Middleware that returns cached results for queries when applicable.

If query caching is enabled, cache strategy has been passed and it's not a {:type :nocache}, THEN cached results will be returned for Cards if available or stored if applicable. For all other queries, caching is skipped.

The default backend is db, which uses the application database; this value can be changed by setting the env var MB_QP_CACHE_BACKEND. Refer to [[metabase.query-processor.middleware.cache-backend.interface]] for more details about how the cache backends themselves.

(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.cache
   [java-time.api :as t]
   [medley.core :as m]
   [metabase.config :as config]
   [metabase.lib.query :as lib.query]
   [metabase.public-settings :as public-settings]
   [metabase.query-processor.middleware.cache-backend.db :as backend.db]
   [metabase.query-processor.middleware.cache-backend.interface :as i]
   [metabase.query-processor.middleware.cache.impl :as impl]
   [metabase.query-processor.pipeline :as qp.pipeline]
   [metabase.query-processor.schema :as qp.schema]
   [metabase.query-processor.util :as qp.util]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu])
   (org.eclipse.jetty.io EofException)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(comment backend.db/keep-me)

Current serialization format version. Basically

[initial-metadata row-1 row-2 ... row-n final-metadata]

(def ^:private cache-version

Current cache backend. Dynamically rebindable primary for test purposes.

(def ^:dynamic *backend*
  (i/cache-backend (config/config-kw :mb-qp-cache-backend)))

------------------------------------------------------ Save ------------------------------------------------------

(defn- purge! [backend]
    (log/tracef "Purging cache entries older than %s" (u/format-seconds (public-settings/query-caching-max-ttl)))
    (i/purge-old-entries! backend (public-settings/query-caching-max-ttl))
    (log/trace "Successfully purged old cache entries.")
    (catch Throwable e
      (log/errorf e "Error purging old cache entries: %s" (ex-message e)))))

The in-fn provided by [[impl/do-with-serialization]].

(def ^:private ^:dynamic *in-fn*

Add object (e.g. a result row or metadata) to the current cache entry.

(defn- add-object-to-cache!
  (when *in-fn*
    (*in-fn* (cond-> object
               (map? object) (m/update-existing :json_query lib.query/serializable)))))

The result-fn provided by [[impl/do-with-serialization]].

(def ^:private ^:dynamic *result-fn*
(defn- serialized-bytes []
  (when *result-fn*

Save the final results of a query.

(defn- cache-results!
  (log/infof "Caching results for next time for query with hash %s. %s"
             (pr-str (i/short-hex-hash query-hash)) (u/emoji "💾"))
    (let [bytez (serialized-bytes)]
      (if-not (instance? (Class/forName "[B") bytez)
        (log/errorf "Cannot cache results: expected byte array, got %s" (class bytez))
          (log/trace "Got serialized bytes; saving to cache backend")
          (i/save-results! *backend* query-hash bytez)
          (log/debug "Successfully cached results for query.")
          (purge! *backend*))))
    (catch Throwable e
      (if (= (:type (ex-data e)) ::impl/max-bytes)
        (log/debugf e "Not caching results: results are larger than %s KB" (public-settings/query-caching-max-kb))
        (log/errorf e "Error saving query results to cache: %s" (ex-message e))))))
(defn- save-results-xform [start-time-ns metadata query-hash strategy rf]
  (let [has-rows? (volatile! false)]
    (add-object-to-cache! (assoc metadata
                                 :cache-version cache-version
                                 :last-ran      (t/zoned-date-time)))
      ([] (rf))
       (add-object-to-cache! (if (map? result)
                               (m/dissoc-in result [:data :rows])
       (let [duration-ms     (/ (- (System/nanoTime) start-time-ns) 1e6)
             min-duration-ms (:min-duration-ms strategy 0)
             eligible?       (and @has-rows?
                                  (> duration-ms min-duration-ms))]
         (log/infof "Query %s took %s to run; minimum for cache eligibility is %s; %s"
                    (i/short-hex-hash query-hash)
                    (u/format-milliseconds duration-ms)
                    (u/format-milliseconds min-duration-ms)
                    (if eligible? "eligible" "not eligible"))
         (when eligible?
           (cache-results! query-hash))
         (rf (cond-> result
               (map? result) (update :cache/details assoc :hash query-hash :stored (boolean eligible?))))))
      ([acc row]
       (add-object-to-cache! row)
       (vreset! has-rows? true)
       (rf acc row)))))

----------------------------------------------------- Fetch ------------------------------------------------------

Reducing function for cached results. Merges the final object in the cached results, the final-metdata map, with the reduced value assuming it is a normal metadata map.

(defn- cached-results-rff
  [rff query-hash]
  (fn [{:keys [last-ran], :as metadata}]
    (let [metadata       (dissoc metadata :last-ran :cache-version)
          rf             (rff metadata)
          final-metadata (volatile! nil)]
         (let [normal-format? (and (map? (unreduced result))
                                   (seq (get-in (unreduced result) [:data :cols])))
               result*        (-> (if normal-format?
                                    (m/deep-merge @final-metadata (unreduced result))
                                    (unreduced result))
                                  (assoc :cache/details {:hash query-hash :cached true :updated_at last-ran}))]
           (rf (cond-> result*
                 (reduced? result) reduced))))
        ([acc row]
         (if (map? row)
           (vreset! final-metadata row)
           (rf acc row)))))))
(mu/defn- maybe-reduce-cached-results :- [:tuple
                                          [:enum ::ok ::miss ::canceled]
  "Reduces cached results if there is a hit. Otherwise, returns `::miss` directly."
  [ignore-cache? query-hash strategy rff]
    (or (when-not ignore-cache?
          (log/debugf "Looking for cached results for query with hash '%s' satisfying %s"
                      (i/short-hex-hash query-hash) (pr-str strategy))
          (i/with-cached-results *backend* query-hash strategy [is]
            (if is
              (impl/with-reducible-deserialized-results [[metadata reducible-rows] is]
                (log/debugf "Found cached results for hash '%s'. Version: %s"
                            (i/short-hex-hash query-hash) (pr-str (:cache-version metadata)))
                (when (and (= (:cache-version metadata) cache-version)
                  (log/trace "Reducing cached rows...")
                  (let [result (qp.pipeline/*reduce* (cached-results-rff rff query-hash) metadata reducible-rows)]
                    (log/trace "All cached rows reduced")
                    [::ok result])))
              (log/debugf "Not found cached results for hash '%s'" (i/short-hex-hash query-hash)))))
        [::miss nil])
    (catch EofException _
      (log/debug "Request is closed; no one to return cached results to")
      [::canceled nil])
    (catch Throwable e
      (log/errorf e "Error attempting to fetch cached results for query with hash %s: %s"
                  (i/short-hex-hash query-hash)
                  (ex-message e))
      [::miss nil])))

--------------------------------------------------- Middleware ---------------------------------------------------

(mu/defn- run-query-with-cache :- :some
  [qp {:keys [cache-strategy middleware], :as query} :- ::qp.schema/query
   rff                                               :- ::qp.schema/rff]
  ;; Query will already have `info.hash` if it's a userland query. It's not the same hash, because this is calculated
  ;; after normalization, instead of before. This is necessary to make caching work properly with sandboxed users, see
  ;; #14388.
  (let [query-hash      (qp.util/query-hash query)
        [status result] (maybe-reduce-cached-results (:ignore-cached-results? middleware) query-hash cache-strategy rff)]
    (case status
      (let [start-time-ns (System/nanoTime)
            orig-reduce   qp.pipeline/*reduce*]
        (log/trace "Running query and saving cached results (if eligible)...")
        (binding [qp.pipeline/*reduce* (fn reduce'
                                         [rff metadata rows]
                                         {:post [(some? %)]}
                                          (fn [in-fn result-fn]
                                            (binding [*in-fn*     in-fn
                                                      *result-fn* result-fn]
                                              (orig-reduce rff metadata rows)))))]
          (qp query
              (fn [metadata]
                (save-results-xform start-time-ns metadata query-hash cache-strategy (rff metadata)))))))))
(defn- is-cacheable? {:arglists '([query])} [{:keys [cache-strategy]}]
  (and (public-settings/enable-query-caching)
       (some? cache-strategy)
       (not= (:type cache-strategy) :nocache)))

Middleware for caching results of a query if applicable. In order for a query to be eligible for caching:

  • Caching (the enable-query-caching Setting) must be enabled
  • The query must pass a :cache-strategy value
  • This strategy should not be of type :nocache
  • The query must already be permissions-checked. Since the cache bypasses the normal query processor pipeline, the ad-hoc permissions-checking middleware isn't applied for cached results. (The various /api/card/ endpoints that make use of caching do can-read? checks for the Card before running the query, satisfying this requirement.)
  • The result rows of the query must be less than query-caching-max-kb when serialized (before compression).
(defn maybe-return-cached-results
  (fn maybe-return-cached-results* [query rff]
    (let [cacheable? (is-cacheable? query)]
      (log/tracef "Query is cacheable? %s" (boolean cacheable?))
      (if cacheable?
        (run-query-with-cache qp query rff)
        (qp query rff)))))