(ns metabase.models.dashboard-tab (:require [medley.core :as m] [metabase.models.dashboard-card :as dashboard-card] [metabase.models.interface :as mi] [metabase.models.serialization :as serdes] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms] [methodical.core :as methodical] [toucan2.core :as t2] [toucan2.tools.hydrate :as t2.hydrate])) | |
(methodical/defmethod t2/table-name :model/DashboardTab [_model] :dashboard_tab) | |
(doto :model/DashboardTab (derive :metabase/model) (derive ::mi/read-policy.full-perms-for-perms-set) (derive ::mi/write-policy.full-perms-for-perms-set) (derive :hook/timestamped?) (derive :hook/entity-id)) | |
(methodical/defmethod t2/model-for-automagic-hydration [:metabase.models.dashboard-card/DashboardCard :dashboard_tab] [_original-model _k] :model/DashboardTab) | |
(methodical/defmethod t2.hydrate/fk-keys-for-automagic-hydration [:metabase.models.dashboard-card/DashboardCard :dashboard_tab :default] [_original-model _dest-key _hydrating-model] [:dashboard_tab_id]) | |
(methodical/defmethod t2.hydrate/batched-hydrate [:default :tab-cards] "Given a list of tabs, return a seq of ordered tabs, in which each tabs contain a seq of ordered cards." [_model _k tabs] (assert (= 1 (count (set (map :dashboard_id tabs)))), "All tabs must belong to the same dashboard") (let [dashboard-id (:dashboard_id (first tabs)) tab-ids (map :id tabs) dashcards (t2/select :model/DashboardCard :dashboard_id dashboard-id :dashboard_tab_id [:in tab-ids]) tab-id->dashcards (-> (group-by :dashboard_tab_id dashcards) (update-vals #(sort dashboard-card/dashcard-comparator %))) tabs (sort-by :position tabs)] (for [{:keys [id] :as tab} tabs] (assoc tab :cards (get tab-id->dashcards id))))) | |
(defmethod mi/perms-objects-set :model/DashboardTab [dashtab read-or-write] (let [dashboard (or (:dashboard dashtab) (t2/select-one :model/Dashboard :id (:dashboard_id dashtab)))] (mi/perms-objects-set dashboard read-or-write))) | |
----------------------------------------------- SERIALIZATION ---------------------------------------------------- | (defmethod serdes/hash-fields :model/DashboardTab [_dashboard-tab] [:name (comp serdes/identity-hash #(t2/select-one :model/Dashboard :id %) :dashboard_id) :position :created_at]) |
(defmethod serdes/generate-path "DashboardTab" [_ dashcard] [(serdes/infer-self-path "Dashboard" (t2/select-one :model/Dashboard :id (:dashboard_id dashcard))) (serdes/infer-self-path "DashboardTab" dashcard)]) | |
(defmethod serdes/make-spec "DashboardTab" [_model-name _opts] {:copy [:entity_id :name :position] :skip [] :transform {:created_at (serdes/date) :dashboard_id (serdes/parent-ref)}}) | |
-------------------------------------------------- CRUD fns ------------------------------------------------------ | |
(mu/defn create-tabs! :- [:map-of neg-int? pos-int?] "Create the new tabs and returned a mapping from temporary tab ID to the new tab ID." [dashboard-id :- ms/PositiveInt new-tabs :- [:sequential [:map [:id neg-int?]]]] (let [new-tab-ids (t2/insert-returning-pks! :model/DashboardTab (->> new-tabs (map #(dissoc % :id)) (map #(assoc % :dashboard_id dashboard-id))))] (zipmap (map :id new-tabs) new-tab-ids))) | |
(mu/defn update-tabs! :- nil? "Updates tabs of a dashboard if changed." [current-tabs :- [:sequential [:map [:id ms/PositiveInt]]] new-tabs :- [:sequential [:map [:id ms/PositiveInt]]]] (let [update-ks [:name :position] id->current-tab (m/index-by :id current-tabs) to-update-tabs (filter ;; filter out tabs that haven't changed (fn [new-tab] (let [current-tab (get id->current-tab (:id new-tab))] (not= (select-keys current-tab update-ks) (select-keys new-tab update-ks)))) new-tabs)] (doseq [tab to-update-tabs] (t2/update! :model/DashboardTab (:id tab) (select-keys tab update-ks))) nil)) | |
(mu/defn delete-tabs! :- nil? "Delete tabs of a Dashboard" [tab-ids :- [:sequential {:min 1} ms/PositiveInt]] (when (seq tab-ids) (t2/delete! :model/DashboardTab :id [:in tab-ids])) nil) | |
Given current tabs and new tabs, do the necessary create/update/delete to apply new tab changes.
- | (defn do-update-tabs! [dashboard-id current-tabs new-tabs] (let [{:keys [to-create to-update to-delete]} (u/row-diff current-tabs new-tabs) to-delete-ids (map :id to-delete) _ (when-let [to-delete-ids (seq to-delete-ids)] (delete-tabs! to-delete-ids)) old->new-tab-id (when (seq to-create) (let [new-tab-ids (t2/insert-returning-pks! :model/DashboardTab (->> to-create (map #(dissoc % :id)) (map #(assoc % :dashboard_id dashboard-id))))] (zipmap (map :id to-create) new-tab-ids)))] (when (seq to-update) (update-tabs! current-tabs to-update)) {:old->new-tab-id old->new-tab-id :created-tab-ids (vals old->new-tab-id) :deleted-tab-ids to-delete-ids :total-num-tabs (reduce + (map count [to-create to-update]))})) |