(ns metabase.models.secret
   [clojure.core.memoize :as memoize]
   [clojure.java.io :as io]
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [java-time.api :as t]
   [metabase.api.common :as api]
   [metabase.driver :as driver]
   [metabase.driver.util :as driver.u]
   [metabase.models.interface :as mi]
   [metabase.public-settings.premium-features :as premium-features]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [methodical.core :as methodical]
   [toucan2.core :as t2])
   (java.io File)
   (java.nio.charset StandardCharsets)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

----------------------------------------------- Entity & Lifecycle -----------------------------------------------

Used to be the toucan1 model name defined using [[toucan.models/defmodel]], now it's a reference to the toucan2 model name. We'll keep this till we replace all the symbols in our codebase.

(def Secret
(methodical/defmethod t2/table-name :model/Secret [_model] :secret)
(doto Secret
  (derive :metabase/model)
  (derive :hook/timestamped?)
  (derive ::mi/read-policy.superuser)
  (derive ::mi/write-policy.superuser))
(t2/deftransforms :model/Secret
  {:value  mi/transform-secret-value
   :kind   mi/transform-keyword
   :source mi/transform-keyword})

---------------------------------------------- Hydration / Util Fns ----------------------------------------------

Returns the value of the given secret as a String. secret can be a Secret model object, or a secret-map (i.e. return value from db-details-prop->secret-map).

(defn value->string
  {:added "0.42.0"}
  ^String [{:keys [value] :as _secret}]
  (cond (string? value)
        (bytes? value)
        (String. ^bytes value StandardCharsets/UTF_8)))

For the given conn-props (output of driver/connection-properties), return a map of all :type :secret properties, keyed by property name.

(defn conn-props->secret-props-by-name
  {:added "0.42.0"}
  (->> (filter #(= :secret (keyword (:type %))) conn-props)
       (reduce (fn [acc prop] (assoc acc (:name prop) prop)) {})))

Returns the value of the given secret instance in the form of a file. If the given instance has a :file-path as its source, a File referring to that is returned. Otherwise, the :value is written to a temporary file, which is then returned.

driver? is an optional argument that is only used if an ostensibly existing file value (i.e. :file-path) can't be resolved, in order to render a more user-friendly error message (by looking up the display names of the connection properties involved).

ext? is an optional argument that sets the file extension used for the temporary file, if one needs to be created.

(defn value->file!*
  {:added "0.42.0"}
  (^File [secret]
   (value->file!* secret nil))
  (^File [secret driver?]
   (value->file!* secret driver? nil))
  (^File [{:keys [connection-property-name id value] :as secret} driver? ext?]
   (if (= :file-path (:source secret))
     (let [secret-val          (value->string secret)
           ^File existing-file (File. secret-val)]
       (if (.exists existing-file)
         (let [error-source (cond
                              (tru "Secret ID {0}" id)
                              (and connection-property-name driver?)
                              (let [secret-props (-> (driver/connection-properties driver?)
                                (tru "File path for {0}" (-> (get secret-props connection-property-name)
                              (tru "Path"))]
           (throw (ex-info (tru "{0} points to non-existent file: {1}" error-source secret-val)
                           {:file-path secret-val
                            :secret    secret})))))
     (let [^File tmp-file (doto (File/createTempFile "metabase-secret_" ext?)
                            ;; make the file only readable by owner
                            (.setReadable false false)
                            (.setReadable true true)
       (log/tracef "Creating temp file for secret %s value at %s" (or id "") (.getAbsolutePath tmp-file))
       (with-open [out (io/output-stream tmp-file)]
         (let [^bytes v (cond
                          (string? value)
                          (.getBytes ^String value "UTF-8")
                          (bytes? value)
                          ^bytes value)]
           (.write out v)))

Returns the value of the given secret instance in the form of a file. If the given instance has a :file-path as its source, a File referring to that is returned. Otherwise, the :value is written to a temporary file, which is then returned.

driver? is an optional argument that is only used if an ostensibly existing file value (i.e. :file-path) can't be resolved, in order to render a more user-friendly error message (by looking up the display names of the connection properties involved).

ext? is an optional argument that sets the file extension used for the temporary file, if one needs to be created.

  ^{:arglists '([{:keys [connection-property-name id value] :as secret} & [driver? ext?]])}
   (with-meta value->file!*
              {::memoize/args-fn (fn [[secret _driver? ext?]]
                          ;; not clear if value->string could return nil due to the cond so we'll just cache on a key
                          ;; that is unique
                                   [(vec (:value secret)) ext?])})))

Return a map of secret subproperties for the property connection-property-name.

(defn ->sub-props
  (let [sub-prop-types [:path :value :options :id]
        sub-prop #(keyword (str connection-property-name "-" (name %)))]
    (zipmap sub-prop-types (map sub-prop sub-prop-types))))

Regex for parsing base64 encoded file uploads.

(def uploaded-base-64-prefix-pattern

Returns the latest Secret instance for the given id (meaning the one with the highest version).

(defn latest-for-id
  {:added "0.42.0"}
  (t2/select-one Secret :id id {:order-by [[:version :desc]]}))

Returns a map containing :value and :source for the given conn-prop-nm. conn-prop-nm is expected to be the name of a connection property having :type :secret, and the relevant sub-properties (ex: -value, -path, etc.) will be resolved in order to calculate the returned map.

This returned map represents a partial Secret model instance (having some of the required properties set), but also represents a discrete property that can be used in connection testing (even without the Secret needing to be persisted). In addition to possibly having :value and :source populated (if the secret value can be resolved), its keys will always include:

:connection-property-name - the conn-prop-nm that was initially passed in, for use later in error handling. :subprops - a sequence of subproperties (keywords) that represent all secret related subproperties that might exist and be manipulated by the secret handling code (which are used to ensure all these internal and intermediate subproperties are removed from the connection-properties before building the JDBC spec).

(defn db-details-prop->secret-map
  {:added "0.42.0"}
  [details conn-prop-nm]
  (let [{path-kw :path, value-kw :value, options-kw :options, id-kw :id}
        (->sub-props conn-prop-nm)
        value  (cond
                 ;; ssl-root-certs will need their prefix removed, and to be base 64 decoded (#20319)
                 (and (value-kw details) (#{"ssl-client-cert" "ssl-root-cert"} conn-prop-nm)
                      (re-find uploaded-base-64-prefix-pattern (value-kw details)))
                 (-> (value-kw details) (str/replace-first uploaded-base-64-prefix-pattern "") u/decode-base64)
                 (and (value-kw details) (#{"ssl-key"} conn-prop-nm)
                      (re-find uploaded-base-64-prefix-pattern (value-kw details)))
                 (.decode (java.util.Base64/getDecoder)
                          (str/replace-first (value-kw details) uploaded-base-64-prefix-pattern ""))
                 ;; the -value suffix was specified; use that
                 (value-kw details)
                 (value-kw details)
                 ;; the -path suffix was specified; this is actually a :file-path
                 (path-kw details)
                 (u/prog1 (path-kw details)
                   (when (premium-features/is-hosted?)
                     (throw (ex-info
                             (tru "{0} (a local file path) cannot be used in Metabase hosted environment" path-kw)
                             {:invalid-db-details-entry (select-keys details [path-kw])}))))
                 (id-kw details)
                 (:value (latest-for-id (id-kw details))))
        source (cond
                 ;; set the :source due to the -path suffix (see above))
                 (and (not= "uploaded" (options-kw details)) (path-kw details))
                 (id-kw details)
                 (:source (latest-for-id (id-kw details))))]
    (cond-> {:connection-property-name conn-prop-nm, :subprops [path-kw value-kw id-kw]}
      (assoc :value value
             :source source))))

Get the value of a secret property from the database details as a string.

(defn get-secret-string
  [details secret-property]
  (let [{path-kw :path, value-kw :value, options-kw :options, id-kw :id} (->sub-props secret-property)
        id (id-kw details)
        ;; When a secret is updated, we get both a new value as well as the ID of old secret.
        value (or (when-let [value (value-kw details)]
                    (if (string? value)
                      (String. ^bytes value "UTF-8")))
                  (when id
                    (String. ^bytes (:value (latest-for-id id)) "UTF-8")))]
    (case (options-kw details)
      "uploaded" (try
                   ;; When a secret is updated, the value has already been decoded
                   ;; instead of checking if the string is base64 encoded, we just
                   ;; try to decoded it and leave it as is if the attempt fails.
                   (String. ^bytes (driver.u/decode-uploaded value) "UTF-8")
                   (catch IllegalArgumentException _
      "local" (slurp (if id value (path-kw details)))

The attributes of a secret which, if changed, will result in a version bump

  ^{:doc  :private true}
  [:kind :source :value])

Inserts a new secret value, or updates an existing one, for the given parameters. * if there is no existing Secret instance, inserts with the given field values * if there is an existing latest Secret instance, and the value (or any of the supporting fields, like kind or source) has changed, then inserts a new version with the given parameters. * if there is an existing latest Secret instance, but none of the aforementioned fields changed, then update it

(defn upsert-secret-value!
  {:added "0.42.0"}
  [existing-id nm kind src value]
  (let [insert-new     (fn [id v]
                         (let [inserted (first (t2/insert-returning-instances! Secret (cond-> {:version    v
                                                                                               :name       nm
                                                                                               :kind       kind
                                                                                               :source     src
                                                                                               :value      value
                                                                                               :creator_id api/*current-user-id*}
                                                                                        (assoc :id id))))]
                           ;; Toucan doesn't support composite primary keys, so adding a new record with incremented
                           ;; version for an existing ID won't return a result from t2/insert!, hence we may need to
                           ;; manually select it here
                           (t2/select-one Secret :id (or id (u/the-id inserted)) :version v)))
        latest-version (when existing-id (latest-for-id existing-id))]
    (if latest-version
      (if (= (select-keys latest-version bump-version-keys) [kind src value])
        (pos? (t2/update! Secret {:id existing-id :version (:version latest-version)}
                          {:name nm}))
        (insert-new (u/the-id latest-version) (inc (:version latest-version))))
      (insert-new nil 1))))

Reduces over the given db-details (a Database details map), for any secret type connection properties under the given driver, using the given reduce-fn, and returns the accumulated result.

reduce-fn is the reduction fn (i.e. the first arg to [[clojure.core/reduce-kv]]), and is therefore expected to have a 3-arity. Its first param is the accumulated db-details, its 2nd param (a String) is the connection property name, and the 3rd param (a map) is the connection property map itself (containing the :name, :type, etc.). This function will only be invoked with connection properties that are of the secret type.

In essence, this is a utility function to provide a generic mechanism for transforming db-details containing secret values.

(defn reduce-over-details-secret-values
  {:added "0.42.0"}
  [driver db-details reduce-fn]
  (let [conn-props-fn (get-method driver/connection-properties driver)]
    (if (and (map? db-details) (fn? conn-props-fn))
      (let [conn-props            (conn-props-fn driver)
            conn-secrets-by-name  (conn-props->secret-props-by-name conn-props)]
        (reduce-kv reduce-fn db-details conn-secrets-by-name))

Expand certain secret sub-properties in the db-details, depending on the secret type, for admin purposes. This is invoked as part of a KV reduction over secret type connection-properties, so conn-prop-nm (a String), and conn-prop (a map containing the connection property definition) are also passed as parameters.

secret-or-id? is an optional param that, if passed, will be used to look up the derived secret values (to avoid a redundant app DB query if the caller already has this; if a nil param value is passed, then the secret ID will be looked up from the :db-details map at conn-prop-nm).

The keys/value pairs that may be added into db-details:

  • -value - the secret value itself, in the case that the secret is a file-path type (as opposed to a value we store directly); the purpose of expanding this is to repopulate the file paths in the UI at the cost of "exposing" the file path (which itself shouldn't be too risky, especially since it will only be shown to admins); only populated for file type secret values
  • -creator-id - the ID of the user who "created" the secret value for (i.e. the last person who updated it), for audit purposes; only populated for non-file type secret values
  • -created-at - the timestamp of the last time the secret value for was changed or updated; only populated for non-file type secret values
(defn expand-inferred-secret-values
  {:added "0.42.0"}
  [db-details conn-prop-nm _conn-prop & [secret-or-id]]
  (let [subprop (fn [prop-nm]
                  (keyword (str conn-prop-nm prop-nm)))
        secret* (cond (int? secret-or-id)
                      (latest-for-id secret-or-id)
                      (mi/instance-of? Secret secret-or-id)
                      :else ; default; app DB look up from the ID in db-details
                      (latest-for-id (get db-details (subprop "-id"))))
        src     (:source secret*)]
    ;; always populate the -source, -creator-id, and -created-at sub properties
    (cond-> (assoc db-details (subprop "-source") src
                   (subprop "-creator-id") (:creator_id secret*))
      (some? (:created_at secret*))
      (assoc (subprop "-created-at") (t/format :iso-offset-date-time (:created_at secret*)))
      (= :file-path src) ; for file path sources only, populate the value
      (assoc (subprop "-value") (value->string secret*)))))

Expand certain inferred secret sub-properties in the database :details, for the purpose of serving requests by users with write permissions for the DB (ex: to edit an existing database or view its current details). This is to populate certain values that shouldn't be stored in the details blob itself, but which can be derived from the details->secret association itself. Refer to the docstring for [[expand-inferred-secret-values]] for full details.

(defn expand-db-details-inferred-secret-values
  {:added "0.42.0"}
  (update database :details (fn [details]
                              (reduce-over-details-secret-values (driver.u/database->driver database)
(methodical/defmethod mi/to-json Secret
  "Never include the secret value in JSON."
  [secret json-generator]
   (dissoc secret :value)