(ns metabase.models.native-query-snippet (:require [metabase.models.collection :as collection] [metabase.models.interface :as mi] [metabase.models.native-query-snippet.permissions :as snippet.perms] [metabase.models.serialization :as serdes] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-tru tru]] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [methodical.core :as methodical] [toucan2.core :as t2])) | |
----------------------------------------------- Entity & Lifecycle ----------------------------------------------- | |
(methodical/defmethod t2/table-name :model/NativeQuerySnippet [_model] :native_query_snippet) | |
(doto :model/NativeQuerySnippet (derive :metabase/model) (derive :hook/timestamped?) (derive :hook/entity-id)) | |
(defmethod collection/allowed-namespaces :model/NativeQuerySnippet [_] #{:snippets}) | |
(t2/define-before-insert :model/NativeQuerySnippet [snippet] (u/prog1 snippet (collection/check-collection-namespace :model/NativeQuerySnippet (:collection_id snippet)))) | |
(t2/define-before-update :model/NativeQuerySnippet [{:keys [id], :as snippet}] (u/prog1 (t2/changes snippet) ;; throw an Exception if someone tries to update creator_id (when (contains? <> :creator_id) (when (not= (:creator_id <>) (t2/select-one-fn :creator_id :model/NativeQuerySnippet :id id)) (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. (tru "You cannot update the creator_id of a NativeQuerySnippet."))))) (collection/check-collection-namespace :model/NativeQuerySnippet (:collection_id snippet)))) | |
(defmethod serdes/hash-fields :model/NativeQuerySnippet [_snippet] [:name (serdes/hydrated-hash :collection) :created_at]) | |
(defmethod mi/can-read? :model/NativeQuerySnippet [& args] (apply snippet.perms/can-read? args)) | |
(defmethod mi/can-write? :model/NativeQuerySnippet [& args] (apply snippet.perms/can-write? args)) | |
(defmethod mi/can-create? :model/NativeQuerySnippet [& args] (apply snippet.perms/can-create? args)) | |
(defmethod mi/can-update? :model/NativeQuerySnippet [& args] (apply snippet.perms/can-update? args)) | |
---------------------------------------------------- Schemas ----------------------------------------------------- | |
Schema checking that snippet names do not include "}" or start with spaces. | (def NativeQuerySnippetName (mu/with-api-error-message [:fn (fn [x] ((every-pred string? (complement #(boolean (re-find #"^\s+" %))) (complement #(boolean (re-find #"}" %)))) x))] (deferred-tru "snippet names cannot include ''}'' or start with spaces"))) |
------------------------------------------------- Serialization -------------------------------------------------- | |
(defmethod serdes/extract-query "NativeQuerySnippet" [_ opts] (serdes/extract-query-collections :model/NativeQuerySnippet opts)) | |
(defmethod serdes/make-spec "NativeQuerySnippet" [_model-name _opts] {:copy [:archived :content :description :entity_id :name] :transform {:created_at (serdes/date) :collection_id (serdes/fk :model/Collection) :creator_id (serdes/fk :model/User)}}) | |
(defmethod serdes/dependencies "NativeQuerySnippet" [{:keys [collection_id]}] (if collection_id [[{:model "Collection" :id collection_id}]] [])) | |
(defmethod serdes/storage-path "NativeQuerySnippet" [snippet ctx] ;; Intended path here is ["snippets" "<nested ... collections>" "<snippet_eid_and_slug>"] ;; We just the default path, then pull it apart. ;; The default is ["collections" "<nested ... collections>" "nativequerysnippets" "<base_name>"] (let [basis (serdes/storage-default-collection-path snippet ctx) file (last basis) colls (->> basis rest (drop-last 2))] ; Drops the "collections" at the start, and the last two. (concat ["snippets"] colls [file]))) | |
(defmethod serdes/load-one! "NativeQuerySnippet" [ingested maybe-local] ;; if we got local snippet in db and it has same name as incoming one, we can be sure ;; there will be no conflicts and skip the query to the db (if (and (not= (:name ingested) (:name maybe-local)) (t2/exists? :model/NativeQuerySnippet :name (:name ingested) :entity_id [:!= (:entity_id ingested)])) (recur (update ingested :name str " (copy)") maybe-local) (serdes/default-load-one! ingested maybe-local))) | |