(ns metabase.models.task-history
   [java-time.api :as t]
   [metabase.models.interface :as mi]
   [metabase.permissions.core :as perms]
   [metabase.premium-features.core :as premium-features]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.json :as json]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms]
   [methodical.core :as methodical]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

----------------------------------------------- Entity & Lifecycle -----------------------------------------------

(methodical/defmethod t2/table-name :model/TaskHistory [_model] :task_history)
(doto :model/TaskHistory
  (derive :metabase/model)
  (derive ::mi/read-policy.full-perms-for-perms-set)
  (derive ::mi/write-policy.full-perms-for-perms-set))

Permissions to read or write Task. If advanced-permissions is enabled it requires superusers or non-admins with monitoring permissions, Otherwise it requires superusers.

(defmethod mi/perms-objects-set :model/TaskHistory
  [_task _read-or-write]
  #{(if (premium-features/enable-advanced-permissions?)
      (perms/application-perms-path :monitoring)

Deletes older TaskHistory rows. Will order TaskHistory by ended_at and delete everything after num-rows-to-keep. This is intended for a quick cleanup of old rows. Returns true if something was deleted.

(defn cleanup-task-history!
  ;; Ideally this would be one query, but MySQL does not allow nested queries with a limit. The query below orders the
  ;; tasks by the time they finished, newest first. Then finds the first row after skipping `num-rows-to-keep`. Using
  ;; the date that task finished, it deletes everything after that. As we continue to add TaskHistory entries, this
  ;; ensures we'll have a good amount of history for debugging/troubleshooting, but not grow too large and fill the
  ;; disk.
  (when-let [clean-before-date (t2/select-one-fn :ended_at :model/TaskHistory {:limit    1
                                                                               :offset   num-rows-to-keep
                                                                               :order-by [[:ended_at :desc]]})]
    (t2/delete! (t2/table-name :model/TaskHistory) :ended_at [:<= clean-before-date])))
(def ^:private task-history-status #{:started :success :failed})
(defn- assert-task-history-status
  (assert (task-history-status (keyword status)) "Invalid task history status"))
(t2/define-after-insert :model/TaskHistory
  (assert-task-history-status (:status task-history))
(t2/define-before-update :model/TaskHistory
  (assert-task-history-status (:status task-history))
(t2/deftransforms :model/TaskHistory
  {:task_details mi/transform-json-eliding
   :status       mi/transform-keyword})

Return all TaskHistory entries, applying limit and offset if not nil

(mu/defn all
  [limit  :- [:maybe ms/PositiveInt]
   offset :- [:maybe ms/IntGreaterThanOrEqualToZero]]
  (t2/select :model/TaskHistory (merge {:order-by [[:started_at :desc]]}
                                       (when limit
                                         {:limit limit})
                                       (when offset
                                         {:offset offset}))))

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | with-task-history macro | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

(def ^:private TaskHistoryCallBackInfo
  [:map {:closed true}
   [:status                        (into [:enum] task-history-status)]
   [:task_details {:optional true} [:maybe :map]]])

Schema for info passed to the with-task-history macro.

(def ^:private TaskHistoryInfo
  [:map {:closed true}
   [:task                             ms/NonBlankString] ; task name, i.e. `send-pulses`. Conventionally lisp-cased
   [:db_id           {:optional true} [:maybe :int]]     ; DB involved, for sync operations or other tasks where this is applicable.
   [:on-success-info {:optional true} [:maybe [:=> [:cat TaskHistoryCallBackInfo :any] :map]]]
   [:on-fail-info    {:optional true} [:maybe [:=> [:cat TaskHistoryCallBackInfo :any] :map]]]
   [:task_details    {:optional true} [:maybe :map]]])   ; additional map of details to include in the recorded row
(defn- ns->ms [nanoseconds]
  (long (/ nanoseconds 1e6)))
(defn- update-task-history!
  [th-id startime-ns info]
  (let [updated-info (merge {:ended_at (t/instant)
                             :duration (ns->ms (- (System/nanoTime) startime-ns))}
    (t2/update! :model/TaskHistory th-id updated-info)))

Impl for with-task-history macro; see documentation below.

(mu/defn do-with-task-history
  [info :- TaskHistoryInfo f]
  (let [on-success-info (or (:on-success-info info) (fn [& args] (first args)))
        on-fail-info    (or (:on-fail-info info) (fn [& args] (first args)))
        info            (dissoc info :on-success-info :on-fail-info)
        start-time-ns   (System/nanoTime)
        th-id           (t2/insert-returning-pk! :model/TaskHistory
                                                 (assoc info
                                                        :status     :started
                                                        :started_at (t/instant)))]
      (u/prog1 (f)
        (update-task-history! th-id start-time-ns (on-success-info {:status       :success
                                                                    :task_details (:task_details info)}
      (catch Throwable e
        (update-task-history! th-id start-time-ns
                              (on-fail-info {:task_details {:status        :failed
                                                            :exception     (class e)
                                                            :message       (.getMessage e)
                                                            :stacktrace    (u/filtered-stacktrace e)
                                                            :ex-data       (ex-data e)
                                                            :original-info (:task_details info)}
                                             :status       :failed}
        (throw e)))))

Record a TaskHistory before executing the body, updating TaskHistory accordingly when the body completes. info should contain at least a name for the task (conventionally lisp-cased) as :task; see the TaskHistoryInfo schema in this namespace for other optional keys.

(with-task-history {:task "send-pulses" :db_id 1 :on-success-info (fn [info thunk-result] (assoc-in info [:task-details :thunk-result] thunk-result)}) :on-fail-info (fn [info e] (assoc-in info [:task-details :exception-class] (class e)))} ...)

Optionally takes: - on-success-info: a function that takes the updated task history and the result of the task, returns a map of task history info to update when the task succeeds. - on-fail-info: a function that takes the updated task history and the exception thrown by the task, returns a map of task history info to update when the task fails.

(defmacro with-task-history
  {:style/indent 1}
  [info & body]
  `(do-with-task-history ~info (fn [] ~@body)))

TaskHistory can contain an exception for logging purposes, so use the built-in serialization of a Throwable->map to make this something that can be JSON encoded.

 (fn [throwable json-generator]
   (json/generate-map (Throwable->map throwable) json-generator)))