Code for running a query in the context of a specific Card. | (ns metabase.query-processor.card (:require [clojure.string :as str] [medley.core :as m] [metabase.api.common :as api] [metabase.legacy-mbql.normalize :as mbql.normalize] [metabase.legacy-mbql.schema :as mbql.s] [metabase.legacy-mbql.util :as mbql.u] [ :as] [metabase.lib.schema.parameter :as lib.schema.parameter] [metabase.lib.schema.template-tag :as lib.schema.template-tag] [metabase.lib.util.match :as lib.util.match] [metabase.models.cache-config :as cache-config] [metabase.models.query :as query] [metabase.premium-features.core :refer [defenterprise]] [metabase.query-processor :as qp] [metabase.query-processor.error-type :as qp.error-type] [metabase.query-processor.middleware.constraints :as qp.constraints] [metabase.query-processor.middleware.permissions :as qp.perms] [metabase.query-processor.pivot :as qp.pivot] [metabase.query-processor.schema :as qp.schema] [metabase.query-processor.streaming :as qp.streaming] [metabase.query-processor.util :as qp.util] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]] [metabase.util.log :as log] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] ^{:clj-kondo/ignore [:discouraged-namespace]} [toucan2.core :as t2])) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
Returns cache strategy for a card. In EE, this checks the hierarchy for the card, dashboard, or database (in that order). In OSS returns root configuration. | (defenterprise cache-strategy metabase-enterprise.cache.strategies [_card _dashboard-id] (cache-config/card-strategy (cache-config/root-strategy) nil)) |
(defn- enrich-strategy [strategy query] (case (:type strategy) :ttl (let [et (query/average-execution-time-ms (qp.util/query-hash query))] (assoc strategy :avg-execution-ms (or et 0))) strategy)) | |
(defn- explict-stage-references [parameters] (into #{} (keep (fn [{:keys [target]}] (when (mbql.u/is-clause? :dimension target) (get-in target [2 :stage-number])))) parameters)) | |
Points temporal-unit parameters to the last stage. This function is normally called for models or metrics, where the first and the last stages are the same. By using -1 as stage number we make sure that the expansion of models/metrics doesn't cause the filter to be added at the wrong stage. | (defn- point-parameters-to-last-stage [parameters] (mapv (fn [{:keys [target], :as parameter}] (cond-> parameter (and (mbql.u/is-clause? :dimension target) (some? (get-in target [2 :stage-number]))) (assoc-in [:target 2 :stage-number] -1))) parameters)) |
(defn- last-stage-number [outer-query] (mbql.u/legacy-last-stage-number (:query outer-query))) | |
(defn- nest-query [query] (assoc query :query {:source-query (:query query)})) | |
Points temporal-unit parameters to the penultimate stage unless the stage is specified. | (defn- add-stage-to-temporal-unit-parameters [parameters] (mapv (fn [{param-type :type, :keys [target], :as parameter}] (cond-> parameter (and (= param-type :temporal-unit) (mbql.u/is-clause? :dimension target) (nil? (get-in target [2 :stage-number]))) (assoc-in [:target 2 :stage-number] -2))) parameters)) |
Generate a query for a saved Card | (defn query-for-card [{dataset-query :dataset_query card-type :type :as card} parameters constraints middleware & [ids]] (let [stage-numbers (explict-stage-references parameters) explicit-stage-numbers? (boolean (seq stage-numbers)) parameters (cond-> parameters ;; models are not transparent (questions and metrics are) (and explicit-stage-numbers? (= card-type :model)) point-parameters-to-last-stage) ;; The FE might have "added" a stage so that a question with breakouts ;; at the last stage can be filtered on the summary results. We know ;; this happened if we get a reference to one above the last stage. filter-stage-added? (and explicit-stage-numbers? (= (inc (last-stage-number dataset-query)) (apply max stage-numbers))) query (cond-> dataset-query (and explicit-stage-numbers? (or ;; stage-number 0 means filtering the results of models and metrics (not= card-type :question) ;; the FE assumed an extra stage, so we add it filter-stage-added?)) nest-query) query (-> query ;; don't want default constraints overridding anything that's already there (m/dissoc-in [:middleware :add-default-userland-constraints?]) (assoc :constraints constraints :parameters (cond-> parameters filter-stage-added? add-stage-to-temporal-unit-parameters) :middleware middleware)) cs (-> (cache-strategy card (:dashboard-id ids)) (enrich-strategy query))] (assoc query :cache-strategy cs))) |
In 0.41.0+ you can no longer add arbitrary Normally, when running a query in the context of a /Card/, this is | (def ^:dynamic *allow-arbitrary-mbql-parameters* false) |
Template tag parameters that have been specified for the query for Card with {"templatetagparameter_name" :parameter-type, ...} Template tag parameter name is the name of the parameter as it appears in the query, e.g. Parameter type in this case is something like | (defn- card-template-tag-parameters [card-id] (let [query (api/check-404 (t2/select-one-fn :dataset_query :model/Card :id card-id))] (into {} (comp (map (fn [[param-name {widget-type :widget-type, tag-type :type}]] ;; Field Filter parameters have a `:type` of `:dimension` and the widget type that should be used is ;; specified by `:widget-type`. Non-Field-filter parameters just have `:type`. So prefer ;; `:widget-type` if available but fall back to `:type` if not. (cond (and (= tag-type :dimension) (not= widget-type :none)) [param-name widget-type] (contains? lib.schema.template-tag/raw-value-template-tag-types tag-type) [param-name tag-type]))) (filter some?)) (get-in query [:native :template-tags])))) |
(defn- allowed-parameter-type-for-template-tag-widget-type? [parameter-type widget-type] (when-let [allowed-template-tag-types (get-in lib.schema.parameter/types [parameter-type :allowed-for])] (contains? allowed-template-tag-types widget-type))) | |
(defn- allowed-parameter-types-for-template-tag-widget-type [widget-type] (into #{} (for [[parameter-type {:keys [allowed-for]}] lib.schema.parameter/types :when (contains? allowed-for widget-type)] parameter-type))) | |
If a parameter (i.e., a template tag or Dashboard parameter) is specified with
Background: some more-specific parameter types aren't allowed for certain types of parameters. See [[metabase.legacy-mbql.schema/parameter-types]] for details. | (mu/defn check-allowed-parameter-value-type [parameter-name widget-type :- ::lib.schema.template-tag/widget-type parameter-value-type :- ::lib.schema.parameter/type] (when-not (allowed-parameter-type-for-template-tag-widget-type? parameter-value-type widget-type) (let [allowed-types (allowed-parameter-types-for-template-tag-widget-type widget-type)] (throw (ex-info (tru "Invalid parameter type {0} for parameter {1}. Parameter type must be one of: {2}" parameter-value-type (pr-str parameter-name) (str/join ", " (sort allowed-types))) {:type qp.error-type/invalid-parameter :invalid-parameter parameter-name :template-tag-type widget-type :allowed-types allowed-types}))))) |
Attempt to infer the name of a parameter. Uses | (defn- infer-parameter-name [{parameter-name :name, :keys [target]}] (or parameter-name (lib.util.match/match-one target [:template-tag tag-name] (name tag-name)))) |
Unless [[allow-arbitrary-mbql-parameters]] is truthy, check to make all supplied | (mu/defn- validate-card-parameters [card-id :- parameters :- mbql.s/ParameterList] (when-not *allow-arbitrary-mbql-parameters* (let [template-tags (card-template-tag-parameters card-id)] (doseq [request-parameter parameters :let [parameter-name (infer-parameter-name request-parameter)]] (let [matching-widget-type (or (get template-tags parameter-name) (throw (ex-info (tru "Invalid parameter: Card {0} does not have a template tag named {1}." card-id (pr-str parameter-name)) {:type qp.error-type/invalid-parameter :invalid-parameter request-parameter :allowed-parameters (keys template-tags)})))] ;; now make sure the type agrees as well (check-allowed-parameter-value-type parameter-name matching-widget-type (:type request-parameter))))))) |
(mu/defn process-query-for-card-default-qp :- :some "Default value of the `:qp` option for [[process-query-for-card]]." [query :- ::qp.schema/query rff :- [:maybe ::qp.schema/rff]] (qp/process-query (qp/userland-query query) rff)) | |
Create the default | (defn process-query-for-card-default-run-fn [qp export-format] (^:once fn* [query info] (qp.streaming/streaming-response [rff export-format (u/slugify (:card-name info))] (qp (update query :info merge info) rff)))) |
Run the query for Card with (make-run qp export-format) => (fn run [query info]) The produced (run query info) => results Will throw an Exception if preconditions (such as read perms) are not met before returning the
| (mu/defn process-query-for-card [card-id :- export-format & {:keys [parameters constraints context dashboard-id dashcard-id middleware qp make-run ignore-cache] :or {constraints (qp.constraints/default-query-constraints) context :question ;; param `make-run` can be used to control how the query is ran, e.g. if you need to customize the `context` ;; passed to the QP make-run process-query-for-card-default-run-fn}}] {:pre [(int? card-id) (u/maybe? sequential? parameters)]} (let [card (api/read-check (t2/select-one [:model/Card :id :name :dataset_query :database_id :collection_id :type :result_metadata :visualization_settings :display :cache_invalidated_at :entity_id :created_at] :id card-id)) dash-viz (when (and (not= context :question) dashcard-id) (t2/select-one-fn :visualization_settings :model/DashboardCard :id dashcard-id)) card-viz (:visualization_settings card) merged-viz (m/deep-merge card-viz dash-viz) ;; We need to check this here because dashcards don't get selected until this point qp (if (= :pivot (:display card)) qp.pivot/run-pivot-query (or qp process-query-for-card-default-qp)) runner (make-run qp export-format) query (-> (query-for-card card parameters constraints middleware {:dashboard-id dashboard-id}) (assoc :viz-settings merged-viz) (update :middleware (fn [middleware] (merge {:js-int-to-string? true, :ignore-cached-results? ignore-cache} middleware)))) info (cond-> {:executed-by api/*current-user-id* :context context :card-id card-id :card-name (:name card) :dashboard-id dashboard-id :visualization-settings merged-viz} (and (= (:type card) :model) (seq (:result_metadata card))) (assoc :metadata/model-metadata (:result_metadata card)))] (when (seq parameters) (validate-card-parameters card-id (mbql.normalize/normalize-fragment [:parameters] parameters))) (log/tracef "Running query for Card %d:\n%s" card-id (u/pprint-to-str query)) (binding [qp.perms/*card-id* card-id] (runner query info)))) |