Logic for performing the init-steps listed in a Metabase plugin's manifest. For driver plugins that specify that we should lazy-load, these steps are lazily performed the first time non-trivial driver methods (such as connecting to a Database) are called; for all other Metabase plugins these are perfomed during launch.

The entire list of possible init steps is below, as impls for the do-init-step! multimethod.

(ns metabase.plugins.init-steps
   [metabase.plugins.classloader :as classloader]
   [metabase.plugins.jdbc-proxy :as jdbc-proxy]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]))

Perform a driver init step. Steps are listed in init: in the plugin manifest; impls for each step are found below by dispatching off the value of step: for each step. Other properties specified for that step are passed as a map.

(defmulti ^:private do-init-step!
  {:arglists '([m])}
  (comp keyword :step))
(defmethod do-init-step! :load-namespace [{nmspace :namespace}]
  (log/debug (u/format-color 'blue "Loading plugin namespace %s..." nmspace))
  (classloader/require (symbol nmspace)))
(defmethod do-init-step! :register-jdbc-driver [{class-name :class}]
  (jdbc-proxy/create-and-register-proxy-driver! class-name))

Perform the initialization steps for a Metabase plugin as specified under init: in its plugin manifest (metabase-plugin.yaml) by calling do-init-step! for each step.

(defn do-init-steps!
  (doseq [step init-steps]
    (do-init-step! step)))