Wrappers for enterprise-only QP middleware using [[defenterprise]]. Pre-processing and post-processing middleware can use [[defenterprise]] directly, since the top-level function is applied directly each during each QP run, meaning it gets the chance to dispatch correctly every time it is run; 'around' middleware (including 'execution' middleware) needs a helper function that invokes the [[defenterprise]] function during every QP run, rather than just once when all middleware is combined. See [[handle-audit-app-internal-queries]] and [[handle-audit-app-internal-queries-middleware]] for example.

(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.enterprise
   [metabase.premium-features.core :refer [defenterprise]]
   [metabase.query-processor.error-type :as qp.error-type]
   [metabase.util.i18n :as i18n]))

Pre-processing middleware

(f query) => query

Pre-processing middleware. Replaces source tables a User was querying against with source queries that (presumably) restrict the rows returned, based on presence of sandboxes.

(defenterprise apply-sandboxing

Pre-processing middleware. Adds a key to the query if the user will be impersonated. Currently used solely for cache.

(defenterprise apply-impersonation

Pre-processing middleware to apply row limits to MBQL export queries if the user has limited download perms. This does not apply to native queries, which are instead limited by the [[limit-download-result-rows]] post-processing middleware.

(defenterprise apply-download-limit

Execution middleware

(f qp) => qp

Middleware for queries that generate downloads, which checks that the user has permissions to download the results of the query, and aborts the query or limits the number of results if necessary.

If this query is not run to generate an export (e.g. :export-format is :api) we return user's download permissions in the query metadata so that the frontend can determine whether to show the download option on the UI.

(defenterprise check-download-permissions

Helper middleware wrapper for [[check-download-permissions]] to make sure we do [[defenterprise]] dispatch correctly on each QP run rather than just once when we combine all of the QP middleware.

(defn check-download-permissions-middleware
  (fn [query rff]
    ((check-download-permissions qp) query rff)))

Execution middleware. Check column-level permissions if applicable.

(defenterprise maybe-apply-column-level-perms-check

Helper middleware wrapper for [[maybe-apply-column-level-perms-check]] to make sure we do [[defenterprise]] dispatch correctly on each QP run rather than just once when we combine all of the QP middleware.

(defn maybe-apply-column-level-perms-check-middleware
  (fn [query rff]
    ((maybe-apply-column-level-perms-check qp) query rff)))

Post-processing middleware

(f query rff) => rff

Post-processing middleware to limit the number of rows included in downloads if the user has limited download perms. Mainly useful for native queries, which are not modified by the [[apply-download-limit]] pre-processing middleware.

(defenterprise limit-download-result-rows
  [_query rff]

Post-processing middleware. Merges in column metadata from the original, unsandboxed version of the query.

(defenterprise merge-sandboxing-metadata
  [_query rff]

Around middleware

(f qp) => qp

'Around' middleware that handles :internal (Audit App) type queries.

(defenterprise handle-audit-app-internal-queries
  (fn [{query-type :type, :as query} rff]
    (when (= (keyword query-type) :internal)
      (throw (ex-info (i18n/tru "Audit App queries are not enabled on this instance.")
                      {:type qp.error-type/invalid-query})))
    (qp query rff)))

Helper middleware wrapper for [[handle-audit-app-internal-queries]] to make sure we do [[defenterprise]] dispatch correctly on each QP run rather than just once when we combine all of the QP middleware.

(defn handle-audit-app-internal-queries-middleware
  (fn [query rff]
    ((handle-audit-app-internal-queries qp) query rff)))