Low-level Metabase permissions system definition and utility functions.

The Metabase permissions system is based around permissions paths that are granted to individual [[metabase.permissions.models.permissions-group]]s.

Core concepts

Permissions are granted to individual [[metabase.permissions.models.permissions-group]]s, and Users are members of one or more Permissions Groups. Permissions Groups are like 'roles' in other permissions systems. There are a few 'magic' Permissions Groups: the [[metabase.permissions.models.permissions-group/all-users]] Group, of which every User is a member and cannot be removed; and the [[metabase.permissions.models.permissions-group/admin]] Group, of which every superuser (i.e., every User with is_superuser) is a member.

The permissions needed to perform an action are represented as slash-delimited path strings, for example /db/1/schema/PUBLIC/. Each slash represents a different part of the permissions path, and each permissions path must start and end with a slash. Permissions use the same path representation for both the permissions required to perform an action and the permissions granted to individual Groups.

Permissions paths use a prefix system where a User is normally allowed to perform any action if one of their Groups has any permissions entry that is a prefix for the permission required to perform that action. For example, if reading Database 1 requires the permission /db/1/read/, then the current User may perform that action if they have /db/1/read/ permissions, or if they have /db/1/, or even full / superuser permissions.

This prefix system allows us to easily and efficiently query the application database to find relevant matching permissions matching an path or path using LIKE; see [[metabase.models.database/pre-delete]] for an example of the sort of efficient queries the prefix system facilitates.

The union of all permissions the current User's gets from all groups of which they are a member are automatically bound to [[metabase.api.common/current-user-permissions-set]] by [[metabase.server.middleware.session/bind-current-user]] for every REST API request, and in other places when queries are ran in a non-API thread (e.g. for scheduled Dashboard Subscriptions).

Different types of permissions

There are two main types of permissions:

  • data permissions -- permissions to view, update, or run ad-hoc or SQL queries against a Database or Table.

  • Collection permissions -- permissions to view/curate/etc. an individual [[metabase.models.collection]] and the items inside it. Collection permissions apply to individual Collections and to any non-Collection items inside that Collection. Child Collections get their own permissions. Many objects such as Cards (a.k.a. Saved Questions) and Dashboards get their permissions from the Collection in which they live.

Enterprise-only permissions and "anti-permissions"

In addition to data permissions and Collection permissions, a User can also be granted four additional types of permissions.

  • root permissions -- permissions for /, i.e. full access for everything. Automatically granted to the [[metabase.permissions.models.permissions-group/admin]] group that gets created on first launch. Because / is a prefix for every permissions path, admins have permissions to do everything.

  • segmented permissions -- a special grant for a Table that applies sandboxing, a.k.a. row-level permissions, a.k.a. segmented permissions, to any queries ran by the User when that User does not have full data permissions. Segmented permissions allow a User to run ad-hoc MBQL queries against the Table in question; regardless of whether they have relevant Collection permissions, queries against the sandboxed Table are rewritten to replace the Table itself with a special type of nested query called a [[metabase-enterprise.sandbox.models.group-table-access-policy]], or GTAP. Note that segmented permissions are both additive and subtractive -- they are additive because they grant (sandboxed) ad-hoc query access for a Table, but subtractive in that any access thru a Saved Question will now be sandboxed as well.

    Additional things to know:

    • Sandboxed permissions are only available in Metabase® Enterprise Edition™.

    • Only one GTAP may defined per-Group per-Table (this is an application-DB-level constraint). A User may have multiple applicable GTAPs if they are members of multiple groups that have sandboxed anti-perms for that Table; in that case, the QP signals an error if multiple GTAPs apply to a given Table for the current User (see [[metabase-enterprise.sandbox.query-processor.middleware.row-level-restrictions/assert-one-gtap-per-table]]).

    • Segmented (sandboxing) permissions and GTAPs are tied together, and a Group should be given both (or both should be deleted) at the same time. This is not currently enforced as a hard application DB constraint, but is done in the respective Toucan pre-delete actions. The QP will signal an error if the current user has segmented permissions but no matching GTAP exists.

    • Segmented permissions can also be used to enforce column-level permissions -- any column not returned by the underlying GTAP query is not allowed to be referenced by the parent query thru other means such as filter clauses. See [[metabase-enterprise.sandbox.query-processor.middleware.column-level-perms-check]].

    • GTAPs are not allowed to add columns not present in the original Table, or change their effective type to something incompatible (this constraint is in place so we other things continue to work transparently regardless of whether the Table is swapped out.) See [[metabase-enterprise.sandbox.models.group-table-access-policy/check-columns-match-table]]

  • block "anti-permissions" are per-Group, per-Table grants that tell Metabase to disallow running Saved Questions unless the User has data permissions (in other words, disregard Collection permissions). These are referred to as "anti-permissions" because they are subtractive grants that take away permissions from what the User would otherwise have. See the Determining query permissions section below for more details. As with segmented permissions, block anti-permissions are only available in Metabase® Enterprise Edition™.

  • Application permisisons -- are per-Group permissions that give non-admin users access to features like: change instance's Settings; access Audit, Tools, Troubleshooting ...

Determining CRUD permissions in the REST API

REST API permissions checks are generally done in various metabase.api.* namespaces. Whether the current User can perform various CRUD actions are defined by [[metabase.models.interface/can-read?]] (in the API sense, not in the run-query sense) and [[metabase.models.interface/can-write?]] as well as the newer [[metabase.models.interface/can-create?]] and [[metabase.models.interface/can-update?]] methods. Implementations for these methods live in metabase.models.* namespaces.

The implementation of these methods is up to individual models. The majority of implementations check whether [[metabase.api.common/current-user-permissions-set]] includes permissions for a given path (action) using [[set-has-full-permissions?]], or for a set of paths using [[set-has-full-permissions-for-set?]].

Other implementations check whether a user has partial permissions for a path or set using [[set-has-partial-permissions?]] or [[set-has-partial-permissions-for-set?]]. Partial permissions means that the User has permissions for some subpath of the path in question, e.g. /db/1/read/ is considered to be partial permissions for /db/1/. For example the [[metabase.models.interface/can-read?]] implementation for Database checks whether the current User has any permissions for that Database; a User can fetch Database 1 from API endpoints ("read" it) if they have any permissions starting with /db/1/, for example /db/1/ itself (full permissions) /db/1/native/ (ad-hoc SQL query permissions) or permissions, or /db/1/schema/PUBLIC/table/2/query/ (run ad-hoc queries against Table 2 permissions).

Determining query permissions

Normally, a User is allowed to view (i.e., run the query for) a Saved Question if they have read permissions for the Collection in which Saved Question lives, or if they have data permissions for the Database and Table(s) the Question accesses. The main idea here is that some Users with more permissions can go create a curated set of Saved Questions they deem appropriate for less-privileged Users to see, and put them in a Collection they can see. These Users would still be prevented from poking around things on their own, however.

The Query Processor middleware in [[metabase.query-processor.middleware.permissions]], [[metabase-enterprise.sandbox.query-processor.middleware.row-level-restrictions]], and [[metabase-enterprise.advanced-permissions.models.permissions.block-permissions]] determines whether the current User has permissions to run the current query. Permissions are as follows:

| Data perms? | Coll perms? | Block? | Segmented? | Can run? | | ----------- | ----------- | ------ | ---------- | -------- | | no | no | no | no | ⛔ | | no | no | no | yes | ⚠️ | | no | no | yes | no | ⛔ | | no | no | yes | yes | ⚠️ | | no | yes | no | no | ✅ | | no | yes | no | yes | ⚠️ | | no | yes | yes | no | ⛔ | | no | yes | yes | yes | ⚠️ | | yes | no | no | no | ✅ | | yes | no | no | yes | ✅ | | yes | no | yes | no | ✅ | | yes | no | yes | yes | ✅ | | yes | yes | no | no | ✅ | | yes | yes | no | yes | ✅ | | yes | yes | yes | no | ✅ | | yes | yes | yes | yes | ✅ |

(⚠️ = runs in sandboxed mode)

Known Permissions Paths

See [[path-regex-v1]] for an always-up-to-date list of permissions paths.

/collection/:id/ ; read-write perms for a Coll and its non-Coll children /collection/:id/read/ ; read-only perms for a Coll and its non-Coll children /collection/root/ ; read-write perms for the Root Coll and its non-Coll children /colllection/root/read/ ; read-only perms for the Root Coll and its non-Coll children /collection/namespace/:namespace/root/ ; read-write perms for the Root Coll of a non-default namespace (e.g. SQL Snippets) /collection/namespace/:namespace/root/read/ ; read-only perms for the Root Coll of a non-default namespace (e.g. SQL Snippets) /db/:id/ ; full perms for a Database /db/:id/native/ ; ad-hoc native query perms for a Database /db/:id/schema/ ; ad-hoc MBQL query perms for all schemas in DB (does not include native queries) /db/:id/schema/:name/ ; ad-hoc MBQL query perms for a specific schema /db/:id/schema/:name/table/:id/ ; full perms for a Table /db/:id/schema/:name/table/:id/read/ ; perms to fetch info about this Table from the DB /db/:id/schema/:name/table/:id/query/ ; ad-hoc MBQL query perms for a Table /db/:id/schema/:name/table/:id/query/segmented/ ; allow ad-hoc MBQL queries. Sandbox all queries against this Table. /block/db/:id/ ; disallow queries against this DB unless User has data perms. / ; full root perms

(ns metabase.permissions.models.permissions
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [metabase.audit :as audit]
   [metabase.config :as config]
   [metabase.models.interface :as mi]
   [metabase.permissions.models.permissions-group :as perms-group]
   [metabase.permissions.util :as perms.u]
   [metabase.plugins.classloader :as classloader]
   [metabase.premium-features.core :as premium-features :refer [defenterprise]]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.honey-sql-2 :as h2x]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms]
   [metabase.util.performance :as perf]
   [methodical.core :as methodical]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | UTIL FNS | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

-------------------------------------------------- Dynamic Vars --------------------------------------------------

Should we allow permissions entries like /? By default, this is disallowed, but you can temporarily disable it here when creating the default entry for Admin.

(def ^:dynamic ^Boolean *allow-root-entries*

Should we allow changes to be made to permissions belonging to the Admin group? By default this is disabled to prevent accidental tragedy, but you can enable it here when creating the default entry for Admin.

(def ^:dynamic ^Boolean *allow-admin-permissions-changes*

--------------------------------------------------- Assertions ---------------------------------------------------

Check to make sure the :group_id for permissions entry isn't the admin group.

(defn- assert-not-admin-group
  [{:keys [group_id]}]
  (when (and (= group_id (:id (perms-group/admin)))
             (not *allow-admin-permissions-changes*))
    (throw (ex-info (tru "You cannot create or revoke permissions for the ''Admin'' group.")
                    {:status-code 400}))))

Check to make sure the value of :object for permissions entry is valid.

(defn- assert-valid-object
  [{:keys [object]}]
  (when (and object
             (not (perms.u/valid-path? object))
             (or (not= object "/")
                 (not *allow-root-entries*)))
    (throw (ex-info (tru "Invalid permissions object path: ''{0}''." object)
                    {:status-code 400, :path object}))))

Check to make sure this permissions entry is something that's allowed to be saved (i.e. it has a valid :object path and it's not for the admin group).

(defn- assert-valid
  (doseq [f [assert-not-admin-group
    (f permissions)))

------------------------------------------------- Path Util Fns --------------------------------------------------

(def ^:private MapOrID
  [:or :map ms/PositiveInt])
(mu/defn collection-readwrite-path :- perms.u/PathSchema
  "Return the permissions path for *readwrite* access for a `collection-or-id`."
  [collection-or-id :- MapOrID]
  (if-not (get collection-or-id :metabase.models.collection.root/is-root?)
    (format "/collection/%d/" (u/the-id collection-or-id))
    (if-let [collection-namespace (:namespace collection-or-id)]
      (format "/collection/namespace/%s/root/" (perms.u/escape-path-component (u/qualified-name collection-namespace)))
(mu/defn collection-read-path :- perms.u/PathSchema
  "Return the permissions path for *read* access for a `collection-or-id`."
  [collection-or-id :- MapOrID]
  (str (collection-readwrite-path collection-or-id) "read/"))
(mu/defn application-perms-path :- perms.u/PathSchema
  "Returns the permissions path for *full* access a application permission."
  (case perm-type

-------------------------------------------- Permissions Checking Fns --------------------------------------------

Does permissions-path grant full access for path?

(defn is-permissions-for-object?
  [permissions-path path]
  (str/starts-with? path permissions-path))

Does permissions-path grant access full access for path or for a descendant of path?

(defn is-partial-permissions-for-object?
  [permissions-path path]
  (or (is-permissions-for-object? permissions-path path)
      (str/starts-with? permissions-path path)))

Does permissions-set grant full access to object with path?

(defn set-has-full-permissions?
  ^Boolean [permissions-set path]
  (boolean (perf/some #(is-permissions-for-object? % path) permissions-set)))

Does permissions-set grant access full access to object with path or to a descendant of it?

(defn set-has-partial-permissions?
  ^Boolean [permissions-set path]
  (boolean (perf/some #(is-partial-permissions-for-object? % path) permissions-set)))
(mu/defn set-has-full-permissions-for-set? :- :boolean
  "Do the permissions paths in `permissions-set` grant *full* access to all the object paths in `paths-set`?"
  [permissions-set paths-set]
  (let [permissions (or (:as-vec (meta permissions-set))
    (every? (partial set-has-full-permissions? permissions) paths-set)))
(mu/defn set-has-partial-permissions-for-set? :- :boolean
  "Do the permissions paths in `permissions-set` grant *partial* access to all the object paths in `paths-set`?
   (`permissions-set` must grant partial access to *every* object in `paths-set` set)."
  [permissions-set paths-set]
  (let [permissions (or (:as-vec (meta permissions-set))
    (every? (partial set-has-partial-permissions? permissions) paths-set)))
(mu/defn set-has-application-permission-of-type? :- :boolean
  "Does `permissions-set` grant *full* access to a application permission of type `perm-type`?"
  [permissions-set perm-type]
  (set-has-full-permissions? permissions-set (application-perms-path perm-type)))
(mu/defn perms-objects-set-for-parent-collection :- [:set perms.u/PathSchema]
  "Implementation of `perms-objects-set` for models with a `collection_id`, such as Card, Dashboard, or Pulse.
  This simply returns the `perms-objects-set` of the parent Collection (based on `collection_id`) or for the Root
  Collection if `collection_id` is `nil`."
  ([this read-or-write]
   (perms-objects-set-for-parent-collection nil this read-or-write))
  ([collection-namespace :- [:maybe ms/KeywordOrString]
    this                 :- [:map
                             [:collection_id [:maybe ms/PositiveInt]]]
    read-or-write        :- [:enum :read :write]]
   ;; based on value of read-or-write determine the approprite function used to calculate the perms path
   (let [path-fn (case read-or-write
                   :read  collection-read-path
                   :write collection-readwrite-path)
         collection-id (:collection_id this)]
     ;; now pass that function our collection_id if we have one, or if not, pass it an object representing the Root
     ;; Collection
     #{(path-fn (or collection-id
                    {:metabase.models.collection.root/is-root? true
                     :namespace                                collection-namespace}))})))
(doto :perms/use-parent-collection-perms
  (derive ::mi/read-policy.full-perms-for-perms-set)
  (derive ::mi/write-policy.full-perms-for-perms-set))
(defmethod mi/perms-objects-set :perms/use-parent-collection-perms
  [instance read-or-write]
  (perms-objects-set-for-parent-collection instance read-or-write))

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ENTITY + LIFECYCLE | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

(methodical/defmethod t2/table-name :model/Permissions [_model] :permissions)
(derive :model/Permissions :metabase/model)

Given a Permissions model, add :collection_id, :perm_type, and :perm_value iff we know how to break that out.

(defn- maybe-break-out-permission-data
  (let [[match? coll-id-str read?] (re-matches #"^/collection/(\d+)/(read/)?" (:object permissions))]
    (cond-> permissions
      match? (assoc :collection_id (parse-long coll-id-str)
                    :perm_type :perms/collection-access
                    :perm_value (if read?
(t2/define-before-insert :model/Permissions
  (u/prog1 (maybe-break-out-permission-data permissions)
    (assert-valid permissions)
    (log/debug (u/format-color :green "Granting permissions for group %s: %s" (:group_id permissions) (:object permissions)))))
(t2/deftransforms :model/Permissions
  {:perm_type mi/transform-keyword
   :perm_value mi/transform-keyword})
(t2/define-before-update :model/Permissions
  (throw (Exception. (tru "You cannot update a permissions entry! Delete it and create a new one."))))
(t2/define-before-delete :model/Permissions
  (log/debug (u/format-color :red "Revoking permissions for group %s: %s" (:group_id permissions) (:object permissions)))
  (assert-not-admin-group permissions))

--------------------------------------------------- Helper Fns ---------------------------------------------------

If [[metabase.api.common/current-user-permissions-set]] is bound, reset it so it gets recalculated on next use. Called by [[delete-related-permissions!]] and [[grant-permissions!]] below, mostly as a convenience for tests that bind a current user and then grant or revoke permissions for that user without rebinding it.

(defn- clear-current-user-cached-permissions!
  ((requiring-resolve 'metabase.server.middleware.session/clear-current-user-cached-permissions-set!))

Delete all 'related' permissions for group-or-id (i.e., perms that grant you full or partial access to path). This includes both ancestor and descendant paths. For example:

Suppose we asked this functions to delete related permssions for /db/1/schema/PUBLIC/. Depending on the permissions the group has, it could end up doing something like:

  • deleting /db/1/ permissions (because the ancestor perms implicity grant you full perms for schema/PUBLIC)
  • deleting perms for /db/1/schema/PUBLIC/table/2/ (because Table 2 is a descendant of schema/PUBLIC)

In short, it will delete any permissions that contain /db/1/schema/ as a prefix, or that themeselves are prefixes for /db/1/schema/.

You can optionally include other-conditions, which are anded into the filter clause, to further restrict what is deleted.

NOTE: This function is meant for internal usage in this namespace only; use one of the other functions like revoke-data-perms! elsewhere instead of calling this directly.

(mu/defn delete-related-permissions!
  [group-or-id :- [:or :map ms/PositiveInt] path :- perms.u/PathSchema & other-conditions]
  (let [paths (conj (perms.u/->v2-path path) path)
        where {:where (apply list
                             [:= :group_id (u/the-id group-or-id)]
                             (into [:or
                                    [:like path (h2x/concat :object (h2x/literal "%"))]]
                                   (map (fn [path-form] [:like :object (str path-form "%")])
    (when-let [revoked (t2/select-fn-set :object :model/Permissions where)]
      (log/debug (u/format-color 'red "Revoking permissions for group %d: %s" (u/the-id group-or-id) revoked))
      (t2/delete! :model/Permissions where)

Grant permissions for group-or-id and return the inserted permissions. Two-arity grants any arbitrary Permissions path. With > 2 args, grants the data permissions from calling [[data-perms-path]].

(defn grant-permissions!
  ([group-or-id path]
     (t2/insert! :model/Permissions
                 (map (fn [path-object]
                        {:group_id (u/the-id group-or-id) :object path-object})
                      (distinct (conj (perms.u/->v2-path path) path))))
     ;; on some occasions through weirdness we might accidentally try to insert a key that's already been inserted
     (catch Throwable e
       (log/error e (u/format-color 'red "Failed to grant permissions"))
       ;; if we're running tests, we're doing something wrong here if duplicate permissions are getting assigned,
       ;; mostly likely because tests aren't properly cleaning up after themselves, and possibly causing other tests
       ;; to pass when they shouldn't. Don't allow this during tests
       (when config/is-test?
         (throw e))))))

Audit Permissions helper fns

SQL clause to filter namespaces depending on if audit app is enabled or not, and if the namespace is the default one.

(defn audit-namespace-clause
  [namespace-keyword namespace-val]
  (if (and (nil? namespace-val) (premium-features/enable-audit-app?))
    [:or [:= namespace-keyword nil] [:= namespace-keyword "analytics"]]
    [:= namespace-keyword namespace-val]))

Audit instances should only be readable if audit app is enabled.

TODO -- this is a predicate function that returns truthy or falsey, it should end in a ? -- Cam

(mu/defn can-read-audit-helper
  [model    :- :keyword
   instance :- :map]
  (if (and (not (premium-features/enable-audit-app?))
           (case model
             :model/Collection (audit/is-collection-id-audit? (:id instance))
             (audit/is-parent-collection-audit? instance)))
    (case model
      :model/Collection (mi/current-user-has-full-permissions? :read instance)
      (mi/current-user-has-full-permissions? (perms-objects-set-for-parent-collection instance :read)))))

Remove all permissions entries for a Group to access a Application permisisons

(defn revoke-application-permissions!
  [group-or-id perm-type]
  (delete-related-permissions! group-or-id (application-perms-path perm-type)))

Grant full permissions for a group to access a Application permisisons.

(defn grant-application-permissions!
  [group-or-id perm-type]
  (grant-permissions! group-or-id (application-perms-path perm-type)))
(defn- is-personal-collection-or-descendant-of-one? [collection]
  (classloader/require 'metabase.models.collection)
  ((resolve 'metabase.models.collection/is-personal-collection-or-descendant-of-one?) collection))
(defn- is-trash-or-descendant? [collection]
  (classloader/require 'metabase.models.collection)
  ((resolve 'metabase.models.collection/is-trash-or-descendant?) collection))
(defn- ^:private collection-or-id->collection
  (if (map? collection-or-id)
    (t2/select-one :model/Collection :id (u/the-id collection-or-id))))

Check whether collection-or-id refers to a collection that can have permissions modified. Personal collections, the Trash, and descendants of those can't have their permissions modified.

(mu/defn- check-is-modifiable-collection
  [collection-or-id :- MapOrID]
  ;; skip the whole thing for the root collection, we know it's not a personal collection, trash, or descendant of one
  ;; of them.
  (when-not (:metabase.models.collection.root/is-root? collection-or-id)
    (let [collection (collection-or-id->collection collection-or-id)]
      ;; Check whether the collection is the Trash collection or a descendant thereof; if so, throw an Exception. This
      ;; is done because you can't modify the permissions of things in the Trash, you need to untrash them first.
      (when (is-trash-or-descendant? collection)
        (throw (ex-info (tru "You cannot edit permissions for the Trash collection or its descendants.") {})))
      ;; Check whether the collection is a personal collection or a descendant thereof; if so, throw an Exception.
      ;; This is done because we *should* never be editing granting/etc. permissions for *Personal* Collections to
      ;; entire Groups! Their owner will get implicit permissions automatically, and of course admins will be able to
      ;; see them,but a whole group should never be given some sort of access.
      (when (is-personal-collection-or-descendant-of-one? collection)
        (throw (ex-info (tru "You cannot edit permissions for a Personal Collection or its descendants.") {}))))))

Revoke all access for group-or-id to a Collection.

(mu/defn revoke-collection-permissions!
  [group-or-id :- MapOrID collection-or-id :- MapOrID]
  (check-is-modifiable-collection collection-or-id)
  (delete-related-permissions! group-or-id (collection-readwrite-path collection-or-id)))

Grant full access to a Collection, which means a user can view all Cards in the Collection and add/remove Cards.

(mu/defn grant-collection-readwrite-permissions!
  [group-or-id :- MapOrID collection-or-id :- MapOrID]
  (check-is-modifiable-collection collection-or-id)
  (grant-permissions! (u/the-id group-or-id) (collection-readwrite-path collection-or-id)))

Grant read access to a Collection, which means a user can view all Cards in the Collection.

(mu/defn grant-collection-read-permissions!
  [group-or-id :- MapOrID collection-or-id :- MapOrID]
  (check-is-modifiable-collection collection-or-id)
  (grant-permissions! (u/the-id group-or-id) (collection-read-path collection-or-id)))

Check if *current-user* has permissions for a application permissions of type perm-type. This is a paid feature so it's false for OSS instances.

(defenterprise current-user-has-application-permissions?