(ns metabase.notification.payload.core (:require [metabase.channel.render.core :as channel.render] [metabase.models.notification :as models.notification] [metabase.notification.payload.execute :as notification.payload.execute] [metabase.public-settings :as public-settings] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr] [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms] [potemkin :as p] [toucan2.core :as t2])) | |
(p/import-vars [notification.payload.execute process-virtual-dashcard]) | |
(mr/def ::Notification "Schema for the notification." ;; TODO: how do we make this schema closed after :merge? [:merge #_{:closed true} [:map [:payload_type (into [:enum] models.notification/notification-types)] ;; allow unsaved notification to be sent [:id {:optional true} [:maybe ms/PositiveInt]] [:active {:optional true} :boolean] [:created_at {:optional true} :any] [:updated_at {:optional true} :any] [:subscriptions {:optional true} [:sequential ::models.notification/NotificationSubscription]]] [:multi {:dispatch :payload_type} ;; system event is a bit special in that part of the payload comes from the event itself [:notification/system-event [:map [:payload [:map {:closed true} ;; TODO: event-info schema for each event type [:event_topic [:fn #(= "event" (-> % keyword namespace))]] [:event_info [:maybe :map]]]]]] [:notification/card [:map [:payload {:optional true} ::models.notification/NotificationCard] [:creator_id ms/PositiveInt]]] [:notification/dashboard [:map [:creator_id ms/PositiveInt] ;; replacement of pulse [:dashboard_subscription #_{:optional true} [:map [:dashboard_id ms/PositiveInt] [:parameters {:optional true} [:maybe [:sequential :map]]] [:dashboard_subscription_dashcards {:optional true} [:sequential [:map [:card_id [:maybe ms/PositiveInt]] [:include_csv {:optional true} [:maybe ms/BooleanValue]] [:include_xls {:optional true} [:maybe ms/BooleanValue]] [:format_rows {:optional true} [:maybe ms/BooleanValue]] [:pivot_results {:optional true} [:maybe ms/BooleanValue]]]]]]]]] ;; for testing only [:notification/testing :map]]]) | |
(mr/def ::NotificationPayload "Schema for the notification payload." ;; TODO: how do we make this schema closed after :merge? [:merge [:map [:payload_type (into [:enum] models.notification/notification-types)] [:context [:map]]] [:multi {:dispatch :payload_type} ;; override payload to add extra-context key [:notification/system-event [:map ;; override the payload with extra context [:payload [:map {:closed true} [:event_topic [:fn #(= "event" (-> % keyword namespace))]] [:event_info [:maybe :map]] [:custom {:optional true} [:maybe :map]]]]]] [:notification/dashboard [:map [:payload [:map [:dashboard_parts [:sequential ::notification.payload.execute/Part]] [:dashboard :map] [:dashboard_subscription :map] [:style :map] [:parameters {:optional true} [:maybe [:sequential :map]]]]]]] [:notification/card [:map [:payload [:map [:card_part [:maybe ::notification.payload.execute/Part]] [:card :map] [:style :map] [:notification_card ::models.notification/NotificationCard] [:subscriptions [:sequential ::models.notification/NotificationSubscription]]]]]] [:notification/testing :map]]]) | |
Return the URL for the application logo. If the logo is the default, return a URL to the Metabase logo. | (defn- logo-url [] (let [url (public-settings/application-logo-url)] (cond (= url "app/assets/img/logo.svg") "http://static.metabase.com/email_logo.png" ;; NOTE: disabling whitelabeled URLs for now since some email clients don't render them correctly ;; We need to extract them and embed as attachments like we do in metabase.channel.render.image-bundle ;; (data-uri-svg? url) (themed-image-url url color) :else nil))) |
Return a CSS style string for a button with the given color. | (defn- button-style [color] (str "display: inline-block; " "box-sizing: border-box; " "padding: 0.5rem 1.375rem; " "font-size: 1.063rem; " "font-weight: bold; " "text-decoration: none; " "cursor: pointer; " "color: #fff; " "border: 1px solid " color "; " "background-color: " color "; " "border-radius: 4px;")) |
(defn- default-context [] ;; DO NOT delete or rename these fields, they are used in the notification templates {:application_name (public-settings/application-name) :application_color (public-settings/application-color) :application_logo_url (logo-url) :site_name (public-settings/site-name) :site_url (public-settings/site-url) :admin_email (public-settings/admin-email) :style {:button (button-style (channel.render/primary-color))}}) | |
Given a notification info, return the notification payload. | (defmulti payload {:arglists '([notification-info])} :payload_type) |
(mu/defn notification-payload :- ::NotificationPayload "Realize notification-info with :context and :payload." [notification :- ::Notification] (assoc (select-keys notification [:payload_type]) :creator (t2/select-one [:model/User :id :first_name :last_name :email] (:creator_id notification)) :payload (payload notification) :context (default-context))) | |
Determine whether a notification should be sent. Default to true. | (defmulti should-send-notification? {:arglists '([notification-payload])} :payload_type) |
(defmethod should-send-notification? :default [_notification-payload] true) | |