Perform Creation/Update/Deletion with a spec.

(ns metabase.models.util.spec-update
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [malli.core :as mc]
   [malli.error :as me]
   [malli.transform :as mtx]
   [medley.core :as m]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))
(defn- format-path
  (str (str/join #" / " (map #(if (keyword? %) (name %) %) path)) ":"))
(mr/def ::Spec
  [:schema {:registry {::spec [:map {:closed true}
                               [:model                         :keyword]
                               [:id-col       {:optional true
                                               :default :id}   :keyword]
                               ;; whether this nested model is a sequentials with respect to the parent model
                               [:multi-row?   {:optional true
                                               :default false} :boolean]
                               ;; the foreign key column in the nested model with respect to the parent model
                               [:fk-column    {:optional true} :keyword]
                               ;; A list of columns that should be compared to determine if the row has changed
                               [:compare-cols {:optional true} [:sequential :keyword]]
                               ;; other columns that are not part of compare-cols but are part of the table
                               ;; these columns will be added when create / update
                               [:extra-cols   {:optional true} [:sequential :keyword]]
                               [:nested-specs {:optional true} [:map-of :keyword [:ref ::spec]]]]}}
   [:ref ::spec]])

Decode a spec with default value transformer.

(defn decode-spec
   (mtx/default-value-transformer {::mtx/add-optional-keys true})))

Check whether a given spec is valid

(defn validate-spec!
  (when-let [info (mr/explain ::Spec spec)]
    (throw (ex-info (str "Invalid spec for " (:model spec) ": " (me/humanize info)) info))))

Define a spec for update.

(defmacro define-spec
  [spec-name docstring spec]
  `(let [spec# ~spec]
     (validate-spec! spec#)
     (def ~spec-name ~docstring (decode-spec spec#))))
(defn- compare-cols-fn
  (if-let [compare-cols (:compare-cols spec)]
    (fn [row]
      (select-keys row compare-cols))
(declare handle-map-update!)
(declare do-update!*)
(defn- handle-nested-updates!
  [existing-row new-row nested-specs path]
  (doseq [[k spec] nested-specs]
    (do-update!* (get existing-row k) (get new-row k) spec (conj path k))))
(defn- with-parent-id
  [row nested-specs parent-id]
  (into row (for [[k {:keys [fk-column multi-row?]}] nested-specs
                  :when fk-column]
              [k (if multi-row?
                   (map #(assoc % fk-column parent-id) (get row k))
                   (some-> (get row k)
                           (assoc fk-column parent-id)))])))

Return a function that sanitizes the row to be inserted/updated.

(defn- sanitize-row-fn
  [{:keys [compare-cols extra-cols fk-column] :as _spec}]
  #(select-keys % (filter some? (concat compare-cols extra-cols [fk-column]))))
(defn- handle-row-nested-updates!
  [row existing-rows {:keys [nested-specs id-col]} path]
  (when nested-specs
    (log/tracef "%s nested models detected, updating nested models" (format-path path))
    (let [existing-row (m/find-first #(= (id-col row) (id-col %)) existing-rows)]
       (with-parent-id row nested-specs (id-col row))
       (conj path (id-col row))))))
(defn- handle-sequential-updates!
  [existing-rows new-rows {:keys [model nested-specs id-col] :as spec} path]
  (let [{:keys [to-update
                to-skip]} (u/row-diff existing-rows new-rows
                                      :to-compare (compare-cols-fn spec) :id-fn id-col)
        sanitize-row     (sanitize-row-fn spec)]
    (when (seq to-create)
      (if nested-specs
          (log/tracef "%s nested spec found, creating rows one by one" (format-path path))
          (doseq [row to-create]
            (let [parent-id (t2/insert-returning-pk! model (sanitize-row row))]
              (log/debugf "%s created a new entity %s %s" (format-path path) model parent-id)
              (handle-nested-updates! nil (with-parent-id row nested-specs parent-id) nested-specs (conj path parent-id)))))
          (log/tracef "%s no nested spec found, batch creating %d new rows of %s" (format-path path) (count to-create) model)
          (let [rows (map sanitize-row to-create)]
            (t2/insert! model rows)))))
    (when (seq to-delete)
      ;; TODO: cascade deletes?
      (log/debugf "%s deleting %d rows with ids %s" (format-path path) (count to-delete) (str/join ", " (map id-col to-delete)))
      (t2/delete! model id-col [:in (map id-col to-delete)]))
    (when (seq to-update)
      (log/tracef "%s Attempt updating %s rows of %s" (format-path path) (count to-update) model)
      (doseq [row to-update]
        (let [path (conj path (id-col row))]
          (log/debugf "%s Updating" (format-path path))
          (t2/update! model (id-col row) (sanitize-row row))
          (handle-row-nested-updates! row existing-rows spec path))))
    ;; the row might not change, but the nested models might
    (when (and (seq to-skip) nested-specs)
      (log/tracef "%s nested models detected, updating unchanged nested models for %s %s"
                  (format-path path) model (id-col (first to-skip)))
      (doseq [row to-skip]
        (log/tracef "%s updating nested models for %s %s" (format-path path) model (id-col row))
        (handle-row-nested-updates! row existing-rows spec path)))))
(defn- handle-map-update!
  [existing-data new-data {:keys [model nested-specs id-col] :as spec} path]
  (let [sanitize-row            (sanitize-row-fn spec)
        compare-row             (compare-cols-fn spec)
        new-data-sanitized      (sanitize-row new-data)
        existing-data-sanitized (sanitize-row existing-data)
        existing-id             (id-col existing-data)
        handle-nested!          (fn [existing-data new-data parent-id]
                                  (when nested-specs
                                    (log/tracef "%s nested models detected, updating nested models %s %s"
                                                (format-path path) model parent-id)
                                     (with-parent-id new-data nested-specs parent-id)
                                     (conj path parent-id))))]
      ;; delete
      (nil? new-data)
        (log/debugf "%s Deleting" (format-path (conj path existing-id)))
        (t2/delete! model existing-id)
        (handle-nested! existing-data new-data existing-id))
      ;; create
      (nil? existing-data)
      (let [parent-id (t2/insert-returning-pk! model new-data-sanitized)
            path      (conj path parent-id)]
        (log/debugf "%s Created a new entity %s %s" (format-path path) model parent-id)
        (handle-nested! nil new-data parent-id))
      ;; delete and create when id changes
      (not= (id-col new-data) existing-id)
        (log/debugf "%s ID changed from %s to %s - deleting and recreating"
                    (format-path path) existing-id (id-col new-data))
        (t2/delete! model existing-id)
        (let [parent-id (t2/insert-returning-pk! model new-data-sanitized)
              path      (conj path parent-id)]
          (log/debugf "%s Created a new entity %s %s" (format-path path) model parent-id)
          (handle-nested! nil new-data parent-id)))
      ;; update
      (not= (compare-row new-data-sanitized) (compare-row existing-data-sanitized))
        (log/debugf "%s Updating" (format-path (conj path existing-id)))
        (t2/update! model existing-id new-data-sanitized)
        (handle-nested! existing-data new-data existing-id))
        (log/debugf "%s no change detected for %s %s" (format-path path) model existing-id)
        (handle-nested! existing-data new-data existing-id)))))
(defn- do-update!*
  [existing-data new-data spec path]
  (if (:multi-row? spec)
      (log/tracef "%s multi-row spec found" (format-path path))
      (handle-sequential-updates! existing-data new-data spec path))
      (log/tracef "%s single row spec found" (format-path path))
      (handle-map-update! existing-data new-data spec path))))

Update data in the database based on the diff between existing and new data. spec defines the structure of the data and how to compare it.

(mu/defn do-update!
  [existing-data new-data spec :- ::Spec]
  (t2/with-transaction []
    (do-update!* existing-data new-data spec ["root"])))