TODO -- this should be moved to metabase-enterprise.content-verification.models.moderation-review since it's a premium-only model.

(ns metabase.models.moderation-review
   [metabase.db.query :as mdb.query]
   [metabase.models.interface :as mi]
   [metabase.moderation :as moderation]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms]
   [methodical.core :as methodical]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))

Schema enum of the acceptable values for the status column

(def statuses
  #{"verified" nil})

Schema of valid statuses

(def Statuses
  [:maybe (into [:enum] statuses)])

Schema for a ModerationReview that's being updated (so most keys are optional)

currently unused, but I'm leaving this in commented out because it serves as documentation

  (def ReviewChanges
     [:id                  {:optional true} mu/IntGreaterThanZero]
     [:moderated_item_id   {:optional true} mu/IntGreaterThanZero]
     [:moderated_item_type {:optional true} moderation/moderated-item-types]
     [:status              {:optional true} Statuses]
     [:text                {:optional true} [:maybe :string]]]))
(methodical/defmethod t2/table-name :model/ModerationReview [_model] :moderation_review)
(doto :model/ModerationReview
  (derive :metabase/model)
  ;;; TODO: this is wrong, but what should it be?
  (derive :perms/use-parent-collection-perms)
  (derive :hook/timestamped?)
  (derive :hook/search-index))
(t2/deftransforms :model/ModerationReview
  {:moderated_item_type mi/transform-keyword})

The amount of moderation reviews we will keep on hand.

(def max-moderation-reviews

Delete extra reviews to maintain an invariant of only max-moderation-reviews. Called before inserting so actuall insures there are one fewer than that so you can add afterwards.

(mu/defn delete-extra-reviews!
  [item-id   :- :int
   item-type :- :string]
  (let [ids (into #{} (comp (map :id)
                            (drop (dec max-moderation-reviews)))
                  (mdb.query/query {:select   [:id]
                                    :from     [:moderation_review]
                                    :where    [:and
                                               [:= :moderated_item_id item-id]
                                               [:= :moderated_item_type item-type]]
                                    ;; cannot put the offset in this query as mysql doesnt place nice. It requires a limit
                                    ;; as well which we do not want to give. The offset is only 10 though so its not a huge
                                    ;; savings and we run this on every entry so the max number is 10, delete the extra,
                                    ;; and insert a new one to arrive at 10 again, our invariant.
                                    :order-by [[:id :desc]]}))]
    (when (seq ids)
      (t2/delete! :model/ModerationReview :id [:in ids]))))

Create a new ModerationReview

(mu/defn create-review!
  [params :-
    [:moderated_item_id       ms/PositiveInt]
    [:moderated_item_type     moderation/moderated-item-types]
    [:moderator_id            ms/PositiveInt]
    [:status              {:optional true} Statuses]
    [:text                {:optional true} [:maybe :string]]]]
  (t2/with-transaction [_conn]
    (delete-extra-reviews! (:moderated_item_id params) (:moderated_item_type params))
    (t2/update! :model/ModerationReview {:moderated_item_id   (:moderated_item_id params)
                                         :moderated_item_type (:moderated_item_type params)}
                {:most_recent false})
    (first (t2/insert-returning-instances! :model/ModerationReview (assoc params :most_recent true)))))