Custom values for Parameters. A parameter with custom values will need to define a source: - static-list: the values is pre-defined and stored inside parameter's config - card: the values is a column from a saved question | (ns metabase.models.params.custom-values (:require [clojure.string :as str] [metabase.legacy-mbql.util :as mbql.u] [metabase.lib.ident :as lib.ident] [metabase.models.interface :as mi] [metabase.query-processor :as qp] [metabase.query-processor.util :as qp.util] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms] [toucan2.core :as t2])) |
------------------------------------------------- source=static-list -------------------------------------------------- | |
(mu/defn- normalize-query :- :string "Normalize a `query` to lower-case." [query :- :string] (u/lower-case-en (str/trim query))) | |
Filters for values that match Values could have 2 shapes - [[value1], [value2]] - [[value2, label2], [value2, label2]] - we search using label in this case | (defn- query-matches [query values] (let [normalized-query (normalize-query query)] (filter (fn [v] (str/includes? (normalize-query (if (= (count v) 1) (first v) (second v))) normalized-query)) values))) |
(defn- static-list-values [{values-source-options :values_source_config :as _param} query] (when-let [values (:values values-source-options)] (let [wrapped-values (map (fn [v] (if-not (sequential? v) [v] v)) values)] {:values (if query (query-matches query wrapped-values) wrapped-values) :has_more_values false}))) | |
---------------------------------------------------- source=card ------------------------------------------------------ | |
Maximum number of rows returned when running a card. It's 1000 because it matches with the limit for chain-filter. Maybe we should lower it for the sake of displaying a parameter dropdown. | (def ^:dynamic *max-rows* 1000) |
(defn- values-from-card-query [card value-field-ref opts] (let [query-string (:query-string opts) value-base-type (:base_type (qp.util/field->field-info value-field-ref (:result_metadata card))) new-filter [:and [(if (isa? value-base-type :type/Text) :not-empty :not-null) value-field-ref] (when query-string (if-not (isa? value-base-type :type/Text) [:= value-field-ref query-string] [:contains [:lower value-field-ref] (u/lower-case-en query-string)]))]] {:database (:database_id card) :type :query :query (if-let [inner-mbql (and (not= (:type card) :model) (-> card :dataset_query :query))] ;; MBQL query - hijack the final stage, drop its aggregation and breakout (if any). (let [target-stage (:stage-number opts) last-stage (mbql.u/legacy-last-stage-number inner-mbql) inner-mbql (if (and target-stage last-stage (= (inc last-stage) target-stage)) {:source-query inner-mbql} inner-mbql)] (-> inner-mbql (dissoc :aggregation :order-by) (assoc :breakout [value-field-ref] :breakout-idents (lib.ident/indexed-idents 1)) (update :limit (fnil min *max-rows*) *max-rows*) (update :filter (fn [old] (cond->> new-filter old (conj [:and old])))))) ;; Model or Native query - wrap it with a new MBQL stage. {:source-table (format "card__%d" (:id card)) :breakout [value-field-ref] :breakout-idents (lib.ident/indexed-idents 1) :limit *max-rows* :filter new-filter}) :middleware {:disable-remaps? true}})) | |
Get distinct values of a field from a card. (values-from-card 1 [:field "name" nil] "red") ;; will execute a mbql that looks like ;; {:source-table (format "card__%d" card-id) ;; :fields [value-field] ;; :breakout [value-field] ;; :filter [:contains [:lower value-field] "red"] ;; :limit max-rows} => {:values [["Red Medicine"]] :hasmorevalues false} | (mu/defn values-from-card ([card value-field] (values-from-card card value-field nil)) ([card :- (ms/InstanceOf :model/Card) value-field-ref :- ms/LegacyFieldOrExpressionReference opts :- [:maybe :map]] (let [mbql-query (values-from-card-query card value-field-ref opts) result (qp/process-query mbql-query) values (get-in result [:data :rows])] {:values values ;; If the row_count returned = the limit we specified, then it's probably has more than that. ;; If the query has its own limit smaller than *max-rows*, then there's no more values. :has_more_values (= (:row_count result) *max-rows*)}))) |
Given a param and query returns the values. | (defn card-values [{config :values_source_config :as _param} query] (let [card-id (:card_id config) card (t2/select-one :model/Card :id card-id)] (values-from-card card (:value_field config) {:query-string query}))) |
(defn- can-get-card-values? [card value-field] (boolean (and (not (:archived card)) (some? (qp.util/field->field-info value-field (:result_metadata card)))))) | |
--------------------------------------------- Putting it together ---------------------------------------------- | |
(mu/defn parameter->values :- ms/FieldValuesResult "Given a parameter with a custom-values source, return the values. `default-case-thunk` is a 0-arity function that returns values list when: - :values_source_type = card but the card is archived or the card no longer contains the value-field. - :values_source_type = nil." [parameter query default-case-thunk] (case (:values_source_type parameter) "static-list" (static-list-values parameter query) "card" (let [card (t2/select-one :model/Card :id (get-in parameter [:values_source_config :card_id]))] (when-not (mi/can-read? card) (throw (ex-info "You don't have permissions to do that." {:status-code 403}))) (if (can-get-card-values? card (get-in parameter [:values_source_config :value_field])) (card-values parameter query) (default-case-thunk))) nil (default-case-thunk) (throw (ex-info (tru "Invalid parameter source {0}" (:values_source_type parameter)) {:status-code 400 :parameter parameter})))) | |