Functions used to calculate the permissions needed to run a query based on old-style DATA ACCESS PERMISSIONS. The only thing that is subject to these sorts of checks are ad-hoc queries, i.e. queries that have not yet been saved as a Card. Saved Cards are subject to the permissions of the Collection to which they belong.

TODO -- does this belong HERE or in the permissions module?

(ns metabase.models.query.permissions
   [clojure.set :as set]
   [clojure.walk :as walk]
   [metabase.api.common :as api]
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.normalize :as mbql.normalize]
   [metabase.lib.core :as lib]
   [metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata]
   [metabase.lib.metadata.protocols :as lib.metadata.protocols]
   [ :as]
   [metabase.lib.util.match :as lib.util.match]
   [metabase.models.interface :as mi]
   [metabase.permissions.core :as perms]
   [metabase.query-processor.error-type :as qp.error-type]
   [ :as]
   [metabase.query-processor.util :as qp.util]
   [metabase.request.core :as request]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

Returns an ExceptionInfo instance containing data relevant for a permissions error.

(defn perms-exception
   (perms-exception (tru "You do not have permissions to run this query.") required-perms))
  ([message required-perms & [additional-ex-data]]
   (ex-info message
            (merge {:type                 qp.error-type/missing-required-permissions
                    :required-permissions required-perms
                    :actual-permissions   (perms/permissions-for-user api/*current-user-id*)
                    :permissions-error?   true}

---------------------------------------------- Permissions Checking ----------------------------------------------

Is calculating permissions for queries complicated? Some would say so. Refer to this handy flow chart to see how things get calculated.

 native query? <--------+---------> mbql query?
       ↓                                     ↓

native-query-perms legacy-mbql-required-perms | no source card <--------+------> has source card ↓ ↓ {:perms/view-data {table-id :unrestricted}} source-card-read-perms

Merge function which takes the union of two sets of IDs, if they are both sets

(defn- merge-source-ids
  [val1 val2]
    ;; Merge sets of table or card IDs
    (and (set? val1) (set? val2))
    (set/union val1 val2)
    ;; Booleans should only ever be `:native? true`, but make sure we propogate truthy values
    (and (boolean? val1) (boolean? val2))
    (or val1 val2)
    ;; Safeguard; should not be hit
    :else (throw (ex-info "Don't know how to merge values!"
                          {:val1 val1 :val2 val2}))))
(mu/defn query->source-ids :- [:maybe
                                [:table-ids {:optional true} [:set]]
                                [:card-ids  {:optional true} [:set]]
                                [:native?   {:optional true} :boolean]]]
  "Return a map containing table IDs and/or card IDs referenced by `query`, and/or the :native? boolean flag
  indicating a native query or subquery. Intended to be used in the context of permissions enforcement."
  [query :- :map]
  (apply merge-with merge-source-ids
         (lib.util.match/match query
           ;; If we come across a native query, replace it with a card ID if it came from a source card, so we can check
           ;; permissions on the card and not necessarily require full native query access to the DB
           (m :guard (every-pred map? :native))
           (if-let [source-card-id (:qp/stage-is-from-source-card m)]
             {:card-ids #{source-card-id}}
             {:native? true})
           (m :guard (every-pred map? #(pos-int? (:source-table %))))
           (merge-with merge-source-ids
                       {:table-ids #{(:source-table m)}}
                       ;; If there's a source card associated with a table ID, include it so that we can ensure that
                       ;; ad-hoc queries don't access cards with no collection perms
                       (when-let [source-card-id (:qp/stage-is-from-source-card m)]
                         {:card-ids #{source-card-id}})
                       (query->source-ids (dissoc m :source-table))))))

Returns a sequence of all :source-table IDs referenced by a query. Convenience wrapper around query->source-ids if only table ID information is needed.

(mu/defn query->source-table-ids
  [query :- :map]
  (when (seq query)
    (:table-ids (query->source-ids query))))

A map from card IDs to card instances with the collection_id (possibly nil). Useful when bulk loading cards from different databases.

(def ^:dynamic *card-instances*
(mu/defn- card-instance :- [:and
                            (ms/InstanceOf :model/Card)
                            [:map [:collection_id [:maybe ms/PositiveInt]]]]
  [card-id :-]
  (or (get *card-instances* card-id)
      (if (
        (when-let [{:keys [collection-id]} (lib.metadata/card ( card-id)]
          (t2/instance :model/Card {:collection_id collection-id}))
        (t2/select-one [:model/Card :collection_id] :id card-id))
      (throw (Exception. (tru "Card {0} does not exist." card-id)))))
(mu/defn- source-card-read-perms :- [:set perms/PathSchema]
  "Calculate the permissions needed to run an ad-hoc query that uses a Card with `source-card-id` as its source
  [source-card-id :-]
  (mi/perms-objects-set (card-instance source-card-id) :read))
(defn- preprocess-query [query]
  ;; ignore the current user for the purposes of calculating the permissions required to run the query. Don't want the
  ;; preprocessing to fail because current user doesn't have permissions to run it when we're not trying to run it at
  ;; all
    ((requiring-resolve 'metabase.query-processor.preprocess/preprocess) query)))

Return the union of all the ::referenced-card-ids sets anywhere in the query.

(defn- referenced-card-ids
  (let [all-ids (atom #{})]
     (fn [form]
       (when (map? form)
         (when-let [ids (not-empty (::referenced-card-ids form))]
           (swap! all-ids set/union ids)))
    (not-empty @all-ids)))
(defn- native-query-perms
   {:perms/create-queries :query-builder-and-native
    :perms/view-data      :unrestricted}
   (when-let [card-ids (referenced-card-ids query)]
     {:paths (into #{}
                   (mapcat (fn [card-id]
                             (mi/perms-objects-set (card-instance card-id) :read)))
(defn- legacy-mbql-required-perms
  [query {:keys [throw-exceptions? already-preprocessed?]}]
    (let [query (mbql.normalize/normalize query)]
      ;; if we are using a Card as our source, our perms are that Card's (i.e. that Card's Collection's) read perms
      (if-let [source-card-id (qp.util/query->source-card-id query)]
        {:paths (source-card-read-perms source-card-id)}
        ;; otherwise if there's no source card then calculate perms based on the Tables referenced in the query
        (let [query (cond-> query
                      (not already-preprocessed?) preprocess-query)
              {:keys [table-ids card-ids native?]} (query->source-ids query)]
           (when (seq card-ids)
             {:card-ids card-ids})
           (when (seq table-ids)
             {:perms/create-queries (zipmap table-ids (repeat :query-builder))
              :perms/view-data      (zipmap table-ids (repeat :unrestricted))})
           (when native?
             (native-query-perms query))))))
    ;; if for some reason we can't expand the Card (i.e. it's an invalid legacy card) just return a set of permissions
    ;; that means no one will ever get to see it
    (catch Throwable e
      (let [e (ex-info "Error calculating permissions for query"
                       {:query (or (u/ignore-exceptions (mbql.normalize/normalize query))
        (if throw-exceptions? (throw e) (log/error e)))
      {:perms/create-queries {0 :query-builder}}))) ; table 0 will never exist

For pMBQL queries: for now, just convert it to legacy by running it thru the QP preprocessor, then hand off to the legacy implementation(s) of [[required-perms]].

(defn- pmbql-required-perms
  [query perms-opts]
  (let [query        (lib/normalize query)
        ;; convert it to legacy by running it thru the QP preprocessor.
        legacy-query (preprocess-query query)]
    (assert (#{:query :native} (:type legacy-query))
            (format "Expected QP preprocessing to return legacy MBQL query, got: %s" (pr-str legacy-query)))
    (legacy-mbql-required-perms legacy-query perms-opts)))

Returns a map representing the permissions requried to run query. The map has the optional keys :paths (containing legacy permission paths), :card-ids, :perms/view-data, and :perms/create-queries.

(defn required-perms-for-query
  [query & {:as perms-opts}]
  (if (empty? query)
    (let [query-type (lib/normalized-query-type query)]
      (case query-type
        :native     (native-query-perms query)
        :query      (legacy-mbql-required-perms query perms-opts)
        :mbql/query (pmbql-required-perms query perms-opts)
        (throw (ex-info (tru "Invalid query type: {0}" query-type)
                        {:query query}))))))

Checks that the current user has at least required-perm for the entire DB specified by db-id.

(defn- has-perm-for-db?
  [perm-type required-perm gtap-perms db-id]
   (perms/at-least-as-permissive? perm-type
                                  (perms/full-db-permission-for-user api/*current-user-id* perm-type db-id)
   (when gtap-perms
     (perms/at-least-as-permissive? perm-type gtap-perms required-perm))))

Checks that the current user has the permissions for tables specified in table-id->perm. This can be satisfied via the user's permissions stored in the database, or permissions in gtap-table-perms which are supplied by the row-level-restrictions QP middleware when sandboxing is in effect. Returns true if access is allowed, otherwise false.

(defn- has-perm-for-table?
  [perm-type table-id->required-perm gtap-table-perms db-id]
  (let [table-id->has-perm?
        (into {} (for [[table-id required-perm] table-id->required-perm]
                   [table-id (boolean
                              (or (perms/user-has-permission-for-table?
                                  (when-let [gtap-perm (if (keyword? gtap-table-perms)
                                                         ;; gtap-table-perms can be a keyword representing the DB permission...
                                                         ;; ...or a map from table IDs to table permissions
                                                         (get gtap-table-perms table-id))]
                                    (perms/at-least-as-permissive? perm-type gtap-perm required-perm))))]))]
    (every? true? (vals table-id->has-perm?))))
(mu/defn has-perm-for-query? :- :boolean
  "Returns true when the query is accessible for the given perm-type and required-perms for individual tables, or the
  entire DB, false otherwise. Only throws if the permission format is incorrect."
  [{{gtap-perms :gtaps} ::perms, db-id :database :as _query} perm-type required-perms]
   (if-let [db-or-table-perms (perm-type required-perms)]
     ;; In practice, `view-data` will be defined at the table-level, and `create-queries` will either be table-level
     ;; or :query-builder-and-native for the entire DB. But we should enforce whatever `required-perms` are provided,
     ;; in case that ever changes.
       (keyword? db-or-table-perms)
       (has-perm-for-db? perm-type db-or-table-perms (perm-type gtap-perms) db-id)
       (map? db-or-table-perms)
       (has-perm-for-table? perm-type db-or-table-perms (perm-type gtap-perms) db-id)
       (throw (ex-info (tru "Invalid permissions format") required-perms)))

Check that the current user has permissions to read Card with card-id, or throw an Exception.

(mu/defn check-card-read-perms
  [database-id :-
   card-id     :-]
  ( database-id
    (let [card (or (some-> (lib.metadata.protocols/card ( card-id)
                           (update-keys u/->snake_case_en)
                           (vary-meta assoc :type :model/Card))
                   (throw (ex-info (tru "Card {0} does not exist." card-id)
                                   {:type    qp.error-type/invalid-query
                                    :card-id card-id})))]
      (log/tracef "Required perms to run Card: %s" (pr-str (mi/perms-objects-set card :read)))
      (when-not (mi/can-read? card)
        (throw (perms-exception (tru "You do not have permissions to view Card {0}." (pr-str card-id))
                                (mi/perms-objects-set card :read)
                                {:card-id card-id}))))))

Checks whether the current user has sufficient view data and query permissions to run query. Returns true if the user has perms for the query, and throws an exception otherwise (exceptions can be disabled by setting throw-exceptions? to false).

If the [:gtap ::perms] path is present in the query, these perms are implicitly granted to the current user.

(defn check-data-perms
  [{{gtap-perms :gtaps} ::perms, :as query} required-perms & {:keys [throw-exceptions?]
                                                              :or   {throw-exceptions? true}}]
    ;; Check any required v1 paths
    (when-let [paths (:paths required-perms)]
      (let [paths-excluding-gtap-paths (set/difference paths (:paths gtap-perms))]
        (or (perms/set-has-full-permissions-for-set? @api/*current-user-permissions-set* paths-excluding-gtap-paths)
            (throw (perms-exception paths)))))
    ;; Check view-data and create-queries permissions, for individual tables or the entire DB:
    (when (or (not (has-perm-for-query? query :perms/view-data required-perms))
              (not (has-perm-for-query? query :perms/create-queries required-perms)))
      (throw (perms-exception required-perms)))
    (catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e
      (if throw-exceptions?
        (throw e)

Return true if the current user has sufficient permissions to run query, and false otherwise.

(mu/defn can-run-query?
  [{database-id :database :as query}]
    (let [required-perms (required-perms-for-query query)]
      (check-data-perms query required-perms)
      ;; Check card read permissions for any cards referenced in subqueries!
      (doseq [card-id (:card-ids required-perms)]
        (check-card-read-perms database-id card-id))
    (catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo _e

Does the current user have permissions to run an ad-hoc query against the Table with table-id?

(defn can-query-table?
  [database-id table-id]
  (can-run-query? {:database database-id
                   :type     :query
                   :query    {:source-table table-id}}))