clauses.

(defn optimize-temporal-filters
  [{query-type :type, :as query}]
  (if (not= query-type :query)
    ;; walk query, looking for inner-query forms that have a `:filter` key
     (fn [form]
       (if-not (and (map? form) (seq (:filter form)))
         ;; optimize the filters in this inner-query form.
         (let [optimized (optimize-temporal-filters* form)]
           ;; if we did some optimizations, we should flatten/deduplicate the filter clauses afterwards.
           (cond-> optimized
             (not= optimized form) (update :filter mbql.u/combine-filter-clauses)))))