Utility functions for dealing with parameters for Dashboards and Cards.

Parameter are objects that exists on Dashboard/Card. In FE terms, we call it "Widget". The values of a parameter is provided so the Widget can show a list of options to the user.

There are 3 mains ways to provide values to a parameter: - chain-filter: see [metabase.models.params.chain-filter] - field-values: see [metabase.models.params.field-values] - custom-values: see [metabase.models.params.custom-values]

(ns metabase.models.params
   [clojure.set :as set]
   [medley.core :as m]
   [metabase.db.query :as mdb.query]
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.normalize :as mbql.normalize]
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.schema :as mbql.s]
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.util :as mbql.u]
   [metabase.lib.core :as lib]
   [metabase.lib.metadata.jvm :as lib.metadata.jvm]
   [metabase.lib.schema.id :as lib.schema.id]
   [metabase.lib.util.match :as lib.util.match]
   [metabase.models.field-values :as field-values]
   [metabase.models.interface :as mi]
   [metabase.models.params.field-values :as params.field-values]
   [metabase.query-processor.util :as qp.util]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]
   [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | SHARED | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Receive a Paremeterized Object and check if its parameters is valid.

(defn assert-valid-parameters
  [{:keys [parameters]}]
  (let [schema [:maybe [:sequential ms/Parameter]]]
    (when-not (mr/validate schema parameters)
      (throw (ex-info ":parameters must be a sequence of maps with :id and :type keys"
                      {:parameters parameters
                       :errors     (:errors (mr/explain schema parameters))})))))

Receive a Paremeterized Object and check if its parameters is valid.

(defn assert-valid-parameter-mappings
  [{:keys [parameter_mappings]}]
  (let [schema [:maybe [:sequential ms/ParameterMapping]]]
    (when-not (mr/validate schema parameter_mappings)
      (throw (ex-info ":parameter_mappings must be a sequence of maps with :parameter_id and :type keys"
                      {:parameter_mappings parameter_mappings
                       :errors             (:errors (mr/explain schema parameter_mappings))})))))

Whether to ignore permissions for the current User and return all FieldValues for the Fields being parameterized by Cards and Dashboards. This determines how :param_values gets hydrated for Card and Dashboard. Normally, this is false, but the public and embed versions of the API endpoints can bind this to true to bypass normal perms checks (since there is no current User) and get all values.

(def ^:dynamic *ignore-current-user-perms-and-return-all-field-values*
(defn- field-ids->param-field-values-ignoring-current-user
   (into {}
         (comp (keep field-values/get-latest-full-field-values)
               (map #(select-keys % [:field_id :human_readable_values :values]))
               (map (juxt :field_id identity)))

Given a collection of param-field-ids return a map of FieldValues for the Fields they reference. This map is returned by various endpoints as :param_values, if param-field-ids is empty, return nil

(defn- field-ids->param-field-values
  (when (seq param-field-ids)
    ((if *ignore-current-user-perms-and-return-all-field-values*
       params.field-values/field-id->field-values-for-current-user) param-field-ids)))

Fetch the :field clause from dashcard referenced by template-tag.

(template-tag->field-form [:template-tag :company] some-dashcard) ; -> [:field 100 nil]

(defn- template-tag->field-form
  [[_ tag] card]
  (get-in card [:dataset_query :native :template-tags (u/qualified-name tag) :dimension]))
(mu/defn param-target->field-clause :- [:maybe mbql.s/Field]
  "Parse a Card parameter `target` form, which looks something like `[:dimension [:field-id 100]]`, and return the Field
  ID it references (if any)."
  [target card]
  (let [target (mbql.normalize/normalize target)]
    (when (mbql.u/is-clause? :dimension target)
      (let [[_ dimension] target
            field-form    (if (mbql.u/is-clause? :template-tag dimension)
                            (template-tag->field-form dimension card)
        ;; Being extra safe here since we've got many reports on this cause loading dashboard to fail
        ;; for unknown reasons. See #8917
        (if field-form
            (mbql.u/unwrap-field-or-expression-clause field-form)
            (catch Exception e
              (log/error e "Failed unwrap field form" field-form)))
          (log/error "Could not find matching field clause for target:" target))))))

Return the fields that are PK Fields.

(defn- pk-fields
  (filter #(isa? (:semantic_type %) :type/PK) fields))
(def ^:private Field:params-columns-only
  "Form for use in Toucan `t2/select` expressions (as a drop-in replacement for using `Field`) that returns Fields with
  only the columns that are appropriate for returning in public/embedded API endpoints, which make heavy use of the
  functions in this namespace. Use `conj` to add additional Fields beyond the ones already here. Use `rest` to get
  just the column identifiers, perhaps for use with something like `select-keys`. Clutch!
    (t2/select Field:params-columns-only)"
  [:model/Field :id :table_id :display_name :base_type :name :semantic_type :has_field_values :fk_target_field_id])

Given a sequence of fields, return a map of Table ID -> to a :type/Name Field in that Table, if one exists. In cases where more than one name Field exists for a Table, this just adds the first one it finds.

(defn- fields->table-id->name-field
  (when-let [table-ids (seq (map :table_id fields))]
    (m/index-by :table_id (-> (t2/select Field:params-columns-only
                                         :table_id      [:in table-ids]
                                         :semantic_type (mdb.query/isa :type/Name))
                              ;; run [[metabase.lib.field/infer-has-field-values]] on these Fields so their values of
                              ;; `has_field_values` will be consistent with what the FE expects. (e.g. we'll return
                              ;; `:list` instead of `:auto-list`.)
                              (t2/hydrate :has_field_values)))))
(mi/define-batched-hydration-method add-name-field
  "For all `fields` that are `:type/PK` Fields, look for a `:type/Name` Field belonging to the same Table. For each
  Field, if a matching name Field exists, add it under the `:name_field` key. This is so the Fields can be used in
  public/embedded field values search widgets. This only includes the information needed to power those widgets, and
  no more."
  (let [table-id->name-field (fields->table-id->name-field (pk-fields fields))]
    (for [field fields]
      ;; add matching `:name_field` if it's a PK
      (assoc field :name_field (when (isa? (:semantic_type field) :type/PK)
                                 (table-id->name-field (:table_id field)))))))

We hydrate the :human_readable_field for each Dimension using the usual hydration logic, so it contains columns we don't want to return. The two functions below work to remove the unneeded ones.

Strip nonpublic columns from a dimension and from its hydrated human-readable Field.

(defn- remove-dimension-nonpublic-columns
  (some-> dimension
          (update :human_readable_field #(select-keys % (rest Field:params-columns-only)))
          ;; these aren't exactly secret but you the frontend doesn't need them either so while we're at it let's go
          ;; ahead and strip them out
          (dissoc :created_at :updated_at)))

Strip nonpublic columns from the hydrated human-readable Field in the hydrated Dimensions in fields.

(defn- remove-dimensions-nonpublic-columns
  (for [field fields]
    (update field :dimensions (partial map remove-dimension-nonpublic-columns))))

Get the Fields (as a map of Field ID -> Field) that should be returned for hydrated :param_fields for a Card or Dashboard. These only contain the minimal amount of information necessary needed to power public or embedded parameter widgets.

(mu/defn- param-field-ids->fields
  [field-ids :- [:maybe [:set ms/PositiveInt]]]
  (when (seq field-ids)
    (m/index-by :id (-> (t2/select Field:params-columns-only :id [:in field-ids])
                        (t2/hydrate :has_field_values :name_field [:dimensions :human_readable_field] :target)

Add a :param_values map (Field ID -> FieldValues) containing FieldValues for the Fields referenced by the parameters of a Card or a Dashboard. Implementations are in respective sections below.

(defmulti ^:private ^{:hydrate :param_values} param-values
  {:arglists '([instance])}
#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:unused-private-var]}
(mi/define-simple-hydration-method ^:private hydrate-param-values
  "Hydration method for `:param_values`."
  (param-values instance))

Add a :param_fields map (Field ID -> Field) for all of the Fields referenced by the parameters of a Card or Dashboard. Implementations are below in respective sections.

(defmulti ^:private ^{:hydrate :param_fields} param-fields
  {:arglists '([instance])}
#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:unused-private-var]}
(mi/define-simple-hydration-method ^:private hydrate-param-fields
  "Hydration method for `:param_fields`."
  (param-fields instance))

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | DASHBOARD-SPECIFIC | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

(declare card->template-tag-field-ids)

Return the IDs of any Fields referenced in the 'implicit' template tag field filter parameters for native queries in cards.

(defn- cards->card-param-field-ids
  (reduce set/union #{} (map card->template-tag-field-ids cards)))

Get filterable columns for query.

(defn filterable-columns-for-query
  [database-id dataset-query]
  (-> (lib/query (lib.metadata.jvm/application-database-metadata-provider database-id)
(defn- ensure-filterable-columns-for-card
  [ctx {database-id   :database_id
        dataset-query :dataset_query
        id            :id
        :as           _card}]
  (if (contains? (get ctx :card-id->filterable-columns) id)
    (if-not (and (not-empty dataset-query) (pos-int? database-id))
      (assoc-in ctx [:card-id->filterable-columns id]
                (filterable-columns-for-query database-id dataset-query)))))

Update the ctx with field-id. This function is supposed to be used on params where target is a name field, in reducing step of [[field-id-into-context-rf]], when it is certain that param target is no integer id field.

(defn- field-id-from-dashcards-filterable-columns
  [ctx param-dashcard-info]
  (let [param-target       (get-in param-dashcard-info [:parameter :target])
        card-id            (get-in param-dashcard-info [:dashcard :card :id])
        filterable-columns (get-in ctx [:card-id->filterable-columns card-id])]
    (if-some [field-id (lib.util.match/match-one param-target
                         [:field (field-name :guard string?) _]
                         (->> filterable-columns
                              (m/find-first #(= field-name (:name %)))
      (update ctx :field-ids conj field-id)

Conext for effective computation of field ids for parameters. Bound in the [[metabase.api.dashboard/hydrate-dashboard-details]]. Meant to be used in the [[field-id-into-context-rf]], to re-use values of previous filterable-columns computations (during the reduction itself and hydration of :param_fields and :param_values at the time of writing).

(def ^:dynamic *field-id-context*

Context for effective field id computation. See the [[field-id-into-context-rf]]'s docstring.

(def empty-field-id-context
  {:card-id->filterable-columns {}
   :field-ids                   #{}})

Reducing function that generates field id corresponding to :parameter of param-dashcard-info if possible, and returns new context (ctx) with the field id added.

When used in transduce: - 0-arity ensures re-use of existing [[field-id-context]] if available, - 1-arity is used to return set of field ids accumulated by transucing process instead of a context.

Then, 2-arity gets the field id either from (1) target, (2) card's :results_metadata, or (3) filterable columns. If computed, filterable columns are added to the context for re-use either in next reduction steps, or in next call to this function by means of [[field-id-context]].

(mu/defn- field-id-into-context-rf
    (some-> *field-id-context* deref)
   (when (some-> *field-id-context* deref)
     (swap! *field-id-context* update :card-id->filterable-columns
            merge (:card-id->filterable-columns ctx)))
   (set (:field-ids ctx)))
  ([ctx {:keys [param-target-field] :as param-dashcard-info}]
   (if-not param-target-field
     (let [card (get-in param-dashcard-info [:dashcard :card])]
       (if-some [field-id (or
                           ;; Get the field id from the field-clause if it contains it. This is the common case
                           ;; for mbql queries.
                           (lib.util.match/match-one param-target-field [:field (id :guard integer?) _] id)
                           ;; Attempt to get the field clause from the model metadata corresponding to the field.
                           ;; This is the common case for native queries in which mappings from original columns
                           ;; have been performed using model metadata.
                           (:id (qp.util/field->field-info param-target-field (:result_metadata card))))]
         (update ctx :field-ids conj field-id)
         ;; In case the card doesn't have the same result_metadata columns as filterable columns (a question that
         ;; aggregates a native query model with a field that was mapped to a db field), we need to load metadata in
         ;; [[ensure-filterable-columns-for-card]] to find the originating field. (#42829)
         (-> ctx
             (ensure-filterable-columns-for-card card)
             (field-id-from-dashcards-filterable-columns param-dashcard-info)))))))
(mu/defn dashcards->param-field-ids* :- [:set ms/PositiveInt]
  "Return set of field ids referenced dashcards"
  (letfn [(dashcard->param-dashcard-info
            (map #(hash-map :parameter          %
                            :dashcard           dashcard
                            :param-target-field (param-target->field-clause (:target %)
                                                                            (:card dashcard)))
                 (:parameter_mappings dashcard)))]
    (transduce (mapcat dashcard->param-dashcard-info)
(mu/defn dashcards->param-field-ids :- [:set ms/PositiveInt]
  "Return a set of Field IDs referenced by parameters in Cards in the given `dashcards`, or `nil` if none are referenced. This
  also includes IDs of Fields that are to be found in the 'implicit' parameters for SQL template tag Field filters.
  `dashcards` must be hydrated with :card."
   (dashcards->param-field-ids* dashcards)
   (cards->card-param-field-ids (map :card dashcards))))

Retrieve a map relating paramater ids to field ids.

(defn get-linked-field-ids
  (letfn [(targets [params card]
            (into {}
                  (for [param params
                        :let  [clause (param-target->field-clause (:target param)
                               ids (lib.util.match/match clause
                                     [:field (id :guard integer?) _]
                        :when (seq ids)]
                    [(:parameter_id param) (set ids)])))]
    (->> dashcards
         (mapv (fn [{params :parameter_mappings card :card}] (targets params card)))
         (apply merge-with into {}))))

Return a map of Field ID to FieldValues (if any) for any Fields referenced by Cards in dashboard, or nil if none are referenced or none of them have FieldValues.

(defn- dashboard->param-field-values
  (field-ids->param-field-values (dashcards->param-field-ids (:dashcards dashboard))))
(defmethod param-values :model/Dashboard [dashboard]
  (not-empty (dashboard->param-field-values dashboard)))
(defmethod param-fields :model/Dashboard [dashboard]
  (-> (t2/hydrate dashboard [:dashcards :card])

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CARD-SPECIFIC | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

(mu/defn- card->template-tag-field-clauses :- [:set mbql.s/field]
  "Return a set of `:field` clauses referenced in template tag parameters in `card`."
  (set (for [[_ {dimension :dimension}] (get-in card [:dataset_query :native :template-tags])
             :when                      dimension
             :let                       [field (mbql.u/unwrap-field-clause dimension)]
             :when                      field]
(mu/defn card->template-tag-field-ids :- [:set ::lib.schema.id/field]
  "Return a set of Field IDs referenced in template tag parameters in `card`. This is mostly used for determining
  Fields referenced by Cards for purposes other than processing queries. Filters out `:field` clauses using names."
  (set (lib.util.match/match (seq (card->template-tag-field-clauses card))
         [:field (id :guard integer?) _]
(defmethod param-values :model/Card [card]
  (-> card card->template-tag-field-ids field-ids->param-field-values))
(defmethod param-fields :model/Card [card]
  (-> card card->template-tag-field-ids param-field-ids->fields))