(ns metabase.models.params.chain-filter.dedupe-joins
   [clojure.set :as set]
   [medley.core :as m]))
(def ^:private source-node (comp :table :lhs))
(def ^:private target-node (comp :table :rhs))
(def ^:private edge-nodes (juxt source-node target-node))
(defn- weight
  [terminal-ids edge]
  (let [[s e] (edge-nodes edge)]
    (+ (if (terminal-ids s) 0 1)
       (if (terminal-ids e) 0 1))))

Return a map from the nodes in nodes to their degree in the graph with edges. The degree of a node is the number of edges incident to it. A loop edge contributes 2 to the degree. Nodes without any edges are not included in the map.

(defn- node-degrees
  [nodes edges]
  (reduce (fn [degrees edge]
            (reduce #(update %1 %2 (fnil inc 0))
                    (filter nodes (edge-nodes edge))))

Return a subset of edges forming a tree starting from node source-id and containing all nodes in terminal-ids. The tree is built greedily, there is no guarantee that we find the optimal one.

(defn- make-tree
  [source-id edges terminal-ids]
  (loop [s #{source-id}, edges edges, tree-edges []]
    (if (set/subset? terminal-ids s)
      (if-let [out-edges (seq (filter (comp s source-node) edges))]
        (let [edge (apply min-key #(weight terminal-ids %) out-edges)
              s' (conj s (target-node edge))]
          (recur s'
                 (remove (comp s' target-node) edges)
                 (conj tree-edges edge)))

Return the transitive closure of nodes reachable from start-nodes by a single edge only. node-fn selects the target node of an edge returned by node->edges. node->edges is a function returning the edges going from a node. (Note that source and target nodes can be both lhs and rhs tables depending on node-fn and node->edges.)

(defn- forced-nodes
  [node-fn start-nodes node->edges]
  (loop [[node & nodes] start-nodes, result start-nodes]
    (if (nil? node)
      (let [[edge & more] (node->edges node)]
        (if (or (nil? edge) (seq more))
          (recur nodes result)
          (let [next-node (node-fn edge)]
            (recur (cons next-node nodes) (conj result next-node))))))))

Remove unnecessary joins from a collection of in-joins.

keep-ids = the IDs of Tables that we want to keep joins for. Joins that are not needed to keep these Tables may be removed.

Note that this function implements a simple greedy algorithm, replacing the previous optimal, but exponential implementation.

(defn dedupe-joins
  [source-id in-joins keep-ids]
  (let [;; get rid of parallel edges, for our purposes they are equivalent
        edges (m/distinct-by edge-nodes in-joins)
        out-edges (group-by source-node edges)
        in-edges (group-by target-node edges)
        ;; Collect the IDs that must be included either way to prefer them
        ;; during the construction of the tree.
        transitive-keep-ids (forced-nodes source-node keep-ids in-edges)
        transitive-source-ids (forced-nodes target-node #{source-id} out-edges)
        terminal-ids (set/union transitive-source-ids transitive-keep-ids)
        tree (make-tree source-id edges terminal-ids)
        ;; The tree might contain nodes we don't need: any non-terminal node with degree less than 2 is redundant.
        intermediate-ids (into #{}
                               (comp (mapcat edge-nodes)
                                     (remove terminal-ids))
        degrees (node-degrees intermediate-ids tree)
        redundant-nodes (into #{} (keep (fn [[n d]] (when (< d 2) n))) degrees)]
    ;; Return the tree with edges incident to redundant nodes removed.
    (into [] (remove #(some redundant-nodes (edge-nodes %))) tree)))