(ns metabase.public-settings (:require [clojure.java.io :as io] [clojure.string :as str] [environ.core :as env] [java-time.api :as t] [metabase.api.common :as api] [metabase.config :as config] [metabase.models.interface :as mi] [metabase.models.setting :as setting :refer [defsetting]] [metabase.premium-features.core :as premium-features] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.fonts :as u.fonts] [metabase.util.i18n :as i18n :refer [available-locales-with-names deferred-tru trs tru]] [metabase.util.log :as log] [metabase.util.password :as u.password] [toucan2.core :as t2])) | |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
These modules register settings but are otherwise unused. They still must be imported. | (comment premium-features/keep-me) |
(defsetting application-name (deferred-tru "Replace the word “Metabase” wherever it appears.") :encryption :no :visibility :public :export? true :type :string :audit :getter :feature :whitelabel :default "Metabase") | |
Returns the value of the [[application-name]] setting so setting docstrings can be generated during the compilation stage.
Use this instead of | (defn application-name-for-setting-descriptions [] (if *compile-files* "Metabase" (binding [config/*disable-setting-cache* true] (application-name)))) |
Is Google Auth (OIDC not SAML) enabled? | (defn google-auth-enabled? [] (boolean (setting/get :google-auth-enabled))) |
Is LDAP enabled? | (defn ldap-enabled? [] (setting/get :ldap-enabled)) |
(defn- ee-sso-configured? [] (when config/ee-available? (setting/get :other-sso-enabled?))) | |
Any SSO provider is configured and enabled TODO -- consider whether this belongs here or in the | (defn sso-enabled? [] (or (google-auth-enabled?) (ldap-enabled?) (ee-sso-configured?))) |
(defsetting check-for-updates (deferred-tru "Identify when new versions of Metabase are available.") :type :boolean :audit :getter :default true) | |
(defn- set-update-channel! [new-channel] (let [valid-channels #{"latest" "beta" "nightly"}] (when-not (valid-channels new-channel) (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (tru "Invalid update channel ''{0}''. Valid channels are: {1}" new-channel valid-channels)))) (setting/set-value-of-type! :string :update-channel new-channel))) | |
(defsetting update-channel (deferred-tru "We''ll notify you here when there''s a new version of this type of release.") :visibility :admin :type :string :encryption :no :export? true :audit :getter :setter set-update-channel! :default "latest") | |
Unique identifier used for this instance of {0}. This is set once and only once the first time it is fetched via its magic getter. Nice! | (defsetting site-uuid ;; Don't i18n this docstring because it's not user-facing! :) :encryption :no :visibility :authenticated :base setting/uuid-nonce-base :doc false) |
(defsetting upgrade-threshold (deferred-tru "Threshold (value in 0-100) indicating at which treshold it should offer an upgrade to the latest major version.") :visibility :internal :export? false :type :integer :setter :none :getter (fn [] ;; site-uuid is stable, current-major lets the threshold randomize during each major revision. So they ;; might be early one release, and then later the next. (-> (site-uuid) (str "-" (config/current-major-version)) hash (mod 100)))) | |
On a major upgrade, we check the rollout threshold to indicate whether we should remove the latest release from the version info. This lets us stage upgrade notifications to self-hosted instances in a controlled manner. Defaults to show the upgrade except under certain circumstances. | (defn- prevent-upgrade? [current-major latest threshold] (when (and (integer? current-major) (integer? threshold) (string? (:version latest))) (try (let [upgrade-major (-> latest :version config/major-version) rollout (some-> latest :rollout)] (when (and upgrade-major rollout) (cond ;; it's the same or a minor release (= upgrade-major current-major) false ;; the rollout threshold is larger than our threshold (>= rollout threshold) false :else true))) (catch Exception _e true)))) |
(defn- version-info* [raw-version-info {:keys [current-major upgrade-threshold-value]}] (try (cond-> raw-version-info (prevent-upgrade? current-major (-> raw-version-info :latest) upgrade-threshold-value) (dissoc :latest)) (catch Exception e (log/error e "Error processing version info") raw-version-info))) | |
(defsetting version-info (deferred-tru "Information about available versions of Metabase.") :encryption :no :type :json :audit :never :default {} :doc false :getter (fn [] (let [raw-vi (setting/get-value-of-type :json :version-info) current-major (config/current-major-version)] (version-info* raw-vi {:current-major current-major :upgrade-threshold-value (upgrade-threshold)})))) | |
(defsetting version-info-last-checked (deferred-tru "Indicates when Metabase last checked for new versions.") :visibility :public :type :timestamp :audit :never :default nil :doc false) | |
(defsetting startup-time-millis (deferred-tru "The startup time in milliseconds") :visibility :public :type :double :audit :never :default 0.0 :doc false) | |
(defsetting site-name (deferred-tru "The name used for this instance of {0}." (application-name-for-setting-descriptions)) :encryption :no :default "Metabase" :audit :getter :visibility :settings-manager :export? true) | |
(def ^:private default-allowed-iframe-hosts "youtube.com, youtu.be, loom.com, vimeo.com, docs.google.com, calendar.google.com, airtable.com, typeform.com, canva.com, codepen.io, figma.com, grafana.com, miro.com, excalidraw.com, notion.com, atlassian.com, trello.com, asana.com, gist.github.com, linkedin.com, twitter.com, x.com") | |
(defsetting allowed-iframe-hosts (deferred-tru "Allowed iframe hosts") :encryption :no :default default-allowed-iframe-hosts :audit :getter :visibility :public :export? true) | |
(defsetting custom-homepage (deferred-tru "Pick one of your dashboards to serve as homepage. Users without dashboard access will be directed to the default homepage.") :encryption :no :default false :type :boolean :audit :getter :visibility :public) | |
(defsetting custom-homepage-dashboard (deferred-tru "ID of dashboard to use as a homepage") :encryption :no :type :integer :visibility :public :audit :getter) | |
In the interest of respecting everyone's privacy and keeping things as anonymous as possible we have a different
site-wide UUID that we use for the EE/premium features token feature check API calls. It works in fundamentally the
same way as [[site-uuid]] but should only be used by the token check logic
in [[metabase.premium-features.core/fetch-token-status]]. ( | (defsetting site-uuid-for-premium-features-token-checks :encryption :when-encryption-key-set :visibility :internal :base setting/uuid-nonce-base :doc false) |
A different site-wide UUID that we use for the version info fetching API calls. Do not use this for any other applications. (See [[site-uuid-for-premium-features-token-checks]] for more reasoning.) | (defsetting site-uuid-for-version-info-fetching :encryption :when-encryption-key-set :visibility :internal :base setting/uuid-nonce-base) |
UUID that we use for generating urls users to unsubscribe from alerts. The hash is generated by hash(secretuuid + email + subscriptionid) = url. Do not use this for any other applications. (See #29955) | (defsetting site-uuid-for-unsubscribing-url :encryption :when-encryption-key-set :visibility :internal :base setting/uuid-nonce-base) |
(defn- normalize-site-url [^String s] (let [;; remove trailing slashes s (str/replace s #"/$" ) ;; add protocol if missing s (if (str/starts-with? s "http") s (str "http://" s))] ;; check that the URL is valid (when-not (u/url? s) (throw (ex-info (tru "Invalid site URL: {0}" (pr-str s)) {:url (pr-str s)}))) s)) | |
(declare redirect-all-requests-to-https!) | |
This value is guaranteed to never have a trailing slash :D
It will also prepend | (defsetting site-url (deferred-tru (str "This URL is used for things like creating links in emails, auth redirects, and in some embedding scenarios, " "so changing it could break functionality or get you locked out of this instance.")) :encryption :when-encryption-key-set :visibility :public :audit :getter :getter (fn [] (try (some-> (setting/get-value-of-type :string :site-url) normalize-site-url) (catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e (log/error e "site-url is invalid; returning nil for now. Will be reset on next request.")))) :setter (fn [new-value] (let [new-value (some-> new-value normalize-site-url) https? (some-> new-value (str/starts-with? "https:"))] ;; if the site URL isn't HTTPS then disable force HTTPS redirects if set (when-not https? (redirect-all-requests-to-https! false)) (setting/set-value-of-type! :string :site-url new-value))) :doc "This URL is critical for things like SSO authentication, email links, embedding and more. Even difference with `http://` vs `https://` can cause problems. Make sure that the address defined is how Metabase is being accessed.") |
(defsetting site-locale (deferred-tru (str "The default language for all users across the {0} UI, system emails, pulses, and alerts. " "Users can individually override this default language from their own account settings.") (application-name-for-setting-descriptions)) :default "en" :visibility :public :export? true :audit :getter :encryption :no :getter (fn [] (let [value (setting/get-value-of-type :string :site-locale)] (when (i18n/available-locale? value) value))) :setter (fn [new-value] (when new-value (when-not (i18n/available-locale? new-value) (throw (ex-info (tru "Invalid locale {0}" (pr-str new-value)) {:status-code 400})))) (setting/set-value-of-type! :string :site-locale (some-> new-value i18n/normalized-locale-string)))) | |
(defsetting admin-email (deferred-tru "The email address users should be referred to if they encounter a problem.") :visibility :authenticated :encryption :when-encryption-key-set :audit :getter) | |
(defsetting anon-tracking-enabled (deferred-tru "Enable the collection of anonymous usage data in order to help {0} improve." (application-name-for-setting-descriptions)) :type :boolean :default true :visibility :public :audit :getter) | |
Get the path of a given URL if the URL contains an origin. Otherwise make the landing-page a relative path. | (defn- coerce-to-relative-url [landing-page] (cond (u/url? landing-page) (-> landing-page io/as-url .getPath) (empty? landing-page) "" (not (str/starts-with? landing-page "/")) (str "/" landing-page) :else landing-page)) |
(defsetting landing-page (deferred-tru "Enter a URL of the landing page to show the user. This overrides the custom homepage setting above.") :encryption :no :visibility :public :export? true :type :string :default :audit :getter :setter (fn [new-landing-page] (when new-landing-page ;; If the landing page is a valid URL or mailto, sms, or file, then check with if site-url has the same origin. (when (and (or (re-matches #"^(mailto|sms|file):(.*)" new-landing-page) (u/url? new-landing-page)) (not (str/starts-with? new-landing-page (site-url)))) (throw (ex-info (tru "This field must be a relative URL.") {:status-code 400})))) (setting/set-value-of-type! :string :landing-page (coerce-to-relative-url new-landing-page)))) | |
(defsetting enable-pivoted-exports (deferred-tru "Enable pivoted exports and pivoted subscriptions") :type :boolean :default true :export? true :visibility :authenticated :audit :getter) | |
(defsetting enable-nested-queries (deferred-tru "Allow using a saved question or Model as the source for other queries?") :type :boolean :default true :setter :none :visibility :authenticated :export? true :getter (fn enable-nested-queries-getter [] ;; only false if explicitly set `false` by the environment (not= "false" (u/lower-case-en (env/env :mb-enable-nested-queries)))) :audit :getter) | |
(defsetting enable-query-caching (deferred-tru "Allow caching results of queries that take a long time to run.") :type :boolean :default true :visibility :authenticated :audit :getter) | |
Although depending on the database, we can support much larger cached values (1GB for PG, 2GB for H2 and 4GB for MySQL) we are not curretly setup to deal with data of that size. The datatypes we are using will hold this data in memory and will not truly be streaming. This is a global max in order to prevent our users from setting the caching value so high it becomes a performance issue. The value below represents 200MB | (def ^:private ^:const global-max-caching-kb (* 200 1024)) |
(defsetting query-caching-max-kb (deferred-tru "The maximum size of the cache, per saved question, in kilobytes:") ;; (This size is a measurement of the length of *uncompressed* serialized result *rows*. The actual size of ;; the results as stored will vary somewhat, since this measurement doesn't include metadata returned with the ;; results, and doesn't consider whether the results are compressed, as the `:db` backend does.) :type :integer :default 2000 :audit :getter :setter (fn [new-value] (when (and new-value (> (cond-> new-value (string? new-value) Integer/parseInt) global-max-caching-kb)) (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str (tru "Failed setting `query-caching-max-kb` to {0}." new-value) " " (tru "Values greater than {0} ({1}) are not allowed." global-max-caching-kb (u/format-bytes (* global-max-caching-kb 1024))))))) (setting/set-value-of-type! :integer :query-caching-max-kb new-value))) | |
(defsetting query-caching-max-ttl (deferred-tru "The absolute maximum time to keep any cached query results, in seconds.") :type :double :default (* 60.0 60.0 24.0 35.0) ; 35 days :audit :getter) | |
(defsetting notification-link-base-url (deferred-tru "By default \"Site Url\" is used in notification links, but can be overridden.") :encryption :no :visibility :internal :type :string :feature :whitelabel :audit :getter :doc "The base URL where dashboard notitification links will point to instead of the Metabase base URL. Only applicable for users who utilize interactive embedding and subscriptions.") | |
(defsetting deprecation-notice-version (deferred-tru "Metabase version for which a notice about usage of deprecated features has been shown.") :encryption :no :visibility :admin :doc false :audit :never) | |
(def ^:private loading-message-values #{:doing-science :running-query :loading-results}) | |
(defsetting loading-message (deferred-tru (str "Choose the message to show while a query is running. Possible values are \"doing-science\", " "\"running-query\", or \"loading-results\)) :encryption :no :visibility :public :export? true :feature :whitelabel :type :keyword :default :doing-science :setter (fn [new-value] (let [value (or (loading-message-values (keyword new-value)) (throw (ex-info "Loading message set to an unsupported value" {:value new-value :options (seq loading-message-values)})))] (setting/set-value-of-type! :keyword :loading-message value))) :getter (fn [] (let [value (setting/get-value-of-type :keyword :loading-message)] (or (loading-message-values value) :doing-science))) :audit :getter) | |
(defsetting application-colors (deferred-tru "Choose the colors used in the user interface throughout Metabase and others specifically for the charts. You need to refresh your browser to see your changes take effect.") :encryption :no :visibility :public :export? true :type :json :feature :whitelabel :default {} :audit :getter :doc "To change the user interface colors: ``` { \"brand\":\"#ff003b\", \"filter\":\"#FF003B\", \"summarize\":\"#FF003B\" } ``` To change the chart colors: ``` { \"accent0\":\"#FF0005\", \"accent1\":\"#E6C367\", \"accent2\":\"#B9E68A\", \"accent3\":\"#8AE69F\", \"accent4\":\"#8AE6E4\", \"accent5\":\"#8AA2E6\", \"accent6\":\"#B68AE6\", \"accent7\":\"#E68AD0\" } ```") | |
(defsetting application-font (deferred-tru "Replace “Lato” as the font family.") :encryption :no :visibility :public :export? true :type :string :default "Lato" :feature :whitelabel :audit :getter :setter (fn [new-value] (when new-value (when-not (u.fonts/available-font? new-value) (throw (ex-info (tru "Invalid font {0}" (pr-str new-value)) {:status-code 400})))) (setting/set-value-of-type! :string :application-font new-value))) | |
(defsetting application-font-files (deferred-tru "Tell us where to find the file for each font weight. You don’t need to include all of them, but it’ll look better if you do.") :encryption :no :visibility :public :export? true :type :json :audit :getter :feature :whitelabel :doc "Example value: ``` [ { \"src\": \"https://example.com/resources/font-400\", \"fontFormat\": \"ttf\", \"fontWeight\": 400 }, { \"src\": \"https://example.com/resources/font-700\", \"fontFormat\": \"woff\", \"fontWeight\": 700 } ] ``` See [fonts](../configuring-metabase/fonts.md).") | |
The primary color, a.k.a. brand color | (defn application-color [] (or (:brand (application-colors)) "#509EE3")) |
The first 'Additional chart color' | (defn secondary-chart-color [] (or (:accent3 (application-colors)) "#EF8C8C")) |
(defsetting application-logo-url (deferred-tru "Upload a file to replace the Metabase logo on the top bar.") :encryption :no :visibility :public :export? true :type :string :audit :getter :feature :whitelabel :default "app/assets/img/logo.svg" :doc "Inline styling and inline scripts are not supported.") | |
(defsetting application-favicon-url (deferred-tru "Upload a file to use as the favicon.") :encryption :no :visibility :public :export? true :type :string :audit :getter :feature :whitelabel :default "app/assets/img/favicon.ico") | |
(defsetting show-metabot (deferred-tru "Enables Metabot character on the home page") :visibility :public :export? true :type :boolean :audit :getter :feature :whitelabel :default true) | |
(defsetting login-page-illustration (deferred-tru "Options for displaying the illustration on the login page.") :encryption :no :visibility :public :export? true :type :string :audit :getter :feature :whitelabel :default "default") | |
(defsetting login-page-illustration-custom (deferred-tru "The custom illustration for the login page.") :encryption :no :visibility :public :export? true :type :string :audit :getter :feature :whitelabel) | |
(defsetting landing-page-illustration (deferred-tru "Options for displaying the illustration on the landing page.") :encryption :no :visibility :public :export? true :type :string :audit :getter :feature :whitelabel :default "default") | |
(defsetting landing-page-illustration-custom (deferred-tru "The custom illustration for the landing page.") :encryption :no :visibility :public :export? true :type :string :audit :getter :feature :whitelabel) | |
(defsetting no-data-illustration (deferred-tru "Options for displaying the illustration when there are no results after running a question.") :encryption :no :visibility :public :export? true :type :string :audit :getter :feature :whitelabel :default "default") | |
(defsetting no-data-illustration-custom (deferred-tru "The custom illustration for when there are no results after running a question.") :encryption :no :visibility :public :export? true :type :string :audit :getter :feature :whitelabel) | |
(defsetting no-object-illustration (deferred-tru "Options for displaying the illustration when there are no results after searching.") :encryption :no :visibility :public :export? true :type :string :audit :getter :feature :whitelabel :default "default") | |
(defsetting no-object-illustration-custom (deferred-tru "The custom illustration for when there are no results after searching.") :encryption :no :visibility :public :export? true :type :string :audit :getter :feature :whitelabel) | |
(def ^:private help-link-options #{:metabase :hidden :custom}) | |
(defsetting help-link (deferred-tru (str "Keyword setting to control whitelabeling of the help link. Valid values are `:metabase`, `:hidden`, and " "`:custom`. If `:custom` is set, the help link will use the URL specified in the `help-link-custom-destination`, " "or be hidden if it is not set.")) :type :keyword :audit :getter :visibility :public :feature :whitelabel :default :metabase :setter (fn [value] (when-not (help-link-options (keyword value)) (throw (ex-info (tru "Invalid help link option") {:value value :valid-options help-link-options}))) (setting/set-value-of-type! :keyword :help-link value))) | |
Checks that the provided URL is either a valid HTTP/HTTPS URL or a | (defn- validate-help-url [url] (let [validation-exception (ex-info (tru "Please make sure this is a valid URL") {:url url})] (if-let [matches (re-matches #"^mailto:(.*)" url)] (when-not (u/email? (second matches)) (throw validation-exception)) (when-not (u/url? url) (throw validation-exception))))) |
(defsetting help-link-custom-destination (deferred-tru "Custom URL for the help link.") :encryption :no :visibility :public :type :string :audit :getter :default "https://www.metabase.com/help/premium" :feature :whitelabel :setter (fn [new-value] (let [new-value-string (str new-value)] (validate-help-url new-value-string) (setting/set-value-of-type! :string :help-link-custom-destination new-value-string)))) | |
(defsetting show-metabase-links (deferred-tru "Whether or not to display Metabase links outside admin settings.") :type :boolean :default true :visibility :public :audit :getter :feature :whitelabel) | |
TODO -- consider whether this belongs here or in the | (defsetting enable-password-login (deferred-tru "Allow logging in by email and password.") :visibility :public :type :boolean :default true :feature :disable-password-login :audit :raw-value :getter (fn [] ;; if `:enable-password-login` has an *explict* (non-default) value, and SSO is configured, use that; ;; otherwise this always returns true. (let [v (setting/get-value-of-type :boolean :enable-password-login)] (if (and (some? v) (sso-enabled?)) v true)))) |
(defsetting breakout-bins-num (deferred-tru (str "When using the default binning strategy and a number of bins is not provided, " "this number will be used as the default.")) :type :integer :export? true :default 8 :audit :getter) | |
(defsetting breakout-bin-width (deferred-tru (str "When using the default binning strategy for a field of type Coordinate (such as Latitude and Longitude), " "this number will be used as the default bin width (in degrees).")) :type :double :default 10.0 :audit :getter) | |
(defsetting custom-formatting (deferred-tru "Object keyed by type, containing formatting settings") :encryption :no :type :json :export? true :default {} :visibility :public :audit :getter) | |
(defsetting enable-xrays (deferred-tru "Allow users to explore data using X-rays") :type :boolean :default true :visibility :authenticated :export? true :audit :getter) | |
(defsetting show-homepage-data (deferred-tru (str "Whether or not to display data on the homepage. " "Admins might turn this off in order to direct users to better content than raw data")) :type :boolean :default true :visibility :authenticated :export? true :audit :getter) | |
(defsetting show-homepage-xrays (deferred-tru (str "Whether or not to display x-ray suggestions on the homepage. They will also be hidden if any dashboards are " "pinned. Admins might hide this to direct users to better content than raw data")) :type :boolean :default true :visibility :authenticated :export? true :audit :getter) | |
(defsetting show-homepage-pin-message (deferred-tru (str "Whether or not to display a message about pinning dashboards. It will also be hidden if any dashboards are " "pinned. Admins might hide this to direct users to better content than raw data")) :type :boolean :default true :visibility :authenticated :export? true :doc false :audit :getter) | |
(defsetting source-address-header (deferred-tru "Identify the source of HTTP requests by this header''s value, instead of its remote address.") :encryption :no :default "X-Forwarded-For" :export? true :audit :getter :getter (fn [] (some-> (setting/get-value-of-type :string :source-address-header) u/lower-case-en))) | |
(defsetting not-behind-proxy (deferred-tru (str "Indicates whether Metabase is running behind a proxy that sets the source-address-header for incoming " "requests.")) :type :boolean :visibility :internal :default false :export? false) | |
Available fonts | (defsetting available-fonts :visibility :public :export? true :setter :none :getter u.fonts/available-fonts :doc false) |
Available i18n locales | (defsetting available-locales :visibility :public :export? true :setter :none :getter available-locales-with-names :doc false) |
Available report timezone options | (defsetting available-timezones :visibility :public :export? true :setter :none :getter (comp sort t/available-zone-ids) :doc false) |
Whether this instance has a Sample Database database | (defsetting has-sample-database? :type :boolean :visibility :authenticated :setter :none :getter (fn [] (t2/exists? :model/Database, :is_sample true)) :doc false) |
Current password complexity requirements | (defsetting password-complexity :visibility :public :setter :none :getter u.password/active-password-complexity) |
(defsetting session-cookies (deferred-tru "When set, enforces the use of session cookies for all users which expire when the browser is closed.") :type :boolean :visibility :public :default nil :audit :getter :doc "The user login session will always expire after the amount of time defined in MAX_SESSION_AGE (by default 2 weeks). This overrides the “Remember me” checkbox when logging in. Also see the Changing session expiration documentation page.") | |
Metabase's version info | (defsetting version :visibility :public :setter :none :getter (constantly config/mb-version-info) :doc false) |
Features registered for this instance's token | (defsetting token-features :visibility :public :setter :none :getter (fn [] {:advanced_permissions (premium-features/enable-advanced-permissions?) :attached_dwh (premium-features/has-attached-dwh?) :audit_app (premium-features/enable-audit-app?) :cache_granular_controls (premium-features/enable-cache-granular-controls?) :cache_preemptive (premium-features/enable-preemptive-caching?) :collection_cleanup (premium-features/enable-collection-cleanup?) :database_auth_providers (premium-features/enable-database-auth-providers?) :config_text_file (premium-features/enable-config-text-file?) :content_verification (premium-features/enable-content-verification?) :dashboard_subscription_filters (premium-features/enable-dashboard-subscription-filters?) :disable_password_login (premium-features/can-disable-password-login?) :email_allow_list (premium-features/enable-email-allow-list?) :email_restrict_recipients (premium-features/enable-email-restrict-recipients?) :embedding (premium-features/hide-embed-branding?) :embedding_sdk (premium-features/enable-embedding-sdk-origins?) :hosting (premium-features/is-hosted?) :official_collections (premium-features/enable-official-collections?) :query_reference_validation (premium-features/enable-query-reference-validation?) :sandboxes (premium-features/enable-sandboxes?) :scim (premium-features/enable-scim?) :serialization (premium-features/enable-serialization?) :session_timeout_config (premium-features/enable-session-timeout-config?) :snippet_collections (premium-features/enable-snippet-collections?) :sso_google (premium-features/enable-sso-google?) :sso_jwt (premium-features/enable-sso-jwt?) :sso_ldap (premium-features/enable-sso-ldap?) :sso_saml (premium-features/enable-sso-saml?) :upload_management (premium-features/enable-upload-management?) :whitelabel (premium-features/enable-whitelabeling?) :llm_autodescription (premium-features/enable-llm-autodescription?)}) :doc false) |
(defsetting redirect-all-requests-to-https (deferred-tru "Force all traffic to use HTTPS via a redirect, if the site URL is HTTPS") :visibility :public :type :boolean :default false :audit :getter :setter (fn [new-value] ;; if we're trying to enable this setting, make sure `site-url` is actually an HTTPS URL. (when (if (string? new-value) (setting/string->boolean new-value) new-value) (assert (some-> (site-url) (str/starts-with? "https:")) (tru "Cannot redirect requests to HTTPS unless `site-url` is HTTPS."))) (setting/set-value-of-type! :boolean :redirect-all-requests-to-https new-value))) | |
(defsetting start-of-week (deferred-tru (str "This will affect things like grouping by week or filtering in GUI queries. " "It won''t affect most SQL queries, " "although it is used to set the WEEK_START session variable in Snowflake.")) :visibility :public :export? true :type :keyword :default :sunday :audit :raw-value :getter (fn [] ;; if something invalid is somehow in the DB just fall back to Sunday (when-let [value (setting/get-value-of-type :keyword :start-of-week)] (if (#{:monday :tuesday :wednesday :thursday :friday :saturday :sunday} value) value :sunday))) :setter (fn [new-value] (when new-value (assert (#{:monday :tuesday :wednesday :thursday :friday :saturday :sunday} (keyword new-value)) (trs "Invalid day of week: {0}" (pr-str new-value)))) (setting/set-value-of-type! :keyword :start-of-week new-value))) | |
(defsetting cloud-gateway-ips (deferred-tru "Metabase Cloud gateway IP addresses, to configure connections to DBs behind firewalls") :visibility :public :type :string :setter :none :getter (fn [] (when (premium-features/is-hosted?) (some-> (setting/get-value-of-type :string :cloud-gateway-ips) (str/split #","))))) | |
(defsetting show-database-syncing-modal (deferred-tru (str "Whether an introductory modal should be shown after the next database connection is added. " "Defaults to false if any non-default database has already finished syncing for this instance.")) :visibility :admin :type :boolean :audit :never :getter (fn [] (let [v (setting/get-value-of-type :boolean :show-database-syncing-modal)] (if (nil? v) (not (t2/exists? :model/Database :is_sample false :is_audit false :initial_sync_status "complete")) ;; frontend should set this value to `true` after the modal has been shown once v)))) | |
(defn- not-handling-api-request? [] (nil? @api/*current-user*)) | |
(defsetting uploads-settings (deferred-tru "Upload settings") :encryption :when-encryption-key-set ; this doesn't really have an effect as this setting is not stored as a setting model :visibility :authenticated :export? false ; the data is exported with a database export, so we don't need to export a setting :type :json :audit :getter :getter (fn [] (let [db (t2/select-one :model/Database :uploads_enabled true)] {:db_id (:id db) :schema_name (:uploads_schema_name db) :table_prefix (:uploads_table_prefix db)})) :setter (fn [{:keys [db_id schema_name table_prefix]}] (cond (nil? db_id) (t2/update! :model/Database :uploads_enabled true {:uploads_enabled false :uploads_schema_name nil :uploads_table_prefix nil}) (or (not-handling-api-request?) (mi/can-write? :model/Database db_id)) (t2/update! :model/Database db_id {:uploads_enabled true :uploads_schema_name schema_name :uploads_table_prefix table_prefix}) :else (api/throw-403)))) | |
(defsetting attachment-table-row-limit (deferred-tru "Maximum number of rows to render in an alert or subscription image.") :visibility :internal :type :positive-integer :default 20 :audit :getter :getter (fn [] (let [value (setting/get-value-of-type :positive-integer :attachment-table-row-limit)] (if-not (pos-int? value) 20 value))) :doc "Range: 1-100. To limit the total number of rows included in the file attachment for an email dashboard subscription, use MB_UNAGGREGATED_QUERY_ROW_LIMIT.") | |
This is used by the embedding homepage | (defsetting example-dashboard-id (deferred-tru "The ID of the example dashboard.") :visibility :authenticated :export? false :type :integer :setter :none :getter (fn [] (let [id (setting/get-value-of-type :integer :example-dashboard-id)] (when (and id (t2/exists? :model/Dashboard :id id :archived false)) id))) :doc false) |
(defsetting sql-parsing-enabled (deferred-tru "SQL Parsing is disabled") :visibility :internal :export? false :default true :type :boolean) | |
(defsetting query-analysis-enabled (deferred-tru "Whether or not we analyze any queries at all") :visibility :admin :export? false :default false :type :boolean) | |
TODO -- move the search-related settings into the | |
(defsetting search-engine (deferred-tru "Which engine to use when performing search. Supported values are :in-place and :appdb") :visibility :internal :export? false :default :appdb :type :keyword) | |
(defsetting experimental-search-weight-overrides (deferred-tru "Used to override weights used for search ranking") :visibility :internal :encryption :no :export? false :default nil :type :json :doc false) | |
(defsetting bug-reporting-enabled (deferred-tru "Enable bug report submissions.") :visibility :public :export? false :type :boolean :default false :setter :none :audit :getter) | |
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! DO NOT ADD ANY MORE SETTINGS IN THIS NAMESPACE !! !! !! !! Please read https://metaboat.slack.com/archives/CKZEMT1MJ/p1738972144181069 for more info !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | |
Deprecated uploads settings begin | |
These settings were removed in 50.0 and will be erased from the code in 53.0. They have been left here to explain how to migrate to the new way to set uploads settings. | |
(defsetting uploads-enabled (deferred-tru "Whether or not uploads are enabled") :deprecated "0.50.0" :visibility :internal :export? false :type :boolean :default false :getter (fn [] (throw (Exception. "uploads-enabled has been removed; use 'uploads_enabled' on the database instead"))) :setter (fn [_] (log/warn "'uploads-enabled' has been removed; use 'uploads_enabled' on the database instead"))) | |
(defsetting uploads-database-id (deferred-tru "Database ID for uploads") :deprecated "0.50.0" :visibility :internal :export? false :type :integer :getter (fn [] (throw (Exception. "uploads-database-id has been removed; use 'uploads_enabled' on the database instead"))) :setter (fn [_] (log/warn "'uploads-database-id' has been removed; use 'uploads_enabled' on the database instead"))) | |
(defsetting uploads-schema-name (deferred-tru "Schema name for uploads") :deprecated "0.50.0" :encryption :no :visibility :internal :export? false :type :string :getter (fn [] (throw (Exception. "uploads-schema-name has been removed; use 'uploads_schema_name' on the database instead"))) :setter (fn [_] (log/warn "'uploads-schema-name' has been removed; use 'uploads_schema_name' on the database instead"))) | |
(defsetting uploads-table-prefix (deferred-tru "Prefix for upload table names") :encryption :no :deprecated "0.50.0" :visibility :internal :export? false :type :string :getter (fn [] (throw (Exception. "uploads-table-prefix has been removed; use 'uploads_table_prefix' on the database instead"))) :setter (fn [_] (log/warn "'uploads-table-prefix' has been removed; use 'uploads_table_prefix' on the database instead"))) | |
Deprecated uploads settings end | |
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! DO NOT ADD ANY MORE SETTINGS IN THIS NAMESPACE !! !! !! !! Please read https://metaboat.slack.com/archives/CKZEMT1MJ/p1738972144181069 for more info !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | |