(ns metabase.pulse.models.pulse-channel
   [clojure.set :as set]
   [medley.core :as m]
   [metabase.config :as config]
   [metabase.models.interface :as mi]
   [metabase.plugins.classloader :as classloader]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]]
   [methodical.core :as methodical]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))

Static Definitions

Simple vector of the days in the week used for reference and lookups.

NOTE: order is important here!! we use the same ordering as the clj-time day-of-week function (1 = Monday, 7 = Sunday) except that we are 0 based instead.

(def days-of-week
  [{:id "mon", :name "Mon"},
   {:id "tue", :name "Tue"},
   {:id "wed", :name "Wed"},
   {:id "thu", :name "Thu"},
   {:id "fri", :name "Fri"},
   {:id "sat", :name "Sat"},
   {:id "sun", :name "Sun"}])

Is day a valid day-of-week choice?

(def ^{:arglists '([day])} day-of-week?
  (partial contains? (set (map :id days-of-week))))

Is hour is a valid hour of the day (24 hour)?

(defn hour-of-day?
  (and (integer? hour) (<= 0 hour 23)))

Set of possible schedule-frames allow for a PulseChannel.

(def ^:private schedule-frames
  #{:first :mid :last})

Is frame a valid schedule frame?

(defn schedule-frame?
  (contains? schedule-frames frame))

Set of the possible schedule-types allowed for a PulseChannel.

(def ^:private schedule-types
  #{:hourly :daily :weekly :monthly})

Is schedule-type a valid PulseChannel schedule type?

(defn schedule-type?
  (contains? schedule-types schedule-type))

Is this combination of scheduling choices valid?

(defn valid-schedule?
  [schedule-type schedule-hour schedule-day schedule-frame]
   ;; hourly schedule does not care about other inputs
   (= schedule-type :hourly)
   ;; daily schedule requires a valid `hour`
   (and (= schedule-type :daily)
        (hour-of-day? schedule-hour))
   ;; weekly schedule requires a valid `hour` and `day`
   (and (= schedule-type :weekly)
        (hour-of-day? schedule-hour)
        (day-of-week? schedule-day))
   ;; monthly schedule requires a valid `hour` and `frame`.  also a `day` if frame = first or last
   (and (= schedule-type :monthly)
        (schedule-frame? schedule-frame)
        (hour-of-day? schedule-hour)
        (or (contains? #{:first :last} schedule-frame)
            (and (= :mid schedule-frame)
                 (nil? schedule-day))))))

Map which contains the definitions for each type of pulse channel we allow. Each key is a channel type with a map which contains any other relevant information for defining the channel. E.g.

{:email {:name "Email", :recipients? true} :slack {:name "Slack", :recipients? false}}

(def channel-types
  {:email {:type              "email"
           :name              "Email"
           :allows_recipients true
           :recipients        ["user" "email"]
           :schedules         [:hourly :daily :weekly :monthly]}
   :slack {:type              "slack"
           :name              "Slack"
           :allows_recipients false
           :schedules         [:hourly :daily :weekly :monthly]
           :fields            [{:name        "channel"
                                :type        "select"
                                :displayName "Post to"
                                :options     []
                                :required    true}]}
   :http  {:type              "http"
           :name              "Webhook"
           :allows_recipients false
           :schedules         [:hourly :daily :weekly :monthly]}})

Is channel-type a valid value as a channel type? :tv:

(defn channel-type?
  (contains? (set (keys channel-types)) channel-type))

Does given channel type support a list of recipients? :tv:

(defn supports-recipients?
  (boolean (:allows_recipients (get channel-types channel))))


(methodical/defmethod t2/table-name :model/PulseChannel [_model] :pulse_channel)
(methodical/defmethod t2/model-for-automagic-hydration [:default :pulse_channel] [_original-model _k] :model/PulseChannel)
(doto :model/PulseChannel
  (derive :metabase/model)
  (derive :hook/timestamped?)
  (derive :hook/entity-id)
  (derive ::mi/read-policy.always-allow)
  (derive ::mi/write-policy.superuser))
(t2/deftransforms :model/PulseChannel
  {:details mi/transform-json
   :channel_type mi/transform-keyword
   :schedule_type mi/transform-keyword
   :schedule_frame mi/transform-keyword})
(methodical/defmethod t2/batched-hydrate [:default :recipients]
  [_model _k pcs]
  (when (seq pcs)
    (let [pcid->recipients (-> (group-by :pulse_channel_id
                                         (t2/select [:model/User :id :email :first_name :last_name :pcr.pulse_channel_id]
                                                    {:left-join [[:pulse_channel_recipient :pcr] [:= :core_user.id :pcr.user_id]]
                                                     :where     [:and
                                                                 [:in :pcr.pulse_channel_id (map :id pcs)]
                                                                 [:= :core_user.is_active true]]
                                                     :order-by [[:core_user.id :asc]]}))
                               (update-vals #(map (fn [user] (dissoc user :pulse_channel_id)) %)))]
      (for [pc pcs]
        (assoc pc :recipients (concat
                               (for [email (get-in pc [:details :emails] [])]
                                 {:email email})
                               (get pcid->recipients (:id pc))))))))
(defn- update-send-pulse-trigger-if-needed!
  [& args]
  (apply (requiring-resolve 'metabase.pulse.task.send-pulses/update-send-pulse-trigger-if-needed!) args))

Should we automatically archive a Pulse when its last PulseChannel is deleted? Normally we do, but this is disabled in [[update-notification-channels!]] which creates/deletes/updates several channels sequentially.

(def ^:dynamic *archive-parent-pulse-when-last-channel-is-deleted*
(t2/define-before-delete :model/PulseChannel
  [{pulse-id :pulse_id, pulse-channel-id :id :as pulse-channel}]
  ;; This function is called by [[metabase.pulse.models.pulse-channel/pre-delete]] when the `PulseChannel` is about to
  ;; be deleted. Archives `Pulse` if the channel being deleted is its last channel."
  (when *archive-parent-pulse-when-last-channel-is-deleted*
    (let [other-channels-count (t2/count :model/PulseChannel :pulse_id pulse-id, :id [:not= pulse-channel-id])]
      (when (zero? other-channels-count)
        (t2/update! :model/Pulse pulse-id {:archived true}))))
  ;; it's best if this is done in after-delete, but toucan2 doesn't support that yet See toucan2#70S
  ;; remove this pulse from its existing trigger
  (update-send-pulse-trigger-if-needed! pulse-id pulse-channel :remove-pc-ids #{(:id pulse-channel)}))

we want to load this at the top level so the Setting the namespace defines gets loaded

(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([email-addresses])} validate-email-domains*
  (or (when config/ee-available?
        (classloader/require 'metabase-enterprise.advanced-config.models.pulse-channel)
        (resolve 'metabase-enterprise.advanced-config.models.pulse-channel/validate-email-domains))
      (constantly nil)))

For channels that are being sent to raw email addresses: check that the domains in the emails are allowed by the [[metabase-enterprise.advanced-config.models.pulse-channel/subscription-allowed-domains]] Setting, if set. This will no-op if subscription-allowed-domains is unset or if we do not have a premium token with the :advanced-config feature.

(defn validate-email-domains
  [{{:keys [emails]} :details, :keys [recipients], :as pulse-channel}]
  ;; Raw email addresses can be in either `[:details :emails]` or in `:recipients`, depending on who is invoking this
  ;; function. Make sure we handle both situations.
  ;;    {:details {:emails [\"email@example.com\" ...]}}
  ;;  The Dashboard Subscription FE currently sends raw email address recipients in this format:
  ;;    {:recipients [{:email \"email@example.com\"} ...]}
  (u/prog1 pulse-channel
    (let [raw-email-recipients (remove :id recipients)
          user-recipients      (filter :id recipients)
          emails               (concat emails (map :email raw-email-recipients))]
      (validate-email-domains* emails)
      ;; validate User `:id` & `:email` match up for User recipients. This is mostly to make sure people don't try to
      ;; be sneaky and pass in a valid User ID but different email so they can send test Pulses out to arbitrary email
      ;; addresses
      (when-let [user-ids (not-empty (into #{} (comp (filter some?) (map :id)) user-recipients))]
        (let [user-id->email (t2/select-pk->fn :email :model/User, :id [:in user-ids])]
          (doseq [{:keys [id email]} user-recipients
                  :let               [correct-email (get user-id->email id)]]
            (when-not correct-email
              (throw (ex-info (tru "User {0} does not exist." id)
                              {:status-code 404})))
            ;; only validate the email address if it was explicitly specified, which is not explicitly required.
            (when (and email
                       (not= email correct-email))
              (throw (ex-info (tru "Wrong email address for User {0}." id)
                              {:status-code 403})))))))))
(t2/define-before-insert :model/PulseChannel
  (validate-email-domains pulse-channel))
(t2/define-after-insert :model/PulseChannel
  [{:keys [pulse_id id] :as pulse-channel}]
  (u/prog1 pulse-channel
    (when (:enabled pulse-channel)
      (update-send-pulse-trigger-if-needed! pulse_id pulse-channel :add-pc-ids #{id}))))
(t2/define-before-update :model/PulseChannel
  [{:keys [pulse_id id] :as pulse-channel}]
  ;; IT's really best if this is done in after-update
  (let [changes (t2/changes pulse-channel)]
    ;; if there are changes in schedule
    ;; better be done in after-update, but t2/changes isn't available in after-update yet See toucan2#129
    (when (some #(contains? #{:schedule_type :schedule_hour :schedule_day :schedule_frame} %) (keys changes))
      ;; need to remove this PC from the existing trigger
      (update-send-pulse-trigger-if-needed! pulse_id (t2/original pulse-channel)
                                            :remove-pc-ids #{(:id pulse-channel)})
      ;; create a new PC with the updated schedule
      (update-send-pulse-trigger-if-needed! pulse_id pulse-channel
                                            :add-pc-ids #{id}))
    (when (contains? changes :enabled)
      (if (:enabled changes)
        (update-send-pulse-trigger-if-needed! pulse_id pulse-channel
                                              :add-pc-ids #{(:id pulse-channel)})
        (update-send-pulse-trigger-if-needed! pulse_id (t2/original pulse-channel)
                                              :remove-pc-ids #{(:id pulse-channel)}))))
  (validate-email-domains (mi/changes-with-pk pulse-channel)))

Persistence Functions

Update the PulseChannelRecipients for pulse-CHANNEL. user-ids should be a definitive collection of all IDs of users who should receive the pulse.

  • If an ID in user-ids has no corresponding existing PulseChannelRecipients object, one will be created.
  • If an existing PulseChannelRecipients has no corresponding ID in USER-IDs, it will be deleted.
(defn update-recipients!
  [id user-ids]
  {:pre [(integer? id)
         (coll? user-ids)
         (every? integer? user-ids)]}
  (let [recipients-old (set (t2/select-fn-set :user_id :model/PulseChannelRecipient, :pulse_channel_id id))
        recipients-new (set user-ids)
        recipients+    (set/difference recipients-new recipients-old)
        recipients-    (set/difference recipients-old recipients-new)]
    (when (seq recipients+)
      (let [vs (map #(assoc {:pulse_channel_id id} :user_id %) recipients+)]
        (t2/insert! :model/PulseChannelRecipient vs)))
    (when (seq recipients-)
      (t2/delete! (t2/table-name :model/PulseChannelRecipient)
                  :pulse_channel_id id
                  :user_id          [:in recipients-]))))

Updates an existing PulseChannel along with all related data associated with the channel such as PulseChannelRecipients.

(defn update-pulse-channel!
  [{:keys [id channel_type enabled details recipients schedule_type schedule_day schedule_hour schedule_frame]
    :or   {details          {}
           recipients       []}}]
  {:pre [(integer? id)
         (channel-type? channel_type)
         (m/boolean? enabled)
         (schedule-type? schedule_type)
         (valid-schedule? schedule_type schedule_hour schedule_day schedule_frame)
         (coll? recipients)
         (every? map? recipients)]}
  (let [recipients-by-type (group-by integer? (filter identity (map #(or (:id %) (:email %)) recipients)))]
    (t2/update! :model/PulseChannel id
                {:details        (cond-> details
                                   (supports-recipients? channel_type) (assoc :emails (get recipients-by-type false)))
                 :enabled        enabled
                 :schedule_type  schedule_type
                 :schedule_hour  (when (not= schedule_type :hourly)
                 :schedule_day   (when (contains? #{:weekly :monthly} schedule_type)
                 :schedule_frame (when (= schedule_type :monthly)
    (when (supports-recipients? channel_type)
      (update-recipients! id (or (get recipients-by-type true) [])))))

Create a new PulseChannel along with all related data associated with the channel such as PulseChannelRecipients.

(defn create-pulse-channel!
  [{:keys [channel_type channel_id details enabled pulse_id recipients schedule_type schedule_day schedule_hour schedule_frame]
    :or   {details          {}
           recipients       []}}]
  {:pre [(channel-type? channel_type)
         (integer? pulse_id)
         (boolean? enabled)
         (schedule-type? schedule_type)
         (valid-schedule? schedule_type schedule_hour schedule_day schedule_frame)
         (coll? recipients)
         (every? map? recipients)]}
  (let [recipients-by-type (group-by integer? (filter identity (map #(or (:id %) (:email %)) recipients)))
        id                 (t2/insert-returning-pk!
                            :pulse_id       pulse_id
                            :channel_type   channel_type
                            :channel_id     channel_id
                            :details        (cond-> details
                                              (supports-recipients? channel_type) (assoc :emails (get recipients-by-type false)))
                            :enabled        enabled
                            :schedule_type  schedule_type
                            :schedule_hour  (when (not= schedule_type :hourly)
                            :schedule_day   (when (contains? #{:weekly :monthly} schedule_type)
                            :schedule_frame (when (= schedule_type :monthly)
    (when (and (supports-recipients? channel_type) (seq (get recipients-by-type true)))
      (update-recipients! id (get recipients-by-type true)))
    ;; return the id of our newly created channel
(methodical/defmethod mi/to-json :model/PulseChannel
  "Don't include `:emails`, we use that purely internally"
  [pulse-channel json-generator]
  (next-method (m/dissoc-in pulse-channel [:details :emails]) json-generator))