Generate and run an MBQL query to return possible values of a given Field based on the values of other related Fields.


The main Field for which we search for values can optionally be remapped. ADDITIONAL CONSTRAINTS DO NOT SUPPORT REMAPPING! There are three types of remapping:

  1. Human-readable values remapping where you go assign string values to things like enum integers

  2. Implicit PK Field-> [Name] Field remapping. This happens automatically for any Field with :type/PK semantic type that has another Field with :type/Name semantic type in the same Table. e.g. is automatically remapped (displayed) as

  3. Explicit FK Field->Field remapping. FK Fields can be manually remapped to a Field in the Table they point to. e.g. venue.category_id -> This is done by creating a Dimension for the Field in question with a human_readable_field_id. There is a big explanation of how this works in [[metabase.query-processor.middleware.add-dimension-projections]] -- see that namespace for more details.

Here's some examples of what this namespace does. Suppose you do

;; find values of Field 1 starting with 'Cam' that are possible when Field 2 = "abc" (chain-filter-search 1 {2 "abc"} "Cam")

Depending on the remapping situation, one of four things happens.

A) Human-readable values remapping

If Field 1 has human-readable values, we find those values that contain the string 'Cam' and then generate a query to restrict results to the matching original values. e.g. if Field 1 is "venue.category_id" and is human-readable-remapped with something like

{1 "Mexican", 2 "Camping Food", 3 "Campbell's Soup"}

and you do the search above, then we generate a query that looks something like:

SELECT category_id FROM venue WHERE id IN (2, 3) AND field_2 = "abc"

(we then convert these values back to [value human-readable-value] pairs in Clojure-land)

B) Field->Field remapping (either type)

Suppose Field 1 is venue.category_id which has a remapping "name" Field For the example search above, the resulting query looks something like:

SELECT venue.category_id, FROM venue LEFT JOIN category ON venue.category_id = WHERE lower( LIKE 'cam%' AND field_2 = "abc"

C) No remappings

Life is easy. Suppose Field 1 is The resulting query is something like:

SELECT name FROM category WHERE lower(name) LIKE '%cam' AND field_2 = "abc"

(ns metabase.models.params.chain-filter
   [clojure.core.memoize :as memoize]
   [clojure.set :as set]
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [honey.sql :as sql]
   [metabase.db :as mdb]
   [metabase.db.metadata-queries :as metadata-queries]
   [metabase.db.query :as mdb.query]
   [metabase.driver.common.parameters.dates :as params.dates]
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.util :as mbql.u]
   [metabase.lib.ident :as lib.ident]
   [metabase.lib.util.match :as lib.util.match]
   [metabase.models.database :as database]
   [metabase.models.field :as field]
   [metabase.models.field-values :as field-values]
   [metabase.models.params :as params]
   [metabase.models.params.chain-filter.dedupe-joins :as dedupe]
   [metabase.models.params.field-values :as params.field-values]
   [metabase.query-processor :as qp]
   [metabase.query-processor.compile :as qp.compile]
   [metabase.query-processor.middleware.permissions :as qp.perms]
   [metabase.query-processor.preprocess :as qp.preprocess]
   [metabase.query-processor.setup :as qp.setup]
   [metabase.types :as types]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))

so the hydration method for name_field is loaded

(comment params/keep-me)

Schema for a constraint on a field.

(def Constraint
   [:field-id ms/PositiveInt]
   [:op :keyword]
   [:value :any]
   [:options {:optional true} [:maybe map?]]])

Schema for a list of Constraints.

(def Constraints
  [:sequential Constraint])

Whether to chain filter via joins where we must follow relationships in reverse, e.g. child -> parent (e.g. Restaurant -> Category instead of the usual Category -> Restuarant*)

This switch mostly exists because I'm not 100% sure what the right behavior is.

(def ^:dynamic *enable-reverse-joins*
(defn- joined-table-alias [table-id]
  (format "table_%d" table-id))

Whether Field with field-id is a temporal Field such as a Date or Datetime. Cached for 10 minutes to avoid hitting the DB too much since this is unlike to change often, if ever.

(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([field-id])} temporal-field?
   ^{::memoize/args-fn (fn [[field-id]]
                         [(mdb/unique-identifier) field-id])}
   (fn [field-id]
     (types/temporal-field? (t2/select-one [:model/Field :base_type :semantic_type] :id field-id)))
   :ttl/threshold (u/minutes->ms 10)))

Generate a single MBQL :filter clause for a Field and value (or multiple values, if value is a collection).

(mu/defn- filter-clause
   {:keys [field-id op value options]} :- Constraint]
  (let [field-clause (let [this-field-table-id (field/field-id->table-id field-id)]
                       [:field field-id (when-not (= this-field-table-id source-table-id)
                                          {:join-alias (joined-table-alias this-field-table-id)})])]
    (if (and (temporal-field? field-id)
             (string? value))
        (params.dates/date-string->filter value field-id))
      (cond-> [op field-clause]
        ;; we don't want to skip our value, even if its nil
        true (into (if value (u/one-or-many value) [nil]))
        (seq options) (conj options)))))
(defn- name-for-logging [model id]
  (format "%s %d %s" (name model) id (u/format-color 'blue (pr-str (t2/select-one-fn :name model :id id)))))
(defn- format-join-for-logging [join]
  (format "%s %s -> %s %s"
          (name-for-logging :model/Table (-> join :lhs :table))
          (name-for-logging :model/Field (-> join :lhs :field))
          (name-for-logging :model/Table (-> join :rhs :table))
          (name-for-logging :model/Field (-> join :rhs :field))))
(defn- format-joins-for-logging [joins]
  (str/join "\n"
            (map-indexed (fn [i join]
                           (format "%d. %s" (inc i) (format-join-for-logging join)))
(defn- add-filters [query source-table-id joined-table-ids constraints]
   (fn [query {:keys [field-id] :as constraint}]
     ;; only add a where clause for the Field if it's part of the source Table or if we're actually joining against
     ;; the Table it belongs to. This Field might not even be part of the same Database in which case we can ignore
     ;; it.
     (let [field-table-id (field/field-id->table-id field-id)]
       (if (or (= field-table-id source-table-id)
               (contains? joined-table-ids field-table-id))
         (let [clause (filter-clause source-table-id constraint)]
           (log/tracef "Added filter clause for %s %s: %s"
                       (name-for-logging :model/Table field-table-id)
                       (name-for-logging :model/Field field-id)
           (update query :filter mbql.u/combine-filter-clauses clause))
           (log/tracef "Not adding filter clause for %s %s because we did not join against its Table"
                       (name-for-logging :model/Table field-table-id)
                       (name-for-logging :model/Field field-id))

Amount of time to cache results of find-joins. Since FK relationships in Tables are unlikely to change very often (actually, only when the DB is synced again) we can cache them for a while and avoid a complicated app DB call.

(def ^:private find-joins-cache-duration-ms
  ;; 5 minutes seems reasonable
  (u/minutes->ms 5))
(defn- database-fk-relationships* [database-id enable-reverse-joins?]
  (let [rows (mdb.query/query {:select    [[ :f1]
                                           [ :t1]
                                           [ :f2]
                                           [:pk-field.table_id :t2]]
                               :from      [[:metabase_field :fk-field]]
                               :left-join [[:metabase_table :fk-table]    [:and [:= :fk-field.table_id]
                                           [:metabase_database :database] [:= :fk-table.db_id]
                                           [:metabase_field :pk-field]    [:and [:= :fk-field.fk_target_field_id]
                               :where     [:and
                                           [:= database-id]
                                           [:not= :fk-field.fk_target_field_id nil]
                               :order-by [[ :desc]
                                          [ :desc]]})]
     (partial merge-with merge)
     (for [{:keys [t1 f1 t2 f2]} rows]
        {t1 {t2 [{:lhs {:table t1, :field f1}, :rhs {:table t2, :field f2}}]}}
        (let [reverse-join {:lhs {:table t2, :field f2}, :rhs {:table t1, :field f1}}]
          (if enable-reverse-joins?
            {t2 {t1 [reverse-join]}}
            (log/tracef "Not including reverse join (disabled) %s" (format-join-for-logging reverse-join)))))))))

Return a sequence of FK relationships that exist in a database, in the format

lhs-table-id -> rhs-table-id -> [join-info*]

where join-info is of the format

{:lhs {:table , :field }, :rhs {:table , :field }}

'lhs' refers to the Table and Field on the left-hand-side of the join, and 'rhs' refers to the Table on the right-hand-side of the join. Of course, you can join in either direction (e.g. FROM B JOIN A ... or `FROM A JOIN B), so bothA -> BandB -> A` versions of the relationship are returned; having both possibilities simplifies the implementation of find-joins below.

(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([database-id enable-reverse-joins?])} database-fk-relationships
   ^{::memoize/args-fn (fn [[database-id enable-reverse-joins?]]
                         [(mdb/unique-identifier) database-id enable-reverse-joins?])}
   :ttl/threshold find-joins-cache-duration-ms))

A breadth first traversal of graph, not probing any paths that are over max-depth in length.

(defn- traverse-graph
  [graph start end max-depth]
  (letfn [(transform [path] (let [edges (partition 2 1 path)]
                              (not-empty (vec (mapcat (fn [[x y]] (get-in graph [x y])) edges)))))]
    (loop [paths (conj clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY [start])
           seen  #{start}]
      (let [path (peek paths)
            node (peek path)]
        (cond (nil? node)
              ;; found a path, bfs finds shortest first
              (= node end)
              (transform path)
              ;; abandon this path. A bit hazy on how seen and max depth interact.
              (= (count path) max-depth)
              (recur (pop paths) seen)
              ;; probe further and throw them on the queue
              (let [next-nodes (->> (get graph node)
                                    (remove seen))]
                (recur (into (pop paths) (for [n next-nodes] (conj path n)))
                       (set/union seen (set next-nodes)))))))))
(def ^:private max-traversal-depth 5)
(defn- find-joins* [database-id source-table-id other-table-id enable-reverse-joins?]
  (let [fk-relationships (database-fk-relationships database-id enable-reverse-joins?)]
    ;; find series of joins needed to get from LHS -> RHS. `path` is the tables we're already joining against when
    ;; recursing so we don't end up coming up with circular joins.
    ;; the general idea here is to see if LHS can join directly against RHS, otherwise recursively try all of the
    ;; tables LHS can join against and see if we can find a path that way.
    (u/prog1 (traverse-graph fk-relationships source-table-id other-table-id max-traversal-depth)
      (when (seq <>)
        (log/tracef (format-joins-for-logging <>))))))

Find the joins that must be done to make fields in Table with other-table-id accessible in a query whose primary (source) Table is the Table with source-table-id. Information about joins is returned in the format

[{:lhs {:table , :field }, :rhs {table , :field }} ...]


;; 'airport' is the source Table; find the joins needed to include 'country' Table (find-joins my-database-id ) ;; -> ;; 3 joins needed: airport -> municipality; municipality -> region; region -> country [{:lhs {:table , :field } :rhs {:table , :field }} {:lhs {:table , :field } :rhs {:table , :field }} {:lhs {:table , :field } :rhs {:table , :field }}]

(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([database-id source-table-id other-table-id]
                             [database-id source-table-id other-table-id enable-reverse-joins?])} find-joins
  (let [f (memoize/ttl
           ^{::memoize/args-fn (fn [[database-id source-table-id other-table-id enable-reverse-joins?]]
           :ttl/threshold find-joins-cache-duration-ms)]
    ;; expose memoize metadata
       ([database-id source-table-id other-table-id]
        (f database-id source-table-id other-table-id *enable-reverse-joins*))
       ([database-id source-table-id other-table-id enable-reverse-joins?]
        (f database-id source-table-id other-table-id enable-reverse-joins?)))
     (meta f))))
(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([source-table other-table-ids enable-reverse-joins?])} find-all-joins*
   ^{::memoize/args-fn (fn [[source-table-id other-table-ids enable-reverse-joins?]]
                         [(mdb/unique-identifier) source-table-id other-table-ids enable-reverse-joins?])}
   (fn [source-table-id other-table-ids enable-reverse-joins?]
     (let [db-id     (database/table-id->database-id source-table-id)
           all-joins (mapcat #(find-joins db-id source-table-id % enable-reverse-joins?)
       (when (seq all-joins)
         (log/tracef "Deduplicating for source %s; Tables to keep: %s\n%s"
                     (name-for-logging :model/Table source-table-id)
                     (str/join ", " (map (partial name-for-logging :model/Table)
                     (format-joins-for-logging all-joins))
         (u/prog1 (vec (dedupe/dedupe-joins source-table-id all-joins other-table-ids))
           (when-not (= all-joins <>)
             (log/tracef "Deduplicated:\n%s" (format-joins-for-logging <>)))))))
   :ttl/threshold find-joins-cache-duration-ms))

Find the complete set of joins we need to do for source-table-id to join against Fields in field-ids.

(defn- find-all-joins
  [source-table-id field-ids]
  (when-let [other-table-ids (not-empty (disj (set (map field/field-id->table-id (set field-ids)))
    (find-all-joins* source-table-id other-table-ids *enable-reverse-joins*)))

Add joins to the MBQL query we're generating. The Field for which we are returning values is the "source Field", and the Table it belongs to is the source Table; field-ids is a set of Fields belonging to Tables other than the source Table.

When we generate joins, we must determine the other Tables we must join against so that we have access to the other Fields. The relationship between these other Tables and the source Table may go in either direction, i.e. the source Table may have a FK to the other Table, or the other Table might have an FK to the source Table. e.g. the join condition may be either: = -- or =

Since we're not sure which way the relationship goes, resolve-fk-id fetches all possible relationships between the two Tables and we generate the appropriate join against the other Table.

(defn- add-joins
  [query source-table-id joins]
   (fn [query {{lhs-table-id :table, lhs-field-id :field} :lhs, {rhs-table-id :table, rhs-field-id :field} :rhs}]
     (let [join {:source-table rhs-table-id
                 :condition    [:=
                                [:field lhs-field-id (when-not (= lhs-table-id source-table-id)
                                                       {:join-alias (joined-table-alias lhs-table-id)})]
                                [:field rhs-field-id {:join-alias (joined-table-alias rhs-table-id)}]]
                 :ident        (lib.ident/random-ident)
                 :alias        (joined-table-alias rhs-table-id)}]
       (log/tracef "Adding join against %s\n%s"
                   (name-for-logging :model/Table rhs-table-id) (u/pprint-to-str join))
       (update query :joins concat [join])))
(def ^:private Options
  ;; if original-field-id is specified, we'll include this in the results. For Field->Field remapping.
  [:map {:closed true}
   [:original-field-id {:optional true} [:maybe ms/PositiveInt]]
    ;; return at most the lesser of `limit` (if specified) and `max-results`.
   [:limit {:optional true} [:maybe ms/PositiveInt]]])
(def ^:private max-results 1000)

Generate the MBQL query powering chain-filter.

(mu/defn- chain-filter-mbql-query
  [field-id                          :- ms/PositiveInt
   constraints                       :- [:maybe Constraints]
   {:keys [original-field-id limit]} :- [:maybe Options]]
  {:database (field/field-id->database-id field-id)
   :type     :query
   :query    (let [source-table-id       (field/field-id->table-id field-id)
                   joins                 (find-all-joins source-table-id (cond-> (set (map :field-id constraints))
                                                                           original-field-id (conj original-field-id)))
                   joined-table-ids      (set (map #(get-in % [:rhs :table]) joins))
                   original-field-clause (when original-field-id
                                           (let [original-table-id (field/field-id->table-id original-field-id)]
                                              (when-not (= source-table-id original-table-id)
                                                {:join-alias (joined-table-alias original-table-id)})]))]
               (when original-field-id
                 (log/tracef "Finding values of %s, remapped from %s."
                             (name-for-logging :model/Field field-id)
                             (name-for-logging :model/Field original-field-id))
                 (log/tracef "MBQL clause for %s is %s"
                             (name-for-logging :model/Field original-field-id) (pr-str original-field-clause)))
               (when (seq joins)
                 (log/tracef "Generating joins and filters for source %s with joins info\n%s"
                             (name-for-logging :model/Table source-table-id) (pr-str joins)))
               (-> (merge {:source-table source-table-id
                           ;; return the lesser of limit (if set) or max results
                           :limit        ((fnil min Integer/MAX_VALUE) limit max-results)}
                          (if original-field-clause
                            {;; don't return rows that don't have values for the original Field. e.g. if
                             ;; venues.category_id is remapped to and we do a search with query 's',
                             ;; we only want to return [category_id name] tuples where [category_id] is not nil
                             ;; TODO -- would this be more efficient if we just did an INNER JOIN against the original
                             ;; Table instead of a LEFT JOIN with this additional filter clause? Would that still
                             ;; work?
                             :filter   [:not-null original-field-clause]
                             ;; for Field->Field remapping we want to return pairs of [original-value remapped-value],
                             ;; but sort by [remapped-value]
                             :order-by [[:asc [:field field-id nil]]]
                             ;; original-field-id is used to power Field->Field breakouts.
                             ;; We include both remapped and original
                             :breakout    [original-field-clause [:field field-id nil]]
                             :breakout-idents (lib.ident/indexed-idents 2)}
                            {:breakout    [[:field field-id nil]]
                             :breakout-idents (lib.ident/indexed-idents 1)}))
                   (add-joins source-table-id joins)
                   (add-filters source-table-id joined-table-ids constraints)
   :middleware {:disable-remaps? true}})

------------------------ Chain filter (powers GET /api/dashboard/:id/params/:key/values) -------------------------

(mu/defn- unremapped-chain-filter :- ms/FieldValuesResult
  "Chain filtering without all the fancy remapping stuff on top of it."
  [field-id    :- ms/PositiveInt
   constraints :- [:maybe Constraints]
   options     :- [:maybe Options]]
  (let [mbql-query (chain-filter-mbql-query field-id constraints options)]
    (log/debugf "Chain filter MBQL query:\n%s" (u/pprint-to-str 'magenta mbql-query))
      (let [query-limit (get-in mbql-query [:query :limit])
            ;; FIXME: this can OOM for text column if each value are too large. See #46411
            ;; Consider using the [[field-values/distinct-text-field-rff] rff]
            values      (qp/process-query mbql-query (constantly conj))]
        (try ; Feature issue #46888: log chain filter query.
          (log/debugf "Chain filter native query: `%s`."
                      (:query (qp.compile/compile mbql-query)))
          (catch Throwable _
            (log/error "Chain filter log failed!")))
        {:values          values
         ;; It's unlikely that we don't have a query-limit, but better safe than sorry and default it true
         ;; so that calling chain-filter-search on the same field will search from DB.
         :has_more_values (if (nil? query-limit)
                            (= (count values) query-limit))})
      (catch Throwable e
        (throw (ex-info (tru "Error executing chain filter query")
                        {:field-id    field-id
                         :constraints constraints
                         :mbql-query  mbql-query}

Schema for the map of actual value -> human-readable value. Cannot be empty.

(def ^:private HumanReadableRemappingMap
  [:map-of {:min 1} :any [:maybe :string]])
(mu/defn- human-readable-remapping-map :- [:maybe HumanReadableRemappingMap]
  [field-id :- ms/PositiveInt]
  (when-let [{orig :values, remapped :human_readable_values} (t2/select-one [:model/FieldValues :values :human_readable_values]
                                                                            {:where [:and
                                                                                     [:= :type "full"]
                                                                                     [:= :field_id field-id]
                                                                                     [:not= :human_readable_values nil]
                                                                                     [:not= :human_readable_values "{}"]]})]
    (when (seq remapped)
      (zipmap orig remapped))))

Convert result values (a sequence of 1-tuples) to a sequence of [v human-readable] pairs by finding the matching remapped values from v->human-readable.

(mu/defn- add-human-readable-values
  [values            :- [:sequential ms/NonRemappedFieldValue]
   v->human-readable :- HumanReadableRemappingMap]
  (map vector
       (map first values)
       (map (fn [[v]]
              (get v->human-readable v (get v->human-readable (str v))))

Workaround for Wrap the subselects in parens, otherwise it will fail on Postgres.

(defn- format-union
  [_clause exprs]
  (let [[sqls args] (sql/format-expr-list exprs)
        sql         (str/join " UNION " sqls)]
    (into [sql] args)))
(sql/register-clause! ::union format-union :union)
(defn- remapped-field-id-query [field-id]
  {:select [[ :id]]
   :from   [[{::union [;; Explicit FK Field->Field remapping
                       {:select [[:dimension.human_readable_field_id :id]]
                        :from   [[:dimension :dimension]]
                        :where  [:and
                                 [:= :dimension.field_id field-id]
                                 [:not= :dimension.human_readable_field_id nil]]
                        :limit  1}
                       ;; Implicit PK Field-> [Name] Field remapping
                       {:select    [[ :id]]
                        :from      [[:metabase_field :source]]
                        :left-join [[:metabase_table :table] [:= :source.table_id]
                                    [:metabase_field :dest] [:= :dest.table_id]]
                        :where     [:and
                                    [:= field-id]
                                    (mdb.query/isa :source.semantic_type :type/PK)
                                    (mdb.query/isa :dest.semantic_type :type/Name)]
                        :limit     1}]}
   :limit  1})

TODO -- add some caching here?

(mu/defn remapped-field-id :- [:maybe ms/PositiveInt]
  "Efficient query to find the ID of the Field we're remapping `field-id` to, if it has either type of Field -> Field
  [field-id :- [:maybe ms/PositiveInt]]
  (:id (t2/query-one (remapped-field-id-query field-id))))

Whether we should use cached FieldValues instead of running a query via the QP.

(defn- use-cached-field-values?
   (field-values/field-should-have-field-values? field-id)))

Check query permissions against the chain-filter-mbql-query (private #196)

(defn- check-field-value-query-permissions
  [field-id constraints options]
  (let [query (chain-filter-mbql-query field-id constraints options)]
    (qp.setup/with-qp-setup [query query]
      (->> query
(defn- cached-field-values [field-id constraints {:keys [limit]}]
  ;; TODO: why don't we remap the human readable values here?
  (let [{:keys [values has_more_values]}
        (if (empty? constraints)
          (params.field-values/get-or-create-field-values-for-current-user! (t2/select-one :model/Field :id field-id))
          (params.field-values/get-or-create-linked-filter-field-values! (t2/select-one :model/Field :id field-id) constraints))]
    {:values          (cond->> values
                        limit (take limit))
     :has_more_values (or (when limit
                            (< limit (count values)))
(mu/defn chain-filter :- ms/FieldValuesResult
  "Fetch a sequence of possible values of Field with `field-id` by restricting the possible values to rows that match
  values of other Fields in the `constraints` map. Powers the `GET /api/dashboard/:id/param/:key/values` chain filter
  API endpoint.
    ;; fetch possible values of venue price (between 1 and 4 inclusive) where category name is 'BBQ'
    (chain-filter %venues.price { \"BBQ\"})
    ;; -> {:values          [1 2 3] (there are no BBQ places with price = 4)
           :has_more_values false}
  `options` are key-value options. Currently only one option is supported, `:limit`:
    ;; fetch first 10 values of venues.price
    (chain-filter %venues.price {} :limit 10)
  For remapped columns, this returns results as a sequence of `[value remapped-value]` pairs."
  [field-id    :- ms/PositiveInt
   constraints :- [:maybe Constraints]
   & options]
  (assert (even? (count options)))
  (let [{:as options}         options
        v->human-readable     (human-readable-remapping-map field-id)
        the-remapped-field-id (delay (remapped-field-id field-id))]
     ;; This is for fields that have human-readable values defined (e.g. you've went in and specified that enum
     ;; value `1` should be displayed as `BIRD_TYPE_TOUCAN`). `v->human-readable` is a map of actual values in the
     ;; database (e.g. `1`) to the human-readable version (`BIRD_TYPE_TOUCAN`).
      (some? v->human-readable)
      (-> (unremapped-chain-filter field-id constraints options)
          (update :values add-human-readable-values v->human-readable))
      (and (use-cached-field-values? field-id) (nil? @the-remapped-field-id))
        (check-field-value-query-permissions field-id constraints options)
        (cached-field-values field-id constraints options))
     ;; This is Field->Field remapping e.g. `venue.category_id `-> ` `;
     ;; search by `` but return tuples of `[venue.category_id]`.
      (some? @the-remapped-field-id)
      (unremapped-chain-filter @the-remapped-field-id constraints (assoc options :original-field-id field-id))
      (unremapped-chain-filter field-id constraints options))))

----------------- Chain filter search (powers GET /api/dashboard/:id/params/:key/search/:query) -----------------

Before running a search query, make sure the Field actually exists and that it's a Text field.

TODO -- if this validation succeeds, we can probably cache that success for a bit so we can avoid unneeded DB calls every time this function is called.

(defn- check-valid-search-field
  (let [base-type (t2/select-one-fn :base_type :model/Field :id field-id)]
    (when-not base-type
      (throw (ex-info (tru "Field {0} does not exist." field-id)
                      {:field field-id, :status-code 404})))
    (when-not (isa? base-type :type/Text)
      (let [field-name (t2/select-one-fn :name :model/Field :id field-id)]
        (throw (ex-info (tru "Cannot search against non-Text Field {0} {1}" field-id (pr-str field-name))
                        {:status-code 400
                         :field-id    field-id
                         :field       field-name
                         :base-type   base-type}))))))
(mu/defn- unremapped-chain-filter-search
  [field-id    :- ms/PositiveInt
   constraints :- [:maybe Constraints]
   query       :- ms/NonBlankString
   options     :- [:maybe Options]]
  (check-valid-search-field field-id)
  (let [constraints (conj constraints {:field-id field-id
                                       :op       :contains
                                       :value    query
                                       :options  {:case-sensitive false}})]
    (unremapped-chain-filter field-id constraints options)))
(defn- matching-unremapped-values [query v->human-readable]
  (let [query (u/lower-case-en query)]
    (for [[orig remapped] v->human-readable
          :when           (and (string? remapped)
                               (str/includes? (u/lower-case-en remapped) query))]

Chain filter search, but for Fields that have human-readable values defined (e.g. you've went in and specified that enum value 1 should be displayed as BIRD_TYPE_TOUCAN). v->human-readable is a map of actual values in the database (e.g. 1) to the human-readable version (BIRD_TYPE_TOUCAN).

(mu/defn- human-readable-values-remapped-chain-filter-search
  [field-id          :- ms/PositiveInt
   v->human-readable :- HumanReadableRemappingMap
   constraints       :- [:maybe Constraints]
   query             :- ms/NonBlankString
   options           :- [:maybe Options]]
  (or (when-let [unremapped-values (not-empty (matching-unremapped-values query v->human-readable))]
        (let [constraints (conj constraints {:field-id field-id
                                             :op       :=
                                             :value    (set unremapped-values)
                                             :options  nil})
              result      (unremapped-chain-filter field-id constraints options)]
          (update result :values add-human-readable-values v->human-readable)))
      {:values          []
       :has_more_values false}))
(defn- search-cached-field-values? [field-id constraints]
  (and (use-cached-field-values? field-id)
       (isa? (t2/select-one-fn :base_type :model/Field :id field-id) :type/Text)
       (apply t2/exists? :model/FieldValues (mapcat
                                             (merge {:field_id field-id, :values [:not= nil], :human_readable_values nil}
                                                      ;; if we are doing a search, make sure we only use field values
                                                      ;; when we're certain the fieldvalues we stored are all the possible values.
                                                      ;; otherwise, we should search directly from DB
                                                    {:has_more_values false}
                                                    (if-not (empty? constraints)
                                                      {:type     "linked-filter"
                                                       :hash_key (params.field-values/hash-key-for-advanced-field-values :linked-filter field-id constraints)}
                                                      (if-let [hash-key (params.field-values/hash-key-for-advanced-field-values :sandbox field-id nil)]
                                                        {:type    "sandbox"
                                                         :hash_key hash-key}
                                                        {:type "full"})))))))
(defn- cached-field-values-search
  [field-id query constraints {:keys [limit]}]
  (let [{:keys [values has_more_values]} (cached-field-values field-id constraints nil)
        query                            (u/lower-case-en query)]
    {:values (cond->> (filter (fn [s]
                                (when s
                                  (str/includes? (u/lower-case-en s) query)))
               limit (take limit))
     :has_more_values has_more_values}))
(mu/defn chain-filter-search :- ms/FieldValuesResult
  "Convenience version of `chain-filter` that adds a constraint to only return values of Field with `field-id`
  containing String `query`. Powers the `search/:query` version of the chain filter endpoint."
  [field-id          :- ms/PositiveInt
   constraints       :- [:maybe Constraints]
   query             :- [:maybe ms/NonBlankString]
   & options]
  (assert (even? (count options)))
  (let [{:as options}         options
        v->human-readable     (delay (human-readable-remapping-map field-id))
        the-remapped-field-id (delay (remapped-field-id field-id))]
      (str/blank? query)
      (apply chain-filter field-id constraints options)
      (some? @v->human-readable)
      (human-readable-values-remapped-chain-filter-search field-id @v->human-readable constraints query options)
      (and (search-cached-field-values? field-id constraints) (nil? @the-remapped-field-id))
        (check-field-value-query-permissions field-id constraints options)
        (cached-field-values-search field-id query constraints options))
      (some? @the-remapped-field-id)
      (unremapped-chain-filter-search @the-remapped-field-id constraints query (assoc options :original-field-id field-id))
      (unremapped-chain-filter-search field-id constraints query options))))

------------------ Filterable Field IDs (powers GET /api/dashboard/params/valid-filter-fields) -------------------

Return the subset of filter-ids we can actually use in a chain-filter query to fetch values of Field with id.

;; maybe we can't filter against Field 2 because there's no FK-> relationship (filterable-field-ids 1 #{2 3 4}) ; -> #{3 4}

(mu/defn filterable-field-ids
  [field-id         :- ms/PositiveInt
   filter-field-ids :- [:maybe [:set ms/PositiveInt]]]
  (when (seq filter-field-ids)
    (let [mbql-query (chain-filter-mbql-query field-id
                                              (for [id filter-field-ids]
                                                {:field-id id :op := :value nil})
      (set (lib.util.match/match (-> mbql-query :query :filter)
             [:field (id :guard integer?) _] id)))))