Interface used to define different Query Processor cache backends. To add a new backend, implement cache-backend and have it return an object that implements the CacheBackend protocol.

See metabase.query-processor.middleware.cache-backend.db for a complete example of how this is done.

(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.cache-backend.interface
   [buddy.core.codecs :as codecs]
   [potemkin.types :as p.types]))

Protocol that different Metabase cache backends must implement.

query-hash as passed below is a byte-array representing a 256-byte SHA3 hash; encode this as needed for use as a cache entry key. results are passed as a compressed byte array.

The implementation is responsible for purging old cache entries when appropriate.

(p.types/defprotocol+ CacheBackend
  (cached-results [this ^bytes query-hash strategy respond]
    "Call `respond` with cached results for the query (as an `InputStream` to the raw bytes) if present and not
  expired; otherwise, call `respond` with `nil.
    (cached-results [_ hash _ respond]
      (with-open [is (...)]
        (respond is)))
  `strategy` should be a map with cache configuration. This method *must* return the result of `respond`.")
  (save-results! [this ^bytes query-hash ^bytes results]
    "Add a cache entry with the `results` of running query with byte array `query-hash`. This should replace any prior
  entries for `query-hash` and update the cache timestamp to the current system time.")
  (purge-old-entries! [this max-age-seconds]
    "Purge all cache entries older than `max-age-seconds`. Will be called periodically when this backend is in use.
  `max-age-seconds` may be floating-point."))

Macro version for consuming cached-results from a backend.

(with-cached-results backend query-hash strategy [is] ...)

InputStream is will be nil if no cached results were available.

(defmacro with-cached-results
  {:style/indent 4}
  [backend query-hash strategy [is-binding] & body]
  `(cached-results ~backend ~query-hash ~strategy (fn [~(vary-meta is-binding assoc :tag ']

Return an instance of a cache backend, which is any object that implements QueryProcessorCacheBackend.

See db.clj for an example Cache Backend.

(defmulti cache-backend
  {:arglists '([backend-name])}

Util fn. Converts a query hash to a short hex string for logging purposes.

(defn short-hex-hash
  [^bytes b]
  (codecs/bytes->hex (byte-array 4 b)))