(ns metabase.models.secret
   [buddy.core.codecs :as codecs]
   [clojure.core.memoize :as memoize]
   [clojure.java.io :as io]
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [medley.core :as m]
   [metabase.api.common :as api]
   [metabase.driver :as driver]
   [metabase.driver.util :as driver.u]
   [metabase.models.interface :as mi]
   [metabase.premium-features.core :as premium-features]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [methodical.core :as methodical]
   [toucan2.core :as t2])
   (java.io File)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

----------------------------------------------- Entity & Lifecycle -----------------------------------------------

(methodical/defmethod t2/table-name :model/Secret [_model] :secret)
(doto :model/Secret
  (derive :metabase/model)
  (derive :hook/timestamped?)
  (derive ::mi/read-policy.superuser)
  (derive ::mi/write-policy.superuser))
(t2/deftransforms :model/Secret
  {:value  mi/transform-secret-value
   :kind   mi/transform-keyword
   :source mi/transform-keyword})
(methodical/defmethod mi/to-json :model/Secret
  "Never include the secret value in JSON."
  [secret json-generator]
   (dissoc secret :value)

Returns the latest Secret instance for the given id (meaning the one with the highest version).

(defn latest-for-id
  {:added "0.42.0"}
  (t2/select-one :model/Secret :id id {:order-by [[:version :desc]]}))

Inserts a new secret value, or updates an existing one, for the given parameters. * if there is no existing Secret instance, inserts with the given field values * if there is an existing latest Secret instance, then inserts a new version with the given parameters.

(defn upsert-secret-value!
  {:added "0.42.0"}
  [existing-id nm kind src value]
  (let [insert-new     (fn [id v]
                         (let [inserted (first (t2/insert-returning-instances! :model/Secret (cond-> {:version    v
                                                                                                      :name       nm
                                                                                                      :kind       kind
                                                                                                      :source     src
                                                                                                      :value      value
                                                                                                      :creator_id api/*current-user-id*}
                                                                                               (assoc :id id))))]
                           ;; Toucan doesn't support composite primary keys, so adding a new record with incremented
                           ;; version for an existing ID won't return a result from t2/insert!, hence we may need to
                           ;; manually select it here
                           (t2/select-one :model/Secret :id (or id (u/the-id inserted)) :version v)))
        latest-version (when existing-id (latest-for-id existing-id))]
    (if latest-version
      (insert-new (u/the-id latest-version) (inc (:version latest-version)))
      (insert-new nil 1))))

---------------------------------------------- Hydration / Util Fns ----------------------------------------------

Return a map of secret subproperties for the property connection-property-name.

(defn- ->possible-secret-property-names
  ;; created-at :creator-id :source :kind are legacy keys
  (let [sub-prop-types [:path :value :options :created-at :creator-id :source :kind]
        sub-prop #(keyword (str connection-property-name "-" (name %)))]
    (zipmap sub-prop-types (map sub-prop sub-prop-types))))
(defn- ->id-kw [conn-prop-nm]
  (keyword (str conn-prop-nm "-id")))

Regex for parsing base64 encoded file uploads.

(def uploaded-base-64-prefix-pattern

The string to replace passwords with when serializing Databases.

(def ^:const protected-password

For the driver return a map of all :type :secret properties, keyed by property name.

(defn secret-conn-props-by-name
  (let [conn-props-fn (get-method driver/connection-properties driver)]
    (when (fn? conn-props-fn)
      (->> (filter #(= :secret (keyword (:type %))) (conn-props-fn driver))
           (reduce (fn [acc prop] (assoc acc (:name prop) prop)) {})

Reduces over the given db-details (a Database details map), for any secret type connection properties under the given driver, using the given reduce-fn, and returns the accumulated result.

reduce-fn is the reduction fn (i.e. the first arg to [[clojure.core/reduce-kv]]), and is therefore expected to have a 3-arity. Its first param is the accumulated db-details, its 2nd param (a String) is the connection property name, and the 3rd param (a map) is the connection property map itself (containing the :name, :type, etc.). This function will only be invoked with connection properties that are of the secret type.

In essence, this is a utility function to provide a generic mechanism for transforming db-details containing secret values.

(defn- reduce-over-details-secret-values
  {:added "0.42.0"}
  [driver db-details reduce-fn]
  (if (map? db-details)
    (reduce-kv reduce-fn db-details (secret-conn-props-by-name driver))
(defn- bytes-without-uri-encoding
  [value conn-prop]
  (let [is-bytes? (bytes? value)
        is-string? (string? value)
        treatment (get conn-prop :treatment "base64")
        str-value (cond
                    is-bytes? (u/bytes-to-string value)
                    is-string? value)]
      (and str-value
           (= "base64" treatment)
           (re-find uploaded-base-64-prefix-pattern str-value))
      (-> str-value
          (str/replace-first uploaded-base-64-prefix-pattern )
      (u/string-to-bytes value)

Returns a canonical secret-map containing :source and :value based solely on :details When :details comes from the client, it may contain updated values for a secret. If these properties are not present, return nil.

This is the case: - before database insert and update - during connection testing.

The -value property may be base64 encoded and should be decoded. :value is type bytes or nil

The -options property may, or may not be present. If not -value should be used.

(defn- secret-map-from-details
  [details conn-prop]
  (let [kws (->possible-secret-property-names (:name conn-prop))
        value (when-let [^String value (get details (:value kws))]
                (bytes-without-uri-encoding value conn-prop))
        has-path? (contains? details (:path kws))
        has-value? (contains? details (:value kws))
        options (get details (:options kws))
        path (get details (:path kws))
        path-map (when has-path?
                   {:source :file-path :value path})
        value-map (when has-value?
                    {:source :uploaded :value value})
        secret-map (case (keyword options)
                     ;; fallback
                       has-value? value-map
                       has-path? path-map))]
    (when (and path (premium-features/is-hosted?))
      (throw (ex-info
              (tru "{0} (a local file path) cannot be used in Metabase hosted environment" (:path kws))
              {:invalid-db-details-entry (select-keys details [(:path kws)])})))
    ;; If the client sent us back protected-password then it should be ignored and value loaded from Secret.
    (when (and secret-map (not= (:value secret-map) protected-password))
      (update secret-map :value #(some-> % codecs/to-bytes)))))

Returns a canonical map containing :value and :source for the given secret-property. May also include :id if the value is coming from a persisted Secret.

If :details contains expanded secrets from the client (i.e. during connection testing) it will be preferred. If a -id property exists, that will be used to lookup the Secret. Otherwise return nil.

(defn- resolve-secret-map
  [driver details secret-property]
  (let [conn-prop (get (secret-conn-props-by-name driver) secret-property)
        detail-map (secret-map-from-details details conn-prop)
        secret-id (get details (->id-kw secret-property))
        result (cond
                 detail-map detail-map
                 secret-id (latest-for-id secret-id))
        result-source (:source result)]
    (when (:value result)
      (cond-> result
        ;; Fix legacy double encoding stored in secret
        secret-id (update :value bytes-without-uri-encoding conn-prop)
        ;; Normalizes legacy
        (not result-source) (assoc :source :uploaded)))))

Reads the secret-value, which is probably bytes into a string.

Private because getting the file-path is an implementation detail of Secret.

(defn- unresolved-value-string
  (cond (string? secret-value)
        (bytes? secret-value)
        (u/bytes-to-string secret-value)))

---------------------------------------------- Fetching secrets ----------------------------------------------

Retrieves a secret as a string. If the secret source is :file-path then read the file and return the contents. Otherwise return the secret value.

(defn value-as-string
  [driver details secret-property]
  (when-let [{source :source secret-value :value} (resolve-secret-map driver details secret-property)]
    (let [s (unresolved-value-string secret-value)]
      (if (= :file-path source)
        (slurp s)
(defn- value-as-file*
  [driver details secret-property & [ext]]
  (when-let [{source :source secret-value :value secret-id :id} (resolve-secret-map driver details secret-property)]
    (if (= :file-path source)
      (let [secret-value (unresolved-value-string secret-value)
            ^File existing-file (File. ^String secret-value)]
        (if (.exists existing-file)
          (let [file-path (if secret-id protected-password secret-value)
                error-source (let [secret-props (secret-conn-props-by-name driver)]
                               (tru "File path for {0}" (-> (get secret-props secret-property)
            (throw (ex-info (tru "{0} points to non-existent file: {1}" error-source file-path)
                            {:file-path file-path
                             :secret secret-id})))))
      (let [^File tmp-file (doto (File/createTempFile "metabase-secret_" ext)
                             ;; make the file only readable by owner
                             (.setReadable false false)
                             (.setReadable true true)
        (log/tracef "Creating temp file for secret %s value at %s" (or secret-id ) (.getAbsolutePath tmp-file))
        (with-open [out (io/output-stream tmp-file)]
          (let [^bytes v (codecs/to-bytes secret-value)]
            (.write out v)))

Returns the value of the given secret instance in the form of a file. If the given instance has a :file-path as its source, a File referring to that is returned. Otherwise, the :value is written to a temporary file, which is then returned.

ext? is an optional argument that sets the file extension used for the temporary file, if one needs to be created.

  ^{:arglists '([driver details secret-property & [ext]])}
  (memoize/memo value-as-file*))

---------------------------------------------- Database Details ----------------------------------------------

Delete Secret instances from the app DB, that will become orphaned when database is deleted. For now, this will simply delete any Secret whose ID appears in the details blob, since every Secret instance that is currently created is exclusively associated with a single Database.

In the future, if/when we allow arbitrary association of secret instances to database instances, this will need to change and become more complicated (likely by consulting a many-to-many join table).

(defn delete-orphaned-secrets!
  [{:keys [id details] :as database}]
  (when-let [possible-secret-prop-names (seq (keys (secret-conn-props-by-name (driver.u/database->driver database))))]
    (doseq [secret-id (reduce (fn [acc prop-name]
                                (if-let [secret-id (get details (->id-kw prop-name))]
                                  (conj acc secret-id)
      (log/infof "Deleting secret ID %s from app DB because the owning database (%s) is being deleted" secret-id id)
      (t2/delete! :model/Secret :id secret-id))))
(defn- hydrate-redacted-secret
  [db-details conn-prop-nm _conn-prop]
  (let [kws (->possible-secret-property-names conn-prop-nm)
        secret-id (get db-details (->id-kw conn-prop-nm))]
    ;; If db-details contains secret properties, we must be in a PUT and we want to return to client as is.
    ;; This is true because otherwise [[handle-incoming-client-secrets!]] and
    ;; [[clean-secret-properties-from-database]] would have removed them.
      (not-empty (select-keys db-details (vals kws)))
      ;; Otherwise we want to return options and path from the Secret but redacted value
      (let [{:keys [source] :as secret} (latest-for-id secret-id)]
        (cond-> db-details
          (= source :file-path)
           (assoc (:path kws) (unresolved-value-string (:value secret))
                  (:options kws) "local"))
          (not= source :file-path)
           (assoc (:value kws) protected-password
                  (:options kws) "uploaded"))))

To satisfy clients we need to return the keys they send us in details. This is a transformation on :model/Database to-json

Fetches the stored secret and fills in -path -options -value for each secret property

(defn to-json-hydrate-redacted-secrets
  (let [driver (driver.u/database->driver database)]
     (fn [details]

Ensures that all possible secret property values are removed from :details.

This can be used to cleanup details in connection properties which should always use secret getters above.

(defn clean-secret-properties-from-details
  [details driver]
   (fn [db-details conn-prop-nm _conn-prop]
     (apply dissoc db-details (vals (->possible-secret-property-names conn-prop-nm))))))

Ensures that all possible secret property values are removed from :details. This is a transformation on :model/Database results-transform.

(defn clean-secret-properties-from-database
     (driver.u/database->driver database))))

Converts incoming secret values in :details into Secrets. This is a transformation on :model/Database before-insert and before-update.

Only the Secret id should be stored in :details. All other secret props should be cleared.

A secret prop like {:type :secret, :secret-kind :pem-cert :name :private-key} can get expanded by [[driver.u/connection-props-server->client]] into these connection properties:

``` [:private-key-value ;; IMPORTANT if is-hosted? this is the only prop that will be present. :private-key-options :private-key-path] ```

In this case, we want to look for a :private-key-id in the original-details which would indicate that we have stored a Secret before. We upsert the secret-value (which could be -path or -value). We clear out all the possible secret-keys -value, -options, -path and store the -id.

(defn handle-incoming-client-secrets!
  [{:keys [details] :as database}]
  (let [{original-details :details} (t2/original database)
        updated-details (reduce-over-details-secret-values
                         (driver.u/database->driver database)
                         (fn [db-details conn-prop-nm conn-prop]
                           (let [kws (->possible-secret-property-names conn-prop-nm)
                                 id-kw (keyword (str conn-prop-nm "-id"))
                                 secret-id (get original-details id-kw)
                                 secret (secret-map-from-details db-details conn-prop)
                                 cleared-details (apply dissoc db-details (vals kws))]
                             (if secret
                               (if (:value secret)
                                 (let [{:keys [id]} (upsert-secret-value!
                                                     (format "%s for %s" (:display-name conn-prop) (:name database))
                                                     (:secret-kind conn-prop)
                                                     (:source secret)
                                                     (:value secret))]
                                   (assoc cleared-details id-kw id))
                                   (t2/delete! :model/Secret :id secret-id)
                                   (dissoc cleared-details id-kw)))
                                ;; Don't throw out a secret even if the client didn't sent it back
                               (m/assoc-some cleared-details id-kw secret-id)))))]
    (assoc database :details updated-details)))