Middleware for adding remapping and other dimension related projections. This remaps Fields that have a corresponding
Dimension object (which defines a remapping) in two different ways, depending on the
In both cases, to accomplish values replacement on the frontend, the post-processing part of this middleware adds
appropriate See also [[metabase.models.params.chain-filter]] for another explanation of remapping. | (ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.add-dimension-projections (:require [clojure.data :as data] [clojure.walk :as walk] [medley.core :as m] [metabase.legacy-mbql.schema :as mbql.s] [metabase.legacy-mbql.schema.helpers :as helpers] [metabase.legacy-mbql.util :as mbql.u] [metabase.lib.ident :as lib.ident] [metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata] [metabase.lib.metadata.jvm :as lib.metadata.jvm] [metabase.lib.metadata.protocols :as lib.metadata.protocols] [metabase.lib.schema.common :as lib.schema.common] [metabase.lib.schema.id :as lib.schema.id] [metabase.lib.schema.metadata :as lib.schema.metadata] [metabase.lib.util :as lib.util] [metabase.lib.util.match :as lib.util.match] [metabase.query-processor.middleware.large-int :as large-int] [metabase.query-processor.store :as qp.store] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.log :as log] [metabase.util.malli :as mu])) |
Schema for the info we fetch about | (def ^:private ExternalRemappingDimension [:map [:id ::lib.schema.id/dimension] ; unique ID for the remapping [:name ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string] ; display name for the remapping [:field-id ::lib.schema.id/field] ; ID of the Field being remapped [:field-name ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string] ; Name of the Field being remapped [:human-readable-field-id ::lib.schema.id/field] ; ID of the FK Field to remap values to [:human-readable-field-name ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string]]) ; Name of the FK Field to remap values to |
Pre-processing | |
(mu/defn- fields->field-id->remapping-dimension :- [:maybe [:map-of ::lib.schema.id/field ExternalRemappingDimension]] "Given a sequence of field clauses (from the `:fields` clause), return a map of `:field-id` clause (other clauses are ineligable) to a remapping dimension information for any Fields that have an `external` type dimension remapping." [fields :- [:maybe [:sequential mbql.s/Field]]] (when-let [field-ids (not-empty (set (lib.util.match/match fields [:field (id :guard integer?) _] id)))] (let [field-metadatas (lib.metadata/bulk-metadata-or-throw (qp.store/metadata-provider) :metadata/column field-ids)] (when-let [remap-field-ids (not-empty (into #{} (keep (comp :field-id :lib/external-remap)) field-metadatas))] ;; do a bulk fetch of the remaps. (lib.metadata/bulk-metadata-or-throw (qp.store/metadata-provider) :metadata/column remap-field-ids) (into {} (comp (filter :lib/external-remap) (keep (fn [field] (let [{remap-id :id, remap-name :name, remap-field-id :field-id} (:lib/external-remap field) remap-field (lib.metadata.protocols/field (qp.store/metadata-provider) remap-field-id)] (when remap-field [(:id field) {:id remap-id :name remap-name :field-id (:id field) :field-name (:name field) :human-readable-field-id remap-field-id :human-readable-field-name (:name remap-field)}]))))) field-metadatas))))) | |
(def ^:private RemapColumnInfo [:map [:original-field-clause mbql.s/field] [:new-field-clause mbql.s/field] [:dimension ExternalRemappingDimension]]) | |
(mu/defn- remap-column-infos :- [:maybe [:sequential RemapColumnInfo]] "Return tuples of `:field-id` clauses, the new remapped column `:fk->` clauses that the Field should be remapped to and the Dimension that suggested the remapping, which is used later in this middleware for post-processing. Order is important here, because the results are added to the `:fields` column in order. (TODO - why is it important, if they get hidden when displayed anyway?)" [fields :- [:maybe [:sequential mbql.s/Field]]] (when-let [field-id->remapping-dimension (fields->field-id->remapping-dimension fields)] ;; Reconstruct how we uniquify names in [[metabase.query-processor.middleware.annotate]] (let [name-generator (lib.util/unique-name-generator) unique-name (fn [field-id] (assert (pos-int? field-id) (str "Invalid Field ID: " (pr-str field-id))) (let [field (lib.metadata/field (qp.store/metadata-provider) field-id)] (name-generator (:name field))))] (vec (lib.util.match/match fields ;; don't match Fields that have been joined from another Table [:field (id :guard (every-pred integer? field-id->remapping-dimension)) (_ :guard (complement (some-fn :join-alias :source-field)))] (let [dimension (field-id->remapping-dimension id)] {:original-field-clause &match :new-field-clause [:field (u/the-id (:human-readable-field-id dimension)) {:source-field id ::new-field-dimension-id (u/the-id dimension)}] :dimension (assoc dimension :field-name (-> dimension :field-id unique-name) :human-readable-field-name (-> dimension :human-readable-field-id unique-name))})))))) | |
(mu/defn- add-fk-remaps-rewrite-existing-fields-add-original-field-dimension-id :- [:maybe [:sequential mbql.s/Field]] "Rewrite existing `:fields` in a query. Add `::original-field-dimension-id` to any Field clauses that are remapped-from." [infos :- [:maybe [:sequential RemapColumnInfo]] fields :- [:maybe [:sequential mbql.s/Field]]] (let [field->remapped-col (into {} (map (juxt :original-field-clause :new-field-clause)) infos)] (mapv (fn [field] (let [[_ _ {::keys [new-field-dimension-id]}] (get field->remapped-col field)] (cond-> field new-field-dimension-id (mbql.u/update-field-options assoc ::original-field-dimension-id new-field-dimension-id)))) fields))) | |
(mu/defn- add-fk-remaps-rewrite-existing-fields-add-new-field-dimension-id :- [:maybe [:sequential mbql.s/Field]] "Rewrite existing `:fields` in a query. Add `::new-field-dimension-id` to any existing remap-to Fields that *would* have been added if they did not already exist." [infos :- [:maybe [:sequential RemapColumnInfo]] fields :- [:maybe [:sequential mbql.s/Field]]] (let [normalized-clause->new-options (into {} (map (juxt (fn [{clause :new-field-clause}] (mbql.u/remove-namespaced-options clause)) (fn [{[_ _ options] :new-field-clause}] options))) infos)] (mapv (fn [field] (let [options (normalized-clause->new-options (mbql.u/remove-namespaced-options field))] (cond-> field options (mbql.u/update-field-options merge options)))) fields))) | |
(mu/defn- add-fk-remaps-rewrite-existing-fields :- [:maybe [:sequential mbql.s/Field]] "Rewrite existing `:fields` in a query. Add `::original-field-dimension-id` and ::new-field-dimension-id` where appropriate." [infos :- [:maybe [:sequential RemapColumnInfo]] fields :- [:maybe [:sequential mbql.s/Field]]] (->> fields (add-fk-remaps-rewrite-existing-fields-add-original-field-dimension-id infos) (add-fk-remaps-rewrite-existing-fields-add-new-field-dimension-id infos))) | |
(mu/defn- add-fk-remaps-rewrite-order-by :- [:maybe [:sequential ::mbql.s/OrderBy]] "Order by clauses that include an external remapped column should be replace that original column in the order by with the newly remapped column. This should order by the text of the remapped column vs. the id of the source column before the remapping" [field->remapped-col :- [:map-of mbql.s/field mbql.s/field] order-by-clauses :- [:maybe [:sequential ::mbql.s/OrderBy]]] (into [] (comp (map (fn [[direction field, :as order-by-clause]] (if-let [remapped-col (get field->remapped-col field)] [direction remapped-col] order-by-clause))) (distinct)) order-by-clauses)) | |
(defn- add-fk-remaps-rewrite-breakout [field->remapped-col breakout-clause] (into [] (comp (mapcat (fn [field] (if-let [[_ _ {::keys [new-field-dimension-id]} :as remapped-col] (get field->remapped-col field)] [remapped-col (mbql.u/update-field-options field assoc ::original-field-dimension-id new-field-dimension-id)] [field]))) (distinct)) breakout-clause)) | |
(def ^:private QueryAndRemaps [:map [:remaps [:maybe (helpers/distinct [:sequential ExternalRemappingDimension])]] [:query mbql.s/Query]]) | |
(defn- add-fk-remaps-one-level [{:keys [fields order-by breakout breakout-idents], {source-query-remaps ::remaps} :source-query, :as query}] (let [query (m/dissoc-in query [:source-query ::remaps])] ;; fetch remapping column pairs if any exist... (if-let [infos (not-empty (remap-column-infos (concat fields breakout)))] ;; if they do, update `:fields`, `:order-by` and `:breakout` clauses accordingly and add to the query (let [;; make a map of field-id-clause -> fk-clause from the tuples original->remapped (into {} (map (juxt :original-field-clause :new-field-clause)) infos) existing-fields (add-fk-remaps-rewrite-existing-fields infos fields) ;; don't add any new entries for fields that already exist. Use [[mbql.u/remove-namespaced-options]] here so ;; we don't add new entries even if the existing Field has some extra info e.g. extra unknown namespaced ;; keys. existing-normalized-fields-set (into #{} (map mbql.u/remove-namespaced-options) existing-fields) new-fields (into existing-fields (comp (map :new-field-clause) (remove (comp existing-normalized-fields-set mbql.u/remove-namespaced-options))) infos) new-breakout (add-fk-remaps-rewrite-breakout original->remapped breakout) new-breakout-idents (merge (lib.ident/indexed-idents new-breakout) breakout-idents) new-order-by (add-fk-remaps-rewrite-order-by original->remapped order-by) remaps (into [] (comp cat (distinct)) [source-query-remaps (map :dimension infos)])] ;; return the Dimensions we are using and the query (cond-> query (seq fields) (assoc :fields new-fields) (seq order-by) (assoc :order-by new-order-by) (seq breakout) (assoc :breakout new-breakout :breakout-idents new-breakout-idents) (seq remaps) (assoc ::remaps remaps))) ;; otherwise return query as-is (cond-> query (seq source-query-remaps) (assoc ::remaps source-query-remaps))))) | |
(mu/defn- add-fk-remaps :- QueryAndRemaps "Add any Fields needed for `:external` remappings to the `:fields` clause of the query, and update `:order-by` and `breakout` clauses as needed. Returns a map with `:query` (the updated query) and `:remaps` (a sequence of [[:sequential ExternalRemappingDimension]] information maps)." [query] (let [query (walk/postwalk (fn [form] (if (and (map? form) ((some-fn :source-table :source-query) form) (not (:condition form))) (add-fk-remaps-one-level form) form)) query)] {:query (m/dissoc-in query [:query ::remaps]), :remaps (get-in query [:query ::remaps])})) | |
Pre-processing middleware. For columns that have remappings to other columns (FK remaps), rewrite the query to
include the extra column. Add | (defn add-remapped-columns [{{:keys [disable-remaps?]} :middleware, query-type :type, :as query}] (if (or disable-remaps? (= query-type :native)) query (let [{:keys [remaps query]} (add-fk-remaps query)] (cond-> query ;; convert the remappings to plain maps so we don't have to look at record type nonsense everywhere (seq remaps) (assoc ::external-remaps (mapv (partial into {}) remaps)))))) |
Post-processing | |
(def ^:private InternalDimensionInfo [:map ;; index of original column [:col-index :int] ;; names [:from ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string] ;; I'm not convinced this works if there's already a column with the same name in the results. [:to ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string] ;; map of original value -> human readable value [:value->readable :map] ;; Info about the new column we will tack on to end of `:cols` [:new-column :map]]) | |
(def ^:private InternalColumnsInfo [:map [:internal-only-dims [:maybe [:sequential InternalDimensionInfo]]] ;; this is just (map :new-column internal-only-dims) [:internal-only-cols [:maybe [:sequential :map]]]]) | |
Metadata | |
(mu/defn- merge-metadata-for-internally-remapped-column :- [:maybe [:sequential :map]] "If one of the internal remapped columns says it's remapped from this column, merge in the `:remapped_to` info." [columns :- [:maybe [:sequential :map]] {:keys [col-index to]} :- InternalDimensionInfo] (update (vec columns) col-index assoc :remapped_to to)) | |
(mu/defn- merge-metadata-for-internal-remaps :- [:maybe [:sequential :map]] [columns :- [:maybe [:sequential :map]] {:keys [internal-only-dims]} :- [:maybe InternalColumnsInfo]] (reduce merge-metadata-for-internally-remapped-column columns internal-only-dims)) | |
Example external dimension: {:name "Sender ID" :id 1000 :fieldid %messages.senderid :fieldname "SENDERID" :human-readable-field-id %users.name :human-readable-field-name "NAME"} Example remap-from column (need to add info about column it is {:id %messages.sender_id :name "SENDER_ID" :options {::original-field-dimension-id 1000} :display_name "Sender ID"} Example remap-to column (need to add info about column it is {:fkfieldid %messages.sender_id :id %users.name :options {::new-field-dimension-id 1000} :name "NAME" :display_name "Sender ID"} | (mu/defn- merge-metadata-for-externally-remapped-column* :- :map [columns {{::keys [original-field-dimension-id new-field-dimension-id]} :options :as column} :- :map {dimension-id :id from-name :field_name from-display-name :name to-name :human-readable-field-name} :- ExternalRemappingDimension] (log/trace "Considering column\n" (u/pprint-to-str 'cyan (select-keys column [:id :name :fk_field_id :display_name :options])) (u/colorize :magenta "\nAdd :remapped_to metadata?") "\n=>" '(= dimension-id original-field-dimension-id) "\n=>" (list '= dimension-id original-field-dimension-id) "\n=>" (if (= dimension-id original-field-dimension-id) (u/colorize :green true) (u/colorize :red false)) (u/colorize :magenta "\nAdd :remapped_from metadata?") "\n=>" '(= dimension-id new-field-dimension-id) "\n=>" (list '= dimension-id new-field-dimension-id) "\n=>" (if (= dimension-id new-field-dimension-id) (u/colorize :green true) (u/colorize :red false))) (u/prog1 (merge column ;; if this is a column we're remapping FROM, we need to add information about which column we're remapping ;; TO (when (= dimension-id original-field-dimension-id) {:remapped_to (or (some (fn [{{::keys [new-field-dimension-id]} :options, target-name :name}] (when (= new-field-dimension-id dimension-id) target-name)) columns) to-name)}) ;; if this is a column we're remapping TO, we need to add information about which column we're remapping ;; FROM (when (= dimension-id new-field-dimension-id) {:remapped_from (or (some (fn [{{::keys [original-field-dimension-id]} :options, source-name :name}] (when (= original-field-dimension-id dimension-id) source-name)) columns) from-name) :display_name from-display-name})) (when (not= column <>) (log/tracef "Added metadata:\n%s" (u/pprint-to-str 'green (second (data/diff column <>))))))) |
(mu/defn- merge-metadata-for-externally-remapped-column :- [:maybe [:sequential :map]] [columns :- [:maybe [:sequential :map]] dimension :- ExternalRemappingDimension] (log/tracef "Merging metadata for external dimension\n%s" (u/pprint-to-str 'yellow (into {} dimension))) (mapv #(merge-metadata-for-externally-remapped-column* columns % dimension) columns)) | |
(mu/defn- merge-metadata-for-external-remaps :- [:maybe [:sequential :map]] [columns :- [:maybe [:sequential :map]] remapping-dimensions :- [:maybe [:sequential ExternalRemappingDimension]]] (reduce merge-metadata-for-externally-remapped-column columns remapping-dimensions)) | |
(mu/defn- add-remapping-info :- [:maybe [:sequential :map]] "Add `:display_name`, `:remapped_to`, and `:remapped_from` keys to columns for the results, needed by the frontend. To get this critical information, this uses the `remapping-dimensions` info saved by the pre-processing portion of this middleware for external remappings, and the internal-only remapped columns handled by post-processing middleware below for internal columns." [columns :- [:maybe [:sequential :map]] remapping-dimensions :- [:maybe [:sequential ExternalRemappingDimension]] internal-cols-info :- [:maybe InternalColumnsInfo]] (-> columns (merge-metadata-for-internal-remaps internal-cols-info) (merge-metadata-for-external-remaps remapping-dimensions))) | |
Transform to add additional cols to results | |
(defn- create-remapped-col [col-name remapped-from base-type] {:description nil :id nil :table_id nil :name col-name :display_name col-name :target nil :remapped_from remapped-from :remapped_to nil :base_type base-type :semantic_type nil}) | |
Converts When | (defn- transform-values-for-col [{:keys [base-type]} values stringified?] (let [transform (condp #(isa? %2 %1) base-type :type/Decimal bigdec :type/Float double :type/BigInteger bigint :type/Integer long :type/Text str identity) transform (cond->> transform stringified? (comp large-int/maybe-large-int->string))] (map #(some-> % transform) values))) |
(defn- infer-human-readable-values-type [values] (let [types (keys (group-by (fn [v] (cond (string? v) :type/Text (number? v) :type/Number :else :type/*)) values))] (if (= (count types) 1) (first types) :type/*))) | |
ColumnMetadata, but | (def ^:private ColumnMetadataWithOptionalBaseType [:merge ::lib.schema.metadata/column [:map [:base-type {:optional true} ::lib.schema.common/base-type]]]) |
(mu/defn- col->dim-map :- [:maybe InternalDimensionInfo] "Given a `:col` map from the results, return a map of information about the `internal` dimension used for remapping it." [idx :- ::lib.schema.common/int-greater-than-or-equal-to-zero {{:keys [values human-readable-values], remap-to :name} :lib/internal-remap :as col} :- ColumnMetadataWithOptionalBaseType] (when (seq values) (let [remap-from (:name col) stringified-mask (qp.store/miscellaneous-value [::large-int/column-index-mask])] {:col-index idx :from remap-from :to remap-to :value->readable (zipmap (transform-values-for-col col values (and stringified-mask (nth stringified-mask idx))) human-readable-values) :new-column (create-remapped-col remap-to remap-from (infer-human-readable-values-type human-readable-values))}))) | |
(mu/defn- make-row-map-fn :- [:maybe fn?] "Return a function that will add internally-remapped values to each row in the results. (If there is no remapping to be done, this function returns `nil`.)" [dims :- [:maybe [:sequential InternalDimensionInfo]]] (when (seq dims) (let [f (apply juxt (for [{:keys [col-index value->readable]} dims] (fn [row] (value->readable (nth row col-index)))))] (fn [row] (into (vec row) (f row)))))) | |
(mu/defn- internal-columns-info :- InternalColumnsInfo "Info about the internal-only columns we add to the query." [cols :- [:maybe [:sequential ColumnMetadataWithOptionalBaseType]]] ;; hydrate Dimensions and FieldValues for all of the columns in the results, then make a map of dimension info for ;; each one that is `internal` type (let [internal-only-dims (keep-indexed col->dim-map cols)] {:internal-only-dims internal-only-dims ;; Get the entries we're going to add to `:cols` for each of the remapped values we add :internal-only-cols (map :new-column internal-only-dims)})) | |
Add remapping info | (mu/defn- add-remapped-to-and-from-metadata [metadata :- [:map [:cols [:maybe [:sequential :map]]]] remapping-dimensions :- [:maybe [:sequential ExternalRemappingDimension]] {:keys [internal-only-cols], :as internal-cols-info} :- [:maybe InternalColumnsInfo]] (update metadata :cols (fn [cols] (-> cols (add-remapping-info remapping-dimensions internal-cols-info) (concat internal-only-cols))))) |
Munges results for remapping after the query has been executed. For internal remappings, a new column needs to be added and each row flowing through needs to include the remapped data for the new column. For external remappings the column information needs to be updated with what it's being remapped from and the user specified name for the remapped column. | (mu/defn- remap-results-xform [{:keys [internal-only-dims]} :- InternalColumnsInfo rf] (if-let [remap-fn (make-row-map-fn internal-only-dims)] ((map remap-fn) rf) rf)) |
Post-processing middleware. Handles | (defn remap-results [{::keys [external-remaps], {:keys [disable-remaps?]} :middleware} rff] (if disable-remaps? rff (fn remap-results-rff* [metadata] (let [mlv2-cols (map #(lib.metadata.jvm/instance->metadata % :metadata/column) (:cols metadata)) internal-cols-info (internal-columns-info mlv2-cols) metadata (add-remapped-to-and-from-metadata metadata external-remaps internal-cols-info)] (remap-results-xform internal-cols-info (rff metadata)))))) |