Logic for getting and setting the context classloader we'll use for loading Metabase plugins. Use the-classloader to get the Classloader you should use with calls to Class/forName; call it for side effects to ensure the current thread context classloader will have access to JARs we add at runtime before calling require.

The classloader is guaranteed to be an instance of DynamicClassLoader, which means we can add URLs to it at runtime with dynapath; use add-url-to-classpath! to add URLs to the classpath to make sure they are added to the correct classloader.

If you are unfamiliar with ClassLoaders in general, I found this article pretty helpful: https://www.infoworld.com/article/2171026/find-a-way-out-of-the-classloader-maze.html.

<3 Cam

(ns metabase.plugins.classloader
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [require])
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [dynapath.util :as dynapath]
   [metabase.util.log :as log])
   (clojure.lang DynamicClassLoader RT)
   (java.net URL)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

The context classloader we'll use for all threads, once we figure out what that is. Guaranteed to be an instance of DynamicClassLoader.

(defonce ^:private  shared-context-classloader
    ;; If the Clojure runtime base loader is already an instance of DynamicClassLoader (e.g. it is something like
    ;; `clojure.lang.Compiler/LOADER` we can go ahead and use that in the future. This is usually the case when doing
    ;; REPL-based development or running via the Clojure CLI; when running from the UberJAR
    ;; `clojure.lang.Compiler/LOADER` is not set and thus this will return the current thread's context classloader,
    ;; which is usually just the System classloader.
    ;; The base loader is what Clojure ultimately uses to loading namespaces with `require` so adding URLs to it is
    ;; they way to go, if we can)
     (when-let [base-loader (RT/baseLoader)]
       (when (instance? DynamicClassLoader base-loader)
         (log/tracef "Using Clojure base loader as shared context classloader: %s" base-loader)
     ;; Otherwise if we need to create our own go ahead and do it
     ;; Make a new classloader using the current thread's context classloader as it's parent. In cases where we hit
     ;; this condition (i.e., when running from the uberjar), the current thread's context classloader should be the
     ;; system classloader. Since it will be the same for other threads too it doesn't matter if we ignore *their*
     ;; context classloaders by giving them this one. No other places in the codebase should be modifying classloaders
     ;; anyway.
     (let [new-classloader (DynamicClassLoader. (.getContextClassLoader (Thread/currentThread)))]
       (log/tracef "Using NEWLY CREATED classloader as shared context classloader: %s" new-classloader)

True if classloader and ancestor are the same object, or if classloader has ancestor as an ancestor in its parent chain, e.g. as a parent, its parent's parent, etc.

(defn- has-classloader-as-ancestor?
  [^ClassLoader classloader, ^ClassLoader ancestor]
    (identical? classloader ancestor)
    (recur (.getParent classloader) ancestor)

True if the shared-context-classloader has been set and it is an ancestor of classloader.

(defn- has-shared-context-classloader-as-ancestor?
  [^ClassLoader classloader]
  (has-classloader-as-ancestor? classloader @shared-context-classloader))

Fetch the context classloader for the current thread; ensure it has a our shared context classloader as an ancestor somewhere in its hierarchy, changing the thread's context classloader when needed.

This function should be used when loading classes (such as JDBC drivers) with Class/forName; and for side-effects before calling require, to ensure the context classloader for the current thread is one that has access to the JARs we've added to the classpath.

(defn the-classloader
  ^ClassLoader []
   ;; if the context classloader already has the classloader we'll add URLs to as an ancestor return it as-is
   (let [current-thread-context-classloader (.getContextClassLoader (Thread/currentThread))]
     (when (has-shared-context-classloader-as-ancestor? current-thread-context-classloader)
   ;; otherwise set the current thread's context classloader to the shared context classloader
   (let [shared-classloader @shared-context-classloader]
     (log/tracef "Setting current thread context classloader to shared classloader %s..." shared-classloader)
     (.setContextClassLoader (Thread/currentThread) shared-classloader)

Return a sequence of classloaders representing the hierarchy for classloader by iterating over calls to .getParent. The classloaders are in order from most distant ancestor to least; i.e. first item in the sequence is the highest classloader in the hierarchy (which should be the platform classloader).

(defn- classloader-hierarchy
  [^ClassLoader classloader]
  (reverse (take-while some? (iterate #(.getParent ^ClassLoader %) classloader))))

Find the highest-level DynamicClassLoader, starting our search with the current thread's context classloader; the classloader will be changed as needed by a call to the-classloader. The call to the-classloader, will, as a side-effect, make the current thread's context classloader one that has the shared classloader that we add URLs as an ancestor if it does not already have it as one.

This classloader is the one we'll add URLs to.

Why? In nREPL-based usage, the REPL creates a new classloader for each statement, using the prior one as its parent; if we add URLs to the lowest classloader on the chain, any other threads using an ancestor classloader won't have the new URL. By adding the URL to the highest-level classloader we can, the current thread and other threads will be ultimately have access to that URL.

(defn- the-top-level-classloader
  (^DynamicClassLoader []
   (the-top-level-classloader (the-classloader)))
  (^DynamicClassLoader [^DynamicClassLoader classloader]
   (some #(when (instance? DynamicClassLoader %) %)
         (classloader-hierarchy classloader))))
(defn- require* [& args]
  ;; during compilation, don't load any namespaces. This is going to totally screw up our compilation because
  ;; namespaces can end up being compiled twice because the topological sort in the build script doesn't take these
  ;; calls into account
  (when-not *compile-files*
    ;; as elsewhere make sure Clojure is using our context classloader (which should normally be true anyway) because
    ;; that's the one that will have access to the JARs we've added to the classpath at runtime
    ;; this is done for side-effects
      (binding [*use-context-classloader* true]
        ;; serialize requires
        (locking clojure.lang.RT/REQUIRE_LOCK
          (apply clojure.core/require args)))
      (catch Throwable e
        (throw (ex-info (.getMessage e)
                        {:classloader      (the-classloader)
                         :classpath-urls   (map str (dynapath/all-classpath-urls (the-classloader)))
                         :system-classpath (sort (str/split (System/getProperty "java.class.path") #"[:;]"))}

Just like vanilla require, but ensures we're using our shared classloader to do it. Always use this over vanilla require -- otherwise namespaces might get loaded by the wrong ClassLoader, resulting in weird, hard-to-debug errors.

Added benefit -- this is also thread-safe, unlike vanilla require.

(defn require
   ;; Check whether the lib is already loaded (we only do this in simple cases where with just one arg -- this is
   ;; most of the calls anyway). If the lib is already loaded we can skip acquiring the lock and expensive stuff like
   ;; bindings and the try-catch
   (let [already-loaded? (and (symbol? x)
                              ((loaded-libs) x))]
     (when-not already-loaded?
       (require* x))))
  ([x & more]
   (apply require* x more)))
(defonce ^:private already-added (atom #{}))

Add a URL (presumably for a local JAR) to the classpath.

(defn add-url-to-classpath!
  [^URL url]
  (when-not (@already-added url)
    (swap! already-added conj url)
    ;; `add-classpath-url` will return non-truthy if it couldn't add the URL, e.g. because the classloader wasn't one
    ;; that allowed it
    (assert (dynapath/add-classpath-url (the-top-level-classloader) url))
    ;; don't i18n this or we will have circular refs
    (log/infof "Added URL %s to classpath" url)))