Seed default notifications on startup. No-op if none of the notifications are changed. If a notification is changed, it will be replaced with a new one. | (ns metabase.notification.seed (:require [metabase.models.notification :as models.notification] [metabase.permissions.core :as perms] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.json :as json] [metabase.util.log :as log] [toucan2.core :as t2])) |
A mapping of model to the keys that are used to check if a row is the same. | (def ^:private model->compare-keys {:model/Notification [:payload_type :active] :model/NotificationSubscription [:type :event_name :cron_schedule] :model/NotificationHandler [:channel_type :active] :model/NotificationRecipient [:type :user_id :permissions_group_id :details] :model/Channel [:channel_type :details] :model/ChannelTemplate [:channel_type :name :details]}) |
Select keys from a map, missing keys are included with value = nil. | (defn- select-keys-nil-vals [m ks] (merge (into {} (zipmap ks (repeat nil))) (select-keys m ks))) |
(defn- sanitize-model [model data] (select-keys-nil-vals data (get model->compare-keys model))) | |
(defn- sanitize-notification [{:keys [subscriptions handlers] :as notification}] (assoc (sanitize-model :model/Notification notification) :subscriptions (set (mapv #(sanitize-model :model/NotificationSubscription %) subscriptions)) :handlers (set (mapv (fn [{:keys [channel template recipients] :as handler}] (assoc (sanitize-model :model/NotificationHandler handler) :channel (sanitize-model :model/Channel channel) :template (sanitize-model :model/ChannelTemplate template) :recipients (set (mapv #(sanitize-model :model/NotificationRecipient %) recipients)))) handlers)))) | |
use json to compare to avoid any difference like keywordizing vs string | (def ^:private serialize-notification (comp json/encode sanitize-notification)) |
List of notifications that are seeded into the database on startup. This list should only be modified or appended, never removed. In order to remove a notification, it should be marked as inactive. | (def ^:private default-notifications (delay [;; user invited {:internal_id "system-event/user-invited" :active true :payload_type :notification/system-event :subscriptions [{:type :notification-subscription/system-event :event_name :event/user-invited}] :handlers [{:active true :channel_type :channel/email :channel_id nil :template {:name "User joined Email template" :channel_type :channel/email :details {:type "email/handlebars-resource" :subject "{{payload.custom.user_invited_email_subject}}" :path "metabase/channel/email/new_user_invite.hbs" :recipient-type "cc"}} :recipients [{:type :notification-recipient/template :details {:pattern "{{}}"}}]}]} ;; alert new confirmation {:internal_id "system-event/alert-new-confirmation" :active true :payload_type :notification/system-event :subscriptions [{:type :notification-subscription/system-event :event_name :event/notification-create}] :handlers [{:active true :channel_type :channel/email :channel_id nil :template {:name "Notification Card Created Confirmation" :channel_type "channel/email" :details {:type "email/handlebars-resource" :subject "You set up an alert" :path "metabase/channel/email/notification_card_new_confirmation.hbs" :recipient-type "cc"}} :recipients [{:type :notification-recipient/template :details {:pattern "{{}}"}}]}]} ;; slack token invalid {:internal_id "system-event/slack-token-error" :active true :payload_type :notification/system-event :subscriptions [{:type :notification-subscription/system-event :event_name :event/slack-token-invalid}] :handlers [{:active true :channel_type :channel/email :channel_id nil :template {:name "Slack Token Error Email template" :channel_type "channel/email" :details {:type "email/handlebars-resource" :subject "Your Slack connection stopped working" :path "metabase/channel/email/slack_token_error.hbs" :recipient-type "cc"}} :recipients [{:type :notification-recipient/template :details {:pattern "{{context.admin_email}}" :is_optional true}} {:type :notification-recipient/group :permissions_group_id (:id (perms/admin-group))}]}]}])) |
(defn- cleanup-notification! [internal-id existing-row] (t2/delete! :model/Notification :internal_id internal-id) (when-let [template-ids (->> existing-row :handlers (keep (comp :id :template)) seq)] (t2/delete! :model/ChannelTemplate :id [:in template-ids]))) | |
(defn- create-notification! [notification] (let [handlers (for [handler (:handlers notification)] (if-let [template (:template handler)] (-> handler (dissoc :template) (assoc :template_id (t2/insert-returning-pk! :model/ChannelTemplate template))) handler))] (models.notification/create-notification! (dissoc notification :handlers :subscriptions) (:subscriptions notification) handlers))) | |
Replace an existing notification with a new one | (defn- replace-notification! [existing-row {:keys [internal_id] :as new-row}] (cleanup-notification! internal_id existing-row) (create-notification! new-row)) |
(defn- action [existing-row new-row] (cond (nil? existing-row) :create (not= (serialize-notification existing-row) (serialize-notification new-row)) :replace :else :skip)) | |
(defn- sync-notification! [{:keys [internal_id] :as row}] (let [existing-notification (some-> (t2/select-one :model/Notification :internal_id internal_id) models.notification/hydrate-notification)] (u/prog1 (action existing-notification row) (case <> :create (do (log/debugf "Creating notification %s" internal_id) (create-notification! row)) :replace (do (log/debugf "Replacing notification %s" internal_id) (replace-notification! existing-notification row)) :skip (log/debugf "Skipping notification %s" internal_id))))) | |
Seed default notifications into the database. If a notification already exists, it'll be replaced if it's changed, otherwise it'll be skipped. | (defn seed-notification! [] (log/info "Seeding default notifications") (let [actions (t2/with-transaction [] (doall (for [row @default-notifications] (sync-notification! row)))) summary (frequencies actions)] (log/infof "Seeded notifications: %s" summary) summary)) |