Utility functions for dealing with parameters for Dashboards and Cards. Parameter are objects that exists on Dashboard/Card. In FE terms, we call it "Widget". The values of a parameter is provided so the Widget can show a list of options to the user. There are 3 mains ways to provide values to a parameter: - chain-filter: see [metabase.models.params.chain-filter] - field-values: see [metabase.models.params.field-values] - custom-values: see [metabase.models.params.custom-values] | (ns metabase.models.params (:require [clojure.set :as set] [medley.core :as m] [metabase.db.query :as mdb.query] [metabase.legacy-mbql.normalize :as mbql.normalize] [metabase.legacy-mbql.schema :as mbql.s] [metabase.legacy-mbql.util :as mbql.u] [metabase.lib.core :as lib] [metabase.lib.metadata.jvm :as lib.metadata.jvm] [metabase.lib.schema.id :as lib.schema.id] [metabase.lib.util.match :as lib.util.match] [metabase.models.field-values :as field-values] [metabase.models.interface :as mi] [metabase.models.params.field-values :as params.field-values] [metabase.query-processor.util :as qp.util] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.log :as log] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr] [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms] [toucan2.core :as t2])) |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | SHARED | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |
Receive a Paremeterized Object and check if its parameters is valid. | (defn assert-valid-parameters [{:keys [parameters]}] (let [schema [:maybe [:sequential ms/Parameter]]] (when-not (mr/validate schema parameters) (throw (ex-info ":parameters must be a sequence of maps with :id and :type keys" {:parameters parameters :errors (:errors (mr/explain schema parameters))}))))) |
Receive a Paremeterized Object and check if its parameters is valid. | (defn assert-valid-parameter-mappings [{:keys [parameter_mappings]}] (let [schema [:maybe [:sequential ms/ParameterMapping]]] (when-not (mr/validate schema parameter_mappings) (throw (ex-info ":parameter_mappings must be a sequence of maps with :parameter_id and :type keys" {:parameter_mappings parameter_mappings :errors (:errors (mr/explain schema parameter_mappings))}))))) |
Whether to ignore permissions for the current User and return all FieldValues for the Fields being parameterized by
Cards and Dashboards. This determines how | (def ^:dynamic *ignore-current-user-perms-and-return-all-field-values* false) |
(defn- field-ids->param-field-values-ignoring-current-user [param-field-ids] (not-empty (into {} (comp (keep field-values/get-latest-full-field-values) (map #(select-keys % [:field_id :human_readable_values :values])) (map (juxt :field_id identity))) param-field-ids))) | |
Given a collection of | (defn- field-ids->param-field-values [param-field-ids] (when (seq param-field-ids) ((if *ignore-current-user-perms-and-return-all-field-values* field-ids->param-field-values-ignoring-current-user params.field-values/field-id->field-values-for-current-user) param-field-ids))) |
Fetch the (template-tag->field-form [:template-tag :company] some-dashcard) ; -> [:field 100 nil] | (defn- template-tag->field-form [[_ tag] card] (get-in card [:dataset_query :native :template-tags (u/qualified-name tag) :dimension])) |
(mu/defn param-target->field-clause :- [:maybe mbql.s/Field] "Parse a Card parameter `target` form, which looks something like `[:dimension [:field-id 100]]`, and return the Field ID it references (if any)." [target card] (let [target (mbql.normalize/normalize target)] (when (mbql.u/is-clause? :dimension target) (let [[_ dimension] target field-form (if (mbql.u/is-clause? :template-tag dimension) (template-tag->field-form dimension card) dimension)] ;; Being extra safe here since we've got many reports on this cause loading dashboard to fail ;; for unknown reasons. See #8917 (if field-form (try (mbql.u/unwrap-field-or-expression-clause field-form) (catch Exception e (log/error e "Failed unwrap field form" field-form))) (log/error "Could not find matching field clause for target:" target)))))) | |
Return the | (defn- pk-fields [fields] (filter #(isa? (:semantic_type %) :type/PK) fields)) |
(def ^:private Field:params-columns-only "Form for use in Toucan `t2/select` expressions (as a drop-in replacement for using `Field`) that returns Fields with only the columns that are appropriate for returning in public/embedded API endpoints, which make heavy use of the functions in this namespace. Use `conj` to add additional Fields beyond the ones already here. Use `rest` to get just the column identifiers, perhaps for use with something like `select-keys`. Clutch! (t2/select Field:params-columns-only)" [:model/Field :id :table_id :display_name :base_type :name :semantic_type :has_field_values :fk_target_field_id]) | |
Given a sequence of | (defn- fields->table-id->name-field [fields] (when-let [table-ids (seq (map :table_id fields))] (m/index-by :table_id (-> (t2/select Field:params-columns-only :table_id [:in table-ids] :semantic_type (mdb.query/isa :type/Name)) ;; run [[metabase.lib.field/infer-has-field-values]] on these Fields so their values of ;; `has_field_values` will be consistent with what the FE expects. (e.g. we'll return ;; `:list` instead of `:auto-list`.) (t2/hydrate :has_field_values))))) |
(mi/define-batched-hydration-method add-name-field :name_field "For all `fields` that are `:type/PK` Fields, look for a `:type/Name` Field belonging to the same Table. For each Field, if a matching name Field exists, add it under the `:name_field` key. This is so the Fields can be used in public/embedded field values search widgets. This only includes the information needed to power those widgets, and no more." [fields] (let [table-id->name-field (fields->table-id->name-field (pk-fields fields))] (for [field fields] ;; add matching `:name_field` if it's a PK (assoc field :name_field (when (isa? (:semantic_type field) :type/PK) (table-id->name-field (:table_id field))))))) | |
We hydrate the | |
Strip nonpublic columns from a | (defn- remove-dimension-nonpublic-columns [dimension] (some-> dimension (update :human_readable_field #(select-keys % (rest Field:params-columns-only))) ;; these aren't exactly secret but you the frontend doesn't need them either so while we're at it let's go ;; ahead and strip them out (dissoc :created_at :updated_at))) |
Strip nonpublic columns from the hydrated human-readable Field in the hydrated Dimensions in | (defn- remove-dimensions-nonpublic-columns [fields] (for [field fields] (update field :dimensions (partial map remove-dimension-nonpublic-columns)))) |
Get the Fields (as a map of Field ID -> Field) that should be returned for hydrated | (mu/defn- param-field-ids->fields [field-ids :- [:maybe [:set ms/PositiveInt]]] (when (seq field-ids) (m/index-by :id (-> (t2/select Field:params-columns-only :id [:in field-ids]) (t2/hydrate :has_field_values :name_field [:dimensions :human_readable_field] :target) remove-dimensions-nonpublic-columns)))) |
Add a | (defmulti ^:private ^{:hydrate :param_values} param-values {:arglists '([instance])} t2/model) |
#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:unused-private-var]} (mi/define-simple-hydration-method ^:private hydrate-param-values :param_values "Hydration method for `:param_values`." [instance] (param-values instance)) | |
Add a | (defmulti ^:private ^{:hydrate :param_fields} param-fields {:arglists '([instance])} t2/model) |
#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:unused-private-var]} (mi/define-simple-hydration-method ^:private hydrate-param-fields :param_fields "Hydration method for `:param_fields`." [instance] (param-fields instance)) | |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | DASHBOARD-SPECIFIC | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |
(declare card->template-tag-field-ids) | |
Return the IDs of any Fields referenced in the 'implicit' template tag field filter parameters for native queries in
| (defn- cards->card-param-field-ids [cards] (reduce set/union #{} (map card->template-tag-field-ids cards))) |
Get filterable columns for query. | (defn filterable-columns-for-query [database-id dataset-query] (-> (lib/query (lib.metadata.jvm/application-database-metadata-provider database-id) dataset-query) (lib/filterable-columns))) |
(defn- ensure-filterable-columns-for-card [ctx {database-id :database_id dataset-query :dataset_query id :id :as _card}] (if (contains? (get ctx :card-id->filterable-columns) id) ctx (if-not (and (not-empty dataset-query) (pos-int? database-id)) ctx (assoc-in ctx [:card-id->filterable-columns id] (filterable-columns-for-query database-id dataset-query))))) | |
Update the | (defn- field-id-from-dashcards-filterable-columns [ctx param-dashcard-info] (let [param-target (get-in param-dashcard-info [:parameter :target]) card-id (get-in param-dashcard-info [:dashcard :card :id]) filterable-columns (get-in ctx [:card-id->filterable-columns card-id])] (if-some [field-id (lib.util.match/match-one param-target [:field (field-name :guard string?) _] (->> filterable-columns (m/find-first #(= field-name (:name %))) :id))] (update ctx :field-ids conj field-id) ctx))) |
Conext for effective computation of field ids for parameters. Bound in
the [[metabase.api.dashboard/hydrate-dashboard-details]]. Meant to be used in the [[field-id-into-context-rf]], to
re-use values of previous | (def ^:dynamic *field-id-context* nil) |
Context for effective field id computation. See the [[field-id-into-context-rf]]'s docstring. | (def empty-field-id-context {:card-id->filterable-columns {} :field-ids #{}}) |
Reducing function that generates field id corresponding to When used in Then, 2-arity gets the field id either from (1) target, (2) card's | (mu/defn- field-id-into-context-rf ([] (or (some-> *field-id-context* deref) empty-field-id-context)) ([ctx] (when (some-> *field-id-context* deref) (swap! *field-id-context* update :card-id->filterable-columns merge (:card-id->filterable-columns ctx))) (set (:field-ids ctx))) ([ctx {:keys [param-target-field] :as param-dashcard-info}] (if-not param-target-field ctx (let [card (get-in param-dashcard-info [:dashcard :card])] (if-some [field-id (or ;; Get the field id from the field-clause if it contains it. This is the common case ;; for mbql queries. (lib.util.match/match-one param-target-field [:field (id :guard integer?) _] id) ;; Attempt to get the field clause from the model metadata corresponding to the field. ;; This is the common case for native queries in which mappings from original columns ;; have been performed using model metadata. (:id (qp.util/field->field-info param-target-field (:result_metadata card))))] (update ctx :field-ids conj field-id) ;; In case the card doesn't have the same result_metadata columns as filterable columns (a question that ;; aggregates a native query model with a field that was mapped to a db field), we need to load metadata in ;; [[ensure-filterable-columns-for-card]] to find the originating field. (#42829) (-> ctx (ensure-filterable-columns-for-card card) (field-id-from-dashcards-filterable-columns param-dashcard-info))))))) |
(mu/defn dashcards->param-field-ids* :- [:set ms/PositiveInt] "Return set of field ids referenced dashcards" [dashcards] (letfn [(dashcard->param-dashcard-info [dashcard] (map #(hash-map :parameter % :dashcard dashcard :param-target-field (param-target->field-clause (:target %) (:card dashcard))) (:parameter_mappings dashcard)))] (transduce (mapcat dashcard->param-dashcard-info) field-id-into-context-rf dashcards))) | |
(mu/defn dashcards->param-field-ids :- [:set ms/PositiveInt] "Return a set of Field IDs referenced by parameters in Cards in the given `dashcards`, or `nil` if none are referenced. This also includes IDs of Fields that are to be found in the 'implicit' parameters for SQL template tag Field filters. `dashcards` must be hydrated with :card." [dashcards] (set/union (dashcards->param-field-ids* dashcards) (cards->card-param-field-ids (map :card dashcards)))) | |
Retrieve a map relating paramater ids to field ids. | (defn get-linked-field-ids [dashcards] (letfn [(targets [params card] (into {} (for [param params :let [clause (param-target->field-clause (:target param) card) ids (lib.util.match/match clause [:field (id :guard integer?) _] id)] :when (seq ids)] [(:parameter_id param) (set ids)])))] (->> dashcards (mapv (fn [{params :parameter_mappings card :card}] (targets params card))) (apply merge-with into {})))) |
Return a map of Field ID to FieldValues (if any) for any Fields referenced by Cards in | (defn- dashboard->param-field-values [dashboard] (field-ids->param-field-values (dashcards->param-field-ids (:dashcards dashboard)))) |
(defmethod param-values :model/Dashboard [dashboard] (not-empty (dashboard->param-field-values dashboard))) | |
(defmethod param-fields :model/Dashboard [dashboard] (-> (t2/hydrate dashboard [:dashcards :card]) :dashcards dashcards->param-field-ids param-field-ids->fields)) | |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CARD-SPECIFIC | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |
(mu/defn- card->template-tag-field-clauses :- [:set mbql.s/field] "Return a set of `:field` clauses referenced in template tag parameters in `card`." [card] (set (for [[_ {dimension :dimension}] (get-in card [:dataset_query :native :template-tags]) :when dimension :let [field (mbql.u/unwrap-field-clause dimension)] :when field] field))) | |
(mu/defn card->template-tag-field-ids :- [:set ::lib.schema.id/field] "Return a set of Field IDs referenced in template tag parameters in `card`. This is mostly used for determining Fields referenced by Cards for purposes other than processing queries. Filters out `:field` clauses using names." [card] (set (lib.util.match/match (seq (card->template-tag-field-clauses card)) [:field (id :guard integer?) _] id))) | |
(defmethod param-values :model/Card [card] (-> card card->template-tag-field-ids field-ids->param-field-values)) | |
(defmethod param-fields :model/Card [card] (-> card card->template-tag-field-ids param-field-ids->fields)) | |