(ns metabase.metabot.client (:require [metabase.metabot.settings :as metabot-settings] [metabase.util.json :as json] [metabase.util.log :as log] [wkok.openai-clojure.api :as openai.api])) | |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
Wrap our openai calls with a standard set of exceptions that will percolate up any issues to the UI as meaningful error messages. | (defn- wrap-openai-exceptions [openai-fn] (fn openai-call [params options] (try (openai-fn params options) (catch Exception e (log/warnf "Exception when calling invoke-metabot: %s" (.getMessage e)) (throw ;; If we have ex-data, we'll assume were intercepting an openai.api/create-chat-completion response (if-some [status (:status (ex-data e))] (let [{:keys [body]} (ex-data e) {:keys [error]} (json/decode+kw body) {error-type :type :keys [message code]} error] (case (int status) 400 (do (log/warnf "%s: %s" code message) (ex-info message {:message message :status-code 400})) 401 (ex-info "Bot credentials are incorrect or not set.\nCheck with your administrator that the correct API keys are set." {:message "Bot credentials are incorrect or not set.\nCheck with your administrator that the correct API keys are set." ;; Don't actually produce a 401 because you'll get redirect do the home page. :status-code 400}) 429 (if (= error-type "insufficient_quota") (ex-info "You exceeded your current OpenAI billing quota, please check your OpenAI plan and billing details." {:message "You exceeded your current OpenAI billing quota, please check your OpenAI plan and billing details." :status-code status}) (ex-info "The bot server is under heavy load and cannot process your request at this time.\nPlease try again." {:message "The bot server is under heavy load and cannot process your request at this time.\nPlease try again." :status-code status})) ;; Just re-throw it until we get a better handle on (ex-info "Error calling remote bot server.\nPlease try again." {:message "The bot server is under heavy load and cannot process your request at this time.\nPlease try again." :status-code 500}))) ;; If there's no ex-data, we'll assume it's some other issue and generate a 400 (ex-info (ex-message e) {:exception-data (ex-data e) :status-code 400}))))))) |
OpenAI is the default completion endpoint | (defn- default-chat-completion-endpoint [params options] (openai.api/create-chat-completion (select-keys params [:model :n :messages]) options)) |
The endpoint used to invoke the remote LLM | (def ^:dynamic ^{:arglists '([params options])} *create-chat-completion-endpoint* default-chat-completion-endpoint) |
Call the bot and return the response. Takes messages to be used as instructions and a function that will find the first valid result from the messages. | (defn invoke-metabot [{:keys [messages] :as prompt}] {:pre [messages]} ((wrap-openai-exceptions *create-chat-completion-endpoint*) (merge {:model (metabot-settings/openai-model) :n (metabot-settings/num-metabot-choices)} prompt) {:api-key (metabot-settings/openai-api-key) :organization (metabot-settings/openai-organization)})) |
OpenAI is the default completion endpoint" | (defn- default-embedding-endpoint [params options] (log/debug "Creating embedding...") (openai.api/create-embedding (select-keys params [:model :input]) options)) |
Default embeddings endpoint is both dynamic and memoized. | (def ^:dynamic ^{:arglists '([params options])} *create-embedding-endpoint* default-embedding-endpoint) |
Create an embedding vector from the given prompt. This response with the original prompt, the embedding vector, and the token count of the embeddings. The token count can be used to provide best fit queries for prompts requiring large amounts of data. | (defn create-embedding ([model prompt] (let [{[{:keys [embedding]}] :data {:keys [prompt_tokens]} :usage} ((wrap-openai-exceptions *create-embedding-endpoint*) {:model model :input prompt} {:api-key (metabot-settings/openai-api-key) :organization (metabot-settings/openai-organization)})] {:prompt prompt :embedding embedding :tokens prompt_tokens})) ([prompt] (create-embedding (metabot-settings/metabot-default-embedding-model) prompt))) |