Integration with Macaw, which parses native SQL queries. All SQL-specific logic is in Macaw, the purpose of this namespace is to:

  1. Translate Metabase-isms into generic SQL that Macaw can understand.
  2. Encapsulate Metabase-specific business logic.

The primary way of interacting with parsed queries is through their associated QueryFields (see model file). QueryFields are maintained through the update-query-fields-for-card! function. This is invoked as part of the lifecycle of a card (see the Card model).

Query rewriting happens with the replace-names function.

(ns metabase.query-analysis.native-query-analyzer
   [clojure.set :as set]
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [macaw.core :as macaw]
   [metabase.driver :as driver]
   [metabase.driver.util :as driver.u]
   [metabase.query-analysis.native-query-analyzer.impl :as nqa.impl]
   [metabase.query-analysis.native-query-analyzer.parameter-substitution :as nqa.sub]
   [metabase.query-analysis.native-query-analyzer.replacement :as nqa.replacement]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [potemkin :as p]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))
(comment nqa.replacement/keep-me)
 [nqa.replacement replace-names])

HoneySQL fragment to get the Field and Table

(def ^:private field-and-table-fragment
  {:select    [[ :field-id] [ :column]
               [ :table-id] [ :table]
               [:t.schema :schema]]
   ;; (t2/table-name :model/Table) doesn't work on CI since models/table.clj hasn't been loaded
   :from      [[:metabase_table :t]]
   :left-join [[:metabase_field :f] [:= :f.table_id]]})

NOTE: be careful when adding square braces, as the rules for nesting them are different.

(def ^:private quotes "\"`")

Construct a function which unquotes values which use the given character as their quote.

(defn- quote-stripper
  (let [doubled (str quote-char quote-char)
        single  (str quote-char)]
    #(-> (subs % 1 (dec (count %)))
         (str/replace doubled single))))

Pre-constructed lambdas, to save some memory allocations.

(def ^:private quote->stripper
  (zipmap quotes (map quote-stripper quotes)))
(defn- strip-quotes [value]
  (if-let [f (quote->stripper (first value))]
    (f value)
(defn- normalized-key [value]
  (u/lower-case-en (strip-quotes value)))

Exact match for quoted fields, case-insensitive match for non-quoted fields

(defn- field-query
  [field value]
  (if-let [f (quote->stripper (first value))]
    [:= field (f value)]
    ;; Technically speaking, this is not correct for all databases.
    ;; For example, Oracle treats non-quoted identifiers as uppercase, but still expects a case-sensitive match.
    ;; Similarly, Postgres treats all non-quoted identifiers as lowercase, and again expects an exact match.
    ;; H2 on the other hand will choose whether to cast it to uppercase or lowercase based on a system variable... T_T
    ;; MySQL, by contrast, is truly case-insensitive, and as the lowest common denominator it's what we cater for.
    ;; In general, it's a huge anti-pattern to have any identifiers that differ only by case, so this extra leniency is
    ;; unlikely to ever cause issues in practice.
    ;; If we want 100% correctness, we can use the Macaw :case-insensitive option here to do the right thing.
    [:= [:lower field] (u/lower-case-en value)]))
(defn- table-query
  [{:keys [schema table]}]
  (if-not schema
    (field-query table)
     (field-query table)
     (field-query :t.schema schema)]))

Generates the query for a column, incorporating its concrete table information (if known) or matching it against the provided list of all possible tables.

(defn- column-query
  [tables column]
    [:= nil]
    (field-query (:column column))]
   (if (:table column)
     (table-query column)
     (into [:or] (map table-query tables)))])

Used by tests

(defn table-reference
  ([db-id table]
   (table-reference db-id nil table))
  ([db-id schema table]
   (t2/select-one :model/QueryTable
                  {:select [[ :table-id] [ :table] [:t.schema :schema]]
                   :from   [[(t2/table-name :model/Table) :t]]
                   :where  [:and
                            [:= :t.db_id db-id]
                            (table-query {:schema (some-> schema name)
                                          :table (name table)})]})))

Used by tests

(defn field-reference
  [db-id table column]
  (t2/select-one :model/QueryField (assoc field-and-table-fragment
                                          :where [:and
                                                  [:= :t.db_id db-id]
                                                  (column-query nil {:table  (name table)
                                                                     :column (name column)})])))

Strip out duplicate references, and unqualified references that are shadowed by found or qualified ones.

(defn- strip-redundant-refs
  ;; TODO handle schema
  (let [qualified? (into #{} (comp (filter :table) (map :column)) references)]
    (into #{}
          (filter (fn [{:keys [table column]}]
                    (or table (not (qualified? column)))))

Strip out duplicate references, and unqualified references that are shadowed by found or qualified ones.

(defn- strip-redundant-table-refs
  (let [qualified? (into #{} (comp (filter :schema) (map :table)) references)]
    (into #{}
          (filter (fn [{:keys [schema table]}]
                    (or schema (not (qualified? table)))))

Qualify analyzed columns with the corresponding tables, where we are able to resolve them.

(defn- consolidate-columns
  [analyzed-columns database-columns]
  (let [->schema-key   (comp u/lower-case-en :schema)
        ->table-key    (comp u/lower-case-en :table)
        ->column-key   (comp u/lower-case-en :column)
        ;; it may turn out cheaper to do scans versus building all these maps...
        ;; alternately, a c->t->s trie could also make more sense
        c->records     (group-by ->column-key database-columns)
        t+c->records   (group-by (juxt ->table-key ->column-key) database-columns)
        s+t+c->records (group-by (juxt ->schema-key ->table-key ->column-key) database-columns)]
     (mapcat (fn [{:keys [schema table column] :as reference}]
               ;; match on what we know - where ambiguous, match with everything plausible
               (or (cond
                     (s+t+c->records [(normalized-key schema)
                                      (normalized-key table)
                                      (normalized-key column)])
                     (t+c->records [(normalized-key table)
                                    (normalized-key column)])
                     (c->records (normalized-key column)))
                   ;; not found in the database records
                   [(update-vals reference strip-quotes)]))
(defn- consolidate-tables [analyzed-tables database-tables]
  (let [->schema-key          (comp u/lower-case-en :schema)
        ->table-key           (comp u/lower-case-en :table)
        table->records        (group-by ->table-key database-tables)
        schema+table->records (group-by (juxt ->schema-key ->table-key) database-tables)]
     (mapcat (fn [{:keys [schema table] :as reference}]
               (or (if schema
                     (schema+table->records [(normalized-key schema) (normalized-key table)])
                     (table->records (normalized-key table)))
                   [(update-vals reference strip-quotes)]))

Given the results of query analysis, return references to the corresponding tables and cards.

(defn- table-refs-for-query
  [tables db-id]
   (when (seq tables)
     (t2/select :model/QueryTable
                {:select [[ :table-id] [ :table] [:t.schema :schema]]
                 :from   [[(t2/table-name :model/Table) :t]]
                 :where  [:and
                          [:= :t.db_id db-id]
                          (into [:or] (map table-query tables))]}))))

See if we can qualify the schema and table-id for any explicit field refs which couldn't resolve their field

(defn- fill-missing-table-ids-hack
  [table-refs field-refs]
  ;; Note, at this point we have given up on any pretense of respecting case sensitivity
  (let [normalize        u/lower-case-en
        t->ids           (group-by (comp normalize :table) table-refs)
        s+t->id          (u/index-by (juxt (comp normalize :schema)
                                           (comp normalize :table))
        merge-table-refs (fn [{:keys [schema table] :as field-ref}]
                           (map #(merge field-ref %)
                                  [(s+t->id [(normalize schema) (normalize table)])]
                                  (t->ids (normalize table)))))]
    (into (empty field-refs)
          (mapcat (fn [{:keys [table-id] :as field-ref}]
                    (or (when-not table-id
                          (seq (merge-table-refs field-ref)))

Given the results of query analysis, return references to the corresponding fields and model outputs.

(defn- explicit-field-refs-for-query
  [{columns :source-columns table-maps :tables} db-id table-refs]
  (let [tables (map :component table-maps)]
      (t2/select :model/QueryField (assoc field-and-table-fragment
                                          :where [:and
                                                  [:= :t.db_id db-id]
                                                  (into [:or] (map (partial column-query tables) columns))]))))))

Given a parsed query, return the list of tables we are selecting from using a wildcard.

(defn- wildcard-tables
  [{table-wildcards :table-wildcards
    all-wildcards   :has-wildcard?
    tables          :tables}]
  (let [has-wildcard? (and (seq all-wildcards) (every? :component all-wildcards))]
      ;; select * from ...
      ;; so, get everything in all the tables
      (and has-wildcard? (seq tables)) (map :component tables)
      ;; select foo.* from ...
      ;; limit to the named tables
      (seq table-wildcards)            (map :component table-wildcards))))

Similar to explicit-field-ids-for-query, but for wildcard selects

(defn- implicit-references-for-query
  [parsed-query db-id]
  (when-let [tables (wildcard-tables parsed-query)]
     (t2/select :model/QueryField (merge field-and-table-fragment
                                         {:where [:and
                                                  [:= :t.db_id db-id]
                                                  [:= true]
                                                  (into [:or] (map table-query tables))]})))))
(defn- mark-reference [refs explicit?]
  (map #(assoc % :explicit-reference explicit?) refs))
(defn- strip-model-refs [refs]
  (remove (fn [{s :schema}]
            (and s (str/starts-with? s "metabase_cache_")))

Returns a {:explicit #{...} :implicit #{...}} map with field IDs that (may) be referenced in the given card's query. Errs on the side of optimism: i.e., it may return fields that are not in the query, and is unlikely to fail to return fields that are in the query.

Explicit references are columns that are named in the query; implicit ones are from wildcards. If a field could be both explicit and implicit, it will only show up in the :explicit set.

(defn- references-for-sql
  [driver query]
  (let [db-id      (:database query)
        macaw-opts (nqa.impl/macaw-options driver)
        sql-string (:query (nqa.sub/replace-tags query))
        result     (macaw/query->components (macaw/parsed-query sql-string macaw-opts) macaw-opts)]
    (if (:error result)
      ;; We may want to do some error translation here in the future, to decrease coupling to Macaw.
      (let [tables        (map :component (:tables result))
            table-refs    (table-refs-for-query tables db-id)
            explicit-refs (explicit-field-refs-for-query result db-id table-refs)
            implicit-refs (-> (implicit-references-for-query result db-id)
                              (set/difference explicit-refs))
            field-refs    (concat (mark-reference explicit-refs true)
                                  (mark-reference implicit-refs false))]
        {:tables (strip-model-refs table-refs)
         :fields (strip-model-refs field-refs)}))))

Returns a set of table identifiers that (may) be referenced in the given card's query. Errs on the side of optimism: i.e., it may return tables that are not in the query, and is unlikely to fail to return tables that are in the query.

(defn- tables-via-macaw
  [driver query & {:keys [mode] :or {mode :compound-select}}]
  (let [db-id      (:database query)
        macaw-opts (nqa.impl/macaw-options driver)
        table-opts (assoc macaw-opts :mode mode)
        sql-string (:query (nqa.sub/replace-tags query))
        result     (macaw/query->tables sql-string table-opts)]
    (u/update-if-exists result :tables table-refs-for-query db-id)))

Returns a set of table identifiers that (may) be referenced in the given card's query. Errs on the side of optimism: i.e., it may return tables that are not in the query, and is unlikely to fail to return tables that are in the query.

If it is unable to analyze the query, it should return an error of the form :query-analysis.error/...

Keeping this multimethod private for now, need some hammock time on what to expose to drivers.

(defmulti ^:private tables-for-native*
  {:arglists '([driver query opts])}
  (fn [driver _query _opts] driver)
  :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy)
(defmethod tables-for-native* :default
  [_driver _query _opts]
(defmethod tables-for-native* :sql
  [driver query opts]
  (if (nqa.impl/trusted-for-table-permissions? driver)
    (tables-via-macaw driver query opts)
    {:error :query-analysis.error/driver-not-supported}))

Returns a {:explicit #{...} :implicit #{...}} map with field IDs that (may) be referenced in the given card's query. Currently only support SQL-based dialects.

(defn references-for-native
  (let [driver (driver.u/database->driver (:database query))]
    ;; TODO this approach is not extensible, we need to move to multimethods.
    ;; See for long term solution.
    ;; For now we are not restricting this as we are for [[tables-for-native]], yet.
    ;; As we don't have any hard dependencies on this data, its useful to gather info on which drivers have errors or
    ;; inaccuracies in practice.
    (if (isa? driver/hierarchy driver :sql)
      (references-for-sql driver query)
      {:error :query-analysis.error/driver-not-supported})))

Returns a set of table identifiers that (may) be referenced in the given card's query. Takes an options :mode option, which determines the complexity of queries it can handle, and what types of false positives it may return.

(defn tables-for-native
  [query & {:as opts}]
  (let [driver (driver.u/database->driver (:database query))]
    (tables-for-native* driver query opts)))