Underlying DB model for what is now most commonly referred to as a 'Question' in most user-facing situations. Card is a historical name, but is the same thing; both terms are used interchangeably in the backend codebase. | (ns metabase.models.card (:require [clojure.data :as data] [clojure.set :as set] [clojure.string :as str] [clojure.walk :as walk] [honey.sql.helpers :as sql.helpers] [medley.core :as m] [metabase.api.common :as api] [metabase.audit :as audit] [metabase.config :as config] [metabase.db.query :as mdb.query] [metabase.events :as events] [metabase.legacy-mbql.normalize :as mbql.normalize] [metabase.legacy-mbql.util :as mbql.u] [metabase.lib.core :as lib] [metabase.lib.metadata.jvm :as lib.metadata.jvm] [metabase.lib.metadata.protocols :as lib.metadata.protocols] [metabase.lib.schema.template-tag :as lib.schema.template-tag] [metabase.lib.util :as lib.util] [metabase.models.audit-log :as audit-log] [metabase.models.card.metadata :as card.metadata] [metabase.models.collection :as collection] [metabase.models.field-values :as field-values] [metabase.models.interface :as mi] [metabase.models.moderation-review :as moderation-review] [metabase.models.notification :as models.notification] [metabase.models.parameter-card :as parameter-card] [metabase.models.params :as params] [metabase.models.query :as query] [metabase.models.query.permissions :as query-perms] [metabase.models.serialization :as serdes] [metabase.moderation :as moderation] [metabase.permissions.core :as perms] [metabase.premium-features.core :refer [defenterprise]] [metabase.public-sharing.core :as public-sharing] ^{:clj-kondo/ignore [:deprecated-namespace]} [metabase.pulse.core :as pulse] [metabase.query-analysis.core :as query-analysis] [metabase.query-processor.util :as qp.util] [metabase.search.core :as search] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.autoplace :as autoplace] [metabase.util.embed :refer [maybe-populate-initially-published-at]] [metabase.util.honey-sql-2 :as h2x] [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]] [metabase.util.log :as log] [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr] [methodical.core :as methodical] [toucan2.core :as t2] [toucan2.tools.hydrate :as t2.hydrate])) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
(methodical/defmethod t2/table-name :model/Card [_model] :report_card) | |
(methodical/defmethod t2.hydrate/model-for-automagic-hydration [#_model :default #_k :card] [_original-model _k] :model/Card) | |
(t2/deftransforms :model/Card {:dataset_query mi/transform-metabase-query :display mi/transform-keyword :embedding_params mi/transform-json :query_type mi/transform-keyword :result_metadata mi/transform-result-metadata :visualization_settings mi/transform-visualization-settings :parameters mi/transform-card-parameters-list :parameter_mappings mi/transform-parameters-list :type mi/transform-keyword}) | |
(doto :model/Card (derive :metabase/model) ;; You can read/write a Card if you can read/write its parent Collection (derive :perms/use-parent-collection-perms) (derive :hook/timestamped?) (derive :hook/entity-id)) | |
Make sure the Current User has the appropriate permissions to run TODO -- this should be part of | (defn check-run-permissions-for-query [query] {:pre [(map? query)]} (when-not (query-perms/can-run-query? query) (let [required-perms (try (query-perms/required-perms-for-query query :throw-exceptions? true) (catch Throwable e e))] (throw (ex-info (tru "You cannot save this Question because you do not have permissions to run its query.") {:status-code 403 :query query :required-perms (if (instance? Throwable required-perms) :error required-perms) :actual-perms @api/*current-user-permissions-set*} (when (instance? Throwable required-perms) required-perms)))))) |
(defmethod mi/can-write? :model/Card ([instance] ;; Cards in audit collection should not be writable. (if (and ;; We want to make sure there's an existing audit collection before doing the equality check below. ;; If there is no audit collection, this will be nil: (some? (:id (audit/default-audit-collection))) ;; Is a direct descendant of audit collection (= (:collection_id instance) (:id (audit/default-audit-collection)))) false (mi/current-user-has-full-permissions? (perms/perms-objects-set-for-parent-collection instance :write)))) ([_ pk] (mi/can-write? (t2/select-one :model/Card :id pk)))) | |
(defmethod mi/can-read? :model/Card ([instance] (perms/can-read-audit-helper :model/Card instance)) ([_ pk] (mi/can-read? (t2/select-one :model/Card :id pk)))) | |
All acceptable card types. Previously (< 49), we only had 2 card types: question and model, which were differentiated using the boolean
Migrating all the code to use | (def card-types #{:model :question :metric}) |
(mr/def ::type (into [:enum] card-types)) | |
Returns true if | (defn model? [card] (= (keyword (:type card)) :model)) |
Given a card with at least its A | (defn lib-query ([{:keys [database_id dataset_query] :as card}] (when dataset_query (let [db-id (or database_id (:database dataset_query)) mp (lib.metadata.jvm/application-database-metadata-provider db-id)] (lib-query mp card)))) ([metadata-providerable {:keys [dataset_query] :as _card}] (when dataset_query (lib/query metadata-providerable dataset_query)))) |
-------------------------------------------------- Hydration -------------------------------------------------- | |
(methodical/defmethod t2/batched-hydrate [:model/Card :dashboard_count] [_model k cards] (mi/instances-with-hydrated-data cards k (fn [] (->> (t2/query {:select [[:%count.* :count] :card_id] :from [:report_dashboardcard] :where [:in :card_id (map :id cards)] :group-by [:card_id]}) (map (juxt :card_id :count)) (into {}))) :id {:default 0})) | |
(methodical/defmethod t2/batched-hydrate [:model/Card :in_dashboards] [_model k cards] (mi/instances-with-hydrated-data cards k (fn [] (let [card-ids (map :id cards) ;; First get dashboards from direct card connections direct-dashboards (t2/query {:select [[:dc.card_id :card_id] :d.name :d.collection_id :d.description :d.id :d.archived] :from [[:report_dashboardcard :dc]] :join [[:report_dashboard :d] [:= :dc.dashboard_id :d.id]] :where [:in :dc.card_id card-ids]}) ;; Then get dashboards from series series-dashboards (t2/query {:select [[:dcs.card_id :card_id] :d.name :d.collection_id :d.description :d.id :d.archived] :from [[:dashboardcard_series :dcs]] :join [[:report_dashboardcard :dc] [:= :dc.id :dcs.dashboardcard_id] [:report_dashboard :d] [:= :d.id :dc.dashboard_id]] :where [:in :dcs.card_id card-ids]}) ;; Combine and group all results all-dashboards (concat direct-dashboards series-dashboards)] (update-vals (group-by :card_id all-dashboards) (fn [dashes] (->> dashes (map #(dissoc % :card_id)) distinct (mapv #(t2/instance :model/Dashboard %))))))) :id {:default []})) | |
(defn- source-card-id [query] (when (map? query) (let [query-type (lib/normalized-query-type query)] (case query-type :query (-> query mbql.normalize/normalize qp.util/query->source-card-id) :mbql/query (-> query lib/normalize lib.util/source-card-id) nil)))) | |
Return integer source table ids for card's :dataset_query. | (defn- card->integer-table-ids [card] (when-some [query (-> card :dataset_query :query)] (not-empty (filter pos-int? (lib.util/collect-source-tables query))))) |
Collect tables from | (defn- prefetch-tables-for-cards! [dataset-cards] (let [db-id->table-ids (-> (group-by :database_id dataset-cards) (update-vals (partial into #{} (comp (mapcat card->integer-table-ids) (remove nil?)))))] (doseq [[db-id table-ids] db-id->table-ids :let [mp (lib.metadata.jvm/application-database-metadata-provider db-id)] :when (seq table-ids)] (lib.metadata.protocols/metadatas mp :metadata/table table-ids)))) |
Adds canrunadhoc_query to each card. | (defn with-can-run-adhoc-query [cards] ;; TODO: for metrics, we can get (some-fn :source_model_id :source_question_id) (let [dataset-cards (filter (comp seq :dataset_query) cards) source-card-ids (into #{} (keep (comp source-card-id :dataset_query)) dataset-cards)] ;; Prefetching code should not propagate any exceptions. (when lib.metadata.jvm/*metadata-provider-cache* (try (prefetch-tables-for-cards! dataset-cards) (catch Throwable t (log/errorf t "Failed prefething cards `%s`." (pr-str (map :id dataset-cards)))))) (binding [query-perms/*card-instances* (when (seq source-card-ids) (t2/select-fn->fn :id identity [:model/Card :id :collection_id] :id [:in source-card-ids]))] (mi/instances-with-hydrated-data cards :can_run_adhoc_query (fn [] (into {} (map (fn [{card-id :id :keys [dataset_query]}] [card-id (query-perms/can-run-query? dataset_query)])) dataset-cards)) :id {:default false})))) |
(mi/define-batched-hydration-method add-can-run-adhoc-query :can_run_adhoc_query "Hydrate can_run_adhoc_query onto cards" [cards] (with-can-run-adhoc-query cards)) | |
note: perms lookup here in the course of fetching a card/model should hit a cache pre-warmed by
the | (mi/define-batched-hydration-method add-can-manage-db :can_manage_db "Hydrate can_manage_db onto cards. Indicates whether the current user has access to the database admin page for the database powering this card." [cards] (map (fn [card] (assoc card :can_manage_db (perms/user-has-permission-for-database? api/*current-user-id* :perms/manage-database :yes (:database_id card)))) cards)) |
(methodical/defmethod t2/batched-hydrate [:model/Card :parameter_usage_count] [_model k cards] (mi/instances-with-hydrated-data cards k #(->> (t2/query {:select [[:%count.* :count] :card_id] :from [:parameter_card] :where [:in :card_id (map :id cards)] :group-by [:card_id]}) (map (juxt :card_id :count)) (into {})) :id {:default 0})) | |
(methodical/defmethod t2/batched-hydrate [:model/Card :average_query_time] [_model k cards] (mi/instances-with-hydrated-data cards k #(->> (t2/query {:select [[:%avg.running_time :running_time] :card_id] :from [:query_execution] :where [:and [:not= :running_time nil] [:not= :cache_hit true] [:in :card_id (map :id cards)]] :group-by [:card_id]}) (map (juxt :card_id :running_time)) (into {})) :id)) | |
(methodical/defmethod t2/batched-hydrate [:model/Card :last_query_start] [_model k cards] (mi/instances-with-hydrated-data cards k #(->> (t2/query {:select [[:%max.started_at :started_at] :card_id] :from [:query_execution] :where [:and [:not= :running_time nil] [:not= :cache_hit true] [:in :card_id (map :id cards)]] :group-by [:card_id]}) (map (juxt :card_id :started_at)) (into {})) :id)) | |
(methodical/defmethod t2/batched-hydrate [:model/Card :metrics] [_model k cards] (mi/instances-with-hydrated-data cards k #(group-by :source_card_id (->> (t2/select :model/Card :source_card_id [:in (map :id cards)], :archived false, :type :metric, {:order-by [[:name :asc]]}) (filter mi/can-read?))) :id)) | |
There's more hydration in the shared metabase.moderation namespace, but it needs to be required: | (comment moderation/keep-me) |
--------------------------------------------------- Lifecycle ---------------------------------------------------- | |
Lift | (defn populate-query-fields [{query :dataset_query, :as card}] (merge card (when-let [source-id (source-card-id query)] {:source_card_id source-id}) ;; mega HACK FIXME -- don't update this stuff when doing deserialization because it might differ from what's in the ;; YAML file and break tests like [[metabase-enterprise.serialization.v2.e2e.yaml-test/e2e-storage-ingestion-test]]. ;; The root cause of this issue is that we're generating Cards that have a different Database ID or Table ID from ;; what's actually in their query -- we need to fix [[metabase.test.generate]], but I'm not sure how to do that (when (and (map? query) (not mi/*deserializing?*)) (when-let [{:keys [database-id table-id]} (query/query->database-and-table-ids query)] ;; TODO -- not sure `query_type` is actually used for anything important anyway (let [query-type (if (query/query-is-native? query) :native :query)] (merge {:query_type (keyword query-type)} (when database-id {:database_id database-id}) (when table-id {:table_id table-id}))))))) |
Check that a | (defn- check-for-circular-source-query-references [{query :dataset_query, id :id}] ; don't use `u/the-id` here so that we can use this with `pre-insert` too (loop [query query, ids-already-seen #{id}] (let [source-card-id (qp.util/query->source-card-id query)] (cond (not source-card-id) :ok (ids-already-seen source-card-id) (throw (ex-info (tru "Cannot save Question: source query has circular references.") {:status-code 400})) :else (recur (or (t2/select-one-fn :dataset_query :model/Card :id source-card-id) (throw (ex-info (tru "Card {0} does not exist." source-card-id) {:status-code 404}))) (conj ids-already-seen source-card-id)))))) |
(defn- maybe-normalize-query [card] (cond-> card (seq (:dataset_query card)) (update :dataset_query #(mi/maybe-normalize-query :in %)))) | |
Transforms native query's TODO: move this to [[metabase.query-processor.card]] or MLv2 so the logic can be shared between the backend and frontend
NOTE: this should mirror | (defn template-tag-parameters [card] (for [[_ {tag-type :type, widget-type :widget-type, :as tag}] (get-in card [:dataset_query :native :template-tags]) :when (and tag-type (or (contains? lib.schema.template-tag/raw-value-template-tag-types tag-type) (and (= tag-type :dimension) widget-type (not= widget-type :none))))] {:id (:id tag) :type (or widget-type (cond (= tag-type :date) :date/single (= tag-type :string) :string/= (= tag-type :number) :number/= :else :category)) :target (if (= tag-type :dimension) [:dimension [:template-tag (:name tag)]] [:variable [:template-tag (:name tag)]]) :name (:display-name tag) :slug (:name tag) :default (:default tag) :required (boolean (:required tag))})) |
Check that all native query Field filter parameters reference Fields belonging to the Database the query points against. This is done when saving a Card. The goal here is to prevent people from saving Cards with invalid queries -- it's better to error now then to error down the road in Query Processor land. The usual way a user gets into the situation of having a mismatch between the Database and Field Filters is by creating a native query in the Query Builder UI, adding parameters, and then changing the Database that the query targets. See https://github.com/metabase/metabase/issues/14145 for more details. | (defn- check-field-filter-fields-are-from-correct-database [{{query-db-id :database, :as query} :dataset_query, :as card}] ;; for updates if `query` isn't being updated we don't need to validate anything. (when query (when-let [field-ids (not-empty (params/card->template-tag-field-ids card))] (doseq [{:keys [field-id field-name table-name field-db-id]} (mdb.query/query {:select [[:field.id :field-id] [:field.name :field-name] [:table.name :table-name] [:table.db_id :field-db-id]] :from [[:metabase_field :field]] :left-join [[:metabase_table :table] [:= :field.table_id :table.id]] :where [:in :field.id (set field-ids)]})] (when-not (= field-db-id query-db-id) (throw (ex-info (letfn [(describe-database [db-id] (format "%d %s" db-id (pr-str (t2/select-one-fn :name 'Database :id db-id))))] (tru "Invalid Field Filter: Field {0} belongs to Database {1}, but the query is against Database {2}" (format "%d %s.%s" field-id (pr-str table-name) (pr-str field-name)) (describe-database field-db-id) (describe-database query-db-id))) {:status-code 400 :query-database query-db-id :field-filter-database field-db-id}))))))) |
Check that the card is a valid model if being saved as one. Throw an exception if not. | (defn- assert-valid-type [{query :dataset_query, card-type :type, :as _card}] (when (= (keyword card-type) :model) (let [template-tag-types (->> (get-in query [:native :template-tags]) vals (map (comp keyword :type)))] (when (some (complement #{:card :snippet}) template-tag-types) (throw (ex-info (tru "A model made from a native SQL question cannot have a variable or field filter.") {:status-code 400}))))) nil) |
(defn- dashboard-internal-card? [card] (boolean (:dashboard_id card))) | |
(def ^:dynamic ^:private *updating-dashboard* false) | |
Allow making changes to dashboard-internal cards that would not normally be allowed. | (defmacro with-allowed-changes-to-internal-dashboard-card [& body] `(binding [*updating-dashboard* true] ~@body)) |
Returns the reason, if any, why this card is an invalid Dashboard Question | (defn- invalid-dashboard-internal-card-update-reason? [card changes] (let [dq-will-change? (api/column-will-change? :dashboard_id card changes) will-be-dq? (or (and (not dq-will-change?) (:dashboard_id card)) (and dq-will-change? (:dashboard_id changes)))] (when will-be-dq? (cond (not (or *updating-dashboard* ;; if the `dashboard_id` is changing, allow specifying a `collection_id`. Note that if it's different ;; than the actual `collection_id` of the new dashboard we're moving to, it will be ignored. dq-will-change? (not (api/column-will-change? :collection_id card changes)))) (tru "Invalid Dashboard Question: Cannot manually set `collection_id` on a Dashboard Question") (api/column-will-change? :collection_position card changes) (tru "Invalid Dashboard Question: Cannot set `collection_position` on a Dashboard Question") ;; `column-will-change?` seems broken in the case where we 'change' :question to "question" (and (api/column-will-change? :type card changes) (not (contains? #{"question" :question} (:type changes)))) (tru "Invalid Dashboard Question: Cannot set `type` on a Dashboard Question"))))) |
(defn- assert-is-valid-dashboard-internal-update [changes card] (let [dashboard-id->name (->> (t2/hydrate card :in_dashboards) :in_dashboards (remove #(or (= (:id %) (:dashboard_id changes)) (= (:id %) (:dashboard_id card)))) (map (juxt :id :name)) (into {}))] (when (and (:dashboard_id changes) (seq dashboard-id->name)) (throw (ex-info (tru "Can''t move question into dashboard. Questions saved in dashboards can''t appear in other dashboards.") {:status-code 400 :other-dashboards dashboard-id->name})))) (when-let [reason (invalid-dashboard-internal-card-update-reason? card changes)] (throw (ex-info reason {:status-code 400 :changes changes :card card}))) changes) | |
(defn- check-dashboard-internal-card-insert [card] (let [correct-collection-id (t2/select-one-fn :collection_id [:model/Dashboard :collection_id] (:dashboard_id card)) invalid? (or (and (contains? card :collection_id) (not= correct-collection-id (:collection_id card))) (not (contains? #{:question "question" nil} (:type card))) (some? (:collection_position card)))] (when invalid? (throw (ex-info (tru "Invalid dashboard-internal card") {:status-code 400 :card card}))) (assoc card :collection_id correct-collection-id))) | |
(defn- maybe-check-dashboard-internal-card [card] (cond-> card (dashboard-internal-card? card) check-dashboard-internal-card-insert)) | |
TODO -- consider whether we should validate the Card query when you save/update it?? (#40013) | (defn- pre-insert [card] (let [defaults {:parameters [] :parameter_mappings []} card (maybe-check-dashboard-internal-card (merge defaults card))] (u/prog1 card ;; make sure this Card doesn't have circular source query references (check-for-circular-source-query-references card) (check-field-filter-fields-are-from-correct-database card) ;; TODO: add a check to see if all id in :parameter_mappings are in :parameters (#40013) (assert-valid-type card) (params/assert-valid-parameters card) (params/assert-valid-parameter-mappings card) (collection/check-collection-namespace :model/Card (:collection_id card))))) |
Checks additional sandboxing constraints for Metabase Enterprise Edition. The OSS implementation is a no-op. | (defenterprise pre-update-check-sandbox-constraints metabase-enterprise.sandbox.models.group-table-access-policy [_]) |
Update the config of parameter on any Dashboard/Card use this Remove parameter.valuessourcetype and set parameter.valuessourcetype to nil ( the default type ) when: - card is archived - card.result_metadata changes and the parameter values source field can't be found anymore | (defn- update-parameters-using-card-as-values-source [{id :id, :as changes}] (when (some #{:archived :result_metadata} (keys changes)) (let [parameter-cards (t2/select :model/ParameterCard :card_id id)] (doseq [[[po-type po-id] param-cards] (group-by (juxt :parameterized_object_type :parameterized_object_id) parameter-cards)] (let [model (case po-type :card 'Card :dashboard 'Dashboard) {:keys [parameters]} (t2/select-one [model :parameters] :id po-id) affected-param-ids-set (cond ;; update all parameters that use this card as source (:archived changes) (set (map :parameter_id param-cards)) ;; update only parameters that have value_field no longer in this card (:result_metadata changes) (let [param-id->parameter (m/index-by :id parameters)] (->> param-cards (filter (fn [param-card] ;; if cant find the value-field in result_metadata, then we should ;; remove it (nil? (qp.util/field->field-info (get-in (param-id->parameter (:parameter_id param-card)) [:values_source_config :value_field]) (:result_metadata changes))))) (map :parameter_id) set)) :else #{}) new-parameters (map (fn [parameter] (if (affected-param-ids-set (:id parameter)) (-> parameter (assoc :values_source_type nil) (dissoc :values_source_config)) parameter)) parameters)] (when-not (= parameters new-parameters) (t2/update! model po-id {:parameters new-parameters}))))))) |
A model with implicit action supported iff they are a raw table, meaning there are no clauses such as filter, limit, breakout... It should be the opposite of [[metabase.lib.stage/has-clauses]] but for all stages. | (defn model-supports-implicit-actions? [{dataset-query :dataset_query :as _card}] (and (= :query (:type dataset-query)) (every? #(nil? (get-in dataset-query [:query %])) [:expressions :filter :limit :breakout :aggregation :joins :order-by :fields]))) |
Delete all implicit actions of a model if exists. | (defn- disable-implicit-action-for-model! [model-id] (when-let [action-ids (t2/select-pks-set :model/Action {:select [:action.id] :from [:action] :join [:implicit_action [:= :action.id :implicit_action.action_id]] :where [:= :action.model_id model-id]})] (t2/delete! :model/Action :id [:in action-ids]))) |
(defn- pre-update [{id :id, :as changes}] ;; TODO - don't we need to be doing the same permissions check we do in `pre-insert` if the query gets changed? Or ;; does that happen in the `PUT` endpoint? (#40013) (u/prog1 changes (let [;; Fetch old card data if necessary, and share the data between multiple checks. old-card-info (when (or (contains? changes :type) (:dataset_query changes) (get-in changes [:dataset_query :native])) (t2/select-one [:model/Card :dataset_query :type] :id (u/the-id id)))] ;; if the template tag params for this Card have changed in any way we need to update the FieldValues for ;; On-Demand DB Fields (when (get-in changes [:dataset_query :native]) (let [old-param-field-ids (params/card->template-tag-field-ids old-card-info) new-param-field-ids (params/card->template-tag-field-ids changes)] (when (and (seq new-param-field-ids) (not= old-param-field-ids new-param-field-ids)) (let [newly-added-param-field-ids (set/difference new-param-field-ids old-param-field-ids)] (log/info "Referenced Fields in Card params have changed. Was:" old-param-field-ids "Is Now:" new-param-field-ids "Newly Added:" newly-added-param-field-ids) ;; Now update the FieldValues for the Fields referenced by this Card. (field-values/update-field-values-for-on-demand-dbs! newly-added-param-field-ids))))) ;; make sure this Card doesn't have circular source query references if we're updating the query (when (:dataset_query changes) (check-for-circular-source-query-references changes)) ;; updating a model dataset query to not support implicit actions will disable implicit actions if they exist (when (and (:dataset_query changes) (= (:type old-card-info) :model) (not (model-supports-implicit-actions? changes))) (disable-implicit-action-for-model! id)) ;; Changing from a Question to a Model: archive associated actions (when (and (= (:type changes) :question) (= (:type old-card-info) :model)) (t2/update! :model/Action {:model_id id :type [:not= :implicit]} {:archived true}) (t2/delete! :model/Action :model_id id, :type :implicit)) ;; Make sure any native query template tags match the DB in the query. (check-field-filter-fields-are-from-correct-database changes) ;; Make sure the Collection is in the default Collection namespace (e.g. as opposed to the Snippets Collection ;; namespace) (collection/check-collection-namespace :model/Card (:collection_id changes)) (params/assert-valid-parameters changes) (params/assert-valid-parameter-mappings changes) (update-parameters-using-card-as-values-source changes) ;; TODO: this would ideally be done only once the query changes have been commited to the database, to avoid ;; race conditions leading to stale analysis triggering the "last one wins" analysis update. (when (contains? changes :dataset_query) (query-analysis/analyze! changes)) (when (:parameters changes) (parameter-card/upsert-or-delete-from-parameters! "card" id (:parameters changes))) ;; additional checks (Enterprise Edition only) (pre-update-check-sandbox-constraints changes) (assert-valid-type (merge old-card-info changes))))) | |
Add Some users were missing description that was present in v1 metric API responses. This new key compensates for that. This function is used in | (defn- add-query-description-to-metric-card [card] (if-not (and (map? card) (= :metric (:type card)) (-> card :dataset_query not-empty) (-> card :database_id)) card (m/assoc-some card :query_description (some-> (lib.metadata.jvm/application-database-metadata-provider (:database_id card)) (lib/query (:dataset_query card)) lib/suggested-name)))) |
(defn- derive-ident [prefix entity_id stage-number tail] (let [entity_id (cond-> entity_id (instance? clojure.lang.IDeref entity_id) deref)] (if (= entity_id ::before-insert) ;; If this is a fresh insert, it's safe to generate them at random rather than deriving them! (u/generate-nano-id) ;; If entity_id is provided instead, then derive an opaque string based on that entity_id. (str prefix "_" entity_id "@" stage-number "__" tail)))) | |
(defn- ensure-clause-idents-list [existing xs prefix stage-number {:keys [entity_id] :as _ctx}] (into {} (map (fn [i] [i (or (get existing i) (derive-ident prefix entity_id stage-number i))])) (range (count xs)))) | |
(defn- ensure-clause-idents-expressions [existing expressions stage-number {:keys [entity_id] :as _ctx}] (m/map-kv-vals (fn [expr-name _expr-clause] (or (get existing expr-name) (derive-ident "expression" entity_id stage-number expr-name))) expressions)) | |
(defn- ensure-clause-idents-joins [joins stage-number {:keys [entity_id] :as _ctx}] (mapv #(cond-> % (not (:ident %)) (assoc :ident (derive-ident "join" entity_id stage-number (:alias %)))) joins)) | |
(defn- ensure-clause-idents-inner [inner-query ctx] (mbql.u/map-stages (fn [query stage-number] (cond-> query (:aggregation query) (update :aggregation-idents ensure-clause-idents-list (:aggregation query) "aggregation" stage-number ctx) (:expressions query) (update :expression-idents ensure-clause-idents-expressions (:expressions query) stage-number ctx) (:breakout query) (update :breakout-idents ensure-clause-idents-list (:breakout query) "breakout" stage-number ctx) (:joins query) (update :joins ensure-clause-idents-joins stage-number ctx))) inner-query)) | |
(defn- ensure-clause-idents-outer [{:keys [query type] :as outer-query} ctx] (cond-> outer-query (and (= type :query) query) (update :query ensure-clause-idents-inner ctx))) | |
(defn- ensure-clause-idents ([card] (ensure-clause-idents card nil)) ([card forced-entity-id] (let [hashed-eid (atom false) entity-id (or forced-entity-id (:entity_id card) (delay ;; When the card does not already have an `entity_id`, use serdes hashing to backfill it. ;; If the columns necessary for that serdes hashing were not selected, throw a specific error ;; which is caught and logged below. ;; NOTE: These columns must be kept in sync with the [[serdes/hash-fields]] for :model/Card. (when-not (every? #(contains? card %) [:collection_id :created_at :name]) (throw (ex-info "Best-effort backfill of :entity_id on :model/Card failed" {::best-effort-backfill true}))) (reset! hashed-eid true) (serdes/backfill-entity-id card))) ;; Calculate the new query. If we need to backfill its `:entity_id` but it fails, it will throw a specific ;; exception that gets caught here, making query' nil. In that case the card is returned unchanged. query' (when (:dataset_query card) (try (ensure-clause-idents-outer (:dataset_query card) {:entity_id entity-id}) (catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e (when-not (::best-effort-backfill (ex-data e)) (throw e)) (log/warnf "Best-effort backfill of :entity_id failed for Card %d" (:id card)) nil)))] (cond-> card query' (assoc :dataset_query query') ;; If we did have to generate the hashed entity_id, include it on the returned card as well. @hashed-eid (assoc :entity_id @entity-id))))) | |
(t2/define-after-select :model/Card [card] (-> card (dissoc :dataset_query_metrics_v2_migration_backup) (m/assoc-some :source_card_id (-> card :dataset_query source-card-id)) public-sharing/remove-public-uuid-if-public-sharing-is-disabled add-query-description-to-metric-card ensure-clause-idents)) | |
(t2/define-before-insert :model/Card [card] (-> card (assoc :metabase_version config/mb-version-string) maybe-normalize-query card.metadata/populate-result-metadata pre-insert populate-query-fields (ensure-clause-idents ::before-insert))) | |
(t2/define-after-insert :model/Card [card] (u/prog1 card (when-let [field-ids (seq (params/card->template-tag-field-ids card))] (log/info "Card references Fields in params:" field-ids) (field-values/update-field-values-for-on-demand-dbs! field-ids)) (parameter-card/upsert-or-delete-from-parameters! "card" (:id card) (:parameters card)) (query-analysis/analyze! card))) | |
(defn- apply-dashboard-question-updates [changes] (if-let [dashboard-id (:dashboard_id changes)] (assoc changes :collection_id (t2/select-one-fn :collection_id :model/Dashboard :id dashboard-id)) changes)) | |
(t2/define-before-update :model/Card [{:keys [verified-result-metadata?] :as card}] ;; remove all the unchanged keys from the map, except for `:id`, so the functions below can do the right thing since ;; they were written pre-Toucan 2 and don't know about [[t2/changes]]... ;; ;; We have to convert this to a plain map rather than a Toucan 2 instance at this point to work around upstream bug ;; https://github.com/camsaul/toucan2/issues/145 . ;; TODO: ^ that's been fixed, this could be refactored (-> (into {:id (:id card)} (t2/changes (dissoc card :verified-result-metadata?))) (apply-dashboard-question-updates) maybe-normalize-query ;; If we have fresh result_metadata, we don't have to populate it anew. When result_metadata doesn't ;; change for a native query, populate-result-metadata removes it (set to nil) unless prevented by the ;; verified-result-metadata? flag (see #37009). (cond-> #_changes (or (empty? (:result_metadata card)) (not verified-result-metadata?)) card.metadata/populate-result-metadata) pre-update populate-query-fields maybe-populate-initially-published-at)) | |
Cards don't normally get deleted (they get archived instead) so this mostly affects tests | (t2/define-before-delete :model/Card [{:keys [id] :as _card}] ;; delete any ParameterCard that the parameters on this card linked to (parameter-card/delete-all-for-parameterized-object! "card" id) ;; delete any ParameterCard linked to this card (t2/delete! :model/ParameterCard :card_id id) (t2/delete! 'ModerationReview :moderated_item_type "card", :moderated_item_id id) (t2/delete! 'Revision :model "Card", :model_id id)) |
NOTE: The columns required for this hashing must be kept in sync with [[ensure-clause-idents]]. | (defmethod serdes/hash-fields :model/Card [_card] [:name (serdes/hydrated-hash :collection) :created_at]) |
(defmethod mi/exclude-internal-content-hsql :model/Card [_model & {:keys [table-alias]}] [:not= (h2x/identifier :field table-alias :creator_id) config/internal-mb-user-id]) | |
----------------------------------------------- Creating Cards ---------------------------------------------------- | |
(defn- autoplace-dashcard-for-card! [dashboard-id maybe-dashboard-tab-id card] (let [dashboard (t2/hydrate (t2/select-one :model/Dashboard dashboard-id) :dashcards [:tabs :tab-cards]) {:keys [dashcards tabs]} dashboard tabs (remove #(when maybe-dashboard-tab-id (not= maybe-dashboard-tab-id (:id %))) tabs) already-on-dashboard? (seq (filter #(= (:id card) (:card_id %)) dashcards))] (when-not already-on-dashboard? (let [first-tab (first tabs) cards-on-first-tab (or (when first-tab (:cards first-tab)) dashcards) new-spot (autoplace/get-position-for-new-dashcard cards-on-first-tab (:display card))] (t2/insert! :model/DashboardCard (assoc new-spot :dashboard_tab_id (some-> first-tab :id) :card_id (:id card) :dashboard_id dashboard-id)) ;; the handler for `:event/dashboard-update` will hydrate `:dashcards` iff it's missing - make sure it is, so ;; we don't store a revision for the *unmodified* dashcards. (events/publish-event! :event/dashboard-update {:object (dissoc dashboard :dashcards :tabs) :user-id api/*current-user-id*}))))) | |
(defn- autoremove-dashcard-for-card! [card-id dashboard-id] (t2/delete! :model/DashboardCard :card_id card-id :dashboard_id dashboard-id) (when-let [dashcard-ids (seq (map :id (t2/query {:select [[:dcs.id]] :from [[:dashboardcard_series :dcs]] :join [[:report_dashboardcard :dc] [:= :dc.id :dcs.dashboardcard_id]] :where [:and [:= :dc.dashboard_id dashboard-id] [:= :dcs.card_id card-id]]})))] (t2/delete! :model/DashboardCardSeries :id [:in (set dashcard-ids)])) (events/publish-event! :event/dashboard-update {:object (t2/select-one :model/Dashboard dashboard-id) :user-id api/*current-user-id*})) | |
When moving around dashboard questions (cards that are internal to a dashboard), we need to remove or autoplace new DashboardQuestions. | (defn- autoplace-or-remove-dashcards-for-card! [{:as card-before-update card-id :id old-archived :archived old-dashboard-id :dashboard_id} {:as card-updates dashboard-id-update :dashboard_id dashboard-tab-id :dashboard_tab_id archived-update :archived} delete-old-dashcards?] (let [dashboard-changes? (api/column-will-change? :dashboard_id card-before-update card-updates) new-dashboard-id (if-not dashboard-changes? old-dashboard-id dashboard-id-update) on-dashboard-before? (boolean old-dashboard-id) on-dashboard-after? (boolean new-dashboard-id) archived-changes? (api/column-will-change? :archived card-before-update card-updates) new-archived (if-not archived-changes? old-archived archived-update) archived-after? (boolean new-archived)] ;; you can't specify the dashboard_tab_id if not on a dashboard (api/check-400 (not (and dashboard-tab-id (not new-dashboard-id)))) ;; we'll end up unarchived and a dashboard card => make sure we autoplace (when (and on-dashboard-after? (not archived-after?)) (autoplace-dashcard-for-card! new-dashboard-id dashboard-tab-id card-before-update)) (when (and ;; we start out as a DQ, and on-dashboard-before? (or ;; we're moving to a *different* dashboard, (and on-dashboard-after? dashboard-changes?) ;; we're archiving the DQ, or (and archived-after? on-dashboard-after?) ;; we're moving the DQ to a collection, AND the user has told us to delete (and (not on-dashboard-after?) delete-old-dashcards?))) (autoremove-dashcard-for-card! card-id old-dashboard-id)) ;; we're moving from a collection to a dashboard, and the user has told us to remove the dashcards for other ;; dashboards (when (and on-dashboard-after? (not on-dashboard-before?) delete-old-dashcards?) ;; TODO: should we publish events here? might be expensive, and it might not be right to show "card X was ;; removed from the dashboard" since you can't restore to the previous state... (t2/delete! :model/DashboardCard :card_id card-id :dashboard_id [:not= new-dashboard-id]) (when-let [ids (seq (map :id (t2/query {:select [[:dcs.id]] :from [[:dashboardcard_series :dcs]] :join [[:report_dashboardcard :dc] [:= :dc.id :dcs.dashboardcard_id]] :where [:and [:= :dcs.card_id card-id] [:not= :dc.dashboard_id new-dashboard-id]]})))] (t2/delete! :model/DashboardCardSeries :id [:in ids]))))) |
Create a new Card. Metadata will be fetched off thread. If the metadata takes longer than [[metadata-sync-wait-ms]] the card will be saved without metadata and it will be saved to the card in the future when it is ready. Dispatches the | (defn create-card! ([card creator] (create-card! card creator false)) ([card creator delay-event?] (create-card! card creator delay-event? true)) ([{:keys [dataset_query result_metadata parameters parameter_mappings type] :as input-card-data} creator delay-event? autoplace-dashboard-questions?] ;; you can't specify the dashboard_tab_id and not a dashboard_id (api/check-400 (not (and (:dashboard_tab_id input-card-data) (not (:dashboard_id input-card-data))))) (let [data-keys [:dataset_query :description :display :name :visualization_settings :parameters :parameter_mappings :collection_id :collection_position :cache_ttl :type :dashboard_id] position-info {:collection_id (:collection_id input-card-data) :collection_position (:collection_position input-card-data)} card-data (-> (select-keys input-card-data data-keys) (assoc :creator_id (:id creator) :parameters (or parameters []) :parameter_mappings (or parameter_mappings [])) (cond-> (nil? type) (assoc :type :question))) {:keys [metadata metadata-future]} (card.metadata/maybe-async-result-metadata {:query dataset_query :metadata result_metadata :model? (model? card-data)}) card (t2/with-transaction [_conn] ;; Adding a new card at `collection_position` could cause other cards in ;; this collection to change position, check that and fix it if needed (api/maybe-reconcile-collection-position! position-info) (t2/insert-returning-instance! :model/Card (cond-> card-data metadata (assoc :result_metadata metadata))))] (let [{:keys [dashboard_id]} card] (when (and dashboard_id autoplace-dashboard-questions?) (autoplace-dashcard-for-card! dashboard_id (:dashboard_tab_id input-card-data) card))) (when-not delay-event? (events/publish-event! :event/card-create {:object card :user-id (:id creator)})) (when metadata-future (log/info "Metadata not available soon enough. Saving new card and asynchronously updating metadata") (card.metadata/save-metadata-async! metadata-future card)) ;; include same information returned by GET /api/card/:id since frontend replaces the Card it currently has with ;; returned one -- See #4283 card))) |
------------------------------------------------- Updating Cards ------------------------------------------------- | |
Removes all of the alerts and notifies all of the email recipients of the alerts change. | (defn delete-alert-and-notify! [topic actor card] (when-let [card-notifications (seq (models.notification/notifications-for-card (:id card)))] (t2/delete! :model/Notification :id [:in (map :id card-notifications)]) (events/publish-event! topic {:card card :actor actor :notifications card-notifications}))) |
Return true if card is verified, false otherwise. Assumes that moderation reviews are ordered so that the most recent is the first. This is the case from the hydration function for moderation_reviews. | (defn- card-is-verified? [card] (-> card :moderation_reviews first :status #{"verified"} boolean)) |
Return whether there were any changes in the objects at the keys for returns false because changes to collection_id are ignored: (changed? #{:description} {:collection_id 1 :description "foo"} {:collection_id 2 :description "foo"}) returns true: (changed? #{:description} {:collection_id 1 :description "foo"} {:collection_id 2 :description "diff"}) | (defn- changed? [consider card-before updates] ;; have to ignore keyword vs strings over api. `{:type :query}` vs `{:type "query"}` (let [prepare (fn prepare [card] (walk/prewalk (fn [x] (if (keyword? x) (name x) x)) card)) before (prepare (select-keys card-before consider)) after (prepare (select-keys updates consider)) [_ changes-in-after] (data/diff before after)] (boolean (seq changes-in-after)))) |
When comparing a card to possibly unverify, only consider these keys as changing something 'important' about the query. | (def ^:private card-compare-keys #{:table_id :database_id :query_type ;; these first three may not even be changeable :dataset_query}) |
Generate mapping of of ref identifier -> #{ref...}. ref identifier is a vector of first 2 elements of ref, eg. [:expression "xix"] or [:field 10] | (defn- breakout-->identifier->refs [breakouts] (-> (group-by #(subvec % 0 2) breakouts) (update-vals set))) |
Generate action for combination of args. Action is to be performed on parameter mapping of a dashcard. For more info see the [[update-associated-parameters!]]'s docstring. Action has a form of [ | (defn- action-for-identifier+refs [after--identifier->refs identifier before--refs] (let [after--refs (get after--identifier->refs identifier #{})] (when (and (= 1 (count before--refs) (count after--refs)) (not= before--refs after--refs)) [:update (first after--refs)]))) |
Generate mapping of identifier -> action. identifier is is a vector of first 2 elements of ref, eg. [:expression "xix"] or [:field 10]. Action is generated in [[action-for-identifier+refs]] and performed later in [[update-mapping]]. | (defn- breakouts-->identifier->action [breakout-before-update breakout-after-update] (let [before--identifier->refs (breakout-->identifier->refs breakout-before-update) after--identifier->refs (breakout-->identifier->refs breakout-after-update)] ;; Remove no-ops to avoid redundant db calls in [[update-associated-parameters!]]. (->> before--identifier->refs (m/map-kv-vals #(action-for-identifier+refs after--identifier->refs %1 %2)) (m/filter-vals some?) not-empty))) |
Decide whether parameter mapping has strucuture so it can be updated presumably using [[update-mapping]]. | (defn eligible-mapping? [{[dim [ref-kind]] :target :as _mapping}] (and (= dim :dimension) (#{:field :expression} ref-kind))) |
Return modifed mapping according to action. | (defn- update-mapping [identifier->action {[_dim ref] :target :as mapping}] (let [identifier (subvec ref 0 2) [action arg] (get identifier->action identifier)] (case action :update (assoc-in mapping [:target 1] arg) mapping))) |
(defn- updates-for-dashcards [identifier->action dashcards] (not-empty (for [{:keys [id parameter_mappings]} dashcards :let [updated (into [] (map #(if (eligible-mapping? %) (update-mapping identifier->action %) %)) parameter_mappings)] :when (not= parameter_mappings updated)] [id {:parameter_mappings updated}]))) | |
Update parameter mappings of dashcards that target modified card, to reflect the modification. This function handles only modifications to breakout. Context. Card can have multiple multiple breakout elements referencing same field or expression, having different temporal unit. Those refs can be targeted by dashboard temporal unit parameter. If refs change, and card is saved, parameter mappings have to be updated to target new, modified refs. This function takes care of that. First mappings of identifier -> action are generated. identifier is described eg. in [[breakouts-->identifier->action]] docstring. Then, dashcards are fetched and updates are generated by [[updates-for-dashcards]]. Updates are then executed. | (defn- update-associated-parameters! [card-before card-after] (let [card->breakout #(-> % :dataset_query mbql.normalize/normalize :query :breakout) breakout-before (card->breakout card-before) breakout-after (card->breakout card-after)] (when-some [identifier->action (breakouts-->identifier->action breakout-before breakout-after)] (let [dashcards (t2/select :model/DashboardCard :card_id (some :id [card-after card-before])) updates (updates-for-dashcards identifier->action dashcards)] ;; Beware. This can have negative impact on card update performance as queries are fired in sequence. I'm not ;; aware of more reasonable way. (when (seq updates) (t2/with-transaction [_conn] (doseq [[id update] updates] (t2/update! :model/DashboardCard :id id update)))))))) |
Update a Card. Metadata is fetched asynchronously. If it is ready before [[metadata-sync-wait-ms]] elapses it will be included, otherwise the metadata will be saved to the database asynchronously. | (defn update-card! [{:keys [card-before-update card-updates actor delete-old-dashcards?]}] ;; don't block our precious core.async thread, run the actual DB updates on a separate thread (t2/with-transaction [_conn] (api/maybe-reconcile-collection-position! card-before-update card-updates) (autoplace-or-remove-dashcards-for-card! card-before-update card-updates delete-old-dashcards?) (assert-is-valid-dashboard-internal-update card-updates card-before-update) (when (and (card-is-verified? card-before-update) (changed? card-compare-keys card-before-update card-updates)) ;; this is an enterprise feature but we don't care if enterprise is enabled here. If there is a review we need ;; to remove it regardless if enterprise edition is present at the moment. (moderation-review/create-review! {:moderated_item_id (:id card-before-update) :moderated_item_type "card" :moderator_id (:id actor) :status nil :text (tru "Unverified due to edit")})) ;; ok, now save the Card (t2/update! :model/Card (:id card-before-update) ;; `collection_id` and `description` can be `nil` (in order to unset them). ;; Other values should only be modified if they're passed in as non-nil (u/select-keys-when card-updates :present #{:collection_id :collection_position :description :cache_ttl :archived_directly :dashboard_id} :non-nil #{:dataset_query :display :name :visualization_settings :archived :enable_embedding :type :parameters :parameter_mappings :embedding_params :result_metadata :collection_preview :verified-result-metadata?})) ;; ok, now update dependent dashcard parameters (try (update-associated-parameters! card-before-update card-updates) (catch Throwable e (log/error "Update of dependent card parameters failed!") (log/debug e "`card-before-update`:" (pr-str card-before-update) "`card-updates`:" (pr-str card-updates))))) ;; Fetch the updated Card from the DB (let [card (t2/select-one :model/Card :id (:id card-before-update))] ;;; TODO -- consider whether this should be triggered indirectly by `:event/card-update` (pulse/delete-alerts-if-needed! :old-card card-before-update, :new-card card, :actor actor) ;; skip publishing the event if it's just a change in its collection position (when-not (= #{:collection_position} (set (keys card-updates))) (events/publish-event! :event/card-update {:object card :user-id api/*current-user-id*})) card)) |
Given a card, returns the dashboard_id of the sole dashboard it's in, or | (defn sole-dashboard-id [card] (when-not (contains? card :in_dashboards) (throw (ex-info "`automovable?` must be called with a card hydrated with `:in_dashboards`" {:card-id (:id card)}))) (let [[dashboard :as dashboards] (:in_dashboards card)] (when (and (= 1 (count dashboards)) (not (:archived dashboard)) (not (:archived card))) (:id dashboard)))) |
(methodical/defmethod mi/to-json :model/Card [card json-generator] ;; we're doing update + dissoc instead of [[medley.core/dissoc-in]] because we don't want it to remove the ;; `:dataset_query` key entirely if it is empty, as it is in a lot of tests. (let [card (cond-> card (map? (:dataset_query card)) (update :dataset_query dissoc :lib/metadata))] (next-method card json-generator))) | |
------------------------------------------------- Serialization -------------------------------------------------- | |
(defn- export-result-metadata [metadata] (when metadata (for [m metadata] (-> (dissoc m :fingerprint) (m/update-existing :table_id serdes/*export-table-fk*) (m/update-existing :id serdes/*export-field-fk*) (m/update-existing :field_ref serdes/export-mbql) (m/update-existing :fk_target_field_id serdes/*export-field-fk*))))) | |
(defn- import-result-metadata [metadata] (when metadata (for [m metadata] (-> m (m/update-existing :table_id serdes/*import-table-fk*) (m/update-existing :id serdes/*import-field-fk*) (m/update-existing :field_ref serdes/import-mbql) ;; FIXME: remove that `if` after v52 (m/update-existing :fk_target_field_id #(if (number? %) % (serdes/*import-field-fk* %))))))) | |
(defn- result-metadata-deps [metadata] (when (seq metadata) (-> (reduce into #{} (for [m metadata] (conj (serdes/mbql-deps (:field_ref m)) (when (:table_id m) (serdes/table->path (:table_id m))) (when (:id m) (serdes/field->path (:id m))) (when (and (:fk_target_field_id m) ;; FIXME: remove that check after v52 (not (number? (:fk_target_field_id m)))) (serdes/field->path (:fk_target_field_id m)))))) (disj nil)))) | |
(defmethod serdes/make-spec "Card" [_model-name _opts] {:copy [:archived :archived_directly :collection_position :collection_preview :description :display :embedding_params :enable_embedding :entity_id :metabase_version :public_uuid :query_type :type :name] :skip [;; cache invalidation is instance-specific :cache_invalidated_at ;; those are instance-specific analytic columns :view_count :last_used_at :initially_published_at ;; this is data migration column :dataset_query_metrics_v2_migration_backup ;; this column is not used anymore :cache_ttl] :transform {:created_at (serdes/date) :database_id (serdes/fk :model/Database :name) :table_id (serdes/fk :model/Table) :source_card_id (serdes/fk :model/Card) :collection_id (serdes/fk :model/Collection) :dashboard_id (serdes/fk :model/Dashboard) :creator_id (serdes/fk :model/User) :made_public_by_id (serdes/fk :model/User) :dataset_query {:export serdes/export-mbql :import serdes/import-mbql} :parameters {:export serdes/export-parameters :import serdes/import-parameters} :parameter_mappings {:export serdes/export-parameter-mappings :import serdes/import-parameter-mappings} :visualization_settings {:export serdes/export-visualization-settings :import serdes/import-visualization-settings} :result_metadata {:export export-result-metadata :import import-result-metadata}}}) | |
(defmethod serdes/dependencies "Card" [{:keys [collection_id database_id dataset_query parameters parameter_mappings result_metadata table_id source_card_id visualization_settings dashboard_id]}] (set (concat (mapcat serdes/mbql-deps parameter_mappings) (serdes/parameters-deps parameters) [[{:model "Database" :id database_id}]] (when table_id #{(serdes/table->path table_id)}) (when source_card_id #{[{:model "Card" :id source_card_id}]}) (when collection_id #{[{:model "Collection" :id collection_id}]}) (when dashboard_id #{[{:model "Dashboard" :id dashboard_id}]}) (result-metadata-deps result_metadata) (serdes/mbql-deps dataset_query) (serdes/visualization-settings-deps visualization_settings)))) | |
(defmethod serdes/descendants "Card" [_model-name id] (let [card (t2/select-one :model/Card :id id) source-table (some-> card :dataset_query :query :source-table) template-tags (some->> card :dataset_query :native :template-tags vals (keep :card-id)) parameters-card-id (some->> card :parameters (keep (comp :card_id :values_source_config))) snippets (some->> card :dataset_query :native :template-tags vals (keep :snippet-id))] (into {} (concat (when (and (string? source-table) (str/starts-with? source-table "card__")) {["Card" (parse-long (subs source-table 6))] {"Card" id}}) (for [card-id template-tags] {["Card" card-id] {"Card" id}}) (for [card-id parameters-card-id] {["Card" card-id] {"Card" id}}) (for [snippet-id snippets] {["NativeQuerySnippet" snippet-id] {"Card" id}}))))) | |
------------------------------------------------ Audit Log -------------------------------------------------------- | |
(defmethod audit-log/model-details :model/Card [{card-type :type, :as card} _event-type] (merge (select-keys card [:name :description :database_id :table_id]) ;; Use `model` instead of `dataset` to mirror product terminology {:model? (= (keyword card-type) :model)})) | |
------------------------------------------------- Search ---------------------------------------------------------- | |
(def ^:private base-search-spec {:model :model/Card :attrs {:archived true :collection-id true :creator-id true :dashboard-id true :dashboardcard-count {:select [:%count.*] :from [:report_dashboardcard] :where [:= :report_dashboardcard.card_id :this.id]} :database-id true :last-viewed-at :last_used_at :native-query [:case [:= "native" :query_type] :dataset_query] :official-collection [:= "official" :collection.authority_level] :last-edited-at :r.timestamp :last-editor-id :r.user_id :pinned [:> [:coalesce :collection_position [:inline 0]] [:inline 0]] :verified [:= "verified" :mr.status] :view-count true :created-at true :updated-at true} :search-terms [:name :description] :render-terms {:archived-directly true :collection-authority_level :collection.authority_level :collection-location :collection.location :collection-name :collection.name ;; This is used for legacy ranking, in future it will be replaced by :pinned :collection-position true :collection-type :collection.type ;; This field can become stale, unless we change to calculate it just-in-time. :display true :moderated-status :mr.status} :bookmark [:model/CardBookmark [:and [:= :bookmark.card_id :this.id] [:= :bookmark.user_id :current_user/id]]] :where [:= :collection.namespace nil] :joins {:collection [:model/Collection [:= :collection.id :this.collection_id]] :r [:model/Revision [:and [:= :r.model_id :this.id] ;; Interesting for inversion, another condition on whether to update. ;; For now, let's just swallow the extra update (2x amplification) [:= :r.most_recent true] [:= :r.model "Card"]]] :mr [:model/ModerationReview [:and [:= :mr.moderated_item_type "card"] [:= :mr.moderated_item_id :this.id] [:= :mr.most_recent true]]]} ;; Workaround for dataflow :(((((( ;; NOTE: disabled for now, as this is not a very important ranker and can afford to have stale data, ;; and could cause a large increase in the query count for dashboard updates. ;; (see the test failures when this hook is added back) ;:dashcard [:model/DashboardCard [:= :dashcard.card_id :this.id]] #_:end}) | |
(search/define-spec "card" (-> base-search-spec (sql.helpers/where [:= :this.type "question"]))) | |
(search/define-spec "dataset" (-> base-search-spec (sql.helpers/where [:= :this.type "model"]))) | |
(search/define-spec "metric" (-> base-search-spec (sql.helpers/where [:= :this.type "metric"]))) | |