(ns metabase.models.database
   [clojure.core.match :refer [match]]
   [medley.core :as m]
   [metabase.api.common :as api]
   [metabase.audit :as audit]
   [metabase.db :as mdb]
   [metabase.db.query :as mdb.query]
   [metabase.driver :as driver]
   [metabase.driver.impl :as driver.impl]
   [metabase.driver.util :as driver.u]
   [metabase.models.audit-log :as audit-log]
   [metabase.models.data-permissions :as data-perms]
   [metabase.models.interface :as mi]
   [metabase.models.permissions-group :as perms-group]
   [metabase.models.secret :as secret :refer [Secret]]
   [metabase.models.serialization :as serdes]
   [metabase.models.setting :as setting :refer [defsetting]]
   [metabase.plugins.classloader :as classloader]
    :as premium-features
    :refer [defenterprise]]
   ;; Trying to use metabase.search would cause a circular reference ;_;
   [metabase.search.spec :as search.spec]
   [metabase.sync.schedules :as sync.schedules]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.honey-sql-2 :as h2x]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-tru trs]]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [methodical.core :as methodical]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]
   [toucan2.realize :as t2.realize]
   [toucan2.tools.with-temp :as t2.with-temp]))

----------------------------------------------- Entity & Lifecycle -----------------------------------------------

Used to be the toucan1 model name defined using [[toucan.models/defmodel]], not it's a reference to the toucan2 model name. We'll keep this till we replace all Database symbols in our codebase.

(def Database
(methodical/defmethod t2/table-name :model/Database [_model] :metabase_database)
(t2/deftransforms :model/Database
  {:details                     mi/transform-encrypted-json
   :engine                      mi/transform-keyword
   :metadata_sync_schedule      mi/transform-cron-string
   :cache_field_values_schedule mi/transform-cron-string
   :start_of_week               mi/transform-keyword
   :settings                    mi/transform-encrypted-json
   :dbms_version                mi/transform-json})
(methodical/defmethod t2/model-for-automagic-hydration [:default :database] [_model _k] :model/Database)
(methodical/defmethod t2/model-for-automagic-hydration [:default :db]       [_model _k] :model/Database)
(doto :model/Database
  (derive :metabase/model)
  (derive :hook/timestamped?))
(methodical/defmethod t2.with-temp/do-with-temp* :before :model/Database
  [_model _explicit-attributes f]
  (fn [temp-object]
    ;; Grant All Users full perms on the temp-object so that tests don't have to manually set permissions
    (data-perms/set-database-permission! (perms-group/all-users) temp-object :perms/view-data :unrestricted)
    (data-perms/set-database-permission! (perms-group/all-users) temp-object :perms/create-queries :query-builder-and-native)
    (data-perms/set-database-permission! (perms-group/all-users) temp-object :perms/download-results :one-million-rows)
    (f temp-object)))

Audit Database should only be fetched if audit app is enabled.

(defn- should-read-audit-db?
  (and (not (premium-features/enable-audit-app?)) (= database-id audit/audit-db-id)))
(defmethod mi/can-read? Database
   (mi/can-read? :model/Database (u/the-id instance)))
  ([_model pk]
   (if (should-read-audit-db? pk)
     (contains? #{:query-builder :query-builder-and-native}

OSS implementation. Returns a boolean whether the current user can write the given field.

(defenterprise current-user-can-write-db?
(defn- can-write?
  (and (not= db-id audit/audit-db-id)
       (current-user-can-write-db? db-id)))
(defmethod mi/can-write? :model/Database
  ;; Lack of permission to change database details will also exclude the `details` field from the HTTP response,
  ;; cf. the implementation of [[metabase.models.interface/to-json]] for `:model/Database`.
  ([{:keys [is_attached_dwh] :as instance}]
   (and (can-write? (u/the-id instance))
        (not is_attached_dwh)))
  ([_model pk]
   (and (can-write? pk)
        (not (:is_attached_dwh (t2/select-one :model/Database :id pk))))))

Infer database schedule settings based on its options.

(defn- infer-db-schedules
  [{:keys [details is_full_sync is_on_demand cache_field_values_schedule metadata_sync_schedule] :as database}]
  (match [(boolean (:let-user-control-scheduling details)) is_full_sync is_on_demand]
    [false _ _]
    ;; "Regularly on a schedule"
    ;; -> sync both steps, schedule should be provided
    [true true false]
      (assert (every? some? [cache_field_values_schedule metadata_sync_schedule]))
    ;; "Only when adding a new filter" or "Never, I'll do it myself"
    ;; -> Sync metadata only
    [true false _]
    ;; schedules should only contains metadata_sync, but FE might sending both
    ;; so we just manually nullify it here
    (assoc database :cache_field_values_schedule nil)))

(Re)schedule sync operation tasks for database. (Existing scheduled tasks will be deleted first.)

(defn- check-and-schedule-tasks-for-db!
    ;; this is done this way to avoid circular dependencies
    (classloader/require 'metabase.task.sync-databases)
    ((resolve 'metabase.task.sync-databases/check-and-schedule-tasks-for-db!) database)
    (catch Throwable e
      (log/error e "Error scheduling tasks for DB"))))

(Re)schedule sync operation tasks for any database which is not yet being synced regularly.

(defn check-and-schedule-tasks!
  (doseq [database (t2/select :model/Database)]
    (check-and-schedule-tasks-for-db! database)))

TODO - something like NSNotificationCenter in Objective-C would be really really useful here so things that want to implement behavior when an object is deleted can do it without having to put code here

Unschedule any currently pending sync operation tasks for database.

(defn- unschedule-tasks!
    (classloader/require 'metabase.task.sync-databases)
    ((resolve 'metabase.task.sync-databases/unschedule-tasks-for-db!) database)
    (catch Throwable e
      (log/error e "Error unscheduling tasks for DB."))))
(defn- set-new-database-permissions!
  (t2/with-transaction [_conn]
    (let [all-users-group  (perms-group/all-users)
          non-magic-groups (perms-group/non-magic-groups)
          non-admin-groups (conj non-magic-groups all-users-group)]
      (if (:is_audit database)
        (doseq [group non-admin-groups]
          (data-perms/set-database-permission! group database :perms/view-data :unrestricted)
          (data-perms/set-database-permission! group database :perms/create-queries :no)
          (data-perms/set-database-permission! group database :perms/download-results :one-million-rows)
          (data-perms/set-database-permission! group database :perms/manage-table-metadata :no)
          (data-perms/set-database-permission! group database :perms/manage-database :no))
        (doseq [group non-admin-groups]
          (data-perms/set-new-database-permissions! group database))))))
(t2/define-after-insert :model/Database
  (u/prog1 database
    (set-new-database-permissions! database)
    ;; schedule the Database sync & analyze tasks
    ;; This will not do anything when coming from [[metabase-enterprise.advanced-config.file/initialize!]],
    ;; since the scheduler will not be up yet.
    ;; Thus, we call [[metabase.task.sync-databases/check-and-schedule-tasks!]] from [[metabase.core/init!]] to self-heal.
    (check-and-schedule-tasks-for-db! (t2.realize/realize database))))

Track whether we're calling [[driver/normalize-db-details]] already to prevent infinite recursion. [[driver/normalize-db-details]] is actually done for side effects!

(def ^:private ^:dynamic *normalizing-details*
(t2/define-after-select :model/Database
  [{driver :engine, :as database}]
  (letfn [(normalize-details [db]
            (binding [*normalizing-details* true]
               (m/update-existing-in db [:details :auth-provider] keyword))))]
    (cond-> database
      ;; TODO - this is only really needed for API responses. This should be a `hydrate` thing instead!
      (driver.impl/registered? driver)
      (assoc :features (driver.u/features driver (t2.realize/realize database)))

      (and (driver.impl/registered? driver)
           (map? (:details database))
           (not *normalizing-details*))

Delete Secret instances from the app DB, that will become orphaned when database is deleted. For now, this will simply delete any Secret whose ID appears in the details blob, since every Secret instance that is currently created is exclusively associated with a single Database.

In the future, if/when we allow arbitrary association of secret instances to database instances, this will need to change and become more complicated (likely by consulting a many-to-many join table).

(defn- delete-orphaned-secrets!
  [{:keys [id details] :as database}]
  (when-let [conn-props-fn (get-method driver/connection-properties (driver.u/database->driver database))]
    (let [conn-props                 (conn-props-fn (driver.u/database->driver database))
          possible-secret-prop-names (keys (secret/conn-props->secret-props-by-name conn-props))]
      (doseq [secret-id (reduce (fn [acc prop-name]
                                  (if-let [secret-id (get details (keyword (str prop-name "-id")))]
                                    (conj acc secret-id)
        (log/infof "Deleting secret ID %s from app DB because the owning database (%s) is being deleted" secret-id id)
        (t2/delete! Secret :id secret-id)))))
(t2/define-before-delete :model/Database
  [{id :id, driver :engine, :as database}]
  (unschedule-tasks! database)
  (delete-orphaned-secrets! database)
  ;; We need to use toucan to delete the fields instead of cascading deletes because MySQL doesn't support columns with cascade delete
  ;; foreign key constraints in generated columns. #44866
  (when-some [table-ids (not-empty (t2/select-pks-vec :model/Table :db_id id))]
    (t2/delete! :model/Field :table_id [:in table-ids]))
    (driver/notify-database-updated driver database)
    (catch Throwable e
      (log/error e "Error sending database deletion notification"))))

Helper fn for reducing over a map of all the secret connection-properties, keyed by name. This is side effecting. At each iteration step, if there is a -value suffixed property set in the details to be persisted, then we instead insert (or update an existing) Secret instance and point to the inserted -id instead.

(defn- handle-db-details-secret-prop!
  [database details conn-prop-nm conn-prop]
  (let [sub-prop   (fn [suffix]
                     (keyword (str conn-prop-nm suffix)))
        id-kw      (sub-prop "-id")
        value-kw   (sub-prop "-value")
        new-name   (format "%s for %s" (:display-name conn-prop) (:name database))
        kind       (:secret-kind conn-prop)
        ;; in the future, when secret values can simply be changed by passing
        ;; in a new ID (as opposed to a new value), this behavior will change,
        ;; but for now, we should simply look for the value
        secret-map (secret/db-details-prop->secret-map details conn-prop-nm)
        value      (:value secret-map)
        src        (:source secret-map)] ; set the :source due to the -path suffix (see above)]
    (if (nil? value) ;; secret value for this conn prop was not changed
      (let [{:keys [id] :as secret*} (secret/upsert-secret-value!
                                      (id-kw details)
        (-> details
            ;; remove the -value keyword (since in the persisted details blob, we only ever want to store the -id),
            ;; but the value may be re-added by expand-inferred-secret-values below (if appropriate)
            (dissoc value-kw (sub-prop "-path"))
            (assoc id-kw id)
            (secret/expand-inferred-secret-values conn-prop-nm conn-prop secret*))))))
(defn- handle-secrets-changes [{:keys [details] :as database}]
  (let [updated-details (secret/reduce-over-details-secret-values
                         (driver.u/database->driver database)
                         (partial handle-db-details-secret-prop! database))]
    (assoc database :details updated-details)))

This function maintains the invariant that only one database can have uploads_enabled=true.

(defn- handle-uploads-enabled!
  (when (:uploads_enabled db)
    (t2/update! :model/Database :uploads_enabled true {:uploads_enabled false :uploads_table_prefix nil :uploads_schema_name nil}))
(t2/define-before-update :model/Database
  (let [changes                              (t2/changes database)
        {new-engine               :engine
         new-settings             :settings} changes
        {is-sample?               :is_sample
         existing-settings        :settings
         existing-engine          :engine}   (t2/original database)
        new-engine                       (some-> new-engine keyword)]
    (if (and is-sample?
             (not= new-engine existing-engine))
      (throw (ex-info (trs "The engine on a sample database cannot be changed.")
                      {:status-code     400
                       :existing-engine existing-engine
                       :new-engine      new-engine}))
      (u/prog1 (cond-> database
                 ;; If the engine doesn't support nested field columns, `json_unfolding` must be nil
                 (and (some? (:details changes))
                      (not (driver.u/supports? (or new-engine existing-engine) :nested-field-columns database)))
                 (update :details dissoc :json_unfolding)

                  ;if there is any changes in user control setting
                  (some? (get-in changes [:details :let-user-control-scheduling]))
                  ;; if the let user control scheduling is already on, we should always try to re-infer it
                  (get-in database [:details :let-user-control-scheduling])
                  ;; if there is a changes in schedules, make sure it respects the settings
                  (some some? [(:cache_field_values_schedule changes) (:metadata_sync_schedule changes)]))

                 (some? (:details changes))

                 (:uploads_enabled changes)
        ;; This maintains a constraint that if a driver doesn't support actions, it can never be enabled
        ;; If we drop support for actions for a driver, we'd need to add a migration to disable actions for all databases
        (when (and (:database-enable-actions (or new-settings existing-settings))
                   (not (driver.u/supports? (or new-engine existing-engine) :actions database)))
          (throw (ex-info (trs "The database does not support actions.")
                          {:status-code     400
                           :existing-engine existing-engine
                           :new-engine      new-engine})))))))
(t2/define-after-update :model/Database
  ;; This will not do anything when coming from [[metabase-enterprise.advanced-config.file/initialize!]],
  ;; since the scheduler will not be up yet.
  ;; Thus, we call [[metabase.task.sync-databases/check-and-schedule-tasks!]] from [[metabase.core/init!]] to self-heal.
  (check-and-schedule-tasks-for-db! (t2.realize/realize database)))
(t2/define-before-insert :model/Database
  [{:keys [details initial_sync_status], :as database}]
  (-> (merge {:is_full_sync true
              :is_on_demand false}
       (not details)             (assoc :details {})
       (not initial_sync_status) (assoc :initial_sync_status "incomplete"))
(defmethod serdes/hash-fields :model/Database
  [:name :engine])
(defsetting persist-models-enabled
  (deferred-tru "Whether to enable models persistence for a specific Database.")
  :default        false
  :type           :boolean
  :visibility     :public
  :database-local :only)
(defmethod mi/exclude-internal-content-hsql :model/Database
  [_model & {:keys [table-alias]}]
  (let [maybe-alias #(h2x/identifier :field table-alias %)]
    [:not [:or (maybe-alias :is_sample) (maybe-alias :is_audit)]]))

---------------------------------------------- Hydration / Util Fns ----------------------------------------------

Return the Tables associated with this Database.

only used in tests

(defn tables
  [{:keys [id]}]
  ;; TODO - do we want to include tables that should be `:hidden`?
  (t2/select :model/Table :db_id id :active true {:order-by [[:%lower.display_name :asc]]}))
(methodical/defmethod t2/batched-hydrate [:model/Database :tables]
  "Batch hydrate `Tables` for the given `Database`."
  [_model k databases]
   databases k
   #(group-by :db_id
              ;; TODO - do we want to include tables that should be `:hidden`?
              (t2/select :model/Table
                         :db_id  [:in (map :id databases)]
                         :active true
                         {:order-by [[:db_id :asc] [:%lower.display_name :asc]]}))
   {:default []}))

Return all the primary key Fields associated with this database.

(defn pk-fields
  [{:keys [id]}]
  (let [table-ids (t2/select-pks-set 'Table, :db_id id, :active true)]
    (when (seq table-ids)
      (t2/select 'Field, :table_id [:in table-ids], :semantic_type (mdb.query/isa :type/PK)))))

-------------------------------------------------- JSON Encoder --------------------------------------------------

The string to replace passwords with when serializing Databases.

(def ^:const protected-password

Gets all sensitive fields that should be redacted in API responses for a given database. Delegates to driver.u/sensitive-fields using the given database's driver (if valid), so refer to that for full details. If a valid driver can't be clearly determined, this simply returns the default set (driver.u/default-sensitive-fields).

(defn sensitive-fields-for-db
  (if (and (some? database) (not-empty database))
    (let [driver (driver.u/database->driver database)]
      (if (some? driver)
        (driver.u/sensitive-fields (driver.u/database->driver database))
(methodical/defmethod mi/to-json :model/Database
  "When encoding a Database as JSON remove the `details` for any User without write perms for the DB.
  Users with write perms can see the `details` but remove anything resembling a password. No one gets to see this in
  an API response!
  Also remove settings that the User doesn't have read perms for."
  [db json-generator]
   (let [db (if (not (mi/can-write? db))
              (do (log/debug "Fully redacting database details during json encoding.")
                  (dissoc db :details))
              (do (log/debug "Redacting sensitive fields within database details during json encoding.")
                  (update db :details (fn [details]
                                         #(m/update-existing %1 %2 (constantly protected-password))
                                         (sensitive-fields-for-db db))))))]
     (update db :settings
             (fn [settings]
               (when (map? settings)
                    (fn [setting-name]
                        (setting/can-read-setting? setting-name
                        (catch Throwable e
                         ;; there is an known issue with exception is ignored when render API response (#32822)
                         ;; If you see this error, you probably need to define a setting for `setting-name`.
                         ;; But ideally, we should resovle the above issue, and remove this try/catch
                          (log/errorf e "Error checking the readability of %s setting. The setting will be hidden in API response."
                         ;; let's be conservative and hide it by defaults, if you want to see it,
                         ;; you need to define it :)
                   (when (not= <> settings)
                     (log/debug "Redacting non-user-readable database settings during json encoding.")))))))

------------------------------------------------ Serialization ----------------------------------------------------

(defmethod serdes/make-spec "Database"
  [_model-name {:keys [include-database-secrets]}]
  {:copy      [:auto_run_queries :cache_field_values_schedule :caveats :dbms_version
               :description :engine :is_audit :is_attached_dwh :is_full_sync :is_on_demand :is_sample :metadata_sync_schedule :name
               :points_of_interest :refingerprint :settings :timezone :uploads_enabled :uploads_schema_name
   :skip      [;; deprecated field
   :transform {:created_at          (serdes/date)
               ;; details should be imported if available regardless of options
               :details             {:export-with-context
                                     (fn [current _ details]
                                       (if (and include-database-secrets
                                                (not (:is_attached_dwh current)))
                                     :import identity}
               :creator_id          (serdes/fk :model/User)
               :initial_sync_status {:export identity :import (constantly "complete")}}})
(defmethod serdes/entity-id "Database"
  [_ {:keys [name]}]
(defmethod serdes/generate-path "Database"
  [_ {:keys [name]}]
  [{:model "Database" :id name}])
(defmethod serdes/load-find-local "Database"
  [[{:keys [id]}]]
  (t2/select-one Database :name id))
(defmethod serdes/storage-path "Database" [{:keys [name]} _]
  ;; ["databases" "db_name" "db_name"] directory for the database with same-named file inside.
  ["databases" name name])
(defmethod audit-log/model-details Database
  [database _event-type]
  (select-keys database [:id :name :engine]))

Retrieve the Database ID for the given table-id.

(def ^{:arglists '([table-id])} table-id->database-id
   (fn [table-id]
     {:pre [(integer? table-id)]}
     (t2/select-one-fn :db_id :model/Table, :id table-id))))

------------------------------------------------- Search ----------------------------------------------------------

(search.spec/define-spec "database"
  {:model        :model/Database
   :attrs        {:archived      false
                  :collection-id false
                  :creator-id    false
                  ;; not sure if this is another bug
                  :database-id   false
                  :created-at    true
                  :updated-at    true}
   :search-terms [:name :description]
   :render-terms {:initial-sync-status true}})