(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.add-source-metadata
   [clojure.walk :as walk]
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.schema :as mbql.s]
   [metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata]
   [metabase.lib.util.match :as lib.util.match]
   [metabase.query-processor.interface :as qp.i]
   [metabase.query-processor.store :as qp.store]
   [metabase.request.core :as request]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]))

Whether this source query itself has a nested source query, and will have the exact same fields in the results as its nested source. If this is the case, we can return the source-metadata for the nested source as-is, if it is present.

(defn- has-same-fields-as-nested-source?
  [{nested-source-query    :source-query
    nested-source-metadata :source-metadata
    breakouts              :breakout
    aggregations           :aggregation
    fields                 :fields}]
  (when nested-source-query
    (and (every? empty? [breakouts aggregations])
         (or (empty? fields)
             (and (= (count fields) (count nested-source-metadata))
                  (every? #(lib.util.match/match-one % [:field (_ :guard string?) _])
(mu/defn- native-source-query->metadata :- [:maybe [:sequential mbql.s/SourceQueryMetadata]]
  "Given a `source-query`, return the source metadata that should be added at the parent level (i.e., at the same
  level where this `source-query` was present.) This metadata is used by other middleware to determine what Fields to
  expect from the source query."
  [{nested-source-metadata :source-metadata, :as source-query} :- mbql.s/SourceQuery]
  ;; If the source query has a nested source with metadata and does not change the fields that come back, return
  ;; metadata as-is
  (if (has-same-fields-as-nested-source? source-query)
    ;; Otherwise we cannot determine the metadata automatically; usually, this is because the source query itself has
    ;; a native source query
      (when-not qp.i/*disable-qp-logging*
        (log/warn "Cannot infer `:source-metadata` for source query with native source query without source metadata."
                  {:source-query source-query}))
(mu/defn mbql-source-query->metadata :- [:maybe [:sequential mbql.s/SourceQueryMetadata]]
  "Preprocess a `source-query` so we can determine the result columns."
  [source-query :- mbql.s/MBQLQuery]
    (let [cols (request/as-admin
                 ((requiring-resolve 'metabase.query-processor.preprocess/query->expected-cols)
                  {:database (:id (lib.metadata/database (qp.store/metadata-provider)))
                   :type     :query
                   ;; don't add remapped columns to the source metadata for the source query, otherwise we're going
                   ;; to end up adding it again when the middleware runs at the top level
                   :query    (assoc-in source-query [:middleware :disable-remaps?] true)}))]
      (for [col cols
            :when (not (:remapped_from col))]
        (select-keys col [:name :id :table_id :display_name :base_type :effective_type :coercion_strategy
                          :semantic_type :unit :fingerprint :settings :source_alias :field_ref :nfc_path :parent_id])))
    (catch Throwable e
      (log/errorf e "Error determining expected columns for query: %s" (ex-message e))
(mu/defn- add-source-metadata :- [:map
                                   {:optional true}
                                   [:maybe [:sequential mbql.s/SourceQueryMetadata]]]]
  [{{native-source-query? :native, :as source-query} :source-query, :as inner-query} :- :map]
  (let [metadata ((if native-source-query?
                    mbql-source-query->metadata) source-query)]
    (cond-> inner-query
      (seq metadata) (assoc :source-metadata metadata))))

Whether this source metadata is legacy source metadata from < 0.38.0. Legacy source metadata did not include :field_ref or :id, which made it hard to correctly construct queries with. For MBQL queries, we're better off ignoring legacy source metadata and using [[metabase.query-processor.preprocess/query->expected-cols]] to infer the source metadata rather than relying on old stuff that can produce incorrect queries. See #14788 for more information.

(defn- legacy-source-metadata?
  (and (seq source-metadata)
       (every? nil? (map :field_ref source-metadata))))

Should we add :source-metadata about the :source-query in this map? True if all of the following are true:

  • The map (e.g. an 'inner' MBQL query or a Join) has a :source-query

  • The map does not already have :source-metadata, or the :source-metadata is 'legacy' source metadata from versions < 0.38.0

  • The :source-query is an MBQL query, or a native source query with :source-metadata

(defn- should-add-source-metadata?
  [{{native-source-query?              :native
     source-query-has-source-metadata? :source-metadata
     :as                               source-query} :source-query
    :keys                                            [source-metadata]}]
  (and source-query
       (or (not source-metadata)
           (legacy-source-metadata? source-metadata))
       (or (not native-source-query?)
(defn- maybe-add-source-metadata [x]
  (if (and (map? x) (should-add-source-metadata? x))
    (add-source-metadata x)
(defn- add-source-metadata-at-all-levels [inner-query]
  (walk/postwalk maybe-add-source-metadata inner-query))

Middleware that attempts to recursively add :source-metadata, if not already present, to any maps with a :source-query.

:source-metadata is information about the columns we can expect to come back from the source query; this is added automatically for source queries added via the card__id source table form, but for explicit source queries that do not specify this information, we can often infer it by looking at the shape of the source query.

(defn add-source-metadata-for-source-queries
  [{query-type :type, :as query}]
  (if-not (= query-type :query)
    (update query :query add-source-metadata-at-all-levels)))