(ns metabase.models.collection.root
   [medley.core :as m]
   [metabase.models.interface :as mi]
   [metabase.permissions.core :as perms]
   [metabase.premium-features.core :as premium-features]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]]
   [potemkin.types :as p.types]
   [toucan2.protocols :as t2.protocols]
   [toucan2.tools.hydrate :refer [hydrate]]))

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Root Collection Special Placeholder Object | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

The Root Collection special placeholder object is used to represent the fact that we're working with the 'Root' Collection in many of the functions in this namespace. The Root Collection is not a true Collection, but instead represents things that have no collection_id, or are otherwise to be seen at the top-level by the current user.

(p.types/defrecord+ RootCollection [])
(doto RootCollection
  (derive ::mi/read-policy.full-perms-for-perms-set)
  (derive ::mi/write-policy.full-perms-for-perms-set))
(extend-protocol t2.protocols/IModel
  (model [_this]
(defmethod mi/perms-objects-set RootCollection
  [collection read-or-write]
  {:pre [(map? collection)]}
  ;; HACK Collections in the "snippets" namespace have no-op permissions unless EE enhancements are enabled
  (if (and (= (u/qualified-name (:namespace collection)) "snippets")
           #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:deprecated-var]}
           (not (premium-features/enable-enhancements?)))
    #{((case read-or-write
         :read  perms/collection-read-path
         :write perms/collection-readwrite-path) collection)}))

Special placeholder object representing the Root Collection, which isn't really a real Collection.

(def ^RootCollection root-collection
  (map->RootCollection {::is-root? true, :authority_level nil}))

Is x the special placeholder object representing the Root Collection?

(defn is-root-collection?
  ;; TODO -- not sure this makes sense because other places we check whether `::is-root?` is present or not.
  (instance? RootCollection x))

The special Root Collection placeholder object with some extra details to facilitate displaying it on the FE.

(defn root-collection-with-ui-details
  (m/assoc-some root-collection
                :name (case (keyword collection-namespace)
                        :snippets (tru "Top folder")
                        (tru "Our analytics"))
                :namespace collection-namespace
                :is_personal false
                :id   "root"))

Return the root collection entity.

(defn hydrated-root-collection
  (-> (root-collection-with-ui-details nil)
      (hydrate :can_write)))

Hydrate :collection onto entity when the id is nil.

(defn hydrate-root-collection
  ([entity] (hydrate-root-collection entity (hydrated-root-collection)))
  ([{:keys [collection_id] :as entity} root-collection]
   (cond-> entity
     (nil? collection_id) (assoc :collection root-collection))))